sm-baby · 2 years
Study Session (Chapter 1) - "Lunch"
oh hey yeah poggers its that one rushed ficlet I mentioned a post ago anyway have this now or not that's cool too aye aye yuhhh whip and nay nay my brothers DO YALL LIKE THE TITLE COOL CUZ I MADE IT ON THE SPOT
Word count: 2,549 words 14,325 characters
Again, very rushed and quickly paced! So strap it wooo! Very much for fun. and it was very fun <3 bye byeee !! (*^▽^*)
██████ is an international school built-in central America. This particular School was run by Ms. Elaine Zeus, who made it her mission to bring peace to the next generation. Her school was the first of its kind. It was one of prestige and great quality, built for the highest of witches as well as comfortable enough for the meekest of Villagers. The halls were built with rich dark oak, the main hall was created with expensive quartz, and every sport had its very own building.
The School was separated into its very own sections. But they often mix their students to encourage interaction. Sometimes it was successful, sometimes not so much.
Section Zeus: For those who live in Central America, white and gold in their clothing, rich and noble. 
Section Apollo: For those who transferred from South America, yellow in their clothing, gifted and musical. 
Section Artemis: For those who transferred from North America, green in their clothing, resourceful and healing.
Section Hermes: For those who transferred from Africa, orange in clothing, charming and wealthy, masters of the trade.
Section Poseidon: For those who transferred from Australia, blue in clothing, smart and hardworking.
Section Ares: For those who transferred from Eastern Europe, red in clothing, loyal and strong
Section Athena: For those who transferred from Western Europe, purple in clothing, tactical and clever
Section Hades: For those who transferred from Asia. Black in clothing. Be kind to them.
The dining hall was humongous in its own right, the tables were so huge and long, that friend groups claimed part of the table rather than the entirety. The Cafeteria was made of fine oak, lanterns lit the walls and ceiling, and a big chandelier hung in the middle.
The students lined up to get their feed from the cooks who served fine dishes that one would not normally find in their average school. From beef, to stew, to salmon, to cake, to pie, to pork, Zeus only knew to hire the most skilled chefs to serve her little darling pupils. After all, every one of them should have the opportunity to feed, they just need to hurry if they want their favorite serving.
Gracious, the youngest daughter of the Simpleton family turned her head from left to right. She would usually sit with her colleagues on this day of the week, but on this particular occasion… She simply refused to. As much as she would love to hear the weekly gossip and debates about politics, she figured that's not what a lady needs in life… The dining hall was loud enough already she didn’t need that ringing through her ears…
     “Let's see let's see… Green.. blue... Blue, blue.. Yellow.. red.. too much red, purple, orange..” Aha! Grace cheered mentally! She loved how well color coordinated the school was; you can spot a green coven from a yellow coven from away! At times the classes would look ridiculously overwhelming with all the color, but she admits that there are times when she finds it convenient. This time, however, she only needed to spot a lone red witch in the middle of the cafeteria. Sitting by his lonesome. She smiled, determined, and marched off to him.
Leonardo Birch, captain of the football team, won this year’s cup and is greatly admired for his achievements. The student body loves him despite the trouble he sometimes causes. He lends a helping hand to his fellow students, offers an ear to listen, yet never spreads gossip or rumors himself. One of Ms. Zeus’ golden children, though most white covens might not be able to see why.
Leonardo is happy not to have that much company at school. The football team always offers him a seat at their table but he preferred eating either with Diana, his best friend, or by himself where he can be lost in thought… Not many people know what occupies his mind. Truly, such a perfect man would only have the most ambitious of thoughts…
The man didn’t seem to be eager to make many friends, but for some reason during the first years of high school, his interest in friendship was directed toward her for some reason. She didn’t know what she did to get his attention, in fact, she was quite rude to him the first couple of times they met. But, somehow, he found her interesting enough to sit with her from time to time, and somehow, she’s started to know him in a more platonically intimate light.
     “ Leonardo, may I sit with you?”
     “ Sure.” Leo nodded mid-chew.
     “ Thanks.” She smiled and put her tray down on the table before brushing her dress to sit down herself. “ I was supposed to be sitting with my group, but Alexander’s being a jerk today and the others are just enabling him.”
     “ Oh no.”
     “ Right??” She scoffed.“It’s alright though. If my sister ever taught me anything it's to walk away when people are being dirtbags. “
     The Red witch raised his brow, pleased, and continued eating his meal. “ Your sister taught you well.” 
Followed by his friends and colleagues, Alexander strode to the big dining hall, emotionally exhausted from his last class. Luckily, it was that time of the day when can ignore the colored parasites and met with his mono-colored group. He may have been a little late, but no matter. The food Ms. Zeus chooses is worthy enough food for him. And by that he means as long as there are noodles, he will finish his plate clean. And after such a stressful few days, he hoped to god, there were noodles…
He wasn’t one to stare at the other students, but at a glance, at the corner of his eye, he saw his bright-clothed, bright-haired affiliate seated in the sea of color. They haven’t been on the best of terms lately, he couldn’t care less about the fact that she was seated away from him, but it was the one she was seated with that itched at his ego.
…How is it that she found more delight in seating with that… thing… more than she is with him. Is she implying that he’s not better than a barbaric red witch?? After all they’ve been through?? What does it have that he doesn’t?? His face twisted to a scowl, and without wasting a moment, he told his colleagues to reserve a seat for him, as he had important matters to tend to.
     After a few moments of ranting between crunches, Grace paused in the middle of chewing, her attention taken by her friend’s tray. " Oh! Hey, you got the salmon?"
     " Yeah, I thought I'd save one for you before they run out.” He pushed his tray right next to hers as an invitation for her to take the plate from him. ” Got you the goooddd stuff.." he whispered.
     " Awe! Leonardo, you dingbat, thank you!" The little lady smiled and took the plate.
     He was pleased by her gratitude. He always liked the look of a smile on her face after a very stress-induced rant. " Don't worry about it. I gotchu."
Just then, two white-gloved hands made their way to the edge of the two’s table, followed by the clearing of his throat. The two looked up at the towering Alexander, youngest son of the Ogrande family. Petty, and honestly a very inconvenient interruption to their lunch.
     " Hello, Leonardo. Hello, Princess. " 
Leonardo nearly choked on his noodles upon hearing Grace's supposed nickname. He was not expecting that today. 
     " Don't you have the gall to call me princess," his friend replied, " I'm mad at you!" 
     " Yes. Apparently mad enough to sit with a red coven pig. "
Nearby tables snickered at the noble's response. Red covens themselves rolled their eyes at the name. Either way, the two were getting the cafeteria's attention. Leonardo however, paid no mind to the white witch's blatant insult toward him. He was having good noodles after all. Mm. 
     " What of it?" Said Grace. " Apparently you're desperate enough to come crawling back to me. What, you have a crush on me or something? "
   Ooo… The cafeteria hummed upon hearing the reply. All attention seemed to be given to them at this point. Other students were looking over at their seats loving this new scandal. Neither Alexander nor Grace noticed it, instead, they were busy staring daggers at each other and dragging the other down to have the last laugh. 
     Alexander's brows furrowed as he leaned on the table towards her. " Like I'd end up wanting a pathetic twig like you. "
     " Hey."
Ooo!! Leonardo stepped into the fight! The cafeteria gasped at the turn of events! 
     " You don't shame a lady like that. "
     The noble man scoffed. " The fact that you consider this “shaming” really says a lot about how soft you people are. She's lucky mother taught me not to hit a woman. "
     " Your mother taught you the bare minimum. " 
     " WOOO KICK HIS ASS LEONARDO!! " The whole cafeteria started chanting for a fight! White covens weren't joining in, but definitely seemed interested in seeing one! They were looking back from their seats, hiding their snickering. After all, they're not immature, only barbarians fight. They're better than that! But of course… they must see how one of their own would fare against a red witch. 
And yet still, the crowd ROARED! “Fight! Fight! Fight!” these were three strong witches in the heat of battle, The youngest Ogrande fetching up an argument with The youngest Simpleton, defended by the golden Birch! Oh, what a scandal to whisper between classes! 
And yet! Despite the cheers, neither of the boys took the first punch! They only stared at each other while holding an offensive stance, waiting for the other to make a move! Grace at that point kept a similar attitude, arms crossed, and looking away, she had no plan to stop a fight. She wants this man OBLITERATED.
     "AYE, AYE, AYE! BREAK IT UP, BREAK IT UP!"  Diana passed the cafeteria in great stride after hearing all the commotion. and just like that, the attention was taken away from them, and towards the junior nurse. "Everyone QUIT staring, there's nothing to see here! " The student body groaned before turning their heads back to their seats. There was a visible disappointment and leftover hype from each table.
          The two men hadn’t noticed the stance they both had towards each other during the commotion. They later pulled back; Alexander crossing his arms, looking away while fixing his hair, and Leonardo sitting back at his seat, also looking away.
    " Leo, I leave for med training and you're already starting a fight?”
     " He started it… " Leonardo groaned.
      The nurse sighed and shook her head. Oh, Boys…
     " Alright, what's the matter, what are you two bickering about? "
     " We weren't bickering!" Alexander grunted " I just wanted to ask Gracious here if she was joining us for study after classes. "
     " Well? Grace?"
     " ¡No!"  The little lady crossed her arms " You're being a jerk today and I'm not liking your attitude this morning. "
     Alexander scoffed. Figures. There was a part of him that was salty at that response, no one rejects an Ogrande like that. " Oh, It's so like you to say that." He said and started walking off to his table of friends. Though the further he was the further his emotions built up inside him. Gah! That was stupid! Whatever! It’s not like he was looking forward to seeing her or anything! He didn't need her anyway!
     " There you go! Wasn't that bad wasn't it?" Diana put her hands up and crossed her arms. "Just talk to each other next time alright? 
     Grace shook her head." Oh, you can't talk with Alexander when he's in these moods. " She said, “I’m willing to bet that the only reason why he left is because you were here.” 
     " Vouch, he's an asshole." 
Grace snickered at Leonardo's remark. Diana did too, rolling her eyes. 
     " Alright, you two. " 
The red witch was about to continue chewing on his lunch before remembering-- "Diana, you down for the studying session later?
     " Oh, was that today? Non, sorry, Mon Chou! I'm busy with med after classes!" The Athena witch frowned. 
     " You're good! Hope you’re having fun." 
     " Diana!" Called out one of Diana's classmates outside the cafeteria
     " Oh, speak of the Devil…" she muttered and started walking off, waving to her good friend goodbye for the day. " We'll study next time alright!? Love you, Mon Chou!"
     " Love you too!"
As soon as Diana was out of sight, Leonardo frowned and went back to his lunch. He was happy for her, but he guessed this was a schedule that he wasn't used to quite yet. Maybe they could figure out a better one for both of them at some point. "... She’s getting busier and busier ever since the healing track… "
    " Yeah, so I've heard…" Grace frowned with him. " But--hey! Thanks for having my back there! When Alexander does that, other people usually laugh with him. "
     " 'Course. As we said, he's an asshole. I'll do it again for anyone." Leonardo gave her a peace sign as he continued slurping at his noodle soup. Mmm, good soup. Too bad he was interrupted earlier. Soup, beloved.
     She smiled and started twiddling with her fingers, just happy to have someone looking out for her like that. " Can Iii do something for you in return? I can buy you something. "
     " No, you don't-"
     " How about a study partner after class? " Grace leaned her arm on the table and looked at him.
     " Oh...Hm.” he raised a brow and gave it a moment of thought. “ Alright, I have been having trouble with science and math lately. "
     "  Got it! Shake my hand and seal the deal!” The little lady practically leaped from her seat!
     Was she that happy to help him with nerd junk??? Not to mention-- shaking her hand..? Strange! Yet the boy found that a little endearing. He sighed with a little smile as he took her palm.. “oh nooo, I'm making a deal with the devilll. I've been so tempted. “
     “ Yes, I am ever so persuasive with my ways. “ She giggled, imitating a pompous stance and sitting back down on her seat. “Don't take the bus today! Met with me after classes, we're taking my limo!”
     Leonardo tilted his head. “ You have a Limo?"
     She has a limo. 
     “ WOOO! new house visitor!” Faithful Simpleton, the oldest of the two sisters, put her hands in the air as she skipped to the vehicle! VERY excited to have the man over. “Get in, big guy! we're cruisin'!”
     “ Faith!!” Grace yelled after her sister, embarrassed at her loud display. 
There Leonardo stood frozen as he watched other white covens aboard their cars, the buses had already left quite a while ago, he would be gone by now! he doesn’t usually see this sight!
     “You have a limo???”
     “ Uh-- Yeah! my father has connections!” Grace said as she entered one of the doors, leaving it open and beckoning for him to join them. “ Come on, scooch your butt in here!”
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