#Yesss! That’s the exact accent I imagined them with
weskerluvr69 · 3 years
Would you write Huntress with an s/o that loves to knit please?
yesss I love huntress!! this turned out to be really long omg im sorry
Knitting is something you always had a knack for. It all started a long time ago, while you were at your grandparents house after school. Your grandmother took you away from the television and brought you upstairs, then placed a ball of yarn in front of you and some needles.
"What's this for?" you asked, confused and already bored.
"It'll come in handy one day," your grandmother promised, and smiled as she showed you the ropes.
From that day on, it's just a force of habit. You're bored? You start knitting. You're anxious? You start knitting.
It brings you peace of mind, especially nowadays.
"Damn," Jake mutters, looking at his torn scarf. You sit next to him and hold your hands out expectantly, and he raises an eyebrow at you. "What's up?"
"Your scarf. I can fix it," you say. Jake shakes his head with a smile like he doesn't believe you, but he hands it over anyways.
A few hours later, when you hand him scarf back, Jake looks the happiest he's been in years.
"How–?" he asks, admiring your handiwork.
"I don't know, I just kinda... Appeared with them?" you answer, holding up your sewing tools. "Every time I get a new outfit, it comes with a new ball of yarn." You shrug.
"Can I see?" Jake asks, and you nod. You take him to your tent, and show the array of rainbow balls of yarn, as well as an almost endless supply of knitting tools.
"Cool." Jake grins at you, puts on his scarf, and walks off. You smile, thinking that's the end of it.
Evidently, Jake has a bigger mouth than he lets off. And by the end of the next trial, you have dozens of requests from your fellow survivors. David wants a cool patch on his jeans sewn in, Nea's looking for a new style of flannel, and so on and so forth.
It lifts the mood of the campfire just a tiny bit, as everyone shows off your handiwork.
What you never expected, however, was your work catching the attention of a killer.
It happens randomly in the red forest, once a hatchet just barely misses your head. Unfortunately, the holiday sweater you knitted for yourself isn't as lucky and is torn by the blade.
You stop running abruptly once you feel the chilly air on your shoulder, frowning. "Damn. I don't think I have anymore red yarn," you grumble to yourself as you inspect the tear. You knew you shouldn't have made Dwight an elf costume...
As footsteps and humming approach you, you suddenly remember "oh shit, I'm going to fucking die" and stare fearfully up at Huntress.
She looks down at you, and from the half of her face that's visible, you see a frown.
"Uh," you say awkwardly, waiting for a hatchet to the face.
She raises her axe and you brace yourself, squeezing your eyes shut, but no hit comes.
You hesitantly open one eye, and see Huntress pointing at the torn seams.
Her humming slows to a stop. "Sorry," she says, very slowly, like she hasn't spoken in years. Her accent is thick, and she has a softer voice than you would've imagined.
"It's okay," you reassure her, with a small smile. This is probably the weirdest thing to ever happen to you (saying a lot because you're literally in limbo hell) but hey, might as well enjoy not running for your life while bleeding out! "It's an easy fix."
"Like it. Looks warm," Huntress says, with a nod of approval.
"Do you want one?" you ask impulsively, and immediately feel like slapping yourself.
Instead of a mocking laugh or even raising her weapon to hit you, Huntress seems to brighten up.
"Really?" she asks, and there's a hint of excitement in her tone. You nod, and she smiles widely. "Yes!"
Huntress leaves you alone for the rest of the match, and happily goes back to humming her lovely tune. She does end up slaughtering you and your team, but in your final moments on the hook, you do see her waving goodbye at you.
It takes you what feels like weeks to finish the sweater you're making for Huntress, partly because you wanted to make it really special for her. You're not sure why, but you really want to see her smile again.
The next time you hear humming in a trial, instead of running away, you actually run towards the source of the sound. Upon seeing you, she puts her hatchet away quickly and grins.
You grin in return and take your hands out from behind your back, revealing a baby blue sweater with a white deer outlined onto the front.
"So, I don't really know your exact size or your favorite color or–" you start rambling, but Huntress grabbing you into a big bear hug cuts off the rest of your sentence.
"Thank you," she says sincerely, and your brain short-circuits momentarily.
"You're welcome," you say quietly, flushing from the proximity and how oddly intimate this whole situation is. Not to mention the fact that you kinda... Like it.
After she releases you from her grasp, she immediately puts on the sweater you made. You sigh in relief at seeing the nearly perfect fit–your grandmother always did say you had a seamstress eye.
Huntress ends up letting you all live that trial. Throughout it, you spend a lot of time talking to her and getting to know the real her: Anna. Your cheeks hurt from how much you smile and laugh while hanging out with her.
When asked, you tell your teammates that you were distracting her so they could get the gens done. It's not entirely a lie, just an omission of truth.
Being Anna's... Something, has given you some benefits. Certain killers don't sacrifice you in fear of making "mama bear upset" whatever that means.
And whenever you see Anna, she's proudly wearing the sweater you made and makes sure to give you a big hug and kiss– right before purposely missing all of her hatchets.
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A Long Overdue Review of  “My Fair Lady”
-i saw her just a little after Laura had had a cold and I was BEYOND THRILLED when I saw she was going on that night!
-can i just say how much i ADORED hearing an actual overture at the beginning of a show?! like an actual overture made up of several songs from the show? bring overtures back!
-laura is really brilliant and breathes new life into eliza. she humanizes the character and makes her more than the of a caricature guttersnipe she is supposed to be even from the beginning. Everything Eliza does is with the thoughtful intention of becoming a lady and honestly her acting is just superb.it is honest. It possesses an intelligence and gravity I’ve never seen before in the character.
-you could really see the desire for more in her eyes especially during “Wouldnt it be loverly” which was basically choreographed like the movie
-her cockney accent was okay. I mean I didnt really expect it to be perfect and it surprisingly didnt bother me that much (being the Julie Andrews purist that I am). I thought her high class accent was better though, however in her dramatic final scene it did come and go a little with the heightened emotion but honestly it really didn’t hinder her performance for me. 
-Her “aaaooowwws” were more low key but probably more realistic and not as caricaturish. 
-you really felt Eliza’s exhaustion and frustration with everything Higgins was doing(but it a very realistic way), which made him look like a far worse character than he has been portrayed as in the past, and rightly so I would say because it exposes him. 
-HER VOICE IS SO BEAUTIFUL. I mean wowww. I’ve heard her sing many times from Gypsy and Women on the Verge but she was never really required to sing the way she does in this and it sounded very operatic with lots of vibrato and it was magical. I don't know why I was so delightfully surprised, I knew she had a great voice before but it felt like yesss this is the show you needed to show off your instrument. “I Could’ve Danced All Night” was absolutely a dream and I will never forget it.
-the rotating set was super cool(only used for higgin’s house: library(two stories with couch, spiral metal staircase, desk, wooded banister, chair obs books, hallway with wood staircase, bathroom with shower for that one scene, and a small outside area which wasnt used)  it was beautifullll omggg. also as it was turning laura would do quickchanges and I was so impressed with how she did what looked like were really complicated changes in a very short amount of time
- Harry Hadden-Paton, who played Higgins was really great and I feel like he has gotten even better from the first time I saw him in August. He grew into the role and was much funnier and energized than before (maybe because of Laura?) He did a great Rex Harrison-esque voice and sang the songs very well but it made me a little sad because for an actor who can actually sing it must be a rather limiting role and Harrison’s shadow is cast in such a way that he feels the need to imitate him because I guess thats what they think we expect but I feel like the audience would’ve been fine with just an average higher class english accent but I enjoyed it.
- the man who played her father was good but I didnt find him super likeable and I think he’s supposed the kind of character who isnt really the best morally but is so charismatic you have to like him?? but it was ok
-during the ball scene there was a grand staircase at stage left which made for super lovely entrances as you can imagine. the orchestra was onstage during the ball and it was soooo cool to see them actually playing the music as people danced to it. I dont know why it struck me as so special because we all know shows have orchestras but they became characters in the show for a while “musicians” playing “musicians” and I thought it was special. like we don’t think about it often but we take the fact that there is a live orchestra for granted yet we never really see them. also the scene was so beautiful! there were gorgeous chandeliers and it was very stylized yet simple. all of the dancing and waltzing was so romantic and it was just beautiful honestly. also laura looked stunning but i think they could’ve picked an even better color for her because it was off-white and i wasnt absolutely in love with it.
-SHE IS SO FREAKING HILARIOUS *which we already knew* but just the little things she did were so fing hysterical. The scene where she's talking to Higgin’s mother and other high class people at the races was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. When she was saying “how do you do” to everyone she copied their vocal pattern for how they said it, which was different every time and when she got to Freddy he didn't say it so she mouthed “how do you do” and then looked panicky at Higgins like “wtf do i do?” The scene with the fire and saying “hah” to make the flame jump was so funny because once she got it she was like “hah, hah-hah, hah-hah-hah-hah-hah. hah-hah-hah-hah-hah..etc” and was moving back and forth with each hah in her chair and I died. There were a lot of other little things that were super funny too. 
-i feel like the move your bloomin arse line isnt even funny anymore because everyone knows its coming-but is it supposed to be funny?
-get me to the church on time was one of the most energized and fun parts of the show i mean it was really ALIVE and it made you want to get up and dance. It really had the feel of a lot of drunk friends together having a big party at a london pub and there was a lot of dancing and DRAG! there were men dressed as showgirls and one as a bride and a woman in a tuxedo and it was obviously for comedic effect but yass! It was one of the highlights of the show!
-Laura’s “Show Me” didnt really work as well as I thought it would. I saw the understudy Freddy so maybe that’s why but I feel like moments they tried to make comedic really didn’t sit as well with the audience as they would’ve liked. I think it needed more rage? and i wasnt really feeling the release of frustration?? which is ironic because she was so good at conveying it before?? but maybe she was saving it for the last big scene (she wore a pink outfit which looked sooo beautiful on her though omg it was like baby pink-i loved that color on her) 
-on the street where you live was classic and beautiful and just as romantic as we all imagine it to be and the background of a pinkish/purple sky really added to the mood.
-their dynamic(her and higgins) was very equal and they were clearly on the same plane the entire time because of the similarity in their ages(which made their relationship in the end a lot better I think and not creepy like in the past imo)  as well as Laura’s interpretation of the character which showed she was just as emotionally and mentally intelligent, except she really didn’t come into her own and realize this until the scene at the end which was soooo satisfyinggg.
-HER ACTING IN THE SCENE WHERE SHE REALIZES SHE DOESNT NEED HIGGINS WAS SUPERB. it had the same strength and power of the dressing room scene at the end of gypsy and i was blown away.
-i really liked the feminist ending where after he says “where the devil are my slippers” she runs into the audience and up the stairs out of the theatre (its an amphitheater) like she has finally found love but doesn’t depend on that and has finally found herself and that is the most important thing. (also she run up the side closest to me and i freaked out realizing she got that close i was like AHHH!)
-I LOVED THE SHOW! It was better than the first time I saw it! It totally lived up to the original production while not being an exact copy and I am so glad I got a second chance to see it! Brava Laura! Im so glad I got to see her in her dream role!
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