#You can get to Anville Town by taking the brown line in Gear Station. Unfortunately it's not possible to fly there
queen0funova · 1 year
Hey! If you play Pokémon Black and White 2, you should go to Anville Town today (June 12th) amd talk to the guy with the hard hat looking over the turntable.
This is because there is a special train there today that will not be on the table again until October 1st! That's four months from now!
If you talk to the guy about the train, it will help you towards ine of the Medal Rally medals earned by seeing all the trains on the turntable.
Going to Anville Town ten consecutive days in a row will get you the other 10 trains, but this one only appears on February 1st, June 12th, October 1st, October 14th, and December 30th
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