#You don't know how hard it was for me to think of Miles's KSNDKSKD
taruruchi · 2 years
i am cartwheeling in here and I AM ASKING RESPECTFULLY FOR 13 for rhyne, esteban, and nemis, 11 for miles and arietta, and 17 for mini taruchi >:D
HI SOLLL sorry for responding late, I took a small break from tumblr but at last I've come back to give a response!!
11. most embarrassing memory?
She had this one sleepless night cause she was up making this dress she was really excited to finish. In the morning, she decided to wear it when she went out but turns out, because of her sleep deprivation, she didn't even finish it properly—all the patterns and sequins were wrong, the sleeves and hems were the wrong length, and a few other mistakes. Hell, she even used the wrong colors. So a bunch of people were looking at her dress like 😕😦 At first she thought she did so well they were shocked but then she bumped into Vil who said, “My goodness, Arietta, who made your dress?! I understand people treasure whatever heartfelt is given to them but... are you sure you want to be wearing that in public?” That's when she realized and Vil accompanied her to get some new clothes
So Miles actually really smart and he knows a lot, right? There was this one time when he was younger (probably 12 or something) and he was reading multiple books at a time. He was also in a book club. They had a meeting about one book and they were supposed to talk about it, but Miles was the first to speak and he mixed it up with another book. They pointed it out and he got flustered so he went on and rambled about how "One book isn't enough for me!" and stuff. He was waving his hands around frantically and knocked a vase over, so he left out of embarrassment. But of course, he moved on and he still reads tons of books at the same time
13. bed time routine?
You know that skincare routine Vil described in Chapter 5? Yeah. She does that then she simply wears one of those masks(?) you put on your eyes then sleeps
Also does the skincare routine but instead of sleeping right away, he takes a walk outside for a bit because it helps him relax, especially after a busy day. After that, he goes back to his room and sleeps
Makes a small snack, puts it on her bedside table, goes to sleep. She makes the snack bc she sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night and she's hungry. If not, that'll be her breakfast if it isn't stale or. idk if it doesn't taste bad
17. achievement they are the most proud of?
One of the things she's most proud of is the time when she was in sixth grade (or around that grade) and they had this small practice test in math. Her seatmates were the smart ones™ and she was eavesdropping on what scores they got. They were comparing and bragging and all. Little did they know, she got a score higher than all of theirs! And mind you, she was the youngest in the class which only helped to boost her ego. She (and her seatmate who checked it) has never told them this and she thinks it's funnier that way.
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