#Yes Dapper's feelings also matter but a kid can't go up to someone and say “adopt me”
shadowfloofster · 1 year
Aghhhh something that's been bothering me for ages and has kinda risen up again is Baghera being Dapper's mum.
I just- I don't like it! Love Baghera she's so cool and she cares for everyone so much and is amazing at building but this is one thing that really bothers me. But she isn't Dapper's other parent.
Why? Because Bad never agreed. He just stopped arguing the point but has never called Dapper their child, only his and calls her "aunt Baghera" to him.
There's a big difference between Dapper being adopted by Baghera and Pomme being adopted by Bad, even though it's the exact same people. And that's agreement.
When Bad came up to Baghera and said he was adopting Pomme, she immediately agreed! Bad said to Baghera what he was doing and she agreed immediately! I don't think he ever called Pomme his daughter until Pomme called him dad! (I point that out as Bad asked to adopt Pomme, so if she didn't want to see him as one of her dads she could refuse without him calling her his daughter immediately)
While Bad was away for 5 days, Dapper asked Baghera to adopt him. The first 5 days Bad takes off after 3 months I'm pretty sure, and Dapper decides he wants to be adopted by someone else then neither take no for an answer when he returnd.
You know what that could imply? Bad isn't good enough. To the character, that could be a MASSIVE slap in the face as a single parent for months and the first time he has a small break he finds out he's been replaced in a way! Then when he argues the point he's dismissed because they're happy so he should just let it be!
The conversation Bad had with Tallulah about wanting to adopt her temporarily till Wilbur was back is a big sign of how Bad might have taken it! He mentions he didn't want her to feel like he was trying to replace Wilbur in anyway and he understood when she said no!
Bad sees family as a BIG thing, others wanted to adopt Tallulah but he told them not to without properly thinking about how it'd make her feel! He waited for a time bringing it up would be right and made sure she knew she could say no and understood he wasn't trying to replace her papi!
It's just always bothered me how quick everyone was to treat Baghera as Dapper's other parent when Bad has never agreed, just stopped arguing the point because he's constantly shot down and basically told to just deal with it.
A mother figure and being his other parent are 2 different things. Ramòn and Tallulah have called Bad a father figure in different ways but he isn't their other parent! There would be 0 issues if Baghera was a mother figure or had talked to Bad before saying she's his mum!
Idk, nothing against any characters or CCs it just- bothers me especially as she keeps calling Dapper her son when Bad still never agreed (and on twitter, it's hard to stay off there when people aren't posting things enough about my fixation here, Dapper was trending and it took 21 posts to find one about Dapper and Bad that wasn't a clip)
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simpingforsoftboys · 4 years
Not Everyone Gets A Happily Ever After
ft. Iwaoi, Atsumu Miya
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!Gender Neutral Reader!
Pt 2 to this
*Male readers just pretend that you and Tsumu have a mix of female and male friends each who can be both groomsmen and bridesmaids 
Anon thank you for requesting- I live for angst and this was super fun to write- even if I cried while doing so. IwaOi is my comfort ship but they’re not perfect. People make mistakes- in life, love, and everything and anything in between. Sometimes they repeat those mistakes, other times they learn from them, either way everything happens for a reason and sometimes it’s for the better. Unfortunately, not everyone winds up happy with the results- and that’s okay. 
Also I kind of made it into a song fic (listen to Sign of the Times by Harry Styles while you read)!
Just stop your crying
Hajime and Toru were sitting in the second row on your side of the aisle, pretending that they couldn’t feel the sharp gazes from your family and friends. They had some nerve showing up to your wedding, despite being invited, especially after spending five or so years treating you like an outsider in your own relationship. The reception itself hadn’t yet started, Atsumu had just stepped onto stage- his twin right beside him as the best man.
It's a sign of the times
Atsumu was looking incredibly dapper in his midnight blue suit, his blonde hair combed perfectly to the side. He looked incredibly anxious, whispering to his brother if he looked alright. Hajime thought it was a stupid question- obviously he looked great- but then again he supposed he would have done the same, had he been in Atsumu’s shoes.
Welcome to the final show
Toru’s gaze flitted to the front row where your parents and close friends were sitting. Some were commenting on his and Hajime’s choice to attend the wedding still, but it was your mother’s words that surprised him.
“I’m glad it’s Atsumu (s)he’s marrying, he’ll treat them right.” That woman had been like his aunty since childhood, hearing her say that caused another crack in his heart.
Hope you're wearing your best clothes
His suit’s collar felt like it was strangling him, Hajime reached up to loosen it slightly. Despite doing so, he still found that he had trouble breathing.
You can't bribe the door on your way to the sky
The trainer wondered if he and Toru would go to hell for breaking your heart- only to mend it again with false promises, for telling you that they loved you when it had been lust the whole time.
You look pretty good down here
Maybe they were already damned to an eternity in hell. 
But you ain't really good 
They were good liars- him and Toru- maybe that’s why they were able to lie to you, to themselves, and to each other. Lied about their true feelings, convinced themselves it was lust and not love. 
If we never learned, we been here before
It felt familiar, Toru thought, being here, like when he got invited to weddings in the past and he’d only bring Hajime as his plus one. 
“You wouldn’t enjoy it Y/n- so I’ll just bring Haji okay? We’ll be back in no time- I promise!” The brunette had told you mournfully, as if they weren’t going to be staying in the Bahama’s for a week in order to attend a wedding. Now that he thinks about it, all the fees were covered- they totally could have brought you if they wanted.
Why are we always stuck and running from
He pretended he didn’t hear the hitch of your breath once his back was turned to you, not wanting to deal with your water works. 
‘It’s fine,’ he had told himself, ‘(s)he’s just being dramatic.’ It’s not like it was the first time they’ve gone without Y/n after all. 
The bullets
The bullets
We never learned, we’ve been here before
Yes, it was a familiar sight. Sitting together side by side in a wedding venue, awaiting the arrival of the bride/groom. Yet, there was a stark difference this time. This wedding wasn’t for just some coworker or old friend, this was your wedding. 
Why are we always stuck and running from
The bullets
The bullets
Just stop your crying
Someone squeezed his hand- it was Hajime- his normally piercing olive green eyes were cloudy with unshed tears. They hadn’t even laid eyes on you yet and the two of them were already ready to start sobbing. Semi Eita- who had been one of your close friends in high school- gave them a judgmental look.
It's a sign of the times
‘Why are you two crying? You had plenty of chances before now. Get over it.’ His fiery gaze told them, it was then directed elsewhere- since the music had started and the groomsmen and bridesmaids began streaming down the aisle. It was a little later than usual, apparently there had been an issue with the flower girl- so they had the wedding party wait a moment.
We gotta get away from here
We gotta get away from here
Just stop your crying
Others were tearing up all around them, but Hajime and Toru remained ignorant to them. The ring bearer- a little boy- they recognized him as your siblings youngest son, since they had accompanied you to see him be born. The kid was about six or seven now, and he was every bit as charming as you were.
It will be alright
He strode down the aisle proudly, chin raised in a way that reminded them of you. When you were feeling particularly stubborn or prideful, you would raise your chin just like that. 
They told me that the end is near
Next up was the flower girl- or flower girls. Hajime didn’t recognize them whatsoever, they must have been around your nephews age. It was likely that they were from Atsumu’s side of the family. The girls scattered white rose petals down the aisle, it was a magical sight- watching them flutter to the ground. 
We gotta get away from here
They had been expecting this moment, ever since they agreed to attend the wedding.
Just stop crying
To his right, he heard Toru stifle a sob. 
Have the time of your life
It was you. Hajime couldn’t remember when he last saw that smile on your face. You were donned in white, smiling from ear to ear- hair done perfectly, eyes tearing up- but for a different reason from them. You were happy. Excited. Today was the day, not sparing them a glance, the only person who mattered to you was at the end of the aisle, waiting for you to join him. 
Breaking through the atmosphere
Taking a step onto the raised platform, facing Atsumu, you let the tears fall. Unbeknownst to you, Toru and Hajime cried alongside you.
Things are pretty good from here
“Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Miya Atsumu and L/n Y/n in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”
Remember everything will be alright
Toru’s entire body tensed up. Hajime placed a firm hand on the setter’s thigh, preventing him from even considering objecting. Semi cast the two of them a evil look, promising violence should they dare to object.
We can meet again somewhere
 "Miya Atsumu and L/n Y/n, if it is your desire to take the vows which will legally unite you at this time, please respond, 'It is,’.”
Somewhere far away from here
Atsumu and you continue staring lovingly at one another, not even hesitating a second before saying “It is.”
If we never learned, we been here before
“Do you, Miya Atsumu, take L/n Y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife/husband? From this day forward, to have and to hold, for better, for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?”
The entire audience held their breath in anticipation- as if there were any reason to doubt his love for Y/n. Even Toru and Hajime couldn’t find it within them to wish he declined. Y/n deserved a loving husband- even if it was just one person- so long as he would dedicate himself to her/him entirely.
Why are we always stuck and running from
“Course I do.”
The bullets
Everyone’s gazes fell upon you.
The bullets
“Do you, L/n Y/n , take Atsumu Miya, to be your lawfully wedded husband? From this day forward, to have and to hold, for better, for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?”
We never learned, we been here before
You’re wiping your tears away, that wide smile- Hajime realizes that in all his years of knowing you he has never seen you this happy- never slipping from your face. 
Why are we always stuck and running from
“I do.”
The bullets
The ring bearer comes up, shining rings placed a top the red, velvet pillow.
The bullets
Toru’s never hated red as much as he does now. Not even when he was playing desperately against Japan during the Olympics.
Just stop your crying
“Atsumu, please take the ring you have selected for Y/n. As you place it on her/his finger, repeat after me: 'With this ring, I thee wed.’”
It’s a sign of the times
Your groom picks up your shining gold and diamond wedding ring/band and delicately slips it on your ring finger. 
We gotta get away from here
“Y/n, I’ve been enraptured by yer beauty since the first time I saw ya. Even before I fell for ya I’ve always admired how kind hearted and understandin’ ya were. There’s not enough words t’ capture or explain my love for ya. So I want to spend the rest of my life tryin. Yer it for me Y/n... so I can say without a second thought. With this ring, I thee wed.” He murmurs, salty tears spill from his eyes. He’s finally going to get the s/o of his dreams, he realizes. 
We gotta get away from here
Hajime and Toru hold onto each other with vice like grips. They realize it too. There’s no do overs.
Just stop your crying
“Y/n, please take the ring you have selected for Atsumu. As you place it on his finger, repeat after me: 'With this ring, I thee wed.’”
It will be alright
Your hand reaches for the single wedding band still resting on the pillow. It shines brilliantly between your fingers. 
They told me that the end is near
“Atsumu, you’ve been there for me time and time again. You lifted me off the ground when I was broken, kissed my tears away from my eyes, and helped me learn how to love again. You’ve seen me at my best and my worst and loved me through it all. And it’s with complete faith and love that I say this. With this ring, I thee wed.” Atsumu’s wedding band matches yours, and slides on his finger perfectly.
We gotta get away from here
If we never learned, we been here before
The vows had been short but sweet. Toru would have been able to recite a whole paper- had he stood in Atsumu’s shoes. 
Why are we always stuck and running from
“Seeing as the two of you have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, by authority vested in me by the state, I now pronounce you husband and wife/husband. You may kiss your bride/groom!”
The bullets
But he’s not in Atsumu’s shoes.
The bullets
You yank Atsumu down and press a passionate kiss to his lips, throwing your arms around his neck to pull him closer. He reciprocates immediately- all tongue and open mouthed. Neither of you pay any mind to the fact that everyone is watching you make out. All you see is each other. 
We never learned, we’ve been here before
Neither is Hajime. 
Why are we always stuck and running from
The bullets
The bullets
There’s no second chances.
We don't talk enough
No talking it over.
We should open up
You weren’t L/n Y/n any longer.
Before it's all too much
You’re now Miya Y/n.
Will we ever learn?
Devoted to and utterly in love with Miya Atsumu.
We've been here before
Is this what it had been like for you?
It's just what we know
Watching the two of them be so in love- eyes locked on each other- with no care in the world about who was watching.
Stop your crying baby
About who they were hurting.
It's a sign of the times
They didn’t even get the chance to ask why you did it- why you stuck around for so long and loved them, despite them not feeling the same. 
Now they never would get that chance again.
We gotta get away
We got to get away
We got to get away
We got to get away
We got to get away
We got to, we got to
We got to, we got to
We got to, we got to
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The Bible says to love everyone, so why can't I love everyone in the Biblical sense?
Okay. Listen. I identify as being bisexual. I have never hidden who I am or pretended to be something I'm not. I've known since I was a kid that I liked girls as well as guys. Growing up, I never hid that fact, because I didn't think anything was "wrong" or "different". As a female child, I was encouraged to spend my time around other female children and generally dissuaded from spending time with male children. So of course I didn't think anything of it when I started developing crushes on girls. I also developed crushes on boys. There was no difference to me. Children are not born discriminating, they are taught to. I am so sad to say that I was well into my teenage years before I learned about bisexuality. Yet I still never hid my attraction to girls, though it was clear by then that I was living in an environment that pushed for outward heterosexuality or silence. Whether you interpreted it as attraction or not is your problem, not mine. I'm sure many people never thought anything of it. (Little known fact, my first kiss was with a girl.) I've actually only recently started using the term "bisexual" to refer to myself. But the moment I slap a title to it, I've found people are less willing to accept it. The environment I live in now is different, but still just as damaging. Being attracted to the same sex is slightly more tolerated now, but apparently on an all-or-nothing basis. Bisexuality is still seen as a "choice", or as "indecision", or even as "confusion". Bisexuals are frequently pressured to "pick a side." And that infuriates me to no end. I cannot choose to only be attracted to one sex, just like heterosexuals cannot choose to be attracted to the same sex. It's NOT a choice, it's who you are. Your opinions/ beliefs on the matter cannot and will not ever influence how I feel. Here is the thing. If you zone everything else out, listen to this. Like everything else--sexuality, gender, etc.--bisexuality is a spectrum. Meaning it is not black-and-white. No one right answer. I will admit that my attraction towards women does not equal my attraction towards men. That doesn't matter. Yes, even though I experience sexual attraction towards women, I have never had sex with a woman. That doesn't matter. Yes, while I am attracted to women, I tend to seek out male partners. That doesn't matter. And yes, I am in a relationship with a male. That doesn't matter. I. Am. Still. Bi. Being in a relationship does not mean I have "chosen a side". Attraction does not magically disappear. If you disagree, then I challenge you. If you're in a relationship, then according to that logical, you no longer find anyone of your sexual preference attractive. To any degree. Ridiculous, right? Doesn't make any sense, right? That being said. I am not attracted to every male and female that I see (just as not every homosexual man/ woman is attracted to every man/ woman that they see. The exact same goes for heterosexuals, and everyone in between). I can have female friends without being sexually attracted to them. I can have male friends without being sexually attracted to them. There is a difference between finding someone attractive and being attracted to them. All of my friends are attractive, and they know it. *wink* If you're still reading this rant, then I thank you. I'm not asking for anything in return. I know there are those out there who have it way worse than I do. Those anywhere on the sexuality spectrum, and those not even on the spectrum at all. (I'm finger-gunning at you, asexuals!) I am proud to be bisexual. You lovely ladies are awesome. You dapper gentlemen are awesome. You lovely gentlemen and dapper ladies and everyone else are awesome. (Gender is its own spectrum, and I don't know all the terms. If you're a nice person with a twisted sense of humor, chances are I like you. Let's go get food.) The Bible says to love everyone, so why can't I love everyone in the Biblical sense? *wink* *is still an atheist, calm down* I'm going to say it again. I am proud to be bi. It's the only me I know how to be. #BiPride 💖💜💙
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