#Yoichi leached away at AFO's looks while AFO was faceless in canon
Hello, I am here for the application to be Yoichi's younger sibling.
Hates bank vaults - Sadly, we're not off to a great start as I have several vaults where I put some shiny treasures such the souls of the people who wandered too close to me and sometimes, a fellow owl (who is probably vacationning there because of the chocolate fountain). However, I would never dirty my vaults with an actual human being.
Prefers Captain Hero to the Demon King - Never read this manga but I am 100% wiling to claim in front of AFO that Captain Hero is the most compelling character of the story and to make fun of the Demon King.
Villains need not apply - While I am above good and evil, I am more of an eldritch being and not a villain.
Yoichi would like someone younger than him so that he can be an older brother, but this is not a strict requirement - I am ageless so I don't know who would be the oldest but I am willing to claim the youngest sibling position. Also, I can have whatever appearance I wish for and I am okay with being shorter than Yoichi, if he wants. However, I cannot do anything to hide my incredible beauty so of not being the most beautiful sibling is a deal breaker, I'm afraid it's not worth continuing.
Must have a tolerance for PDA - Kissing with moderation and cuddling is fine but I trust Yoichi and Second and maybe Third to know how to behave themselves and not to something like making out inside a teenager's mind. Because that would be weird.
Yoichi's hair care products are not to be borrowed under any circumstances - This is fair and I would do the same but good sibling must share the names of good brands.
You must be able to defeat All for One in combat. This is very important because All for One will certainly try to murder you for replacing him. - Let's be real, I would obliterate him. I might however turn AFO into a cat or into something ridiculous first because his main amuses me.
However, I must inform Yoichi that I get bored easily so I will probably drop out of the family registry soon enough but I shall take care of AFO right before leaving, for I understand that a good sibling doesn't leave AFO the occasion to say "I told you so."
I also have several conditions, such as Yoichi calling me "The best sibling one could ever hope for" every time AFO is within earshot.
Hmmm you're certainly making it difficult for Yoichi to decide, aren't you? On the one hand:
Vaults are a flat no.
Yoichi is suspicious of people with fae-like names due to his bad experiences with the Fae AFO AUs.
He's also suspicious of people who are "above good and evil." AFO claimed to be above morality despite there being no lower he could sink.
Yoichi must always be the most beautiful sibling. It's written into the very fabric of reality.
On the other hand:
If you're fae then you can't be lying when you say that you wouldn't put a human in your vaults.
Your ideas on tormenting AFO are too good, you're a natural younger sibling. Yoichi would very much love to see AFO as a cat. Perhaps a hairless cat so he can still be bald.
If you're an owl then you can't have better hair than Yoichi, which would have been an unsurmountable obstacle.
You promised to kill AFO.
Thus Yoichi is willing to let you become his new sibling under the condition that you always wear a bag over your head when around him. This will stop you from upstaging his looks, and also prevent you from seeing him making out with his boyfriends while inside a teenager's head. Win-win.
Yoichi will even call you best sibling around AFO, but it's important to him that you know @pocketramblr is best sibling for giving him hair care tips.
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