#Baghera can still be family without being a parent!
shadowfloofster · 1 year
Aghhhh something that's been bothering me for ages and has kinda risen up again is Baghera being Dapper's mum.
I just- I don't like it! Love Baghera she's so cool and she cares for everyone so much and is amazing at building but this is one thing that really bothers me. But she isn't Dapper's other parent.
Why? Because Bad never agreed. He just stopped arguing the point but has never called Dapper their child, only his and calls her "aunt Baghera" to him.
There's a big difference between Dapper being adopted by Baghera and Pomme being adopted by Bad, even though it's the exact same people. And that's agreement.
When Bad came up to Baghera and said he was adopting Pomme, she immediately agreed! Bad said to Baghera what he was doing and she agreed immediately! I don't think he ever called Pomme his daughter until Pomme called him dad! (I point that out as Bad asked to adopt Pomme, so if she didn't want to see him as one of her dads she could refuse without him calling her his daughter immediately)
While Bad was away for 5 days, Dapper asked Baghera to adopt him. The first 5 days Bad takes off after 3 months I'm pretty sure, and Dapper decides he wants to be adopted by someone else then neither take no for an answer when he returnd.
You know what that could imply? Bad isn't good enough. To the character, that could be a MASSIVE slap in the face as a single parent for months and the first time he has a small break he finds out he's been replaced in a way! Then when he argues the point he's dismissed because they're happy so he should just let it be!
The conversation Bad had with Tallulah about wanting to adopt her temporarily till Wilbur was back is a big sign of how Bad might have taken it! He mentions he didn't want her to feel like he was trying to replace Wilbur in anyway and he understood when she said no!
Bad sees family as a BIG thing, others wanted to adopt Tallulah but he told them not to without properly thinking about how it'd make her feel! He waited for a time bringing it up would be right and made sure she knew she could say no and understood he wasn't trying to replace her papi!
It's just always bothered me how quick everyone was to treat Baghera as Dapper's other parent when Bad has never agreed, just stopped arguing the point because he's constantly shot down and basically told to just deal with it.
A mother figure and being his other parent are 2 different things. Ramòn and Tallulah have called Bad a father figure in different ways but he isn't their other parent! There would be 0 issues if Baghera was a mother figure or had talked to Bad before saying she's his mum!
Idk, nothing against any characters or CCs it just- bothers me especially as she keeps calling Dapper her son when Bad still never agreed (and on twitter, it's hard to stay off there when people aren't posting things enough about my fixation here, Dapper was trending and it took 21 posts to find one about Dapper and Bad that wasn't a clip)
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qsmprambling · 1 year
A ramble about qBad and Parenthood (all for the character of course!)
It's pretty obvious that no matter what anyone says or how much they insist otherwise, Bad does not accept anyone (other than Skeppy) as Dapper's parent but himself.
Yesterday when Baghera said that Dapper was her son Bad pushed back on it a little, but when she didn't budge he very quickly said they didn't need to talk about it.
He loves Baghera, he accepts (reluctantly) that Dapper wants to call her mom, but in his own head and heart it is clear that he is Dapper's only parent, and Dapper is his only child. He may talk about adopting other eggs, but when it comes down to it he still considers them his nieces and nephews. While Pomme was trying to find the right time to call him 'dad', because she considers him as one of her parents, he had a heart to heart with Dapper while she and Richarlyson were near and it was very clear that for him he has his nieces and nephews, and then he has his son, Dapper.
It's somewhat understandable that maybe Baghera and Pomme might not see it as a big deal; they are already part of a 5 parent family to one egg, so what is the big deal about adopting another egg/getting another parent? It is just a different mindset and they obviously mean no harm- they adore Dapper and Bad!
But for Bad and all the other starting egg parents this is not the case. They are all individual family units, with extended support (aunts and uncles and friends), but still their own family units all the same. Since the start it has been him and Dapper against the world, and they got through the incredibly rough early Island days and became close. He adores Dapper, and Dapper loves him, and he loves their family.
So of course he is going to be upset with changes to this dynamic, especially without his consent and behind his back. He admitted to Tallulah that part of him was afraid Dapper was going to replace him, and who could blame him? He took care of Dapper for months on his own, and he adores Dapper more than anyone (after all, 'Dapper' was his answer to all Cucurucho's questions about who he loves the most, his best memories, etc.)... but the moment he is away for a few days, Dapper asks someone else to adopt him? He hasn't said as much but that has to hurt, or at least raise some questions. I don't think any of the original egg parents would be happy with such a development, because again, they are all individual families. Someone just walking up and saying they are now also a parent to your child is jarring to say the least!
Also before it gets mentioned, qBad can indeed be a jealous person, but in this situation there is validity to his feelings. He is happy for Dapper to have other connections and friendships and family members, but having other parents is a step too far for him.
And it's sad seeing other parents and even Dapper invalidating his feelings in that, telling him it's a good thing that more people love Dapper and he should just let everyone adopt his son.
Up until Baghera, everyone was happy to be aunts and uncles to the eggs, and there was no issue with this connection. And up until now, no other egg has been adopted by another player except for Tallulah, and that was by her grandfather and main caretaker after spending months in his care (AND it's temporary). But Dapper was adopted by Baghera while Bad was away, and Etoiles too has also told Dapper he was adopting him and they just wouldn't tell Bad about it.
I don't know, I don't have a conclusion to this, I just find it unfair. Bad really loves their little family, and it bothers me that other people are crossing those boundaries and then judging Bad for being upset about it.
I'm glad the QSMP twitter only listed Bad as Dapper's parent - because that's the truth (even if Bad would like them to mention Skeppy too).
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mikaikaika · 1 year
Hello I've seen you around the QSMP spaces a lot, but I'm curious!! Do you have any cool headcanons you wanna share?
Hey anon! Thanks for the question and sorry if it took me a while I was recollecting my thoughts. I don't have any set hcs but a few thought sparced around here and there so here they are. They are mostly about the eggs but some people found their way in
Tallulah has all of Wilbur's letters memorised and she repeats them when she finds herself in danger. However sometimes Chayanne hears her muttering in her sleep and if he pays attention he can hear the repeat of Wilbur's words.
Richarlyson does not like to take baths due to his parenthood side that comes from Catboy Cellbit
Flippa and Tilin were very clumsy and often got injured so they had a bet going on with each other about who can convincingly tell their parent the most batshit crazy getting injured story without worrying them too much. Their record was never broken despite their exaggerated shenanigans
Missa was the better chef of the house who used to make diverse meals. Seeing him Chayanne took up cooking because he wanted to help after he saw how exhausted Phil was while taking care of two kids. It now helps him make proper use of all the potatoes and now he has one more skill he can use to provide for his loved ones incase they are stuck in danger
Not mine but someone had a hc that Antoine is an alien due to his moon and the tomska sketch he was a part of. I just wanna add to it that that is the reason his mc skin is layered with an outer layer. So it is him trying to imitate huamans and trying to fit in. That's the reason he has like three faces cause he wanted to fit in by doing his best attempts possible
Since Phil said they shop at hot topic cause they're a emo family, I think Tallulah hates it, so as a little sign of rebellion she keeps choosing tshirts with the most ridiculous captions to take home like one that says "crazy plant lady" with weed on it but Tallulah insists it represents her venues or anything over the top pink that she can find there like I'm talking mable pines level fluffy
Dapper is really good at doing rubix cubes and loves them but Ramon absolutely hates due to how engrossed Dapper got when he was learning it
As Chayanne grows up he end up outgrowing his duck floatie. So he ,with the help of Ramon and dapper, devises a belt with a duck belt buckle on it that can turn into a floatie anytime it is required. It comes in handy more often than you think.
Baghera is deathly afraid of snakes cause she's a duck
Cellbit's family are his anchor anytime his past comes haunting him back. He often gets nightmares that wake him up but all it takes is him seeing the picture of Richarlyson with he Favela Five or turning to his side and seeing the face of his sleeping husband and with one squeeze of his hand - Cellbit comes grounded back to reality and peacefulness.
When he's outside and people are accusing him of being a traitor or when things get too rough, you would often find Cellbit toying with his ring. It serves him as a reminder that his past is behind him and now he's in a better place and no matter what he would always have someone looking out and waiting for him - something he has never had before
The dragon colours that the eggs would be turned into coincides with the signs they use. Flippa's would be green similar to what gegg uses, Bobby's was brownish since he used normal signs, Tilin's would be slight orange as hers was red but she passed hers down to Pomme and Trump is light blue since his was blue but he passed it down to Richarlyson as Richas is more socially "loud" than he is
If Tilin and Juanaflippa were still here, their name together with Tallulah would have been TFT trio
Pac paints his nail but it's always chipped due to him working with Mike but you would never see it completely gone and no one knows how/when Pac reapplies and redamages it
Also I love this hc that all the partners of the people on the server are some kind of godly entity with specific powers that tie into the story
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