#Y was the Big Bang of divinity basically ♪ It's why They're a sun God!
sysig · 1 year
I'm awfully curious as to what kinda work goes into creating a pantheon. Idk like where are your gods from and why are they gods and what makes them gods? I keep thinking about making one but it gets so complicated so fast
Not to "It depends" but lol - my method of making the AGE gods is by no means One Size Fits All! I mean heck, there are lowercase gods and one Uppercase God, and that's just in the Prime Material Plane lol. The complexities are what makes it fun in my mind :D
As just a brief overview, the way the AGE gods function is kinda like elements: Y (the "One True" but really just the First God) coming into existence brought "elements" (angels) into being, and then by dying created an "explosion"/power vacuum that sucked a handful of angels into new super-beings that the sentient races adopted as the new gods. And that's just how they came to be, not counting things like how worship works, or how over the course of the campaign they were meant to be picked off one by one, throwing off the balance of divine nature!
I think a lot of it comes down to what you want to use your pantheon for - mine was a ticking clock for the PCs to save the Prime Material Plane from imploding, and all the development came from that impetus - they were designed to die from the very start, and only then did I start developing how they came to be and what they represent :) What do you want your god(s) to do? Why? Hopefully they'll start taking shape from there
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