#Yeah I know they choose their own appearances etc etc etc but also Xiao is trans and I'm not taking constructive criticism at this time
watatsumiis · 2 years
Xiao with top scars that match the injuries we see him with in the chasm event. That's it that's the post.
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tanoraqui · 4 years
ahh can you post which character goes with which handle? i think i've puzzled out most of them but i can't figure out which ones are lan xichen, lan wangji, or jiang yanli :D also who is grieflessAspirant bc that is a /very/ good name
fair question. @animatedamerican, too. An explanation (also I’ve tweaked a couple of the names):
grieflessAspirant [GA] ectoPatriarch [EP] - Wei Wuxian “griefless” in reference to the translation of wuxian, “no envies”; “grief” can mean both “sorrow” and “grudge”, both of which he lacks (or at least tries very hard to never show). “aspirant” meaning “a person who has ambitions to achieve something”, with fairly positive, hopeful connotations?  Then the Burial Mounds, the Yiling Patriarch, and the change to something wholy outside the DNA-based structure of the others, representative of WWX’s inherently rule-breaking nature; “ecto” as allusion to our one and only ectoBiologist as well as, of course, ghostly ectoplasm
trivenomCommandant [TC] - Jiang Cheng Sandu Shengshou, “master of the three poisons”, natch. “Commandant” specifically means “officer in charge of a particular force or institution“, which, idk, feels good for Jiang Sect
aqueousConcord [AC] - Jiang Yanli someone in this family had to get an allusion to water. previously achieveConcord but I think “concord” alone is good - “agreement or harmony between people or groups”
chevalierAlight [CA] - Lan Wangji Hanguang-jun, “light-bearing lord”, natch - but specifically, “alight” means glowing himself and “chevalier” is a chivalrous man and member of certain orders of knighthood - very fitting
gardeningTruth [GT] - Lan Xichen “gardening” as allusion to Zewu-jun, which means, like, “lord of the overflowing garden”?? I’m a little unclear. Also gardening is a classic Homestuck thing, see: Jade. “Truth” - even now, I’m considering changing it to “Tranquility”, but that feels kinda overlappy with JYL, and “truth” sounds nicely profound, and has that good good contrast with guile...
ascendantGold [AG] - Jin Zixuan listen I unironically like this boy but you know he’s gonna put “gold” in his name and you know he’s gonna put something about being the best. Other considerations were “apexGold” and “acmeGold” (and a bunch of other stuff, but not repeating letter combos took precedence.) If the characters were Alternian/Beforan trolls, the Jins would probably be cerulean, and JZX would get constant grief for his handle suggesting that he’s a yellow - and it’d be ENTIRELY his own fault.
transcendingGuile [TG] - Jin Guangyao ngl this is one of my favorites. Is he transcending past guile, into honesty, hard work, etc? Or is he an embodiment of guile, transcending social structures, discrimination, etc? Well, the latter, but gee you could sure mistake it for the former.
accomplishedTenacity autonomousTenacity [AT] - LuoQingyang (”Mianmian”) sometimes I’m just picking a name I think the person would choose for themselves at age 12 or so - and, in this case, later change when she ditches Jin Sect. These are things Mianmian is, or certainly should be proud of: her tenacity (standing up for WWX, ably becoming a rogue cultivator), her accomplishments (skilled cultivator, socially able, etc), and later her independence.
gayApostle ghastlyApostate [GA] - Mo Xuanyu “gay” as in “happy”, you guys! Totally! “Apostle” as in one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ, “apostate” as “one who denounces a religious or political belief or principle”. Changed upon his expulsion from Carp Tower, of course. “Ghastly” to describe both his state of apostacy and as reference to the undead.
crimsonCutlass [CC] - Nie Mingjue Chifeng-zun, “red blade master”, natch. I feel like, when making up alternate titles for people in AUs, NMJ’s is the one I always most just leave as-is? But that’s because it’s one of the most badass as-is, so...
agnosticArtisan [AA] - Nie Huaisang I was trying very hard to figure out where in this set I could get some variation on “gnostic”, bc it actually shows up twice in Homestuck - gnosticGardener, tipstyGnostalgic. At the same time, I was digging desperately through synonyms for “ignorant”, “uncertainty”, etc, for our favorite Headshaker...when I remembered that “agnostic” literally means “without knowledge.” So! “Artisan” for the fans and other artistic endeavors, of course - though note that it’s not “artist” - an artisan is “a worker in a skilled trade, especially one that involves making things by hand.” High-stakes vengeful politics is a skilled trade, right?
gentlemanGallant ghostGeneral [GG] - Wen Ning my poor sweet child who is polite and kind (and little bit ruthless), and wanted to live a life that was brave, heroic, chivalrous (ie, gallant)...
tempestuousAsclepiad [TA] - Wen Qing just apt, I think? “Tempestuous” for her willingness - nay, yearning - to fucking throttle you (”characterized by strong and turbulent or conflicting emotion”); “Asclepiad” for how she will only do this once you’re no longer legally her patient. Probably.
Yi City
capriciousThanologist [CT] / [Anonymous] - Xue Yang “thanologist” from Greek Thanos, meaning death - “one who studies death.” Full credit to Xue Yang, the man put his work in studying and developing this shit. “Capricious” because, well...yeah. (Also see: terminallyCapricious, ie, Gamzee.)
consummateGentility [CG] - Xiao Xingchen altogether, “complete or perfect social superiority as demonstrated by polite, refined, or respectable manners, behavior, or appearances”. I mean...isn’t he just? I considered a change to “contriteGentility” after the Baixue Temple massacre, but ultimately decided the constancy of consummate was more important.
gelidConfidant [GC] - Song Lan “gelid” meaning icy or cold, reference to him being called “the winter frost” (yes I DID try to figure out something about the summer breeze for XXC, but it didn’t work.) For “confidant”, I wanted something about Song Lan’s loyalty. I’m not entirely satisfied with “a person with whom one shares a secret or private matter, trusting them not to repeat it to others“, but, well...at least it’s bitterly ironic once his tongue is cut out?
tiresiasThieves [TT] - A-Qing Tiresias from The Illiad is the ORIGINAL (in Western mythology) Blind Seer trope, which of course is perfect for the blind girl who is the only one who sees clearly even once she IS blinded, not to mention dead. As for “thieves”, well. This Tiresias certainly does.
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potahun · 4 years
Some more Qin Shen Shen moment translations (part 4/?)
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Link to other translations so far
-Pretty much all the cuts in Ep. 9
a. Episode 9: Zhou Hua Jian is on stage, patting his face with a tissue after his and Yi Qiao’s performance, and Li Keqin basically decides to throw Zhou Shen under the bus. 
ZS, talking discreetly to LKQ about ZHJ: Why does he consistently carry those tissues to absorb facial oil? haha 
LKQ: *lightbulb moment* ...Ask him in a moment.
ZS: !...I don’t want to. Haha *cutely, with his arms in a cross* No! 
LKQ, raising his hand (to ZHJ): Wait a second, just to ask... Earlier, when you finished singing, the young singer next to me had a question he wanted to ask you.  (ZS, pointing at LKQ in disbelief: EEEEYYY )
ZS, helpless but goes with it (to ZHJ): Uhhh....It’s teacher Keqin who asked me to ask this...... Why do you consistently carry those tissues to absorb oil or to wipe sweat? 
ZHJ, being a great sport: ?? Why wouldn’t I carry them? *laughs*
LKQ (to ZS): That’s just how senior singers are!
ZS: Oh. Alright! (to ZHJ) It’s teacher Keqin who asked me to ask this. Sorry elder brother Hua Jian. *bows*
ZHJ, playing along: Not at all. Not at all! You’re asking for the brand of the tissues, aren’t you?
ZS, panicking while LKQ is cracking up next door: Aaah...?? *uneasy laughter* (ZHJ, still playing: Or is it the price??) Yes - uh, the brand! Y-y-you can just tell me backstage. 
ZHJ, still laughing: No problem, no problem.
ZS, barely recovering, but grabbing LKQ’s shoulder while LKQ looks like he’s having a blast: Is this how you throw people under the bus?? Is it??? (LKQ leans into ZS’s part of the sofa, still enjoying himself too much)
b. Episode 9: Football cut, Li Keqin had told Zhou Shen that if he could shoot the ball into the goal, he could choose the song. If not, Li Keqin would choose. The result’s not surprising.
LKQ, each of them sitting on a football: I’d like a song with a lot of long notes.
ZS: A lot of long notes right? *thinks*
LKQ: Actually, I used to have this song called “Great Concert Hall” *demonstrates a little* But I’m scared that you’ll have to sing in Cantonese again -- it feels like each time, I’m bullying you. *snorts*
ZS, kickstarting broadcasting mode: Not at all. Why would everyone else think that you’re bullying me? They’ll just think that you’re giving me an opportunity to practice my Cantonese. *impish smile*
LKQ, patting ZS on the shoulder: Good kid. (Both crack up)
They talk about Han Hong’s “Tian Liang Le” and its sad backstory and ZS does a K.O on Li Keqin with his “my every song are my children” line. (already translated)
LKQ: What else is there?
ZS: *sings a little bit of “That Sea” / “Na Pian Hai”* (LKQ: Ohhhh! )
LKQ: *sings along* Eh, this song is really good. (ZS: It is a really good song.) But if we really decide to sing this one....we might have to make some changes to it.
ZS: Truth be told, if it’s a duet, it will already be a little differen-- eh? At the end, wasn’t it supposed to be you choosing the song? Why am I giving so many ideas?
LKQ: Eeeh, we’re a teaam... (ZS: Aaaahh) Okaayy *snaps fingers* (ZS: As expected of senior singeeers *snaps fingers with him* Role model artists are just differennnt) LKQ: It’s like you and your every song being your childreeenn. (Both start laughing again) 
c. Episode 9: During Qin Shen Shen’s performance, Li Keqin’s earphone monitor fell during his high note and was basically hanging behind his butt for the rest of the song. At the end of the song, the MC points it out:
MC: Elder brother Keqin, had you realised that it fell?
LKQ, no shame whatsoever: Yeah. *clears throat* 
ZS, very impish: Haha!
LKQ: So I was scared that this...this young person here *designates ZS* (ZS: You’re young too.) ...would feel embarrassed, so I...tried to give it my maximum. 
 ZS, using the polite form of “you”: Ah, no, no, no. Please do not say that. I am scared. *still laughs* 
Fun fact:  Li Keqin’s earphone monitor fell in Zhou Shen’s presence not once, not twice, but three times: once here, once in Episode 12, and one time during their 2020 New Year’s concert event (Ye Lang Disco) after which Li Keqin probably couldn’t hear the music anymore and looked like he had to find his rhythm back by reading Zhou Shen’s lips.
d. Episode 9: Backstage room. Even though they’d introduced what they’d sing as “That Sea”, what they sang is actually a combination of “That Sea” and another song called “Listen to the Sea” ( “Ting Hai”). Li Keqin explains.
LKQ: Actually, I think those two songs’ lyrics overlap quite a bit. So...I thought, if we could mix them together, it could give a bit of a ....... *wiggles silently while looking at ZS*
ZS (to the camera), translating: ...a nice surprise!
LKQ: A nice surprise! Yes!
e. Episode 9, after each group wished Li Keqin happy birthday using their own musical way. 
MC (to LKQ): So the show’s staff team doesn’t really have a birthday present for you, but we’ve found a very special song and through this song, we’d like to ask you a question, is that ok? *the staff puts on a song*
LKQ, thinking briefly before nodding: Mm.
MC: Elder brother Keqin, this song is very meaningful to you. 
LKQ: Of course. I used this song to enter a competition (T/N: the competition thanks to which he debuted).
MC: 34 years ago... (LKQ makes a face) you used this song to win a singing competition.
LKQ: Yes, at 2 years old. 
ZS laughs. LKQ, next to him: ;;;;;;;;;;;
Li Keqin then explains how, at the time he won the competition, he had signed up for college (he was actually 18) and told his parents to give him 2 years, if after 2 years there were still ppl willing to sell his CDs, he’d stay in the industry etc. etc. 
f. Episode 9: Easter egg at the end of the episode, i.e. Zhou Shen rallies the other participants one by one and organises a bday surprise for Li Keqin. 
ZS (visiting ZHJ): Hello teacher Hua Jian.
ZHJ, while asking ZS to sit: Eeehh! Hello little Zhou (ZS: Hello, big Zhou) Old Zhou finally meets small Zhou.
Zhou Shen explains that he wants to do a bday surprise for Li Keqin. Zhou Hua Jian replies that he’ll think of a few lines to sing to him, including writing a few lyrics, which Zhou Shen finds to be great. 
ZS, bullshitting: Then...Then the day after tomorrow is my birthday, can you also write a song for me? (both crack up)
ZHJ: Let’s talk about that tomorrow. (Both crack up again) So, now that I’m already going to put in work for him *grabs ZS’s arm* what are you guys singing tonight? *laughs*
ZS: Ahh! *slides away on his chair* We’ll sing whatever you’ll sing!!
ZHJ: Hey, no need to slide away on your chair like that! (ZS slides away even more)
(Later, when Zhou Shen visits Ren Xianqi) RXQ: So, what you’re saying is that you’d like to give him a “surprise” (said in English). 
ZS: Yes. 
RXQ: How do you want to do it? Splash him with cake?
ZS, laughing: That’s not a “surprise”, that’s a “shock” (also said in English).
Zhou Shen then says he also needs the younger singers’ help and visits Ayanga first. They say hello and start acting needlessly formal.
ZS, in an uncharacteristically deep tone: May I ask if this is gentleman Ayanga?
AYG, in the same tone: It is.
ZS: I am gentleman Zhou Shen. 
AYG: Please sit.
ZS, shaking his hand, still acting formal: Tonight, I need your help for something. 
AYG, playing along: Tell me.
ZS: Tomorrow....*switches to mischievous whisper* ...is teacher Li Keqin’s birthday!!
AYG: Then what do you have?  Do you have cake? *laughs*
ZS: Of course. A birthday surprise should of course have birthday cake.
AYG: Is it those cakes that have multiple levels and are really high?
ZS: Full of peaches.  (ZS cracks up and looks at the camera) No need to broadcast this (T/N: Not too sure, but I think there’s an inference with peaches and old people?)  Anyways, I’ll count on your cooperation, Ga Zi Ge. (AYG: Of course! Such a good thing) See you later, gentleman Ayanga.
AYG: Ay. Ms. Zhou Shen-- (ZS, holding him down: Don’t stand up.) 
Zhou Shen then realises what he said and hits him while Ayanga laughs. Zhou Shen finally visits Xiao Zhan.
XZ: What do you need me to do? 
ZS: Push the cake trolley!
XZ: No problem, I’m the best at pushing cake trolleys! 
ZS: Ah, really? Then ok, thank you. *shakes his hand*
XZ: Ah, that’s it? Whoa, this surprise is pretty easy to do!
For the surprise itself, Zhou Shen hides behind the sofa in the backstage room where all of the senior singers will come sit & chat. He lies down with a confetti cracker and his gift for Li Keqin. The seniors come in and start chatting about things, including their younger singer partners. Ren Xianqi mentions that whenever people see him and Liu Yuning together, they find Ren Xianqi’s legs really short (because Liu Yuning is super tall), and Li Keqin picks up:
LKQ: Well, my partner is not easy to work with either!
ZS, hidden behind the chair: ????? *narrows his eyes*
LKQ (to the others): You (RXQ) said just now that after working with yours, you found out that your legs are very short. Well, me? After working with mine, I suddenly found out my key is very low! 
Zhou Shen laughs silently behind the sofa, while the seniors agree.
RXQ: Right, Zhou Shen’s singing key is really high. 
LKQ: Yeah, my key is like here, and his is there! *demonstrates the gap with his hands*
ZHJ: That...that, we all know already. Doesn’t he have any other small problems/bad points? (RXQ: Right, any other small....?)
LKQ: ...No. No, he doesn’t. Appearance-wise, we match quite well. It’s very nice. 
ZHJ: *chortles* He makes your legs look long. 
All the seniors laugh, and Zhou Shen feigns being hurt behind the sofa, rolling his eyes. 
ZHJ: He really doesn’t? Not even a small problem?
LKQ: No, no. I find him very fun. He just doesn’t like sports. So I’ve asked him, what do you usually do at home? And he told me... “I lie down at home”. That’s it! (ZS is covering his mouth behind the sofa) So each episode, I take him out to play a sport. (RXQ, interested: Eh? ) Yeah! Yeah, yeah. For the 2nd episode, we played badminton, and yesterday, we played football.
ZHJ: Oh, no wonder, no wonder -- I think he grew taller! (all the seniors laugh, and ZS also laughs behind the sofa) That fast!
Zhou Shen finally makes the confetti cracker explode, scaring all the seniors. Li Keqin is in complete ????????? mode while Zhou Hua Jian is already dying of laughter at seeing Zhou Shen come out from behind the sofa. Li Keqin finally sees Zhou Shen and jumps to his feet:
ZS, vaguely threatening: Teacher Keqin~ 
LKQ, dying of laughter but also cowering: Eiyo, yo, eiyo, ey... Whoa! You’ve been hiding there for this long?? 
RXQ: You want to scare us to death?
ZS: From the beginning, I’ve marked down each and every single one of the bad points that you’ve raised about us young singers. (ZHJ laughs) I shall transmit them to the others one by one. But especially you *grabs LKQ’s arm* What you said was exceptionally truthful. 
LKQ, opening his mouth like a goldfish: Thank God I praised you a tiny little bit in the beginning, huh? Otherwise I’d be done for, huh? *makes space for ZS on the sofa* Sit, sit, sit...
The other young singers finally come in with the cake and more confetti crackers, thus completing the surprise.
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Episode 9 bonus, not a QSS moment, but the others’ comments on their performance: 
FYQ, on behalf of him and Ayanga: Really, really really. This definitely needs written notes. (...) These two have already collaborated multiple times; there’s plenty of chemistry. And especially Zhou Shen...his voice is multi-layered, it keeps piling upwards...... Li Keqin’s voice is SO stable! You sang these songs of yours, changing back and forth, it made us really enjoy it... *remembers his killer line* The score will definitely be high. (T/N: he says that line for every group throughout ep. 9) 
ZHJ (about FYQ): It sounds a lot like a report on the situation of the stocks market. 
ZHJ, on behalf of him and Yi Qiao (about LKQ and ZS): I feel like this group, from ep. 1 onwards, they’ve kept levelling up (...) We will work hard too. In the future, when we grow up, we’ll definitely learn from you. *laughs* 
AC, on behalf of her and Xiao Zhan: Oh, I was closing my eyes earlier on and thinking ‘where did this girl come from? Her singing is so beautiful! (ZS looks to the side, embarrassed) (...) Especially, these two, they have a kind of...It’s like, when we used to do acting in the past, the director would tell us that acting is like a ball game, if one side’s ball falls to the ground, the scene won’t look good. This scene (referring to Qin Shen Shen) looks really good.
RXQ, on behalf of him and Liu Yuning: I think it’s really pleasing to the eye. Especially the stage design, and those two looking like they’re looking at each other across the sea, and then slowly, slowly getting back together. It makes you feel the sea waves coming and surrounding you. *appreciative sound* Good. *thumbs up*
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