bearfm · 4 days
can i pls reserve david tennant, courtney eaton + ozge ozacar for claire ??? tysm xox
yeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS sorry ... yes, that is doable. i need david tennant here in a way that is concerning to feminism.
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this gif is me begging for david
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creepypasta-darling · 4 years
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Thank you guys so much 💕💕💕💕
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I might starts watching pushing daisies.
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reginaldqueribundus · 6 years
Sonic’s Ultimate Harem Chapter 2
I spoke too soon last time about not getting Mario’s response to all this, but it’s something of a letdown.
"Wow Rogue actually have sex with you Sonic?" Mario asked
"Yes I'm not joking, she made love with me and rode me like 13 hours all day and night man" Sonic responded
Night Man, fighter of the Day Man
"Hi my name is Maria and I'll be your waiter. Can I get you guys some drinks?" Maria asked
"Yes can I get a Sprite soda?" Sonic asked
A “Sprite soda”? Who tf calls it that? Between this and the general store I’m beginning to suspect Sonic is actually 90 years old.
"Ok your orders will be ready in a few minutes so please be patient" Maria commanded happily walking away
What kind of server talks like this?? I’m already fairly sure the author has never had sex but now I’m questioning if they’ve ever been in a restaurant unescorted. All I can say is Maria certainly won’t be getting a five-star review from me.
Anyway, Sonic immediately leaps into another flashback about the time he had sex with Rikku from Final Fantasy X. I had to Google her to find out who she was, and I wish I hadn’t:
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So you’ll forgive me if this reading isn’t as in-depth as the last one.
"What the what Sonic you slept with Rikku the Sphere Hunter?" Mario asked
"Yes I did it started when I was in there flying fortress or something like that. I forgot what their ride called"
I mean I don’t know what it’s called either but if I slept with one of the characters I’d at least try to remember what their flying castle was called.
"Uh… uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh"
Wow. Someone sat down and typed this out. Someone actually did that. True art requires great sacrifice. (Or at least hitting Ctrl+V 20 times.)
Sonic went deep and hitting the right GSpot
Well yeah, you don’t want to hit the wrong G-Spot or everything just gets all messed up.
"What's my girl?" Sonic naughtily asked
I’M SCREAMING. What’s my girl. My first thought is he was going for that’s my girl but then there’s the question mark so maybe not? What were you going for dude? What’s my girl. Next time I have sex I’m going to ask my partner that and see how long it takes her to notice. This is the most incomprehensible statement I have ever read.
“What is my girl?” Sonic screams as he struggles in vain to comprehend the unknowable fractal swarm of polygons writhing beneath him. “What’s my girl??” But the universe does not hear his cries. He is alone.
Maybe it’s Maybelline, maybe it’s C̶̨̣̋H̶͂͊͜ͅA̶̙͊O̵̲͚͊̈́S̶̙͇̀ ̴͓̐̓E̵̗͆N̸͇̞͐̑E̸̛͕̭Ŕ̷̺̋G̷̢̉Ỳ̸͔
She felt her nipples being pinch as Sonic fondled her breasts and pinching her nipples.
What girl doesn’t love a good nipple pinch during sex amirite?
After yelling at each other some more they finally finish having sex “for six hours” and I am finally free. The author describes another character named “Cleo” listening in and jerking off the whole time but I’ve googled it and for the life of me I can’t find any FF character by that name, forcing me to assume the author is talking about Pinocchio’s goldfish.
God I hope not.
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