#Yaz wants to speed run therapy so she can go back to gay bliss
frostybirdgoddess · 4 months
Minor spoilers for ep one of Chaos Theory as well as the minute long clip of Yaz, Sammy, and Ben.
I think the biggest thing to take away from the first episode is that it’s been some time since Brooklyn died. From the trailers we’d gotten, it was made to seem like B’s death is what caused everyone to come together, but post watching episode one, it seems to have been at least a month since Brooklyn died.
Darius and Ben haven’t talked since Brooklyn’s death, though that doesn’t seem intentional or malicious on either side.
Kenji 100% has been blaming Darius for what happened to Brooklyn, kind of like he did in CC when B was a hostage. (B was rescued, Darius was like we’re good?, Kenji said no and essentially blamed Darius for ‘putting’ Brooklyn in danger.)
Seems like that’s happening again, except it’s worse because Brooklyn isn’t coming back this time.
It’s made worse by of the wall of pictures we see in Darius’s house, bc it seems the Bowmans all but legally adopted Kenji. And now Kenji is blaming his brother- the professional dino wrangler- for not being there when Brooklyn was attacked by a dinosaur.An understandable thing to do in the face of grief, but ultimately wrong and definitely hurting Darius’s survivor’s guilt.
Moving on to the CampFam as a whole, they haven’t drifted, they still remain in touch like any split up group of friends do. I’m very happy about that. And they made their epilogue designs from CC canon which I absolutely love.
I stand by that Yasmina was the most affected by CC, but that *isn’t* what drove her to be as scared of dinosaurs as she is; it was the brutal death of a friend.
I’m theorizing that Yaz and Sammy *did* live together happily on Sammy’s dino ranch until Brooklyn’s death. That event probably reawakened the trauma Yasmina has from such brutal dinosaur experiences. She’s freshly terrified of dinosaurs now, and it’s badly affecting her once peaceful life on a dinosaur ranch.
So, she leaves. Yaz has either moved to, or built up a dino-free suburban area for people to live in. But her trauma with dinosaurs is obviously something Yaz wants to work past and move on from, hence the hologram and mention of safe inversion therapy.
Yaz *wants* to go back to her life on the ranch with her girlfriend, but she’s very messed up about Brooklyn’s death, and knowing Yasmina, it drives her crazy that this renewed trauma isn’t something she can just push past.
That’s all I have for now, I’d love to hear other people’s thoughts!
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