sparklysharkly · 4 years
‘i dont like this ship but the art is so good!’
‘i dont like this show but the art is so good!’
‘i dont like this concept but the art is so good!’
Shut Up, no one cares, Especially not the artists who you’ve just been rude as Fuck to.
Keep it to yourself.
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manorofthewicked · 6 years
Schwann has all the romantic capabilities of a doorknob and yet... I am Smitten.
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sparklysharkly · 4 years
idiealotdontworry replied to your post “˜i dont like this ship but the art is so good!’ ‘i dont like this show...”
how is this rude? I genuinely don't understand. as an artist it wouldn't bother me at all if someone said this so i don't get it
If it doesnt bother you personally? thats great! but you’re not everyone else. When you put all your energy and passion into creating a piece that you made for yourself first and foremost, about a show, pairing or whatever and then every time someone reblogs it they feel the need to tell you, to your face in the comments ‘i hate this ship but your style is cute!’ its not a compliment
beign told ‘this aspect of it that makes you happy sucks but your art is still cute!’ is not a compliment
it takes $0 to keep that to yourself and NOT tell it right to the artists face because its rude
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sparklysharkly · 4 years
did tumblr even do an april fools thing this year??? if it did it was small and i completely missed it bc literally nothing changed that i noticed
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sparklysharkly · 4 years
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it takes literally nothing not to be this asshole
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sparklysharkly · 4 years
you ever see a take so fucking bad it makes you wish you could erase the memory of ever reading it lmao
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sparklysharkly · 4 years
The fact that Sunset is confirmed Bi by the EQG director makes me rlly happy thank you and good night
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sparklysharkly · 4 years
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then just dont?? tell the artist?? its literally that easy. The art wasn’t made for you to begin with, and unless it was, telling someone ESPECIALLY LGBTQ+ people on their gay art that you dont like it because_ its gay is a really rude thing to do and in this case, blatantly borderline homophobic even if that wasnt(?) the intention.
Just dont comment on artists work about not liking a ship/concept/character in it its seriously Not Hard 
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sparklysharkly · 5 years
It’s been ten years ppl when will you start treating Repede like the party member and effectively person he is rather than just ‘the dog’ lmao
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sparklysharkly · 4 years
I’ll reface what i said on twitter here because i hate being quiet about things but i also have very little mental health capacity right now and want to help but cant
Support these protests, support these people putting their lives on the line and fuck the police for everything they’ve done
I’m going to be socially quiet for my own sake but i need to put my support out there regardless
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sparklysharkly · 4 years
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haha i’m back on my bullshit
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sparklysharkly · 4 years
Two days till birthday...
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sparklysharkly · 5 years
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sparklysharkly · 5 years
it costs 0$ to respect aro/ace people and the terminology they use to describe their experiences lmao
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sparklysharkly · 4 years
i’m not Dead™ art wise i promise i’ve just been in a hard groove and dealing with it by playing video games instead. i’m slowly working through my owed projects its just A Time rn for everyone, myself included so i need to work on that a little bit more right now
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sparklysharkly · 4 years
important fun facts about River:
She ran away from home at age 12 and lived as a street scholar for 3 years before being adopted unceremoniously by her now father Lokee
The reason for her home life abandonment is a sore spot she doesnt like to think about, but mostly deals with the loss of her mother of which she was closest to, to a magical disease and then her father remarrying the family house keeper shortly after
She has an incredibly short temper and is prone to fits of breaking things and the occasional spree of arson depending on how, who and why she was pissed off
As a sorcerer she has an innate gift with magic that runs in her blood, however she is incredibly studious and has a thirst for knowledge and spends most, if not all her time pursuing her goals in learning as much about all kinds of magic as possible
Due to her technical and logical skill in magic she comes off as a huge know it all when it comes to spells and incantations, and has been known to upshow several high ranking scholars and publicly humiliate them by proving their theory's wrong, or even correcting their calculations mid-presentation. This has driven a lot of adults to thoroughly dislike her, and her subsequent banning from entry to a couple of cities
Her adopted dad is a heaping pile of trash garbage, and research equipment doesn't come cheap. The two have been known to con and thieve rich people out of their wallets and funds to pay for food and her work, and she’s not above using her reputation as a menace to get what she needs
Also she’s gay
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