#Yandere baekhyun x Reader
aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Hiii! Can I ask you for a Love letter? (Baekhyun EXO)
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My love,
I hope you have liked the song I wrote for you. What do you think? Did you like the melody? The lyrics? Please tell me your opinion!
I think the other members are right when they say that I constantly depend on your approval. But how could I not? You are my whole life, my source of inspiration. And I wrote that song for you, so it makes sense that I need your approval, doesn't it?
You are my heart, my soul and the reason for my existence. I breathe for you. You are my whole world, love, and nothing and no one is going to change that. Just the thought of being taken away from you makes me physically and mentally sick. I can't lose you and I won't.
How was your day? I'm sorry for not being able to be by your side when you woke up, I regret it but I was forced because of work. I have a surprise for you when I get home, in addition to this letter, and I'm sure you'll love it. Can you guess what it is? Oh, if you could see me right now, you'd see how I'm grinning from ear-to-ear.
I love you so, so much. You have no idea the extent of my love for you and what I would do.
Mmm, I could spend hours writing to you and professing my love, but I'm afraid I can't. I've been so busy that I haven't had time to love you properly, but I'll make it up to you. I promise.
With all the love dedicated to just you,
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starillusion13 · 1 year
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Pairing: Baekhyun x f! reader
Genre: Angst, Yandere, Dark Fantasy
Warnings: Stalking, possessiveness, restraining acts with chains, knife and blood, obsessive behaviors.
W.C: 3.1k
Note: Thanks for joining the event. thanks to the ones enjoying my works and your reviews are always appreciated and feel free to interact with me.
Network: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Request from @anyamaris
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @vvshere @yeoobin
*under the cut*
“I will be home soon.” Walking through the streets late at night is a relief to you to get some peace and air of comfort. The bell sounds brings your attention towards a house and suddenly a train moves past through the tracks alongside the road. You got startled and your wide eyes looks around to see if anybody noticed you in that situation.
No one is around you, you sigh in relief and went towards your home, putting the phone in your pocket.
A smile appears in shadows.  A gloved hand adjusted the hat on top of head to hide the face properly. The shadowed figure whispered,
“My Bambi.”
Waking up in a dark room filled with the scents of different flowers; all of your favourite. The essence of these variety flowers is making your drowsy state more helpless. You can’t remember what happened to you before being in such a state.
“Help me…”
Rubbing your eyes, you realized that the room has dim light sources from the only candles placed on various light stands all around the room. You tried to sit up when you found yourself on a floor which is so shiny as if you are laying on a mirror because it can perfectly reflect your presence on it. Leaning sideways and balancing your weight on two hands, your attempt to sit on the floor is a success. Lifting up one of your hands to remove the hairs falling over your face to tug them behind your ears earned a groan of pain from you. Your hands feeling so heavy that caused your wrist to ache and then you found the cause for the happening. Hands are tied up in chains connected to the chains tying up your leg, the other end of the chain is getting dispersed into the dark corner of the room.
“Why am I tied with chains? Who even tied me up?”
Thinking hard to remember what happened to you in last moments.
Several memories popped up starting from morning when you found a letter and a bouquet at the front door like everyday. You were giggling to the sweet words and the praises written all over the letter, the sender ended the letter with a signature which can be read as BAMBI. You were sure it is from your boyfriend, the boy you are dating for last six months. Oh! He is such a sweetheart, his love for you is more than you have ever wanted from someone.
The memories flash forward to the evening when you were returning from a long day of work to your apartment to finally take rest. You were on a call with someone maybe your boyfriend when a figure with all in black came up to you suddenly. You didn’t hear anyone coming in that lonely road then how come this person is suddenly standing before you. Face was hidden due to the black panama hat and the extended hand towards you was covered with tight black leather gloves. The person was in all black attire maybe that was only possible for you to recognise because in that dark street with insufficient light to distinguish colors that was only how you could recognise it.
your head is aching with all these memories flashing on. Now the worst part is that you can’t remember what happen after that scene. You are trying hard to think, the headache causing you to close your eyes in pain. Your breathing is heavy and your whole body is paining. Your hands are not enough strong to keep your balance for any longer. No. You have to be strong, you need to figure out how to escape this place wherever you are and then you can think later about what could have possibly happened to you.
After three times of breathing practices, your panic settles down. Being in somewhat a little bit stable state, you looked around the place. The room is really dark, only the places where the candle lights can reach to is lit and visible, where the rest are mysteriously dark. You can feel that you are situated in the middle of a room, to your front there is a black curtain hanging from the ceiling covering the whole wall only leaving the sides for two very old vintage closets on either side to be palced. On your two sides, the walls have different kinds of hanging candle holders and various shelves and tables with things decorated on top of them which are barely visible. Turning your head to take a look of your back, its too dark that side and your chains are ending to that side.
You pulled the chains to see if the other end is fixed or not and to your dismay the action made loud jiggling sounds of the chains which echoed in the dark room.
“Haha…ha ha ha…” a laugh followed the sound of chains. Your eyes flash fear and a shiver run down your body on realizing that there is one more presence inside the room. So, all your actions till now were observed by someone and you didn’t know of it. This made you feel cautious and your hands automatically braced yourself and you pulled your knees inwards to your chest, sitting now facing the direction of the voice. The chains moving in a rhythm as if someone on the other side is playing with them. Heavy footsteps approaching you which made you close your eyes for not having the courage to face what is coming next.
Again, the person laughed, totally mocking your current state. You can hear a lot of chain sounds and ‘click’, something gets locked. The person’s voice is now much closer than before and so in the effect, your heart is racing too fast that it might burst out and cause an explosion then and there.
“Open your eyes my love.”
He is near you. Wait. He is totally in front of you, you can hear the footsteps stopped near you. The voice belongs to a man and your ears are blessed to hear such a smooth and honey like voice, even calling out for you. Slowly you parted your eyelids, revealing your glossy eyes to the man.
Is this real? Is this man real? The smile is so heavenly, no doubt that voice came out from these pretty lips. Oh no wait. This attire and the hat, your eyes scanning all over the figure in front of you and on realization you tried to scoot back. The chains didn’t help your attempt.
“Who are you?”
The man chuckled. Why is everything funny to this man? He has now sitter himself on his folded knees and one hand checking whether the chains are tied tightly or not, your eyes followed the chain and there is the other end locked in a hook on the wall. The other hand on his side seems like he is holding something.
“Why am I here?”
You are getting impatient to hear his explanation to keep you here like this even in this condition. He scoots near to you when his other hand revealed holding a shiny object. No no no. That’s a knife. Is he going to kill you?
“Are you going to kill me?” your voice is cracking in fear.
“My baby is so impatient.” He chuckled. The voice is so sweet and it can really hipnotis someone including you.
“I’m not your baby.”
He is literally keeping you like an animal who needs to be tamed and then also calling you with nicknames.
“You are being a bad girl again love.” Your eyes falling where he is playing with the knife, candle lights falling on the knife reflecting your fear in the room of mysterious dark.
“Stop with your names. Tell me who are you. Why am I here even tied up like this?” You are literally shouting at this point. Tears coming out in a flow and you are jerking your hands and legs to atleast get rid of those restraints.
“Oh.  We can go slowly. One question at a time.”
He stands up in his position and now you are getting his overall look. He is wearing a black fedora coat with matching pant and a white shirt inside with a black tie visible perfectly in middle. His face is still hidden, if only it was not hidden then you could have tried to recognize this person.
Suddenly, the chandelier above you lit up and now the room is a bit more visible to you except the man’s face.
“Can you guess my name love?” He is smiling at you. Walking over to his previous place near you.
Glancing at the knife in his hand, you gulped and replied “……no”.
“Oh!” he pouts at you. “I am Baekhyun but you can call me candy.” He laughed at his own words.
“Baek-baekhyun?” you are trying to think if you have heard this name before or even have encountered someone who goes by this name.
“Thanks love. I like the short name. Call me Baek if you want.” You glared at him. In one of the corners situated a small brown couch, he walked with quiet footsteps over there and sat down with cross legs.
“What am I doing here?”
“You are safe here.”
“I don’t need any safety when I was already safe in first place.”
“No. Bad people are all out there. They will take you away from me.”
“What are you even saying?”
He suddenly stood up. Slow steps nearing your weak frame on the floor. Looking around for any object to throw at him which can at least hurt him and prevent him to approach you. In his way, he took off his hat and placed it on top of the table at the side of the couch. Revealing his beautiful face with jet black hairs and flawless baby face. His look is ethereal to belong to a criminal like him. His eyes seem like holding two diamonds in each hole with his precious smile resting on his face.
“You don’t have to be afraid of me.”
“You are keeping me tied up here without any particular reason and you are telling me not to fear you. Also, holding a damn knife in your hand.” Your teary eyes looking up at his face.
You pleaded, “Please let me go.”
“Bambi……my only Bambi…… my love.” He is getting lost in your eyes, in your glossy eyes which seems like the brightest star to him right now. Always.
Bambi? This. You have heard this before. Oh wait! Those flowers. Those letters. Those Candies.
“You…you…he…letters….” He grins widely when you mentioned about letters.
“Did you like them? Oh yes of course. The way you always giggle when reading them and one hand busy eating those candies. Thanks for always decorating those flowers at the places I like them the most.”
You are shocked to know this truth. All this time you thought that those are all given by your boyfriend and he didn’t ever mention it because maybe he wants to keep it like that. But you were totally wrong, that was him, the man standing before you.
“How do you know?”
“I can’t miss to see you even when you are home.”
“What the……”
“Hell? I am from there. Thank you. Fuck? Well maybe we can but later.” He is scooting near to you to come face to face with you.
“Go away. Let me go. Don’t come near to me.”
“I can’t do that when you are my favorite person.” His hands tracing your face, eyes admiring your face. Brushing your hairs away to take a better look at your beauty. His other hand brings up the knife and traced over your cheeks which cuts you a bit.
“I don’t want to be your favorite person. You are a psycho.” You shouted at him.
“You are so precious baby even your shouts sound like a melody to me.”
Jerking your body so much causing pain to shoot over to your hands and legs, this effects to cause deep purple marks over the skin near the tied-up places.
Blood flowing down your cheek and the cold knife placed on your other cheek cutting similarly as before. He is still smiling while looking at you. You are silently sobbing with eyes shut tightly and hoping someone to rescue you from here.
“The day I locked my eyes with you at the café. I knew, I have to keep this bambi eyes all to myself. The owner of these starry eyes should be kept in a safe place.” Blood oozing out of the cut is getting mixed with the tears falling from your eyes. Wiping the blood with one finger, he brings it near his eyes and admires it. 
 “Doesn’t this look like a melted Ruby. The stars falling from your eyes and the red velvety liquid from your skin mixing together to form this ruby.” Your eyes slowly open to respond him. Your cheeks are burning and your nails are digging on the shiny floor.
“Please, it hurts.”
“It hurts me too.” He stopped smiling and put the knife aside. “It hurts me too when I see you smiling without me, when I am not the cause of your precious smile. It hurts when you are laughing at something when I can give more things which can be funnier. It hurts me when you are holding hands with someone and that’s not me. IT HURTS EVERYTIME WHEN THE THINGS WHICH ARE KEEPING YOU HAPPY IS NOT ME.” He shouts in the end of the sentence.
Your sobs become audible on the impact of the shout and noticing it, he pulls you in a hug and caressing your back and hairs. The smell of his cologne is so soothing and it’s giving you comfort but this is literally wrong, it should not be so comforting when coming from a criminal, moreover a psycho.
“it’s okay love. I will not shout at you. It’s okay, don’t cry.” These words causing you to cry more because you are missing your boyfriend.
“I want to go home. Please……”
“But this is your home.” He said softly, placing a kiss on your head.
“No……. I want to go back to my own life where I can be all by myself and with him.”
“Him?” He holds you tighter before releasing to grip your forearms to make you face him.
“There is no him. You are my Bambi, my one and only precious Bambi and you love candies the most so I am your Candy.” He is having an evil glint in his eyes but quickly returns back to his soft appearance.
“No, I’m Y/N. I’m not your Bambi.”
“You are so funny my love.” He puts a hand inside the pocket of his coat to bring out a handkerchief and wipes your tears and blood. He gives you his little smile and put away the hanky aside. Again, repeating the previous action but now took out some different kinds of your favorite candies and chocolates. Your lost eyes and confused mind staring at him as to why out of so many other girls, he chose you when you just look like an ordinary girl beside other girls who are way more beautiful.
“Why me? I’m not that special.”
He chuckles at you while looking down at the candies. Bringing up the hand to pat your cheeks, he leans forward to kiss your forehead. He sits on the floor before you facing the curtained wall and pulls you on his lap with your back leaning to his chest. Held in an unknown man’s embrace, who is also the one keeping you captive makes you stiff in your place.
“You know, why have I kept the room dark?” silently and slowly you move your head side to side.
“Look at your reflection on the floor because of the candle lights. Its looking so nice. The bright lights will not allow me to admire your beauty like the way these candle lights with dim effects reflecting your beauty. I want your beauty to be the brightest light in this room and your eyes “, holding chin, he makes you face him. He is bending a bit forward, he smiles at you, “Your eyes to be the brightest star.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“To keep you safe of course. Trust me I can be the best person to you forever.”
“I don’t even know you and also you don’t know me then how can you expect me to trust you?”
“Oh love, I know you a lot more than you can ever imagine.” His other hand sliding up and down your forearms and side frames. This giving you chills all over your body.
Hand holding your chin moves to his other pocket to bring out a small remote and when he clicks it. The curtains covering the wall move aside and you look over there. Your eyes go wide in shock when realizing what’s on that wall.
Your pictures, every picture showing all types of your emotions. Pictures including of you practicing a dance cover of your favorite group, slipping on the floor, crying on the sofa while watching a drama to the ones where you are wearing your favorite dress and going to work, eating ice cream, going to date with your boyfriend but only you in the frame. There is countless of pictues which you yourself can’t even recall from where they are.  You felt a kiss on top of your head.
“Do you like it?”
“How? This can’t be real.”
He chuckles, “This is very real.”
He turns your face towards him to take a look of your shocked eyes. He waited a bit before speaking up, “You know why you are my Bambi?”
“A deer when comes near to a car in front of the headlights, their eyes, those Bambi eyes look the brightest gem under the dark sky.”
Cupping your face in his hands, he places a soft kiss on your quivering lips, “You look exactly like that deer. Every night when I had followed you in shadows, under those street lights whenever you were afraid, those Bambi eyes looked the brightest star. They looked like mine to keep safe.”
He placed a candy inside your mouth. On realization, you wanted to throw it but he closed your mouth with pressing his palm over your lips tightly. Your eyes looked in fear towards him.  He kissed your head and smiling adorably at you. Your heavy eyes slowly closing while staring at his smiling lips, the first thing of this man you noticed back then.
“Sleep my love, My Bambi.”
[Expected something horny? Nah nah nah. Let it be like this.]
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aajjks · 2 years
Yandere Baekhyun + pregnant reader
Baby (B.BH)
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You look regal, absolutely ravishing like this.
Baekhyun’s stare on you was fixated, as it finally moved to look at your figure up and down, those brown orbs of his mesmerised when his eyes focused on your bump.
Baekhyun knew you were busy watching that romcom you loved so much, your hand resting securely on your swollen belly.
It was so cute.
His baby, your baby.
Baekhyuns dream was so near to coming true; he always wanted to have a family with you, you becoming the mother of his child.
And now you had been carrying the baby for the last 8 months, your hands were so sweetly swollen, your face full and radiant.
God, you looked so pretty. He could always see you pregnant like this.
“Babe, why are you looking at me like that?” He blinked twice, your gaze sitting on his face, your lips so plump.
He really wanted to kiss you.
“Y/N…. You feel comfortable right?” Baekhyun snooped closer to you, now it was his hand resting on your belly.
You nodded. “I guess… I mean I do feel a little exhausted and out of breath sometimes when I speak but it’s bearable.” You smile,
Oh God.
“And he has been moving quite a lot.” You sound so happy when you say it, Baekhyun felt like a mess right now, your e/c eyes shone like the sunlight, almost.
You were the most gorgeous woman in this whole world.
His pretty woman.
“Do you want me to massage you, baby?” Baekhyun pressed a chaste kiss on your cheek, his hand running over your bump.
“You know I love you so much… you’re the reason for my happiness, I fucking adore you.” He confesses, his face nuzzling into your neck.
You feel so sensitive as his lips touch your neck.
The tickling feeling makes your skin feel hot. “I love you too….” You shudder, pregnancy was driving you insane, literally.
And now your hormones were a mess, your husband was always so eager to touch you, kiss you… but tonight his touch was fucking with your sanity.
“Baek… can you massage my shoulders f-for a bit?” You were nervous, the sounds coming from the T.V were faint to you.
All you could feel his touch.
“Of course, princess!” His fingers felt so good on your tense skin, the pressure was just right, his fingers were magic.
“My pretty pretty girl. You’re going to be such a good mommy to our son… I love you.”
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hydroyaksha · 2 years
Soleil’s fic recs
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Yixing- king! “The Lotus king and his jade” @sweetjekyll
Kyungsoo- hogwarts! “Spellbound” @whimsical-ness
Sehun- X-EXO! “GREED” @/quokkacore
Sehun -(X-EXO) “LIBERALITY” @quokkacore
Baekhyun - idols! “The rumors were true” @eomayas
Kyungsoo - yandere! “I love you, I love you, I love you.” (Made by me!)
STRAYKIDS - [separate link]
Chan/ Felix - polyamory! Hogwarts! “Detention” @dreamescapeswriting
Felix - demon slayer! “If you tell me about myself” @skazoo
Felix - enemies to lovers! “Strawberry kisses” @softsan
Felix - dick joke centered! CEO! “Penis heart” @staysuki
Felix - Agent! Scientist! “A normal Thursday” @abiaswreck
Hyunjin - mafia! “Ice” @healinghyunjin
Hyunjin - mafia! “Not a stranger” @straywrds
OT8 - ABO! “No control” @cherryeol04
Hyunjin - Hanahaki! (With a good ending) “forget me not” @hhjs
Bangchan - Indian performer! Idol! “Butterfly wings” @straykidshoe
Lee know - siren! “Call of the siren” @tasteleeknow
Lee know - hogwarts! “Green flames” @streetlight11
Jeongin - android! “Alive” @rainy-bangbeom
Felix - royalty! Best friends! “Fairy flowers” @hyunsvngs
Felix - bodyguard! “Your bodyguard, Felix” @skzdarlings
Jisung - ghostface! “It’s a scream baby!” @tyunphoria
Felix - dating show! “TOO HOT TO HANDLE” @seospicybin
Felix - prince! “Forgive me for what I haven’t done” @rachalixie
OT23 - yandere! Cult! “Connect” @mymoodwriting
OT7 - yandere! “Awaken” @/mymoodwriting
TEN - vampire!Hunter! “Blood wars” @things-we-cant-say
LUCAS - hybrid! “Please don’t bite me” @/quokkacore
NCT127 - yandere! Aliens! “Who is sticker?” @/mymoodwriting
Taeyong/ Yuta - Angels! Devils! Yandere! “Watching over you” @whiteteadreams
Jaehyun - Dog hybrid! “Competitive spirit” @flowerboykun
OT9 - vampires! Witches! “Black magic” @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l
Jaehyun - hogwarts! “Head over brooms” @sehunniepotwrites
Mark - supernatural! “grit your f*ckin’ teeth” @irtza
Haechan - yandere! “Inseparable” @mint-yoongi
Jaemin - athlete! “on the rebound” @lunena
Jaemin - “Crazy in love” @mayaflowerxs
Renjun - classmates! “Blondes are done with fun” @rrxnjun
00’ line + Mark - arcana! “Arcane” @neonacity
Haechan - hockey player! “Ice ice baby” @cozyjae
Haechan - uni! “Learning languages” @tonicandjins
Sungchan - superhero! “Through the webs” @yutafrita
ENHYPHEN - scenario! “How they’re protective over you” @foresdxw
NI-KI - scenario! Idols! “Cookies - shattered glass” @ilovehimyourhonor
JAY - bad boy! Good girl! Dancer! “Opposites attract” @dazed-hee
NI-KI spiderman! “Spider-Man loves you” @misoxhappy
Beomgyu- hybrid! “Until it hurts a little less” @horanghoe
Beomgyu - fae! “Dasies” @thru-the-grapevine
Soobin - AI! “Artificial love” @bb-eilish
Beomgyu- Spider-Man! “Not your average boyfriend” @slytherinshua
Yeonjun- fox hybrid! “Silly fox baby” @seowhorebin
Taehyung - Android! “A human touch” @snackhobi
KEY - A/B/O! “Out of love” @mymoodwriting
OT11 - android! “The boyz become human” @tbznewberry
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writeformesinpie · 2 years
what about punish, mock, choke and destroy? for your WIP game
None for mock or destroy. These aren’t edited.
This is your punishment. You were late to your session with Changgu so now he’s taking it out on your body.
Yeo One x Reader x Hongseok
“If I don’t punish you now, what’s to stop you from trying to leave again?”
Baekhyun x reader
You watch them for a moment, their excited giggles filling the bubbling dredd circling you and your team leader like a icy and torned vine ready to lash out and choke you at any moment.
Mingyu x Reader
Send me an ask from my WIP ask game
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papermatisse · 1 year
I am just trying to spread yandere baekhyun x pregnant reader to everyone who might not even know it’s what they need in their life 🥲 everyone needs it
I am an advocate for the erasure of yandere baekhyun x pregnant reader ✊😔
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baekhyunsbestie · 1 month
୨୧⸝⸝˙˳⑅˙⋆ home (one shot!)⋆˙⑅˙˳⸜⸜୨୧
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pic ‘ㅅ’ song ‘ㅅ’ song
𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 pairing: soloist!baekhyun x reader 𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 content: 18+/MDNI. smut af omg, baekhyun's a lil yandere and pussy-whipped (i mean ofc i cant imagine him any other way), a REAL EATER iykwim, established relationship 𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 wc: 4.4k 𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 a/n: i linked two songs that inspired me to write this!! but omg baekhyun is so 🫦 in this lol can #confirm firsthand that this is how he lays down the pipe ok (not rly but i don't think its so far fetched)
ଘ(��˵ ૩ᵕ)━☆゚.*・。゚masterlist <3
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you check your phone and pout when you see your boyfriend still hasn’t replied to your message about his dinner plans for the evening.
after two grueling weeks, it’s finally baekhyun’s day off. the last few hours of radio silence from him are probably because he’s lost in his game. you understand—he deserves this downtime. after an exhausting summer of touring and prepping for a comeback, he’s earned the right to unwind however he pleases. even though you’d prefer he take a break from the screen, everyone recharges differently, and gaming is his escape.
despite your understanding, you can’t resist teasing him a little. you’re bored and craving some attention.
unlocking your phone, you send him a playful text. “wow, it’s actually insane how your fingers were working just fine last night when they were inside me, and now they can’t text me back?”
baekhyun’s love for his games is well-known, but his affection for you runs even deeper. he thrives on your playful teasing and the way you make him work for your attention. it’s a challenge he finds irresistible.
seconds after sending the message, he’s already read it. it’s no surprise when his call comes through.
the moment you answer, baekhyun’s voice bursts through the speaker, filled with urgency. “aaahhh, i’m so sorry, baby! i totally lost track of time and didn’t realize you asked about dinner. please, give me another hour! the guys and i are on a winning streak right now, and i can’t just leave them hanging—chanyeol will literally kill me.”
you can picture his adorable pout and those pleading brown eyes. the image of him, guilt-ridden yet endearing, makes you soften.
after arriving back in town late last night, despite being exhausted, he went straight to you. the fatigue from the long flight was no match for the pull he felt toward you. the need to see you, to be with you, was stronger than any weariness. it was well past midnight when he quietly slipped into your room, his footsteps light as he approached your bed. you were fast asleep, oblivious to his presence.
he knelt by the edge of the bed, his gaze taking in the serene sight of you. with a gentle touch, he brushed a few stray strands of hair from your face, wanting nothing to obstruct his view. the soft moonlight filtering through the curtains bathed your features in an ethereal glow. even in sleep, you were breathtaking.
his eyes traced every detail—the beauty marks on your skin, the blush on your cheeks, the way your eyelashes rested against your skin, and the slight pout of your lips that made his heart ache. your relaxed eyebrows seemed too perfect, too serene. he marveled at you, struggling to believe that someone as beautiful as you could be his.
moments like these made him fall deeper in love, leaving him in awe of the depth of his feelings. it took every ounce of his self-control to keep from showering your face with tender kisses.
he imagined how your lips would feel against his, the moment becoming even more passionate as his longing grew. his mind wandered to how your hands would pull him closer, and the heat between you would intensify with each touch.
just then, you shifted slightly in your sleep, a soft moan escaping your lips, bringing him back to reality. he wanted to freshen up from his flight before joining you in bed, where he could show you just how much he missed you and how important you are to him. he was eager to remind you of the boundless passion he had for you.
as these thoughts replay in your mind, guilt starts to gnaw at you. maybe you should let him enjoy his game a little longer. “actually,” you say, your words tumbling out, “kyungsoo messaged me a bit ago about grabbing some food and drinks. i haven’t caught up with him in a while, so maybe i could do that? i can come over to your place in a couple of hours when you’re free?”
you’re about to suggest an alternative when the sound of the game being paused reaches your ears, followed by some shuffling. before you can finish your thought, baekhyun cuts you off, his voice determined and a bit breathless. “nah, fuck that—i’m coming over right now to remind that pretty little head of yours just how good my fingers and my mouth really are.”
he knows kyungsoo’s no threat—they’ve met, and they actually get along quite well. but the idea of you spending time with another man still sparks a flash of jealousy deep within him. it’s an irrational feeling, one he can’t quite shake, even though he trusts you completely.
you’re slightly annoyed by how his jealousy makes you feel. you’ve never been the jealous type; in fact, you’ve always found the emotion quite exhausting and unnecessary in relationships. but hearing baekhyun like this, with that possessive edge to his voice—it does something to you. it makes you feel empowered, desired, and, if you’re honest, a little bit turned on. there’s something primal about the way he can’t stand the thought of losing you that stirs something deep inside, something you hadn’t realized was there.
you never expected to react this way, but the idea of baekhyun being just a little bit jealous, wanting you all to himself, awakens a thrill you can’t ignore. it’s a side of him that rarely comes out, and it only makes you want him more.
"i’ll be at yours in 10," he continues, his tone dripping with seductive authority. "i’ll take you out to your favorite spot after i make you cum a few times. does that sound good?'
oh, he’s fucking insane. ‘a few times’? you’re still sore from all the ways he took you last night. all day you've been feeling like you’re still dripping with the remnants of what seems like gallons of cum he left inside you. there’s no way he has anything left in him.
“what kind of boyfriend do you think i am?” he replies, a smile evident in his voice. “i’ve been away from my gorgeous girl for far too long. the least i can do is make sure you’re completely satisfied before we head out for dinner.”
before you can call his bluff, you scoff loudly. "yeah, yeah. put your money where your mouth is, baek."
his low chuckle sends a flush of heat to your cheeks and neck. you gulp when he says, "umm, actually, i’d rather have my mouth on something else... and now that i’m thinking about it, i am feeling kind of hungry. but probably not in the same way you are."
you’re left speechless, stunned by how quickly the playful banter turned into something so intensely sexual.
you hear a car door slam and the sound of an engine revving in the background. "wait, are you already on the way?" you glance at your phone, realizing you’ve only been on the call for two minutes.
"didn’t you just tell me to put my money where my mouth is? i’ll be seeing you soon, princess."
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as much as baekhyun wanted to keep playing his game, he craved you a hundred times more. he could never get enough of you. after being in a relationship with him for a couple of years, you might have thought the sex would lose its excitement, and become less invigorating, even boring. that’s how it was in every previous relationship you’d been in.
but comparing your current love life to past experiences was a mistake. how could anyone ever measure up to him? no one has ever made love to you with the same passion or intensity as baekhyun. he stirs emotions in you that you’ve never felt before. the electric connection and the gravitational pull between you are unlike anything you’ve ever experienced until now.
baekhyun is known for his responsible nature. he’s always maintained a clean image, carefully balancing his public persona with his personal life. he has a strong sense of control, particularly when it comes to his indulgences. whether it's alcohol, late-night parties, or anything that could potentially tarnish his reputation, baekhyun manages his habits with precision. his friends and fans admire him for his discipline and his ability to remain grounded despite his celebrity status.
but with you, the usual rules don't seem to apply. you’re like a potent, irresistible drug, an intoxicating force that disrupts his usual self-control. unlike his measured approach to life, which he meticulously curates to maintain his ‘good boy’ image, your presence unleashes a side of him that craves indulgence beyond his typical boundaries.
when he’s with you, the usual moderation goes out the window. the way he desires you, the way he needs you, is all-consuming. you’ve become his ultimate temptation, a source of overwhelming pleasure that he can't resist. it’s as if you’ve unlocked a part of him that he usually keeps tightly secured—his craving for you surpasses any control he normally exerts over himself. he can't help but think that this may be unhealthy but at the same time, he can give two fucks about health when you and your body are on the table.
this desire for you is so intense that it feels like a high he can’t replicate with anything else. your touch, your voice, your scent—they’re all addictive to him. where he can easily set limits in other areas of his life, with you, he finds himself willing to push past those limits, to experience the pleasure and intensity of your connection more deeply.
just hearing your voice on the phone alone had made his dick twitch with anticipation, a physical response to the sultry promise in your tone. already, his mind was consumed by visions of the ways he’ll claim you tonight, the thought of his face buried between your thighs dancing vividly behind his closed eyelids. he could almost hear the honeyed moans that would spill from your lips, each one calling his name in desperate pleasure—music that makes him want to crank up the volume and lose himself in the symphony of your need.
the idea of you writhing beneath him, his mouth working relentlessly to make you cum repeatedly, ignites a deep hunger in him. he’s intoxicated by the thought of your taste, the way your pleasure would flood his senses, making him feel as though he’s already savoring the sweetness of it. the image of you bent over the sheets, your ass bouncing rhythmically against his pelvis as he takes you from behind, sends a jolt of raw desire through him. he’s pushed to the edge, the anticipation fueling his drive, making him eager to press the gas harder and faster, to make every moment of your pleasure as intense as the last.
he wonders if you’re already wet for him, if you’re lying there in anticipation, sprawled out on your bed. he imagines you touching yourself, your fingers gliding over your sensitive skin with the kind of urgency that drives him wild. the thought of you, alone and aroused, sends a jolt of excitement through him, igniting his imagination. he pictures the sheets beneath you, soaked and tangled, their disheveled state reminiscent of those intimate facetime calls after his shows, when you were so eager for his touch.
his heartbeat pounds against his ribcage, a steady thrum of anticipation that makes it hard to focus on anything else. his breathing grows heavy, each breath coming faster as he thinks about how you’ll be waiting for him. the image of you, lost in pleasure, is intoxicating, and he can’t help but grind his teeth, trying to suppress the growing need. his hand moves restlessly over the bulge in his sweatpants, seeking some form of relief that remains just out of reach.
glancing at the gps, he sees that there are only three minutes left before he arrives. the thought drives him to the brink of madness, knowing that just a few more moments and he’ll be able to indulge in the vivid fantasies that have been consuming him.
three more minutes.
within thirty seconds of parking, he’s at your front door, quickly entering the code and slipping inside. he kicks off his shoes with haste, his eyes darting around the living room and kitchen in search of you. his gaze zeroes in on your bedroom door, slightly ajar.
that’s when he hears you.
in three swift strides, he’s at your bedroom door, and in two more, he stands at the edge of your bed.
just moments ago, he was imagining this very scene on his drive over, marveling at the power of his thoughts. a smile curves on his lips as he wonders if he’s somehow manifested this moment.
his eyes lock onto your hands: your right hand nestled between your legs, your left gently caressing one of your breasts. he could lose himself in this intimate display for hours.
to baekhyun, the sight before him is pure art. you are the masterpiece, and he’s eager to explore every detail. his mouth parts slightly as he observes your fingers moving inside you, the raw, vivid imagery stirring something deep within him.
he knows that the pace you’ve set isn’t enough. you need his touch, his mouth. yet, judging by the flush spreading across his neck and ears, his ragged breathing, and the throbbing need straining against his sweatpants, it’s clear he’s the one who’s desperately craving release.
baekhyun steps closer to the edge of your bed, closing the distance between you. kneeling between your trembling legs, he dips his head, just inches away from your dripping core.
the sight of you is driving him to the brink.
"may i?" he murmurs before trailing soft, wet kisses along the inside of your right thigh, gradually moving toward your core. "i’m sorry for keeping you waiting, princess," he adds, his gaze filled with intense desire.
his eyes flutter shut as he plants another kiss right above your pubic bone. "i’ll spend these next few days showing you just how sorry I am."
the sight of him like this is driving you wild. looking down at him with your lips slightly parted, you nod, unable to hold out any longer.
you see the wicked smirk on his face as he positions his mouth above your throbbing clit, lightly brushing it with his bottom lip. the contact makes your body jolt and a soft whine escape your lips. his smile is devilish, and you know you’re in for a wild ride. "baby, i need you to use your words," he commands, his voice low and demanding.
"baekhyun, please, i can’t wait any longer. please, please, please. i need you," you cry out, your voice filled with desperation.
his cock twitches at your plea, clearly aroused by your desperation. "your wish is my command, princess," he responds, his own need evident in his tone.
baekhyun’s smile deepens, a blend of satisfaction and eager anticipation glinting in his eyes. he knows, with absolute certainty, that you’re wholly surrendered to him—mind, body, and soul. he draws nearer to your throbbing clit, his breath warm and electrifying against your sensitive skin. his tongue teases with a slow, deliberate stroke along your folds, each lick sending a shiver through you and making you gasp, arching your back in a reflexive, desperate response.
his tongue works slowly and deliberately, savoring every taste and texture. each stroke sends jolts of pleasure through your body, causing you to squirm and grip the sheets. he alternates between light, teasing touches and firmer, more insistent strokes, keeping you on the edge of anticipation.
his hands glide up your thighs, fingers gently pressing into your skin as if to anchor you in place. the sensation of his touch, combined with the delicious rhythm of his tongue, sends waves of pleasure crashing over you. you moan and writhe, your breathing coming in shallow, ragged bursts.
baekhyun’s pace quickens as he senses your mounting need. he latches onto your clit with his lips, sucking and flicking with just the right amount of pressure. his tongue dances in intricate patterns, making your body tense and shiver with every flick. the way his fingers are curled so deliciously inside you, driving you absolutely insane.
when you’re on the brink of breaking, he pulls back slightly, his gaze locking onto yours with an intensity that makes your heart race. he catches his breath, his face flushed with desire, and whispers, "i want to hear you come for me, princess."
the combination of his words and his relentless touch sends you over the edge. you cry out, your body convulsing as waves of pleasure ripple through you. your moans are a mix of relief and ecstasy, filling the room with the sound of your release.
baekhyun doesn’t stop; he continues to work you through your climax, his touch becoming more fervent as he revels in the way you respond to him. as your breathing starts to slow and your body relaxes, he finally lifts his head, his lips glistening with the evidence of his efforts.
he looks up at you with a satisfied smile, his eyes still burning with the heat of his desire. "did you enjoy that, princess?" he asks, his voice husky and full of passion.
you nod, your voice barely a whisper as you catch your breath. "yes, so so much."
he rises to his full height, his gaze never leaving yours as he undresses quickly, his need evident in the way he moves. he positions himself above you, his body pressing against yours as he prepares to take you again. with every inch of his touch, he shows you just how much he missed you and how deeply he wants you.
"we’re not done yet," he warns, a mixture of anticipation and dominance in his voice. the promise makes you both nervous for the soreness that might come but excited and hungry for him all the same.
as he enters you, you both find a rhythm that’s both urgent and deeply intimate. the room is alive with the sounds of your pleasure, each moan and gasp underscoring the intense connection you share.
baekhyun’s grip on your hips tightens as his breath becomes ragged with desire. "god, baby, you feel so fucking wet and tight around me," he rasps, his voice rough and strained. his thrusts start to grow erratic and uneven, betraying his approaching climax. despite his own mounting pleasure, he’s determined not to come before you; he’s willing to do anything to keep you on the edge.
"how do you fit me so perfectly?" he murmurs, his voice breathless as he continues to drive into you. "it’s like this pussy was made just for my dick." each word is punctuated by a deep, forceful thrust, his breath coming in heavy, labored bursts as he loses himself in the rhythm of your bodies entwined.
"right there, baek, please, i’m almost there. don’t stop, keep going," you plead, your voice trembling with need. to him, your words are like a symphony, each plea a melody that drives him further. he hits all the right spots, each thrust pushing you closer to the edge, making you feel like you’re about to lose your mind.
“this pussy is mine, do you hear me?” baekhyun growls, his voice thick with desire as he bites down softly on that sensitive spot on your neck, his movements unrelenting and intense.
you nod frantically, your body teetering on the edge of climax. “yes, baek, i’m all yours.”
“say it again,” he demands, his voice low and primal.
“i’m yours. all yours. i’ll always be yours,” you whisper, breathless and needy, your heart racing with a mix of excitement and adoration for his possessive nature.
baekhyun groans deeply at your words, his mouth moving to capture the moans spilling from your lips. “that’s my princess,” his tone a commanding whisper. “now be a good girl and look me in the eyes when you cum for me.”
his raw, lewd words blend with the sound of your bodies colliding and the way the tip of his cock rubs against that sweet spot just right. the combination is overwhelming, and as you lock eyes with him, savoring the way his possessiveness makes you feel so entirely claimed, everything fades into a blinding white as you reach your climax.
he’s fucking you through your high, his voice a steady stream of praise and encouragement, telling you how perfectly you’re taking him. as he watches you unravel, he can’t ignore the thought of how unhealthy his obsession with you has become. each time he sees you like this, he feels himself sinking deeper into the addiction. but at this moment, he’s completely indifferent to the consequences. all that matters is the overwhelming, consuming need to possess you, to hear you scream his name as if it's the only salvation you crave.
he’s on the verge of losing control, his thrusts becoming erratic and desperate as he nears his climax. when he finally hits his peak, he spills into you with such intensity, his cum painting your inner walls in thick, hot streams. the mingling of his release with your own sends shockwaves of raw, unadulterated pleasure through both of you. The visual of him filling you, his essence merging with your own, only amplifies the overwhelming ecstasy, each shuddering pulse of his release driving you both further into a haze so fucking intoxicating.
breathless and spent, baekhyun collapses beside you onto the disheveled bed, the sheets a tangled mess around you both. your bodies glisten with sweat, slick and intertwined, hair plastered to your necks and foreheads. he turns to you, his expression a mix of adoration and raw desire. as he captures your lips in a passionate kiss, you gasp, feeling the heat of his breath mingling with yours, your bodies still trembling from the aftershocks of your intense connection. the kiss is deep and so filled with love and passion, pulling you into a whirlwind of sensation that makes you lose your breath all over again.
"i love you so much, baby," he murmurs against your lips, his voice laden with emotion. he brushes the tip of his nose with yours before speaking again. "i can't even comprehend how much i love you. i never thought loving someone with so much intensity was even possible."
you sigh into his kiss, your voice soft but heartfelt. "i love you, too, baek," you both pull apart, looking at each other with hearts in your eyes.
he gazes at you with a tenderness that contrasts sharply with the primal intensity of your earlier moments. his loving look makes you feel both cherished and slightly self-conscious, your cheeks flushing with a mix of shyness and warmth. "what is it?" you ask, your voice trembling slightly.
"move in with me," he says, his voice gentle and vulnerable. i want us to share a home and build a life together. no more ‘my place or your place’ bullshit—i want to come home every day and find you there, waiting for me."
his words resonate deeply within you, swelling your heart with love and a rush of excitement. after a moment’s contemplation, overwhelmed by emotion, you nod, your voice steady and filled with promise. “okay, let’s do it. let’s live together.”
baekhyun’s grin stretches from ear to ear as he pulls you close, his arms wrapping around you with a possessive warmth. he presses soft, grateful kisses to the top of your head. "thank you. thank you. thank you," he repeats between each tender kiss, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.
you giggle at his affection, savoring the tender moment. "but i get to choose the furniture," you tell him with a playful yet serious glint in your eye. as you look up, you interrupt his affectionate assault with a teasing smile causing him to pout. "and i want a room for all my books—a cozy reading area, like a sanctuary."
baekhyun’s eyes soften with adoration as he gazes at you, his love evident in every line of his face. "you can have everything you want, babe," he murmurs tenderly, pressing a gentle kiss to the spot between your eyes. "just as long as i get to drown in between your thighs every night."
his lewd comment sends a flush of heat through your core, intensifying the sensation as you suddenly feel his hardness pressing against you.
you flash him a mischievous smirk, unable to hide the effect his words are having on you. "already?" you tease, feeling the firm press of him against your core intensify, digging deeper with each breathless movement.
"i can’t help it," he breathes into your neck, his lips grazing your skin as he nibbles gently just above your collarbone. his hands reposition themselves, guiding his body over yours, readying himself for another round. "it’s like my dick is constantly hard for you."
just like baekhyun, your desire for him is insatiable—you’re always wanting him, always ready. that’s why you barely flinch at the sensitivity gnawing at your senses when the tip of his throbbing dick presses against your heated core. the anticipation only heightens your need, making every nerve in your body come alive.
you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him close until your faces are mere inches apart. with a playful glint in your eyes, you tease, "our neighbors are going to hate us, aren’t they?"
baekhyun’s grin is wicked, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "yes, they will," he agrees, his voice low and full of promise. before you can respond, he captures your lips in a fiery kiss, his urgency and desire palpable. the kiss is fierce and consuming, stealing your breath away as he deepens it, each movement charged with the intensity of his need.
"this is home,” he murmurs into your hair, his voice warm and soothing. his hands grip your waist, pulling you even closer, and you can feel the heat radiating off him as your bodies meld together in a passionate embrace. “you are my home.”
every kiss, every touch, shows how electric and real your connection is. it’s like the world outside doesn’t even matter—it's just you two, totally lost in this moment.
"you are my home," you repeat back to him.
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ଘ(ᵕ˵ ૩ᵕ)━☆゚.*・。゚masterlist <3
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oreharuuu · 2 years
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Summary: Getting into a sorority party that your friend threw monthly was supposed to be fun after months of not joining in. You didn't know this one thing could throw your boyfriends into a frenzy.
Pairings: yandere!poly!ateez x reader
Warnings: yandere themes obvi, gaslighting, toxic behavior, possessive behavior, suggestive themes
A/N: first req babyy! And it's from my dear friend @starillusion13 , this one for u babes! Hope you like it ;)
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you smoothed down the tight dress you wore for the sorority party. You glanced at your phone, seeing as you still have a few minutes left before the party. You smiled when Taeyeon texted you, reminding to bring some extra vodka for the party.
Your smile turned to a grimace when another text popped up.
Sangieee: babe, don't forget to lock the door when we're out k?
You bit your lip, texting a reply back before turning off your phone, exhaling softly before walking to the kitchen to grab the stashed vodka you bought a few days ago. The boys all asked why you bought the drink, lying through your teeth that your friend only asked you to buy it since the stores near her sorority was already empty.
You really did felt bad for lying, but when will you have another chance to go to a party without them disagreeing instantly?
The answer? Probably not in a million years.
Your boys are all very protective of you, always with you at every second when they have no classes. You did notice though that after dating them, a few of the boys like Mingi, San, and Wooyoung all appeared in your class.
You asked Mingi about it, him only smiling as he brushed your hair away. "We only did some talking with the administrator, no big deal."
Even though you all went to a prestigious university that has strict rules about moving classes as the semester is still ongoing.
Then again, Hongjoong's parents are the biggest donators for the university. You still have your doubts, but the suspicion is still there in the back of your mind.
Snapping back to reality when your phone rang loudly, you quickly answered your phone, stopping in your tracks as you swore under your breath.
"Baby? What's wrong?"
"Nothing, Yu. Just stubbed my toe," You lied, entering the spare room to grab Jongho's cardigan that somewhat suits your dress perfectly.
"Hmm, well I just wanted to call you to say that we may be out longer than we anticipated. Some idiot made a ruckus, resulting the place being in lockdown since security is checking everyone."
"Don't be disappointed," Yunho chuckles. "We're probably back in two hours tops."
Two hours? Maybe you could stay a little longer than you expected.
"Okay, Yuyu. Stay safe, okay?"
"Alright, baby. Love you."
"Love you too. Oh! And also the other boys," You smiled before saying goodbyes. You huffed before grabbing your purse and the vodka, walking outside of the shared apartment and into the campus area where students are still loitering around on a Friday night.
You quickly spotted Taeyeon's sorority house, colorful lights and bass blaring from the house indicating that the party already started. You waved at a few of her sorority friends, quickly making way to the kitchen where you're met with the sight of Taeyeon making out with a frat boy named Baekhyun.
"Tae! I brought the vodka!"
She gasped loudly, shoving Baekhyun so hard that he fell to his ass, hissing in pain. "Don't do that! I thought you were Yoona for a sec there."
"Why? She doesn't even care that you're making out with her ex," You snort, placing the vodka down before grabbing the endless red solo cups.
"She might say that but I know from her looks that she's not entirely over him," Taeyeon pointed at him, making Baekhyun quirk his brow in interest. "Wait...really?"
"What does that supposed to mean?" She glared at him, making Baekhyun stammer his way out of the problem. Feeling the tense atmosphere, you slowly walked backwards towards where the party is, waving and giving him a thumbs up as Baekhyun looked at you for help.
You pulled Jongho's cardigan tighter around you, sipping your drink as you made way towards the small group sitting near the TV.
"Yo, there she is!"
"Hey, guys," You smiled at the group, sitting down next to Sunny who instantly chattered away, asking you about your boyfriends. You don't blame her, you never really mentioned them at all except when people asked you directly.
You felt a buzz from the cardigan, heart dropping as Seonghwa's name showed up on the screen. "Fuck me."
"What?" Sunny peeked at your phone, gasping in delight as she realized what's going on. "Did you—Don't tell me you just sneaked out to come here!"
"I mean..."
"Babe, I don't blame you," Sunny holds both of your hands, leaving you to drop your phone as it still rings. "You always join our party before you've met them. And now, it's basically like you're never here! Have fun, don't worry about them."
You glanced at your phone, eyes widening at the numerous texts blasting through your phone. You raised a hand up to Sunny, smiling apologetically as you stand up to walk outside.
23 missed calls.
You yelped when your phone rings again, quickly answering it without seeing who called you. "Hello?"
"Sweetheart? Where are you?" Yeosang's voice made you freeze, quickly glancing around before trying to find a quiet spot near the sorority house.
"Um, I'm just—I'm out."
"Yeah," You laugh nervously. "Just wanted some fresh air."
"You know you're not supposed to go outside right?"
"It's just—I can't sleep," You quickly lied. "So I went to the convenience store to buy a drink and maybe walk around the park near the university."
He only hums, making you bit your lip as you waited for him to reply. "Is that why you didn't reply to any of our texts?"
"Oh, about that..."
"Sweetheart, we know you're lying."
Your heart dropped, fingers twitching in an anxious manner as you tried to calm your heart. "What are you talking about?"
There was no reply, only hushed talking as it sounds like Yeosang's phone being passed to someone else.
"Don't lie, baby. Although you're near the university, we know you're not in the park," Hongjoong spoke through the phone.
"Huh? How did you—"
"You didn't turn off your location."
Eyes widening in realization, you quickly looked through your phone, cursing under your breath when the small red dot was still on. Your eyes shifted from your location to another red dot approaching yours.
You turned on the speaker, deciding to sit on the bench nearby. "Are you guys going to get me?"
"Hmm, maybe."
"I'm being serious, Jjoong."
"And we were being serious about you staying inside," He replied back, his tone serious and unwavering. "We care about you, we just wanted you to be safe. It's night, (name). Have you been listening to the recent attacks near university?"
You did know about the attacks. In fact, it somehow relates back to you since the guy who got attacked was your study partner, a frat guy named Minhyuk. Sure he was a bit rough and annoying, but at least he did his part of the work.
"I do know, Jjoong," You can't help but roll your eyes. "He was my study partner."
"And now you know why we're being extra careful with you. We don't want you to get hurt. The fact that it's a person who's that close to you, it makes our hearts hurt when we think about how dangerous it is for you."
You sighed, feeling the guilt rising inside your head as you anxiously played with the loose thread on the cardigan. "I just—I just wanted to have fun."
"Are you saying you don't have fun with us?"
"What? No! That's not what I meant and you—"
"It sounds like that, baby. Maybe deep down you do feel like that around us."
"Jjoong, stop it," You closed your eyes. "I'm sorry, okay? I just wanted to have fun like I used to do. It's been such a long time since I've meet with my friends outside of class."
There's talking from the other side, the boys seemingly discussing it together. You didn't even notice the single tear already coming out of your eyes, quickly rubbing it away and exhaling quietly.
"Alright, honey," Jongho said. "We'll talk about it more at home, but we'll agree to let you continue the party tonight."
"Wait, really?"
Jongho hums. "But, we have a set of rules for you to follow."
"Yeah, what is it?" You quickly agreed, not wanting the good chance to slip by.
"You have to be accompanied by two of us to every party you go. We know you're at the sorority party your friend always throw, and we know a few of them to not feel threatened."
"That's why we already sent—"
"Hi, sweetcheeks."
Your head snaps up towards the voice, letting confused smile grow on your face as San and Wooyoung walked towards you, their clothes still the same when they left.
"Seems like they're already there."
"We're here," Wooyoung sighed as he sits down next to you, placing his arm on the back of the bench as San followed his action. "No need to worry anymore. We'll stay here with her for as long as we have to."
"Really? I thought you guys were being checked or something," You asked. But Wooyoung only smirked as San chuckles. "Paid a little bit of money here and there, and boom! We're out."
"Besides, that dinner party was sooo boring," Wooyoung whines, placing his head on your shoulder as he pouted at you. "When we heard you're here at the party, we decided to just come here! You are happy, right?"
"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?"
"I don't know, babe," San started. "Seems like you really didn't care about us when you left the apartment. It kinda hurts, ya know? Being left out from your plans."
"I'm sorry, you guys haven't let me party ever since we started dating. I saw a chance...and I took it."
"Don't worry," It's Mingi's turn to speak through the phone now. "You can party whenever you want. As long as you have at least two of us with you at all times. Got it?"
You hum in agreement. "Alright, you all win."
"But we do have to talk about your punishment."
Wooyoung giggles as he kissed your cheek. "You thought you weren't getting any punishment? Honey, you disobeyed us by going out when we strictly told you not too."
"Plus, you guys should all see what's she's wearing," San hums as he rubs your waist with his hand beneath the cardigan. "A very...interesting choice indeed."
"Oh my, is it really that bad?" Seonghwa asked.
"A bit too tight in my opinion," Wooyoung shrugged. "But don't worry! We have a plan to show that she's ours."
"Huh? What do you—" You can't even finish your sentence before Wooyoung kissed you hard on the mouth, making you fall backwards to San as he easily catches you, kissing your neck before he started to suck on it.
You involuntarily moaned at the feeling, placing your arms behind Wooyoung's head and playing with his hair. He hums, satisfied, before following San and started biting and kissing your neck as his hands roamed your body.
"Yah! Don't get too carried away!"
Hongjoong's voice made you all stop, gasping for air as San placed a final kiss on your mouth. "Sorry, can't help it."
"Whatever," Hongjoong sighed. "We'll talk about it later. You both stay with her at all times, alright? No wandering around on your own."
"Got it."
"Good. Bye, baby. We love you."
"Love you too."
When the call ended, San jumped to his feet and stretched, his white button up almost exploding at how tight it is. "Come on then, let's party. It has been a while since we joined a party, let alone a sorority one."
Wooyoung holds your hand as San leads the way to the door, entering it and looking around. "You thirsty?"
"Actually, yeah," You replied. Before you told him what you wanted, Wooyoung piped in with his own remark. "No alcohol, Sannie. She has morning class tomorrow and we don't want her to have a hangover."
You huffed, already knowing that now San will not bring you any alcohol. You catch Sunny's questioning glance, before she smirks as she pointed towards her neck. You blushed, rubbing your neck in embarrassment as you realized that the hickeys and bite marks are probably still there.
"Don't feel so embarrassed, babe," Wooyoung smirks as he gropes your ass, making you yelp in surprise before slapping his arm away. "Wear it proudly, you're ours anyway."
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byuntrash101 · 1 year
exo masterlist
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disclaimer: everything is smut, mdni. everything is idol x fem!reader
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✲ byun baekhyun
INCUBUS: COMING OF AGE 🍭| 10.1k - 2 parts
it’s true… you’re in love with your boss: the brilliant doctor park chanyeol. one night you’re woken up by his sweet kisses and bites… This should be a dream come true right? Then why does something feels off about him? ↳ SMUT | DomIncubus!Baekhyun x Reader | Fantasy!AU
PARAPHILIA| 30k - 9 parts
1 man; 9 kinks. In each chapter you and your boyfriend Baekhyun explore a new layer of kink. ↳ SMUT; ANGST; FLUFF | HardDom!Baekhyun; Sub!Baekhyun x Reader | EstablishedRelationship!AU; one shot collection
BAEKHYUNIE, DON'T LEAVE ME | 35k - 6 parts
Don't trust anything in this story. Don't trust the cute bright cover, don't trust the handsome playful flirty barista and do not trust the cute innocent timid girl. ↳ SMUT; ANGST | Dom!Baekhyun x Reader | Mafia!AU, Yandere!AU; action; series
DEAL WITH IT | 10.6k - 2 parts
Who would have known that a little discipline was all your selfish fuckboy ex needed to turn into the most obedient little puppy? ↳ SMUT; ANGST | FuckBoy!Sub!Baekhyun x Dom!Reader | Ex!AU, Revenge!AU; two shot
Working at KBS is fun and exciting especially when EXO-CBX is having their debut stage. ↳ SMUT | Dom!Baekhyun x Reader | Idol!AU; one shot
When Baekhyun comes home very late from work his mood can be described with three words: tired, tipsy and horny. ↳ SMUT | GentleDom!Baekhyun x Brat!Reader | EstablishedRelationship!AU, one shot
Even if it’s a lie, you love the way he looks at you when he says “I love you”. ↳ SMUT; ANGST | Switch!Baekhyun x Reader | Ex!AU, AbusiveRelationship!AU, one shot
TRUMP CARD🍭 | 4.9k
It’s game night with the boys and like often you decide to tag along with your boyfriend Baekhyun. But when money and alcohol is involved, the only thing missing is sex. ↳ SMUT; | Dom!Baekhyun; Dom!Chanyeol x Reader | Relationship!AU
"I know your sense of honour forbids you to withdraw your parole. I know you will quietly sit in the corner and clench your fists while I fuck your girlfriend senseless." ↳ SMUT; ANGST | HardDom!Baëkhyun; HardDom!Baekhyun x Reader | Fantasy!AU, SuperPower!AU, Obsession!AU, X-EXO, one shot
Everything is boring when you’re an immortal being like Baekhyun. But that is about to change when the other Six of the Seven Sins talk to him about an unbreakable righteous and virtous girl that was just ordained nun… Wouldn’t make God himself a cuckold be the greastest achievement yet for the Sin of Lust ? ↳ SMUT | DomSinOfLust!Baekhyun; x Nun!Reader | Fantasy!AU, one shot
THE HEIR | 4.5k
Deseperate times call for deseperate measures when your Kingdom still needs an heir. ↳ SMUT | Sub!Servant!Baekhyun x Dom!Queen!Reader | Royalty!AU; Western Europe Renaissance Period, one shot
4AM IN JUNE| 2.1k | pride 2021 🏳️‍🌈
Transitioning is hard. But your amazing boyfriend has been there every single step of the way. But… what if somehow… He’s had enough of you? ↳ SMUT; FLUFF | SoftDom!Baekhyun x FTMTrans!Reader | Domestic!AU, slice of life, one shot
FOREVER HOME | 7.5k | halloween 2021 🎃
You’re all alone, tired and broken by a fate that keeps trying to bring you to your knees. But you somehow find comfort in the lonely middle aged man living next door. Can Mr Byun resurrect your shallow and empty soul? ↳ SMUT; ANGST | DomSupernaturalCreature!Baekhyun x Reader | Fantasy!AU, horror, gore, NON CON, one shot
Collection of requested drabbles revolving around zodiac dynamics to celebrate the 350 follower milestone (i luv u guys) ↳ SMUT; FLUFF | ZodiacSign!Exo x ZodiacSign!Reader | Domestic!AU, slice of life, drabble collection
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yandere!Kai x Reader: petty theft. [+18]
Word count: 3 371
Tags: yandere!AU, smut, obedience training, bratty behavior, extreme degradation, sadom*sochism, in case you feel like Reader is high don't worry it's just subspace.
Warnings: s*xual content, potentially triggering themes such as toxic relationship traits, friendly reminder it's a fiction and not what we expect our IRL Nini to be.
Author's note: It's been a while since I wrote anything like that. Took quite a bit of effort as for such a small piece, but I hope to be releasing more content in the future~ Probably a Baekhyun fic will come around Halloween, so stay tunned!
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His word was an order and you were addicted to giving up the sense of control. It was a perfect kind of deal between the two of you: him who would take everything without asking, and you who’d follow him without a moment of doubt.
Your relationship was anything but reasonable, anything but right, and anything but prosperous. But it was giving you some sense of fulfillment that no other had ever given, and it was a form of self-destruction that you could take with masochistic pleasure.
It would be a lie to say that it was the only unhinged thing that you enjoyed. Some things you liked more, some you liked less. Maybe it was your toxic trait to allow his obsession to get this far without objection, so you could drink up from all the pain and torment that he could offer.
“You have done it again.” His voice rumbled through the apartment. “Give it back.”
Recently, you felt lonelier than usual. When he would work and do other business stuff, or meet his friends even, you’d be locked up in his apartment with close to no source of entertainment. You were over with attempts to get out or to contact someone from the outside – these never brought anything good.
But you still felt the need to itch him in some way that would make him come to you and take it out on you. He had taken note of the pattern, you noticed – you’d be surprised if he didn’t. When someone steals your wallet three times in a row, it cannot be an accident.
The wallet was stored neatly under your pillow and the moment he entered your room, hand extended in expectation of receiving back the stolen item, you didn’t even pretend not to know what’s it all about.
Without hurry but neither taking too much time, you pushed yourself off the mattress and retrieved the wallet, then walked over to Jongin and placed it in his hand. The man’s eyes were fixated at you, although you couldn’t yet tell what he was thinking.
“Why do you always do that?”
You shrugged, a bit too embarrassed to state aloud your silly reasoning.
“You just wanted attention, didn’t you?”
He could read you like a book, couldn’t he? You hesitantly nodded your head.
The man shook his own with a sigh.
“What do I do with you. If I punish you as you want so badly, you’ll keep doing it whenever you feel like it.” You pouted. “I need to correct you in a way that discourages you from doing it again, right?”
There was a sense of fear mixed with excitement starting to grow within your stomach.
He stared at you with his face unreadable, and you felt like that stare had no other purpose but to make you start doubting in yourself, with nervousness arising that you were not sure you enjoyed anymore.
There was some sense of negative emotion on his side. As long as it was only irritation, you could handle it. But what if he was actually upset? What if you acting up had ruined something within his daily schedule? What if he wasted too much time trying to look for it or picking up stuff he then couldn’t pay for? Hopefully he didn’t get a fine on his way for not having his documents on.
You straightened up as if on command. Sensing the fear finally settle in and uneasiness become tangible on your face, Jongin’s demeanor started to shift. From cold and emotionless, a smug smirk appeared in the corner of his lip, and he crossed his arms with the wallet still held between his fingers.
Suddenly, his grip on the wallet loosened, and the item fell out of his hand and dropped to the floor with a thud. The noise was objectively quiet but in the silence surrounding you, it made your heart thump. Jongin didn’t flinch.
“Pick it up.”
You didn’t hesitate, crouching down and picking up the item, carefully putting it in his hand again.
However, the man didn’t move, and neither did he put any effort in holding it, and so the wallet fell back down. You stared at him in confusion.
“Pick it up.”
You gulped. The task was confusing, but refusing it was out of question. You picked the wallet up again and put it in his hand, this time holding it in there until you felt his fingers wrap around it securely. You breathed a soft sigh of relief when they did.
And then he dropped it again. The noise of the item falling down echoed with a nervous pang in your chest, as if it was not just a sound of a wallet falling, but a thunder at least.
You didn’t hesitate before crouching down yet another time, picking it up and extending your hand, although ready for the item to be denied again.
Jongin tilted his head to the side.
“I didn’t tell you to pick it up.”
He stepped forward, making sure that the step made noise on the wooden panels, and that noise was yet another sound that made you flinch, as if any motion coming from him could be a threat right now.
“You know what I mean, don’t you?” he spat. “If I tell you to do something, you do it. If I don’t tell you to, you don’t. If I tell you not to breathe, you fucking don’t.”
His hand shot forward, wrapping around your throat, and you thoughtlessly released the wallet, hands reaching to hold his wrist instead. You knew that fighting him would be futile, and to be frank, you wouldn’t even dare to do so. His hold wasn’t too strong, fingers pressing against the veins but not depriving you from air just yet. But a single attempt of taking a bigger breath made you choke on your own saliva and you gasped, trying to loosen his hold at least a little.
“Hands down.” The command was simple, and you felt tears gather in your eyes when you forced yourself to ignore the discomfort and take your hands off his own. The tips of your toes and fingers started to tingle.
Without any warning, the hold on your throat finally disappeared, and you coughed, bending in half because your legs almost gave up underneath you. You had just a few moments of rest before the next words came.
“Pick it up. With your teeth.”
You didn’t have to courage to look up at him.
Besides, from your position it was closer to the ground anyway.
You crouched down shakily, letting your knees and palms hit the floor. You repositioned yourself slightly so that the wallet would be in a convenient proximity and lowered your head, briefly thinking of how dirty the item must have been, being one of those never-washed items that are constantly in use outdoors. But that was not important. Your task was.
Your mouth was merely centimeters from the leather surface when you felt something touch the top of your head. From a brief sensation, it gradually strengthened into a pressure that pressed your face down into the floor. You peeked to the side, confirming the suspicion that it was nothing else but Jongin’s shoe weighing down on top of your head.
Your body quivered. It was a natural reflex to try and fight against the force, but you knew better than that – the only way was to give in, even when your cheek started to hurt from the pressure. It would hurt just a bit longer, and then you’d feel the bliss of submission overcome any and all pain. You breathed heavily, trying to at least position yourself a bit more comfortably.
Wordlessly, Jongin took his foot off your head, allowing you to finish the task. The wallet’s texture felt gross on your tongue, and you did your best to touch it only with your teeth. You lifted yourself until you were kneeling, and then tiled your head upwards, praying so that he would just take the wallet back without playing any more games.
You breathed a sigh of relief when his fingers pulled the item gently from between your teeth.
Noticing your saliva gathered on the surface, Jongin brought the item to your face, and you flinched, muscle memory awaiting a slap to your cheek.
But the slap didn’t come, and instead, he wiped the wallet on your face, and you pressed your lips together, doing your best to stay still during the humiliating treatment.
Upon finishing the act, he smoothly tucked the wallet in his back pocket, the item quickly forgotten and nothing left to stand in between you and Jongin’s mercy – or lack thereof. His attention, now focused on you solely, felt intimidating.
Although the order was rather vague, you didn’t hesitate rising onto your feet.
Your mind was already hazy, and so it didn’t feel so weird anymore to fulfill the Sisyphean task.
In fact, there were no thoughts left in your mind to even think about whatever the point of the requests was. There was only full obedience, and as long as he told you what to do, you had a goal to live for.
The floor already managed to warm up underneath your body, although your legs were growing tired. But all of these were just secondary sensations, your eyes, half-lidded in your masochistic high, were fixated on his own.
“You like it?”
You nodded, your tongue like a jelly making it hard to speak a word, but Jongin didn’t seem to mind.
“See? It’s so much better when you listen. You feel so good and I’m happy. Why change that?” You sensed a threat lingering in his voice and felt an urge to soothe it, so you leaned forward and pressed your face into his thigh, like a pet asking for that little bit of intimacy from its owner. The comparison seemed very accurate in your situation. “Are you tired, yet?” You nodded with a lazy smile. “I don’t think so.”
The next motion came completely unexpected, the man’s fingers grabbing your hair at the roots, pulling you off his thigh and pressing your face into his crotch instead.
“You’re not tired, sweetheart. I haven’t told you to be tired yet.”
The persuasion took your breath away. You dreamed of nothing more than of succumbing to the drugged-like state of your mind, but Jongin was merciless as he unzipped his pants with one hand, the other wrapped around your hair tightly when he pushed his length into your mouth before you could even take a good glance.
You gagged, your throat completely unprepared for the rough treatment. Jongin only pushed in harder until your nose touched his abdomen, and then held you in this position for a few seconds despite you gagging and choking. He pulled out, letting you take a short breath, and then pushed back in – your reactions much weaker this time.
It took some moments, a few pushes like that, until you finally started giving up again, and Jongin picked up his face, aligning it with his own pleasure. Your throat started to accommodate around him, but every rougher motion teared your eyes up. His movements were frantic, almost wild, and nothing but selfish.
There was no regard for your comfort, and it made you thrive. Your mind – covered in a fog. Nothing felt real. You diverted your attention from the sloppy noises of your own mouth being used, because somewhere not so far away, Jongin’s beautiful, although sparse moans filled the air like a heavenly music that you could just not get enough of.
Your jaw was starting to ache. It was hardly possible to breathe. You were lightheaded and too dazed to even acknowledge your own arousal starting to pool between your legs. Your skin was tingling all over, your scalp – burning, and you could swear you saw stars for a moment.
But Jongin’s pace was relentless, and something about that cruel, degrading demeanor was turning you on even more. He was making such good use of you, his obedient little doll.
It didn’t even matter that your hands were too weak to try and help him feel even better, because all Jongin seemed to care about was that your mouth felt so warm and nice.
It was just mere minutes that your mind barely registered before you felt him harden even more. You heard no warning, but his heavy pants and gasps – the ones you already learned to recognize – told you enough.
He suddenly pushed into your mouth with full force, his fingers holding your head in place as he came hard and fast, not even a taste present on your tongue with how his semen ran straight down your throat.
You gagged, a cough fruitlessly trying to tear through, everything inside of you screaming for relief that for those few seconds was completely unreachable. You only fought for his cum not to get into your lungs or leave through your nose, a desperate attempt on remaining at least remotely human in this absolutely dehumanizing experience.
Jongin finally pulled out of your mouth, and you frantically choked and coughed, catching desperate breaths, careless of his semen and your saliva running now down your chin and dropping onto your shirt and the floor below.
Your hands were still too weak to try and wipe it, your legs felt like cotton candy that absolutely wouldn’t hold you up, and you only bent down, leaning into his leg for comfort again, which this time brought even more peace and relief when you felt him reach down and place his hand on top of your head, stroking your hair gently, giving you all the time to catch your breath and recover. You felt so dizzy and so tired, so lowly but also so at ease.
Your body moved on its own before you consciously registered his voice. With legs feeling like a jelly, you forced yourself up. He must have composed yourself while you were down on the floor, and there was a stark contrast between him – looking as neat as ever – and you, completely whored out, not even remotely decent in appearance.
“That’s my girl.”
The praise tasted like champagne, sedating you further.
“Come here.”
He circled you and put his hands underneath your elbows. With mellow motions, he led you towards your bed and then pushed you onto the mattress. You landed softly and helplessly among cloud-like pillows and blankets.
The strong urge to melt and fall asleep has been abruptly interrupted by the man’s hands tugging at your pants and pulling them down to your knees. You hazily thought that it would be nice to get used once again, although your muscles wouldn’t really support you much and you’d be just a limp doll trapped underneath him. It wouldn’t be the first time.
“Wake up, princess” he mocked, tapping your face – too gently to call it a slap in your dictionary, but not particularly affectionately either. You must have not noticed when your eyes slipped closed, and so you forced them back open.
You sensed Jongin’s hand hovering your womanhood, its warmth spreading all over your skin in a pleasant manner.
You could swear you could fall back asleep, but his two fingers suddenly intruded your entrance, making sure to cause a little bit of prickling pain even despite all that wetness that would make it so easy to accommodate to him. You let out a small whimper of discomfort.
“Wake up, love. There’s one more lesson you need to learn.” The pet names persuaded you to muster last bits of strengths – his words tasted so delicious, sweet proofs of Jongin’s own devotion for you, and what more could you possibly want? You reached with your arms to wrap them around the man’s neck in a loving, albeit somewhat pleading embrace.
“Could I be tired…?” you asked a bit jokingly, but also knowing that he’d appreciate that you kept his words in mind.
Jongin laughed softly.
But then his smile suddenly fell and his face darkened.
“Not. Yet” he spat out, fingers pushing deep into your core. Sensation wouldn’t be so pleasant normally, and it was clear that he also did not mean to please you, but you were growing deprived and just as the humiliation earlier, mere touch of him on your private parts made you squeal in arousal.
He joined one more finger, stretching you out easily with a sprinkle of pain. Small brushes of his thumb against your clit made you overflow with thirst, but he just wouldn’t do enough to quench it for you.
“Please…” You tried pressing yourself against his palm for any more of the sweet friction, but the other hand was quick to wrap around your neck and push you down into the mattress, rendering you absolutely helpless. The position yet again sent warmth down to your core, and you felt as though if he was to slap you in the face at that exact moment, you could simply cum just from that.
But Jongin couldn’t care less. He turned from stretching you to fucking you with his fingers, brushing against your sweet spot so sparsely despite the fast pace that you felt like you could lose your mind. You were pathetically mewling for any sort of actual relief.
And that was when he just stopped.
You moved your hips as if it would provide the friction instead, but both of his hands were suddenly gone. You pressed your thighs together, reaching with your own hand to finish yourself off, but it was slapped away before you could even get close, and so you sobbed in frustration, wriggling on the damn mattress as if it would soothe your need.
It took you a few painfully long moments to come back to your senses. Breath slowing down, the buzzing feeling in your head subsiding, sensation coming back into your limbs.
Your eyes eventually registered Jongin – he was resting his cheek on top of your bent knee, arms wrapped loosely around your leg in an intimate, loving position, so different from his cruel demeanor mere moments before.
He sat there in silence, watching your desperate and chaotic state with a small, content smile on his face, as if he took pride in nothing more than making you this pathetic, this hopeless, in drowning you in your own despair.
Your heart was slowing down, but it would be a lie to say that you felt any better. Your thighs were all wet from your arousal, and everything down there ached with how the pleasure was ruthlessly drawn away.
“Please” you mumbled with remains of strength, although you weren’t sure if your body could take any more of mistreatment.
“You can be tired now, love.”
Your eyes widened in realization.
Jongin’s head tilted innocently, although the look on his face held a threat behind, one that you wouldn’t dare to try and challenge. Your face must have displayed absolute defeat, all while Jongin’s was nothing but pleased.
“That’s what I thought, sweetheart.” His hand reached and patted your cheek lovingly, although there was something objectifying in it, as if he was patting a pet, or a favorite car, and not his lover’s face. You accepted your defeat.
Jongin sat next to you as you succumbed into the embrace of sleep, watching over you. Like a guardian angel – although a demon would be more appropriate in regards to his persona. You smiled at the thought.
With a tender kiss to your forehead, he whispered a goodnight, covering you with a blanket cozily and placing the fluffiest pillow right by your head, so you could wrap your arms around it if you’d like. Eventually, when he was certain you were almost asleep, he carefully got up from his place on your mattress and walked to the door, shutting it quietly to let you finally rest in the peace of your own space.
And in the last moments before falling asleep, you only wondered how long you will be allowed to rest before he notices that you pickpocketed his wallet again.
Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed this piece. Please reblog if you're able to, feedback will also be appreciated!!
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starillusion13 · 1 year
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“ This is not your usual party.”
Kim Minseok
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“ Don’t you wanna let me in?”
Kim Junmyeon
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“Your beauty is sparkling even with no makeup.”
Byun Baekhyun
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“Hear me out my love!”
BAMBI - Byun Baekhyun
Our Angel - B.Bh
Are you jealous? - B.Bh
Kim Jongdae
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“Maybe another day, I will tell you my secret.”
Park Chanyeol
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“A monster can also have a Cinderella like you.”
Four Seasons of Love - Park Chanyeol
Do Kyungsoo
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“Everything you say, I will make you regret it.”
Kim Jongin
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“Have you tasted the mixture of Cream & Soda?”
Oh Sehun
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“The Oh in my name is for people when they are love fool for me.”
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jongbross · 1 year
Congrats dear! You did it. 💛
Baekhyun-Say you love me
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100 celebration
byun baekhyun x reader (mentions of sex, swearing, baekhyun is kind of a yandere but not really)
"no matter how many times you say it, just say you love me one more" (say you love me - kai)
you felt his gaze on you while you danced with someone else, and you knew he wasn't happy. each time the person touched you, even if it was the slightest touch, you could feel baekhyun coming up with at least a hundred different ways of killing them.
baekhyun didn't own you, he knew that much. he was nothing of yours, not even your boyfriend, but you were everything for him. since the moment he met you, since the moment he kissed you for the first time, since the moment you two had sex for the first time and you'd said you loved him - his heart and soul were yours.
deep down, he knew you loved the attention and loved to play games with him, flirting with people right in front of him even though you would end up in his bed. baekhyun was well aware of the hold you had on him, but also knew he got something on you too.
he smirked when he saw you walking away from your little friend and coming to where he was, pretending you would only order something to drink.
"are you done with your distraction already?"
"how did you know i would be here?", you asked. "that's kinda creepy, you know? stalking people."
"you like it", baekhyun said. fuck him, you thought, because damn right you did. "i could see you looking at me and smiling when you saw i was checking you out... bet they didn't notice, though."
"you know nothing about them."
"no, but i know about you", he replied, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close. "you're gonna make me beg tonight? is that how you're gonna play?"
you shrugged, thanking the bartender as he gave you your drink. you took a sip, finally looking at baekhyun's eyes for the first time that night - and possibly not the last.
"come on, don't make me jealous tonight... not tonight...", baekhyun pleaded, licking his lips before he rested his forehead against your face, breathing on your neck. "it's been too long. i need you... i love you."
it was your time to smirk.
"i love you too", you lied through your teeth. "come on, let's get out of here."
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hydroyaksha · 2 years
I love you, I love you, I love you. [doh Kyungsoo]
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The soft tunes of a broken melody box could be heard through out the room where the man sat. Photos decorated the otherwise white walls, and while this would be a very boring room, the contents in the photos however are not.
The photos ranged from innocent pictures, where a woman would be seen with her back facing the camera as she gazes at the falling autumn leaves, to photos which were more private and sensual.
Some people might call him a stalker, an obsessed freak, or even a psychopath but Kyungsoo knew better. If he were any of those things, then why would you smile at him every day when you saw him? Why would you talk to him when no one else would? Why did you never believe the rumors surrounding him?
Obviously because you’re you.
Kyungsoo protected you from a distance at all times, a drunk old man harassed you at night? Don’t worry about him anymore. Don’t even bat an eye when you see him show up on the news the next day, he doesn’t matter anymore.
Kyungsoo prides himself in knowing you the best, he always knows what artists you listen you, what shows you’re watching, what type of fashion you like, and even what your ideal type is.
So when you walk into school at 8:30 sharp, wearing that cute black mini dress that Kyungsoo remembers you wearing to a college event, he’s sure that today will be just like any other day.
That is, until it’s not.
Walking over to your group of friends with a slight bounce to your steps, you don’t even try to hide the huge smile on your face.
“You guys won’t believe what happened yesterday!” You exclaim with glee, stars practically shining in your eyes.
This catches Kyungsoo’s attention, something happened yesterday? He’s sure nothing out of the ordinary happened to you yesterday, after all, he was watching you for practically the entire day.
He remembers sending you an anonymous letter describing his feelings for you, but this wasn’t the first time he’d done it. He’d actually done it 7 times before.
One on Monday the 6th of August, the second and third one on Friday the 15th and Wednesday the 20th of September, the fourth and fifth one on the 9th and 18th of October, alongside a special sixth note on the 31st. And the seventh one was sent on the 2nd of November.
Maybe you finally reciprocated his feelings following the 8th note! Joy fills his body as he imagines scenarios where you write back to him in your own cute handwriting, describing how you’ve fallen for him.
But this daydream almost immediately shatters once he hears your next few words.
“The byun baekhyun asked me out last night!” You squealed in delight, “oh my god! Really?” One of your closest friends, Danielle exclaims. “Took him long enough to grow some balls” Ryujin, another one of your friends huffs.
You push her shoulder in a teasing manner and grin, “I feel like I’m a high schooler all over again”
Byun Baekhyun?
Kyungsoo feels as if the clogs in his head have stopped moving, Byun Baekhyun asked you to be his girlfriend?
No, that not right. You love him, he loves you. Kyungsoo loves you. This is all a mistake, Kyungsoo is sure of it. There’s no way you’d love another who isn’t him.
That Byun must have done something to you, maybe he blackmailed you, or maybe he threatened you!
Poor, poor Y/n, you must be waiting for my help, huh?
A sinister smile crept up on Kyunsoo’s face as he formed multiple plans to ensure that he could get rid of Baekhyun without you knowing.
“Hey Kyungsoo!” You called out as you walked over to the pre-occupied boy, successfully snapping him out of his thoughts. “Oh, hey Y/n” a bright smile formed on his face even though he tried to hide it.
Kyungsoo inhaled a deep breath as he prepared to say his next words, “would you- maybe like to hang out at my place on Sunday? I’ve been learning how to cook these past few months, and I’d like for you to try some of it” He asked with a hopeful shine to his eyes.
You gave it some thought before deciding that it seemed innocent enough since Kyungsoo didn’t seem like the type of guy to lure in a girl for his own pleasure, so you agreed.
The rest of the week went like a fairytale for you, meeting with Baekhyun and spending time bonding with eachother.
You both found out that you shared the same interest in dancing, so you quickly started to learn some duo dances to further get to know eachother.
This sight was almost like a nightmare for Kyungsoo, just why did you have to go and like Baekhyun like that? Why couldn’t you see that a perfect man was in front of you, just waiting for your recognition?
Kyungsoo felt his anger bubble inside of him as he glared at the sight of baekhyun tickling you on the dance room floor after a strenuous practice. “You seem lost my little dove, I promise I’ll point you back in the right direction…” he mutters as he walks away from the ledge of a building he used to spy on the two of you.
When Sunday night came, everything was in place and Kyungsoo couldn’t be happier. All the food is cooked to perfection, his apartment is clean, his special gift is all wrapped up nicely and he’s dressed up to impress.
When you ring his doorbell, he’s quick to answer, “Hey! You’re just on time” he smiles charmingly
You return the smile, “glad you invited me” you pause as you take off your shoes, “what’s on the menu? I’m starving” you chirp.
“Only the best for a talented girl like you” he complements as he leads you to the dining room. There on the table is quite an array of different foods, seeming to range from appetizers to the main course.
You settled down across from Kyungsoo and maintain a conversation on school and internship opportunities. Kyungsoo latched onto every single word that slipped out of your mouth and practically ingrained it in his brain, you were so gracious as to lend your time to him, so he should repay the favor right?
After you finished with the meal, Kyungsoo is quick to pick up your plates, “What did you think?” He asks while occupying himself with placing the dishes in the sink.
“Oh, it was delicious, Kyungsoo! I never knew you were such a good chef! Maybe you should’ve taken up culinary as a major” you complimented with a wink.
This peaceful atmosphere was quickly interrupted as one of the doors in Kyungsoo’s apartment slam open, revealing a disheveled and bloody Baekhyun.
He’s holding what seems to be a broken pipe in his right hand which hosts many burn marks from ropes and cuts all across his upper arms. Baekhyun breathes heavily as he glares daggers into Kyungsoo’s skull.
All the while, Kyungsoo keeps a blank face. You rush out of your chair and immediately try to make your way to your bloody boyfriend “Baekhyun?! Oh my god-” you get cut off as you feel a grip on your wrist.
Kyungsoo holds an expression you’ve never seen on his face, pure unfiltered obsession. “My little dove, why do you seek that boy when I’m right here? I’ll protect you from this crazy thing… look at how bloody and scary he looks. A pure creature like you shouldn’t get too close, he may taint your purity”
Color starts to drain from your face as you piece together just what might be going on here, “Let go of my girlfriend you sick bastard!” Baekhyun shouts from behind you as he lunges forward thrusting the broken pipe in Kyungsoo’s direction.
He lets go of your wrist and Baekhyun is quick to push you behind him. Kyungsoo let’s out an annoyed groan and scoffs, “why did you have to go and ruin the surprise? I had you all prettied up but now look at you.” He sneers as he takes a short glance over Baekhyun’s body.
“You’ve gotten yourself all dirty”
Baekhyun’s breathing gets heavier with anger as he walks backwards to get closer to you while holding his weapon up. “This crazy fucker kidnapped me and tied me up, Y/n. He said he loved you and would do anything for you. He’s not sane, babe-”
“Don’t you dare call her babe! She’s not some whore you can keep on your arm as decoration! She’s a goddess and needs to be protected and cared for!” Kyungsoo seethes.
He lunges forward at Baekhyun as the two engage in a fight, you stand there horrified at the scene plays out. At some point, your boyfriend loses his weapon and is wrestled to the ground by Kyungsoo.
Not being able to handle any more abuse happening to your boyfriend, you grab the pipe and stab Kyungsoo in the pelvis while he was distracted with Baekhyun.
He chokes out a cough and spits blood into his hand, you’re quick to pull up your boyfriend as he places a hand protectively around your waist.
“We need to get out of here and call the police, I don’t know what he’ll do if we stay any longer” Baekhyun groans.
You nod so fast that it hurts your neck, you spare one last glance at Kyungsoo, who’s holding his stomach in pain. He meets your gaze and gives you a bone chilling smile, “you may run now… but you’ll never stay away from me, my dove” he coughs.
Tears start falling down your face as you make it out of his apartment wondering when everything went so sideways. The initial shock of the event is over and now you’re a jittering mess in your car as you help Baekhyun into the passenger’s seat.
You move to put your key in and your shaky hand doesn’t move. “I’m here babe, and m’ fine. You’ll be fine, we’ll get home and we’ll call the police and we’ll sleep after that, yeah?” Baekhyun comforts while gripping your hand like you’ll disappear.
You both manage to make it out of the neighborhood and call the police when you make it back to your shared apartment. You patch up your boyfriend’s wounds and after that he spends the night cradling you in his arms while you both try to get some sleep after the event you both went through.
It was only the next day, when the police come to your door, do you both realize that you’re far from being safe as they never found his body in his apartment, only the blood stains from where he was supposed to be laying.
I love you, I love you, I love you, my dearest dove,
And you won’t get away from me. You’re too precious to live in our society. But don’t worry, I’ll save you from this wretched planet, and we can be happy together finally.
Kyungsoo <3
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captain-joongz · 1 year
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♤ nikko × she/her × 23y/o ('01) ×
◇ currently fighting for my life at uni :'))
♡ multi-stan: EXO (Baekhyun), BTS (Yoongi, Hobi, Jin), ATEEZ (Hongjoong, Seonghwa, San), Stray Kids (Hyunjin, Felix), Seventeen (S.Coups, Dino, Woozi), TxT (Soobin), DPR Ian, Jackson Wang, Sunmi, Bibi, Oneus (Hwanwoong)
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tags you might wanna check out:
#fic reblog : all the fics I've reblogged onto here (mostly one shots)
#favourites : my favourite reads
#reading list: series : series I'm currently following
#to be read : fics for future reads
#updates : anything concerning the updates of my own fics
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☆ hard hours OPEN till 1/10/2024
♧ masterlist | library
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currently active series
◇ Abraxas (mafia boss!Yoongi x police officer!reader, crime, investigative, eventual smut, slight humour)
♡ Dragonheart (OT7 dragon!BTS x knightess!reader, dragon rider AU, high fantasy, angst, fluff, eventual smut, war and revolution)
updates/projects in works
♧ A little show (non-idol!Yoongi, uni au, smut)
♡ Deserve you (brother-in-law!Seonghwa, smut)
♤ Dragonheart, ch.1
♡ Cinderella (Yoongi x f!reader x Hoseok, pure smut, club au, non-idol) - new release!!!
☆ a little surprise for my patient lovely babes ;)
♧ Sharp teeth, sweet flesh (yandere!tiger spirit!Hongjoong, dark, smut)
☆ Mummy's little helpers (android!Seokjin x f!reader x android!Hoseok, pure smut)
Status updates and sneak peeks <3
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ninesbey0nd · 9 months
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A Demon's Will - Yandere/Demon! Felix x Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Love is You and I - Yandere! Felix x Reader
Part 1 Part 2
In Lonely Hearts and Heavy Bass - Bangchan x Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
By My Side - Yandere! Felix x Reader
Uninvited Guest - Demon! Felix x Reader
7:33 - Felix x Reader
00:41 - Felix x Reader
Late Nights At Home - Hybrid! Jeongin x Reader
7:40 - Bang Chan x Reader
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20:34 - San x Reader
11:24 - Yeosang x Reader
Crown's Deceit - Prince! San x Reader x Prince! Seonghwa
Forbidden Waltz - Yeosang x Reader
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10:49 - Hangyeom x Reader
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Sweet Venom - Fallen Angel! Heeseung x Reader
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18:19 - Baekhyun x Reader
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13:55 - Yeonjun x Reader
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iridescentxstars · 9 months
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ೃ⁀➷ 𝐊𝐞𝐲: [M] — Mature content/warnings | 🌹 — NSFW | ✨ — Rewritten | ✅ — complete | ❌ — unfinished/discontinued/missing links
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫-𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐲. 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞.
This masterlist contains all fics that have been archived for various reasons. This does not mean that they are not good enough to read, you are welcome to read and enjoy them. Some of these have been rewritten and the old stories can be found here.
ೃ⁀➷ Kim Jongin | BangChan | On-Going Series | Completed Series | Drabbles | Misc
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐢-𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
[ ✧.* ] Something New [part one] [part two] — camboy!jongin x reader x camboy!sehun [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹✅ [ ✧.* ][M] A Dangerous Game — vampire!chanyeol x human!jennifer x vampire!minseok 🌹❌ [ ✧.* ] Soulmates [jongin] [chanyeol] — soulmate!idols x soulmate!readers ❌ [ ✧.* ] Love By CPR — doctor!jongin x reader 🌹❌ [ ✧.* ] Living Arrangements — boss!jungkook x reader 🌹❌
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
[ ✧.* ][M] Rule Breakers — stripper!jongin x parent!ayla [spin off to unwind by @oh-beyond] 🌹✅
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬
[ ✧.* ] His First Love — idol!jongin x reader [ ✧.* ] Warm Caramel And Honey Blonde — professor!jongin x barista!alice [ ✧.* ] Under The Mistletoe — actor!jongin x reader [ ✧.* ] Catch Me If You Can — detective!jongin x gang!reader [ ✧.* ] If Only — ceo!jongin x reader | ceo!jongin x yoona [side] [ ✧.* ][M] Behind Closed Doors — bodyguard!jongin x ceo!reader x ceo!ravi 🌹 [ ✧.* ][M] Play Pretend — vampire hunter!jongin x vampire!reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Wrong Move — detective!yoongi x detective!shai x criminal!jongin [ ✧.* ] Jealous — idol!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] She's A Fighter — student!jongin x student!reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Gentle — idol!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Aim To Please — idol!jongin x dom!reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Ice, Ice Baby — idol!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ][M] Obsession — yandere!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Confession — devil!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] In The Club — devil!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Game Of Possession — idol!jongin x reader [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Petty Jealousy — idol!minseok x reader [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] As The Thunder Rolls In — ambiguous!junmyeon x reader [ @x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Mirror — idol!yixing x reader [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Take Care Of Me — sub!baekhyun x mummy!reader [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Come On Over — idol!jongin x reader [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Cruel Queen — mafia!chanyeol x mafia!reader [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] A Point To Prove — idol!yuto x poc!reader [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Never Love Again — fuckboy!lucas x reader [due to be rewritten][@danseurehonte]
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[ ✧.* ][M] A Life With You — yandere!prince!taemin x reader x prince!jongin [present] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] The Gift That Keeps On Giving — ambiguous!taemin x reader x boyfriend!hakyeon [present] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] You're Hired — ceo!taemin x reader x ceo!jongin 🌹 [ ✧.* ][M] Delusional Fantasy — hades!leo x persephone!reader [ ✧.* ] Warmth — idol!jongin x reader 🌹❌ [ ✧.* ] Long Drive — ambiguous!minseok x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Little Wolf — werewolf!junmyeon & werewolf!reader [ ✧.* ] My Darling, You Are Perfect — idol!yixing x alice [ ✧.* ] Happy Birthday, Yixing — idol!yixing x reader [ ✧.* ] Mutual Agreement — idol!yixing x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ][M] Ritual Gone Wrong — demon!yixing x reader [ ✧.* ] Do You Wanna Build A Snowman? — best friend!baekhyun & anais [present] [ ✧.* ] Fucking Fortnite — brother!baekhyun & reader [ ✧.* ] His Awakening — dragon!jongdae [ ✧.* ] Best Of Both Worlds — idol!jongin x reader x idol!jungkook 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Secret Santa — college!namjoon x reader [present] [ ✧.* ] The Competition — idol!sehun x reader [ ✧.* ] Cookie Time — idol!sehun x reader [present] [ ✧.* ] Late Night Coffee — model!sehun x photographer!alice [ ✧.* ] Sweet Like Chocolate — idol!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] I Promise You — idol!jongin x alice [ ✧.* ] First Date — idol!jongin x reader [ ✧.* ] Crayons — ambiguous!jongin x reader [ ✧.* ] Stone Cold — ex!jongin x reader | soulmate!jongin x soulmate!oc [side] [ ✧.* ][M] God Sent An Angel — angel!jongin x reader | baekhyun x reader [side] [ ✧.* ] Tender Love — idol!jongin x alice [ ✧.* ] Study Break — ambiguous!jongin x reader [present] [ ✧.* ] Christmas Crush — friend!jongin x reader [ ✧.* ] Jongin's Christmas Miracle — idol!jongin x ayla [ ✧.* ][M] New Life — boss!jongin x barista!reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Drunk Mind, Sober Heart — best friend!jongin x alice 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Say Yes — fallen angel!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ][M] Jongin The Ripper — killer!jongin x ??? 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Break Me — vampire!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Consequences — prince!kyungsoo x reader [ ✧.* ] World's Best Dad — best friend!kyungsoo x parent!reader [ ✧.* ] Love Confessions — college!kyungsoo x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Fill Me Up — hybrid!chanyeol x hybrid!reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Naughty Kitty — hybrid!jongdae x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Oh, You Tease — idol!minseok x reader 🌹
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