#You get a dream about the good old days on Windaria and a certain NPC I need to write more cuz I love him
kazeofthemagun · 2 years
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@relentless-understudy asked the summoner:
A good dream
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The wind carried the hot breath of desert air. What little yellowed grass still lingered between rock swayed gently as harsh terrain slowly gave way to a golden savannah, spiraling crags pointing towards the sky like brazen spears. The sun was low on the horizon, descending steadily over the western ridge. Soon, only the twin moons would be left to gaze upon the vast steppes of Windaria.
Lir Hassan stood ever imposing, a fortress city painted in hues of various colors. But, most of all - blue. It was always this shade of blue, this simple design that adorned billowing flags and made up the ekkti that had come to be painted upon his features. Home. Not one of his birth, nor of his lost bloodline, but a home to his heart nonetheless.
The hustle and bustle of the fortress town had resumed, citizens lured back onto narrow streets by evening. Here and there, merchants peddled their wares underneath canopies of patterned fabric, the waning daylight casting a soft red glow through hanging cloth.
"I can pay you an honest three hundred saki, kind Sir, but four hundred you will not squeeze out of me." The soft voice of his small companion had taken on a hint of annoyance, or, perhaps, disappointment. To think some would try to swindle him so..! But, alas, he was no fool and though small of stature he was, his confidence was not and he could barter rather effectively. "It smells like the sea, yes, but even such finds had gone down in value with the recent opening of trade routes. Yes, I do know what I am talking about, thank you very much."
The furry white creature shook his head, the light organ upon his forehead buzzing with an electric yellow glow. Though calm he may appear, a Moogle's emotions were most apparent in their lanterns. "Tis a good quality, but good luck finding buyers with such prices. Hmph." Kupo's blue eyes stared with a certain snarkiness, and he huffed. "Four Winds."
The summoner observed in silence as his partnered Missionary haggled with the third seller in a row. Well, he almost had it, but not quite. Endlessly contesting prices did not exactly serve one well when they still left with nothing by the end of the day.
A soft hmm escaped the Wind Warrior's lips, similar shade of blue gazing down upon his companion with eyebrows riding a tad higher than they tended to rest. "Just buy it already. I will lend you the hundred. You need time to cook it, still."
"She's just going to get mad at us for spending this much on spices, Rorahm." The Moogle complained, crossing little arms beneath his folded wings. "Traditional Malatuurese cuisine is expensive. I wanted it to be a good gift, but Winds! The audacity to still charge that much."
Kupo was funny (adorable) in the rare moments he got angry. It almost prompted a chuckle out of the gunmage, steeled blue gaze softening with a silent laugh in his eyes. His partner knew that look well, and promptly gave a jab to his shin with a wingtalon.
"Ow." Black Wind pretended to be hurt, drawing out the noise in the most sarcastic deadpan he could muster. "It's okay. She will not have your hide. We can afford."
"Really? I mean -"
"Get it."
His companion seemed to finally be won over, accepting the hundred saki from the summoner and paying for the satchel. He gave it one last sniff, just to be sure it was exactly what he needed.
"I think... I think Pelo is going to like it very much." He smiled, holding his purchase close to the chest. "Thank you."
Perhaps the Wind's eyes were not the only thing smiling - nobody could ever tell with the way his cape covered the lower half of his face. It was a look so rare upon his features, brought out by the only two people who could heal his troubled heart. And one of them was right there, in front of him. "You have to pursue that which is close to your heart."
He was so very glad his dear friend had found a love. It was something so very needed in such uncertain times. Who knew when the trade routes would be closed off again, or when their savings would run dry - this opportunity could disappear in the flash of a centipede's jaws in sand.
Feeling guilt over spent money was unavoidable, but hopefully their hides would not be had. Hopefully.
"...Ahh, I am so happy, Rorahm!" There were sparkles in sky blue orbs, and the Moogle's lantern was shining brighter than ever. "I'm going to make this count. It will be so good."
"I bet it will be." The Wind hummed, eyes closing contendedly.
His right hand rested on his companion's head, petting white fur gently.
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