#Yoly's rants
kitsunefyuu · 2 years
There's been a thousand anti detractors trying to get AO3 taken down for pedophillia, racism fics on real people, double standard abuse with villains, dubcon rape fictions on toxic ships. They refused to back down and still attack anyone who stands in solidarity with it. It comes to the point someone who hated the website so much has used their background with nearly becoming homeless as to acquire more donations and to further spite any person who create problematic creations in the fandom.
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It's a cult.
Plain and simple. They aren't doing it because it good it because whatever little group they are in says the other person bad.
It's so stupid that they are attacking AO3 and how much you bet they are all young. Or if they are adults they claim to be the 'good' adults while herding all the younger people to attack others.
Don't give them attention. Don't acknowledge them. Just block them, because by reacting you are GIVING them power and influence.
You are 'spreading' their message. Yes talk about them but don't let people get any direct messages from them.
As I had someone react strongly when they learned I had problematic things and I just refused to fight them. Because I wasn't going to let them put any accusations on me.
Sometimes all you can say is, I'm sorry you think like that but I disagree.
DO NOT get aggressive. Don't fight them, or anything they are likely brainwashed or desperate for companionship that will be in a group they know attacks and hurts REAL people.
And worst case scenario. Block them, no joke just block them as it ain't worth it.
As they say, don't feed the trolls. Don't feed them either they might as well be trolls.
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deathmentaal · 1 year
no estoy yo preparandome unas oposiciones del Estado español para que ahora venga la derechita y haga lo que le salga de los c*jones, hombre ya
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ihavedoorinsurance · 2 years
this is beyond anything i could have conceived of her doing next and tbh? couldnt be happier (ESP CONSIDERIGN ITS BOKUTACHI??? WHAT?????? i feeel like im losing my mind ive been rotating this motherfucker in my mind like a rotisserie chicken since i first saw him in EP2!! finally some backstory! im fucking EATING GOOD!!! LETS GOO)
my thoughts have been nothing but this video since it came out i need to. i need a moment to EXPLODE abt this yk what i mean
this sounds so deranged i know im overexcited but GOD
im so arigatouful this exists and its about to come out in the form of a long winded dissection/rant bc im off the fuckin walls rn
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Hello, I’m Yoly the mod to this blog! I’m sure you’ve all followed or ‘lurked’ from my main blog.
We have a Discord:
This is not a AFO hate blog. I don’t mind if you want to rant or be distressed about him since is a villain that’s fine just understand what this blog is for. It more to show appreciation, there are plenty of other places where you can rant about him.
No harassment is allowed. You can’t attack another anon just because don’t like or agree. You could be shamed or blocked, but usually I won’t post the anon to avoid drama.
This blog is 18+ for a reason as I’m not sure what I’m going to get while wanting to give everyone a chance. It will be tagged and under read more.
Being offended about the content when I literally tell you what the blog is about here is basically you wanting attention. Also you might be secretly into it since you went into a blog that literally titled AFO appreciation.
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jcylenz · 5 years
pearson 1.05&06
last week my opinion didn’t get written, a lot of things happened all at once and it got pushed to the end of the list, which is a shame because it was my favorite episode by far in the entire show so far (partly because of the heavily keri centricness of the episode and partly because of the themes it dealt with), so i figured i’d write about the two episodes together
long ass rant after the read more
again, definitely the best episode of the season so far, even after watching the new episode this morning
let’s jump right into keri’s story first, because holy shit, they really took it to a whole new level and i loved it. for one, i loved watching the flashbacks, seeing keri wanting to be good, and seeing her stumble into a situation where she is faced with her mentor doing unethical shit and has to decide what to do. this is how she stumbles into bobby, and god was i glad that in the beginning their situations were different. sure, he was still married, but he was seperated and ready to leave, but my guess is that the illness of his wife came in and after that he felt like he couldn’t leave. i am still not a fan of the relationship, but it makes a lot more sense why keri would go into something like that and then feelings got involved and there was no going back from there
still it certainly came to bite her in the ass when her former boss/mentor tries to get revenge with some fake allegations, his true intent being to reveal the relationship between keri and bobby and basically ruin keri’s job in the process for sure. i loved that they made it clear that yes, keri was protecting bobby, but she was mostly scared about her image and trying to protect herself. probably this is why she didn’t go to bobby in the first place but jessica. and i hate that she was right, that it is different for women and that a women could never recover from something like this while a man could walk away laughing and his name untarnished, but that is the world we live in and joy’s performance in that scene with jessica and generally in the entire episode was just amazing and incredible and i cried. she really is an amazing actress and shows the complexity of keri’s character in such amazing ways, i was living for it all
and her relationship with jessica really started off now. they started off as two women with opposing ideas, and now they have mutual trust and respect for each other and i love the development so fucking much. now we can see them slowly start working together and rely on each other and become friends, which i love. honestly, the very core and heart of the show for me is the relationship between these two women and the women in general, so i was here for all of this
now, speaking of jessica, her story felt like it took a backseat in this season, but still, what we got, i really loved. i am coming to love her relationship with nick more and more and i have a feeling they are building towards the two of them getting together sooner or later (probably later), and i can get behind that (even though the true couple goal would be jessica and keri, let’s be real, and i’ll never stop shipping them). the scene where jessica opened up about her husband’s illness was so strong and powerful and it was a joy to watch, really
and then there was the yoli and derrick plot line which... honestly? i felt like it was there only to feature the characters, get a little drama between them and fill up time. we haven’t seen anything new from them. granted, i love yoli trying to figure out when to speak her mind and when to keep quiet, it’s a really interesting and controversial topic, but it still felt like just filler
generally speaking i liked the episode, but i still felt like it was mostly filler and a build up to the endgame of the season, which i think will start with the next episode for sure
this episode focused more on the family aspect of the show and pat mcgan, too, and i liked that.
seeing angela again was a joy, i love that woman so much and i love the relationship between jessica and her and how it is slowly building brick by brick. i feel so bad about her and her home, but i am really happy that she accepted jessica’s offer and now they will be living together for a while, i hope it’s gonna be lots of cuteness and fun stuff (probably not, but still, a girl can hope, right?)
that being said, i was really pissed at jeff this whole episode. him expecting jessica to throw everything and just focus on him when he was the one who threw a hissy fit and left when jessica didn’t do what he wanted her to, and then gets pissed when her family shows up - i really didn’t like him. and him being like “they are stranger”, i literally wanted to scream at him that yeah, that is the whole point of this. that they are strangers and jessica is trying to get to know them, get close to them, become family with them after all these years. and you being angry at that is just annoying and i hate it. and then he “did the right thing” and went to angela but really, angela was right, it was only all about him, and i was like “YESS GO CALL HIM OUT” honestly the men in this show are mostly annoying and pissing me off
speaking of men, bobby and his “generous” i-don’t-want-you-to-put-your-life-on-hold bullshit. If you truly didn’t want that, you would have stopped toying with keri. i get it, you love her, but you decided to be with your wife through her illness. so be with your wife. he really wants to have the cake and eat it at the same time and i am not here for it. i just want keri to get over him and find somebody who will treat her like the queen she is, like she deserves to be treated
we got a bit of yoli and derrick and their relationship is certainly interesting, and honestly, i love yoli as a whole, but nothing much happened to them again so i was kinda meh about it all. that scene, though, when she got praised and was told she was a keeper and that cute little smile of hers as she was pointedly looking at the camera and nowhere else GOSH SHE WAS SOOO CUTE
and then the main story with mcgann - jessica is really stirring up shit that is gonna bite the in the ass sooner rather than later, and i am here for jessica to kick ass and ruin mcgann already, honestly, he is a dick, but i am also terrified what it will bring for the rest of the characters. jessica is being badass, but in this case, she is really the person with the least to lose it feels like, which means she can easily go against him, but it also means others might be collateral damage and i am terrified who will be the one to draw the shortest straw. and again, i keep thinking about how the mayor’s actor, morgan spector is only listed as special guest star in the credits, so maybe we are leading up to the mayor potentially taking the fall for all the shit or maybe even get killed, which would ensure lots and lots of craziness for season two and the roles would certainly be all new for sure
that being said, i loved jessica in this episode, she was badass as always and i love seeing her work
also i wonder what’s on the tape - if it’s something related to bobby’s past that he got blackmailed with during the flashbacks or if it has something to do with keri and their relationship - cause that thing is certainly getting out, i have no doubt about it, the question is when and how
so all in all, definitely two good episodes, one was bamf, the other was good in a filler way, and i am looking forward to next week
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unusdesilva · 6 years
     Here is Yoly Daily rant of Robin Hood deserved better stars and stats in Fate. I think if fate canon didn’t go with the whole one of just many Robin Hood and went with a more original Robin Hood that Robin would be Gold. For his influence was insane and powerful everyone knows the story of Robin Hood. But not many know the actual origins of his story, he wasn’t the hero just cause he was just a really nice guy who sometimes gave stuff. But most time only cared about those around him especially his merrymen.
     I love exploring that cause it really cements the whole what makes a hero and it’s why I like playing mines more lore based. 
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sorasan000 · 6 years
Let's do the obvious: akayona please? Ship: geun-ta yuhon And character: sowoon
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Kija
Least Favorite character: Kushibi
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): JaeKi, GeunYuno, plato JuSu, YoLi, NeguKou
Character I find most attractive: Tetora
Character I would marry: Kija
Character I would be best friends with: Jaeha
A random thought: I never thought it would get an anime. 
An unpopular opinion: 
My Canon OTP: GeunYuno
My Non-canon OTP: JuSu
Most Badass Character: Hak
Most Epic Villain: Uuuuuhhhhh….all the villains are either pathetic or not worthy of being called “epic”. Kouren was pretty epic as a villain, but she was also redeemed by arc close. 
Pairing I am not a fan of: I’m not all that hot for Jaeha/Shinah. 
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Two years ago I would have ranted about Judo, but nowadays I’m just waiting to see what that was all about. I think everything is still being written out and it’s hard to call. 
Favourite Friendship: Zeno and Shinah
Character I most identify with: Kyo-ga
Character I wish I could be: I wish I could be Yuno. 
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
(BTW, I’m going to assume you mean Geuntae/Yuno, but if you really meant Geuntae/Yuhon then shout back at me)
When I started shipping them: Back around 2015 or 2014. 
My thoughts: Their background sounds simple enough: a noble fancies a servant and chooses her as his bride. I have a feeling that it was a superficial union and it was only after they were married that they really got to know one another. I headcanon that Geun-tae pairs “hooking up” with “calming down” because this was what he went through with Yuno. She helped ground him. However, for a while he didn’t know how to repay her for being a positive influence in his life. So when her business started kicking off, he was willing to use his status and money to spread it like wildfire to turn her hobby turned lifestyle into a success. 
What makes me happy about them: I like how they’ve been established as a couple for at least five years.
What makes me sad about them: The fact that they don’t have very many appearances together. 
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I dunno
Things I look for in fanfic: Any fics set in the present. 
My wishlist: More interactions with each other, having them side with Suwon through and through and not pull a flippin Ogi, seeing them taking care of a kid someday
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Judo. Both of them. Lol
My happily ever after for them: Just being alive together until Geuntae dies of old age and not because of a battle, Suwon have mercy
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: I think in the past I overestimated how deep and complex he was. While he is complex, he’s not all that hard to figure out. Plus, he has a surprisingly straight and narrow goal that is easy to understand. For as flexible as he is with his strategies, his morals and beliefs are rigid, unmoving, and blind. His mind is trapped in the past, and until he’s set free from it, he can’t move on. 
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: None
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Him and Judo. I want to add him and Ogi, but god I’m pissed with Ogi
My unpopular opinion about this character: Among Suwon fans, I think how I feel about his character above sums up what my unpopular opinion is. I think the idea that he only had one choice in accomplishing his goal is also nonsense. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish he had been given more inner monos or flashbacks from his POV. Even small flashes just to give foreshadowing. 
Favorite friendship for this character: Suwon & Lili
My crossover ship: Suwon x Kashima (Nozaki-kun)
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kitsunefyuu · 2 years
I'm not anon, but I guess they were referring to psychomurder, a few days ago answered a question on the subject and supposedly someone made a post about her, so it seems someone found psycho's personal profile and it says something about Nazis and others things. I don't know what the post is and I'm not sure about anything, so it may just be a lie.
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Is THAT all? I swear I hear some new drama and usually it based off of some nasty assumptions.
They do realize that english isn't even Psycho's first language right? Their wording and mannerism when comes to such topics are actually harsher sounding. Also there are things they don't know so things can be easily misunderstood but doesn't give anyone an excuse to try and start a witch hunt.
I disagree with their takes on Endeavor and who knows maybe I don't like their politics but it so stupid to just decide to jump on a bandwagon to harass and attack someone. And I'm definitely not about to jump on something an anon isn't going to put their words where their mouth is. As they didn't even 'link' to it meaning they likely are picking and choosing what they want to make Psycho look worst then they are.
And clearly if they going to use this kind of language (They were super vulgar calling them a whore like EXCUSE ME?!) then they DON'T actually follow me. Because they should know for a damn fact I hate to be disrespected like what they did. I don't care if wasn't referring to me.
They called her a 'whore', they say they are tracking her, how they are upset she hasn't written anything to 'incriminate' herself. How people like her can't be spared.
What a god damn monster, to harass someone who just trying to enjoy fandom things while going through a terrible time in their life. And to not THINK of how CRUEL they are being, as I said before they can be more productive harassing POLITICIANS who actually effect the climate not poor people online.
But we all know why they aren't doing that now do we?
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kitsunefyuu · 1 year
The scummiest thing I've seen is a food app with a high delivery fee that you know isn't going to the delivery guy. Who is likely a doordash person, then you go to door dash and it like yep that's cheaper.
Insane man.
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kitsunefyuu · 2 years
The individuals who attack others are very xenophobic to those who like villainous things or do problematic ships. If they suspect anything that has glorified real life problems. They will make them a target for harassment but will deny like a bunch of liars they are not responsible for starting that situation bullying that person liking problematic in the first place. They have people on a marked for treason list like hall of shame for tumblr users they find. They act like tyrants not heroes.
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At least know this, on my blog I will never shame or attack a person for their weird little interest. Some people like Tragedy/Angst some people like fluff. Some like smut, some like platonic friendships. Some like heroes and some prefers villains.
It doesn't make you a bad person regardless of your fictional interest because I trust you know the difference.
I HATE when fiction is used to justify bad behavior like no you did it because you’re a jerk not because of some anime. People use the bible for the same thing, it isn’t the things fault the person just wants an excuse.
That is how you get things like 4Kids censoring the heck out of one-piece and moms claiming video games make violent children.Or crazy people trying to claim they got some divine insight when murdered their child. They want excuses, but there isn’t ’t any.
They aren't taking the actual ones responsible like bad parenting, neglect, stress, illness and are insulting their people's intelligence. So I'll fight it in whatever way I can because this manhunt is no different.
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kitsunefyuu · 2 years
Man I love my husband listening to me about my nonesense. I was telling him how there Re studies of plants in distress and actually communicating. Thus is weird when people say it ok to eat without wanting to respect the plant. Just because it not ‘pain’ like humans or animals doesn’t mean the plant enjoys its as it knows it’s dying.
But then I pointed out there are however things the plant WANTS you to eat. Fruits! Certain Legumes! Basically things that don’t kill the plant are A-Ok to eat without distressing any living thing.
Unfortunately a diet of fruits and Legume probably very hard to navigate. But hey for the true guilt free and true vegan experience that would be the method that hurts anything the least.
After this he questioned all his favorite veggies like Zuchini(yes it got the seeds it wants you to spread), tomatoe(same) and sphegetti squash. And he was like huh, I guess I could be vegan- But not giving up cheese.
Lol~ I’m ok with that cows are cute and I wish for cows to still be a part of our lives. Just in better situations, along with chickens. Maybe one day will have a homestead and have some chicken or a cow to enjoy true delicious cruelty free eating.
The only animal that I feel terrible for and think shouldn’t be kept are pigs as they are kept ONLY for their meat. And it because could feed them anything which was convenient for many people during times of poverty or famine.
The only pigs I know living good are the Iberian pigs in Europe living outside enjoying acorns. And it why they cost an insane amount, no other place is going to do that. Which is a pity as are such intelligent creatures.
They are amazing creatures, but they are only for meat and require so much food and water. Probably the only animal I think would be fine not continuing- we can just hunt the wild boar we accidentally introduced that are destroying the environment if miss it so man’s.
And that’s my Ted talk. If any vegan saw this and have any critic about me claiming plants can feel distress, and keeping cows and chicken is A-Ok. I will preemptively say, Please at least be civil about it.
PS. I call the new even more restricted diet the True Veganism (aka, You need to be really rich to not die diet)
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kitsunefyuu · 1 year
I love how all the woman haters are showing up to hate on Himiko. Clearly those were the parents favorite and can’t fathom lashing out. What happened to supporting woman wrongs? /jk
But no seriously what is it about Himiko in this chapter that people(maybe just a few) feel so visceral to bitch about. Does it bother them that someone can just snap? Why is this villain the one they are foaming at the mouth about?
Because she had a tragic backstory? Really? In a super hero manga about saving the villain or those you don’t like? How shocking. /s
Maybe put yourself in her position instead of acting like a fictional character personally hurt you. Imagine YOU ARE little Himiko, is it hard? Try harder learning to do this will help you grow and understand why many don’t want her dead.
It is not about accepting their crimes or babying it trying to understand. Which the people sneering at Himiko are refusing to do but man I love this manga. In these moments it truly paints a picture.
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kitsunefyuu · 1 year
Most discouraging things in writing fanfic is focusing on one character. It’s your main character and so excited because put them in a AU that you always wanted to see and write. You get a comment you’re excited-
Only for them hyper focused on some third party character you haven’t even introduced or talked about. Completely ignoring everything you’ve written because they just want this thing to happen.
I understand you want them to meet… But it feels more like you want your self-indulgence rather then enjoying what I’m writing. I do this for free because it what I want to write. 🫠
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kitsunefyuu · 2 years
I’m starting to really dislike seeing a certain popular person on my dash. I should start blacklisting post on them.
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kitsunefyuu · 1 year
I love when people say seek help they don’t actually mean ‘get help’ they are calling you insane. Because then I can respond with I’m already in therapy and going to the doctor so what your excuse?
Therapy god damn great once you find a good therapist. Highly recommend it but it took me trial and error. It involves being vulnerable but also knowing that might not be a great fit. ‘Getting help’ should not be used as a insult like that.
It pisses me off because everyone needs help one way or another. But only the person can seek it out and don’t need your bad faith prodding. If actually cares could explain to them, could talk or actually try to help.
But they don’t and that’s the problem it’s looking down on someone who might genuinely need help is terrible. Please be kind.
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kitsunefyuu · 2 years
Me to the MHA hero Stan’s supporting murder of villains:
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