#Yo edit Where'd that line come from
themintman · 4 months
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“Yes dan you are so normal” we all say in unison
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thegreatgeodo · 8 months
Hey Yo!
'sup! If you're here, then that means that you liked my content, i just sortta materialized into your feed, you know me from somewhere else and you specifically looked for me, or you're a fellow gamedev. Whatever the case, i'm just some guy who you can talk to, ask questions (pls do, i really don't mind and i love rambling on my quote unquote 'profession', game lore, or just whatever). I'm not really unique, i don't strive to be, i keep my goals simple and reachable, and yet with all these little projects i'll make it big one day, i hope at least. I'm not very fast to trust someone with things like My IRL face or similars, so please don't expect these from me (except My voice, that shit's all over My YouTube channel). Moving on, this is one of My main forms of logging, along with My youtube channel and whatever the hell i do on the Unitale discord server. Talking about discord, You can find me there as thegreatgeodo as well, i know, i don't have a knack for names. Also! Some more shit bout me
• You can dm/ask whatever the fuck
• I'm there for ya
• Trauma dump if ya need! I'm not the best but i'll help and if it rhymes it's right
• Artist(?????? Not really)
• I love asking why. Why do we fall? Why is that metal ball heavier than that other metal ball when they're the same size? Why do we exist? Where did we come from? Where'd you go when you we're done i'd like to know what you've become your biggest fan awake a ton i'd cry I'd stand on your front lawn it plain to see you're scared of me but that's not how it's s'posed to be when you're the reaaaason i'm in Town nd every piece of mind you put down don't you know i think of the cat's meo-o-ooow Where's the tiger now, Where's the tiger no-o-ooow Bill Watterson can you hear me--
• i ocassionally go off on tangents
• Main and ONLY account. I've had this brought up a few times.
• You can do whatever the fuck in here as long as you're not offending someone. Incite crime? Sure, why not. Arsonpost? Fuck it. Incriminating a guy? ... Maybe yeah. But being rude is where i draw the line.
Edit regarding the kosa law:
Welp. We're potentially fucked. And with we i mean it to trans, enby or generally queer people, i'm sure you know this by now if you've been around my blog, but i fully and completely support the queer community. Every single one of you. I will probably not abandon this place, if i do,
My discord is TheGreatGeodo
I've been told the laws also affect discord, but like, i'm guessing it'll be dramatically less since discord is supoosed to be somewhat prívate. If i do end up feeling too attached to any of y'all i'll give you my phone number but (not to be rude btw) I'm not up for that much of a commitment yet. Allinall, let's hope things end up better
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