lcs-library · 10 months
ello i see reqs are open 👀 may i have a banrisa with christmas theme 10 (the lights one) pretty please? 🙏🏻 if you'd like help narrowing down ideas, maybe they're in isa's apartment and one of them got tangled up in the lights or smth JSHDJD they were being silly goofy ;9 thanks friend!! 🙏🏻🫶🏼
SORRY THIS IS KINDA LATE…… Ofc bestie!!! It’s short but sweet, so I hope you like it<3
“You’re sure this ain’t too much?” Banri asked, hauling a large box across Isa’s apartment. “I mean, your tree’s kinda small, I don’t think this many ornaments will fit.”
“It’ll be fine, Banri-kun, I promise!” Isa replied, fanning out the branches of her, admittedly tiny, Christmas tree, only standing at about three-quarters of her height. She stood back, framing it with her hands, making sure it was at just the perfect angle.
It was no secret that Isa liked the holiday, despite all that had happened surrounding it. The fun decorations, the tasty food, and the time with loved ones was something she enjoyed greatly, and this year, there was another reason to love it. This was the second year in a row she’d be spending with Banri, and it was always a treat for her to have him all to herself after his troupe’s show had closed for the season, even if she knew it was a little selfish.
Once Isa was sure she was happy with the tree, she turned to Banri.
“What do you think? Should we move it any more?” She asked him eagerly.
“Looks good,” he replied, bringing her into a back hug. “Of course, anything you do ‘s good.”
“You’re sure?”
“Always,” he affirmed with a smirk, planting a quick kiss to her forehead. “Is there anything else I can help ya out with?”
“Yeah, actually! Do you mind helping with the lights on the tree? They should be in the box next to the couch.”
“Of course, I’m down.”
With ease, he quickly found the box she was talking about, opening it to be met with the second-worst thing for his Easy Mode buff. Tangled cords.
This is fine, Banri. You’ve done this with earbuds, remember? Just play it cool, I’m sure she won’t notice.
He took the crumpled mess out of its prison, setting it beside him as he sat on the floor. He’d be fine so long as Isa wasn’t watching, which, as of right now, didn’t seem to be the case, as she was busy sifting through the rest of the holiday decorations she had bought on their shopping trip last weekend. He was safe.
After managing to find the plug, he slowly attempted to release it from the one crossing over it. Then the next. This was shaping up to be easy.
Wait, why was it crossing over again? He just undid it! He groaned, tossing that piece of the wire behind him. He’d deal with it later. For now, he’d worry about the task in front of him.
Ah, screw it, this one was hard too. Behind him it goes.
Then the next. Why were they all such a struggle? This one’s getting tossed, too.
Before he realized, Banri was covered from head to toe in strings of lights, somehow more tangled than they were previously. God, he probably looked so stupid right now, but he would have to ask for at least a little help.
“Uh… Isa-chan?”
She turned to the sound of his voice, only to burst into a fit of giggles.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up,” he said with a sigh, “can you just help me out here?”
“Just one sec, okay?”
“What, why?”
In an instant, Isa’s phone was out as she circled him, taking way too many pictures for Banri’s taste. With every one of her coos at his “grumpy kitty energy,” she called it, he grumbled, complaining more and more each time. Isa patted his head, giving his hair a quick ruffle in a rare role reversal.
“Alright, I’m done. Let’s get you out of here, okay?” She said with a soft smile.
She poked and prodded at the lights, pulling strings here and setting some there, doing her best to untangle him. Unfortunately, she was met with a struggle of her own.
“I’m stuck.”
“You’re what.”
“I guess we’ll have to both be tangled now, huh?”
The end<3
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