solicitcus · 3 years
do they have any pet peeves? / someone wrongs them. do they respond with revenge or forgiveness? / do they enjoy being the center of attention? why or why not? / if they had good news, who would hear it first? / where do they see themselves 5 years from today?
do they have any pet peeves ?
mara is a stickler for time and cannot stand when people are late. time is ALWAYS of the essence, to her, and it shouldn't be wasted. ( she's also just simply. . . very much a fake it til you make it type of person, and being early is a great way of making it seem like she has it together ! )
someone wrongs them. do they respond with revenge or forgiveness?
it really all depends on the CRIME, but. . . never revenge, but she WILL be a little bit petty about things. at the end of the day, though, she doesn't hold grudges and will almost always forgive unless the action was, well, horrid.
do they enjoy being the center of attention? why or why not?
mara loves it, and it is probably apparent to those who know her. she always is the one in the room that laughs the loudest. spends the most on a birthday gift. while these things do happen because she is genuinely having fun and because she is generous, there probably is just a HINT of vanity to it all, too. growing up with several siblings, she had to figure out HOW exactly to weasel just a little more attention from mom and dad.
if they had good news, who would hear it first?
her mom. her mom is her best friend, and she has no shame about it. they talk everyday.
where do they see themselves five years from today?
she hopes to be somewhere new, as her move back to london was to be seen as temporary. as much as she loves being young, she also wants to start a family, eventually. something a little more FULFILLING to her, than her dogs ( of which she loves very much ).
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solicitcus · 3 years
what motivates them?
others, more than anything else. she's a bleeding heart of sorts. mara is very prone of pouring her entire being into someone else, and has made a career of it. KNOWING someone needs help is all she really needs, and she almost always will lend a hand no matter if it is a burden or not.
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solicitcus · 3 years
do they make snap judgments or take time to consider?
mara is very much a snap judgement kind of person. for things that she is able to mull over, she will, but generally speaking she doesn't waste much time ! she's quick to form opinions that remain steady and quick to make a decision.
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solicitcus · 3 years
accepting ; headcanons , twitter starter meme .
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solicitcus · 3 years
location: the trophy room, hogwarts participants: oliver wood & open
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oliver wood had always made a point of visiting the the quidditch cup whenever he was at hogwarts. in fact, the trophy room had been one of the first places his visited. and just has he had anticipated, it had been crowded. he had even had to elbow and excuse his way to the trophy case, that part had been an added bonus. 
he waited until night to put the second part of his plan into motion. waiting until he was sure most of the castle would be asleep before he carefully departed his accommodations, making sure not to wake any of his roommates. from there he’d slowly and quietly made his way through the castle.
pausing only to pull his hood over his head, oliver crept forward a somewhat sinister smirk appearing on his face as he pulled his wand from his pocket. careful to point it at a spot in the glass without any trophies behind it, he whispered “evanesco,” his other hand already on the wrapped package concealed in his jacket. just as he was reaching to grab ahold of the cup, he heard a footstep. 
“oh hey,” he greeted them with a smile as he spun on his heels, attempting to shield the trophy case from their view. “i thought i was the only one who’d visit this place at night,” he chuckled. 
“what?” mara raises a brow - to anyone else, her expression probably seems disapproving - she’s spent of a good chunk of her life seeing through others antics and oliver is no different. despite her features, she’s AMUSED more than anything else. “quidditch career not going well ? have to turn to a life of crime ? what will the daily prophet say ?” not that she’d ever be a narc to one of her longest friends, but she will GLADLY play pretend ! “oliver wood and his fall from grace. stealing from hogwarts !”
truth be told she was just ROAMING. despite spending seven years of her life here, it was not her home anymore, and couldn’t sleep there as easily as she once did. if she found fun, great. if not, she hoped a stroll would at least tire her out. “i couldn’t care less about all of this.” a hand motions to the wall of trophies and awards hogwarts had accumulated in its long history. “i just was. . . perusing. seeing what’s changed. whats stayed the same. i suppose i can commend hogwarts and their consistency.”
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solicitcus · 3 years
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⧼    brianne howey, cis female, she/her   /   hard times - paramore + a shattered dish, an abandoned bird, a crowd. what do these things have in common, little one? they all must be handled with CARE.    ⧽   ━━   hey, isn’t that MARA LEE TRAVERS? i read a daily prophet article on her, once ; the TWENTY SEVEN year old half blood WITCH is a HUFFLEPUFF alumnus who has gone on to be a HEALER at ST.MUNGOS. i’ve heard she can be quite DEPENDABLE & NIMBLE, but i don’t know… she came off very STUBBORN & REACTIVE in that interview. it really is hard to know what to believe these days though, isn’t it?   
pinterest , playlist , stats , bio ! ( all works in progress )
not the daughter to the travers, but his neice ! THAT travers was sort of the black sheep of the family, in a way, and is seen as a very large blemish on an otherwise dazzling history. 
that being said, mara was born to two very loving parents ! she was one of four children, and the second eldest. she took the role of being the big sister very seriously, and it’s a sort of trope that she’s never outgrown, and she’s fine with that ! when she was younger she very much loved to mimic her mother - gardening, helping her younger siblings with homework, cooking ( no matter how bad she was at it ! ). as she got older, she was the COOL older sister who bought alcohol for them and their friends, the person they called to be picked up when mom and dad was too risky an option. if anything stayed consistent, it was that she was ALWAYS ready to help ! this notion extended to pretty much anyone.
by no means does that mean she’s super responsible, she loves to have her fun too <3 she is the <3 worlds oldest teenager, if you will ! 
now for the sad - while in her younger years she really had a GREAT relationship with her parents, it did crumble a bit around the second wizarding war. mara was 20, living at home at the time as many do after leaving ~school~ when the household shifted. her dad was different - a house that was warm felt more volatile than anything else. lost on the family was that their father was under the imperius curse a la the death eaters and travers, and he was likely working alongside the death eaters, despite the actual man vehemently opposing them. at the conclusion of the war papa travers was cleared of any crimes committed due to his sparkling record and citing the curse, though in a way, damage was done. at this point, she has a better relationship with her dad ! however, there is a great deal of saddness that is sort of attached to the thought of how guilty her father still feels, and how she somehow couldn’t HELP what happened to him !
that being said, she did return to fight in the war ! during her time at hogwarts she was in dumbledore’s army, and a while after she graduated she actually joined the order. 
a healer, she spent time being a traveling healer in her early twenties, acquiring one year contracts in a few different countries before coming back to britain around her 25th birthday. she now works as a healer at st. mungos !
tldr ; a healer with a wack uncle and sad dad, who loves her family very much ! v much the Cool Older Sister niche to p much anybody ! v much the social butterfly ! can be a little bit of a spitfire, but not in the cliche. . . don’t mess with mama bear kind of way, u know?
wanted connections 
best buddies ! please. she probably has so many. imagine that friend thats like i saw this in the store and thought of u so i bought it. but also. i am clumsy so i also broke it and had to glue it back together. but don’t worry. it’s glitter glue.
exes ! give me angst. give me exes on good terms, too! give me people mara went on a handful of dates with and they or she was like no thanks <3. 
neighbors ! she prob lives alone but in a relatively nice apartment somewhere, i truly am not picky ! ppl she can knock on the door of and be like hello <3 i have wine <3 also alternatively someone that wants her to kick rocks because she plays taylor swift too loud !
people her father wronged under the imperius curse in the second wizarding war ! this is so specific. we would have to plot it. but it could be fun. could be awkward. 
people she practiced healing spells on in hogwarts when she probably shouldn’t have been <3 ! mara vc so sorry about the toe that is coming out of ur knee, but i think i fixed whatever was bothering u <3 
people she met abroad ! so vague. ppl she forced herself upon to be her friend. ppl she had a short maybe one year rendevous with and then was like so long it is my time to depart - i will remember u in therapy <3 
truly anything i am a nutcase and will quite literally take on any plot u want i will make it work 
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solicitcus · 3 years
𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍:   shrieking shack hill, hogsmeade   ! 𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆:   @solicitcus​   !
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a simple hello was a little too weighted. the last time ginny had PROPERLY talked to the other had been the da’s last night at grimmauld place, and ginny was grateful, really, for what mara had done for nell’s sibling - but she’d spent a healthy amount of time resenting the whole ‘informing the order’ thing when she was laid up at st mungo’s after, and she’d had to do some soul searching to work out which was stronger. 
it had to be the gratitude. good people were GRATEFUL for the good things others did on their own backs, and ginny knew well enough what would have happened if mara hadn’t been there. she swallows her pride & she grabs an extra free drink from the rickety set up. when she appears at the others side, it’s with grin pasted into place. “hey, you,” it’s chummy enough, really. she wanted to say that mara looked nice, but ginny was growing uncomfortably aware of just how many of the people currently milling around the bonfires had come straight from a FUNERAL. she isn’t sure a compliment is wise when she has no way of knowing if mara is one of them. “bought you a drink. to say thank you. for… you know. you know?”
that seemed to be the commonality of her appearance - many from dumbledore’s army were at the bonfire. there was this large game of tug of war. talk about what happened, but then you’re being even MORE of a downer than the nights events already were. don’t talk about what happened - but then is that erasure of the last time mara had seen them ? she’s not sure which she would prefer, though is happy it is GINNY she sees and they can skate the line between the two.
“for me?” mara feigns gratitude that is far too large for the gesture, going so far to place a hand over her heart. “i hope it didn’t set you back too much - i know drinks can be pricey.” a wink is thrown in ginny’s direction as she takes the beverage and a sip. “you don’t have to THANK me, honestly. my hero complex could always use some stroking.” it’s so easy for her to downplay her actions - she does it DAILY. “your life is never dull, mini weasley. how’s it going?”
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solicitcus · 3 years
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brianne howey as georgia miller
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