#Yanagi Sakuya has very particular tastes. And they involve small woman more than capable and willing to kick his ass.
grey-eyed-menace · 3 years
"Teach me how to dance."
Sora weaves out from behind Kiyomizu without much trouble, hands already extended out, and Sakuya doesn't hesitate in offering his own up in response.
Her palms are warm, is the first thing that registers, warm and rough, and it's something he's felt a thousand times before, a ruffle of hair there, a hand against his cheek or forehead here, maybe it's fingers tugging at his nape, or curling around his wrists.
Nonetheless, Sakuya relaxes against the touch, as he always does, amd Sora smiles, a soft thing, that makes his heart flutter.
"What brought this on?" She asked, voice inquisitive, smile turning a bit teasing.
Because he was a jealous teenage boy who wanted an excuse to be unbearably close to his crush of nearly five years, and Sora would likely be hard pressed to deny him if only for the fact that the only other person even remotely interested in dancing in her friend group was Takai Setsuka, but that was only because Setsuka learned how to breakdance on a dare from Tokunaga Reiki.
"It just seemed like something I should learn," he lied through his teeth, because Yanagi Sakuya, at his core, was a creature or pride, "after all's you're my favorite sister, I thought it could be something we could share."
That... That made her smile turn blinding.
Sakuya would always deny the way his heart would almost stopped, but he wouldn't deny the brilliance of such a thing.
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