#Y'alll contribute to the “abused victims are not being damaged to be taken serious” pandemic
halenhusky309 · 1 year
"It doesn't matter that WWX is a servant's son, because he was treated better by Jiang Fengmian than his own son. WWX was privileged and cannot imagine the lives of marginalized people." - bullshit from Twitter
I beg any motherfuckers that think a parent being firm to their own child is bad parenting, should never have kids, because you will turn them into future entitled and apathy dickbags.
Plus, an orphan child even get adopted into a family is not being privileged, considering they can still be abused by the adoptive family, which is the case of WWX.
Also, JFM being nice to WWX and providing basic needs for WWX does not mean he treated WWX better than JC. Y'all don't understand what disciplines look like.
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