#You just see maleness and masculinity as bad but you also lack the brainpower to think critically about female characters
devilsward · 5 years
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byronic hero / crazy sane / tall, dark, and snarky
FACECLAIM: Cole Sprouse SEX: Cismale HEIGHT: 6′0, almost 6′1 WEIGHT: He’s like 160lbs wet, maybe. BUILD: He has an average male body. Slightly malnourished. Skinny. Delicate. 80% legs. HAIR: He has a lot of it. It’s floppy, wavy, black as night. Long on top, short in the back. When it’s styled, he looks like a storybook prince. Unfortunately, he doesn’t wash it that often now. HANDS: Beautiful, unmarred hands. Long, slender, a little bony, covered in silver rings. SCARS: He has a multitude of self-harm scars up the insides of his arms/wrists that he puts bracelets over. Scars and nicks all over his body from being beaten/hurt by various means, but very noticeable slashes on his back. CLOTHES: Goodwill chic. He wears a lot of plaid and band tees. Comfy sweaters. Ratty jeans. Button-ups. He has a trademark denim sherpa jacket he always wears on top of everything and suspenders that he wears up or down, depending on the day. OTHER FEATURES: He’s covered in beauty marks. Has 3 very noticeable ones on his cheek. OTHER NOTEABLE FEATURES:  Jamie’s pretty unremarkable without a shower. At Alberione Jamie looked like he belonged there. Delicate, sharp, unconventionally handsome but handsome nonetheless. Jamie in the Murder club just looks like a dirty bootleg of the boy he used to be but much livelier. The only constant between the two are the black eyes and bloody noses since he’s almost always injured.
VOICECLAIM: Cole Sprouse if he was a redneck ACCENT: Since he’s from Normal, he grew up with a very thick accent but tries to squash it. Alberione helped kill the accent a little but he probably still uses ‘reckon’ more than I’m willing to write it. LANGUAGE: English and Latin. Very good at English. He learned Latin in school and his obsession with the occult only made him better at it. ARTICULATION: He’s very articulate. Scholarly. Regal. EDUCATION: Jamie put a lot of weight in education since it’s the one thing everyone emphasized as a class marker as he was growing up. He talks like he belongs in a Shakespearean play and while some of it is laid on, he actually just comfortably uses big words when he converses. It’s the weirdest thing about him. He sounds like an old person trapped in a teenager’s body. He’s also very poetic and uses a lot of metaphors and similes. LAUGHTER: He does laugh sometimes but it sounds sarcastic and dry. When he laughs genuinely, it’s rarely and often behind a hand because he’s self-conscious about his teeth.
FACE: He doesn’t emote very often but that’s mostly because he’s always alone. Jamie has a very  expressive face for someone who exudes broodiness and stoicsm. You can always tell when he’s upset but it’s easy to see when he’s happy too, even if he tries to crush his smiles often. It’s all in his eyes. They’re very bright. HANDS: He talks with his hands. Points at stuff. He’s got beautiful hands so who even cares what he’s doing with them, really. He thumbs at his mouth when he thinks. Generally touches his own mouth a lot. LEGS/FEET: He climbs on things and sits with his legs open and splayed everywhere like a whore on sale. He takes up a lot of space. EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: He’s full of feelings but often just pushes them down. Very unlikely to lose control of himself but he can get overwhelmed with sadness and/or frustration. HABITS: He licks his lips when he’s about to do something wild. He looks like the Cheshire cat. Gives literal meaning to tongue-in-cheek. POSTURE: He slouches but it doesn’t look lazy, it just looks like he’s too good for the air he’s in. Walks a bit like a marionette trying to get by with no strings. He’s generally relaxed but like a majestic lion laying in the Savannah in the way that he could definitely murder you if you look at him weird but is kinda enjoying where he is. PERSONAL SPACE: He minds his own space because he knows impeding on other people’s space is a dominance thing. After dealing with his uncle and bullies stepping into his zone all the time, he’ll only cross that boundary when he wants to scare somebody. Would not recommend getting into Jamie’s personal space. OTHER:  If he fits, he sits. Always sitting on stuff that he probably shouldn’t be sitting on.
DIET: He eats very often though considering how little he gets fed at home, it’s not a surprise. He’ll eat anything whether it’s good or bad and values all sustenance, except for carrots. Has trouble gaining weight even though his diet consists of mostly junk food.  SLEEP: He has the normal sleeping habits of a teenager; stays up all night sometimes and sleeps all day others. Very vigilant when he’s sleeping so he needs to peace and quiet or else he’ll just keep waking up. Jamie shares a bed with his uncle at home so he tries to not sleep there very often now that he’s 16 and kinda big to get snuggled by a grown ass man.  EXERCISE: Unless you count running his mouth, Jamie doesn’t really exercise. He gets most of his workouts from running from the cops and crawling into places he’s not supposed to go but you’re not gonna find him doing push-ups. ACTIVITY: Jamie is an extremely hard-worker when it comes to his hyper-focuses. Will rarely complain about his workload even if he has too much. He likes to keep his mind occupied and gets restless easily if he doesn’t have things to do. For other things though, he’s a complete slob. If he doesn’t care, you can’t make him. CLEANLINESS: Due to trauma and an unreliable household, Jamie doesn’t bathe as often as he'd like to. He’s not opposed to primping since he did well grooming himself while he went to Alberione but the effort and payoff wasn’t enough for him to keep doing it. ODOR: Kind of boyish and like laundry soap on a good day. Motor grease sometimes, depending on where he spent the night. Like pine trees and nature. MEDICINAL DRUGS: No drugs. Good luck getting him to take ibuprofen. NARCOTICS: He’s a clean boy and has zero interest in partaking in anything that could make his mind a worse place to live in. ILLNESS: He’s depressed, fam. (And probably has PTSD.) INJURIES: Mama broke his heart and it never healed.
INTROVERT/EXTROVERT?: Extremely introverted. He gets exhausted in club meetings but he has a responsibility to solve the cases so he sticks around and does what needs to be done. Mostly keeps to himself unless someone provokes him. He’ll generally just walk away if you antagonize him too much. OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: Surprisingly, he is an optimist. The depression makes him pretty dreary but the underlying current of what he does is pure optimism for a good result. GENDER: Jamie’s a cismale but often breaks the binary. He really does not care about society so it’s less of a personal identity statement and more of a ‘stick it to the man’ statement when he does trivial things like use the girl’s bathroom or wear their clothes. He also doesn’t fit macho and masculine so he’s pretty salty about that too. SEXUALITY: Jamie is asexual and slightly sex repulsed* but he’d have sex with someone he’s in love with if they say it’s important to them and even be glad to do it. He isn’t aware that he falls on the ace spectrum and would deny it, for it’d be one more thing that makes him different from everyone else but his libido is pretty lacking for a teen boy. Sexually, he could probably think of a lot of things people wouldn’t due to extensive research on the subject manner. (*This doesn’t apply if he’s trying to be a dick.) ROMANTIC: He’d be considered along the lines of demiromantic since deeply bonding with him is the only way he’s gonna consider you not a threat. He doesn’t feel the excessive need for a romantic relationship and is very skeptical about the validity of it but he is curious about what the big hullabaloo is about. Despite how difficult it is to romance him, he’s very genuine when it comes to someone he likes and isn’t afraid to talk about them, cherish them openly and do things that’ll make them happy. MEMORY: His mind is a steel trap. Good luck making him forget something. PLANNING: Jamie is a master schemer. He can scheme his way through anything. His brain is a loaded gun. He’ll think of everything. Almost too much. INTUITION: Yes, he’s clued in about some things. And then others, he’s incredibly stupid. Jamie gets hyper-focused and therefore, all his brainpower gets poured into whatever he’s paying attention to. Not always a good thing because he misses out on much of the big picture. PROBLEM SOLVING: Extremely good at. He’s very logical, contrary to popular belief. He has an IQ of 142 and often thinks five steps ahead. He gets frustrated when others don’t keep up even though he hasn’t explained how he got there. GOALS: Short-term goals include wanting to figure out the town mysteries and help the people who have come to him. Long term-wise, Jamie’s personal aspirations have been totally dunked after he got expelled from Alberione and he’s running on low battery for himself. While he’s not selfless, him hanging onto myths and demons is a way to trying to find a reason to keep going. He’s incredibly depressed and downtrodden without magic and monsters so dying before graduation would be his ultimate goal without it. He hasn’t come to terms with being stuck in Normal and doesn’t want to. INSECURITIES: Mostly about his status in town and his skinny legs. He doesn’t care enough nor is he self-aware enough these days to let them impact him too hard. ACHIEVEMENTS: Getting into Alberione. ANXIETY: Everything gives him anxiety which is why he’s so good at planning. Thinking ahead and predicting issues helps him cope with crippling teenage anxiety.  SELF-HELP: Escapism and demons, arguably the same thing. Jamie’s infatuations are all distractions from his morbid reality. Without it, he’s just a sad sack of shit. COMFORTS: Food, warmth, shelter, kindness. Soft, gentle things/people. Understanding. Jamie’s lives a rough life so anything that doesn’t bring him conflict is comfort. BAD HABITS: Arguably everything he does. Jamie doesn’t do any drugs but he essentially goes through life with a big ‘FUCK ME UP’ neon sign blazing overhead just daring something to snuff him out once and for all. He’s not brave, he just doesn’t care about living. A dare devil. PHILOSOPHY: Satanism in both regards. He believes the devil is out there to be found but he also values the philosophies of actual Satanism where one belongs to themselves to be free. He used to be a devout Catholic, hence the holes in his theories. The origins of his beliefs are all Christian but he won’t admit that. TRIGGERS: Getting submerged in water. The real reason he avoids showering.
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Jamie loves his mom but more in a ‘if i love you more, will you love me back’ kind of way. She barely took care of him but not in a malicious way, just a neglectful one since she had so many kids and was often chasing a boyfriend for love. When Jamie got given to his uncle, things went south. LIFE EVENTS: The big change in his life happened when Jamie moved into his uncle’s trailer and he was faced with worse abuse than having nothing to eat. After that, he realized that the abuse was relentless like all of Normal was doing its best to keep him punched into the ground and he couldn’t figure out any other reason than demons. WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: The day he got expelled from Alberione and condemned to live in Normal for the rest of his life. Jamie doesn’t actually remember the event that caused it in great detail but he was so viciously bullied at the school that he’s not shocked it happened. He is, however, sad. It’s bittersweet because he’s both freed and trapped by the verdict. BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: When Abby and Kaz first asked him to help them, making them the first people to put stock in his theories.
FAMILY: Bad relationships with everyone he shares blood with. His brothers bully him, his mother neglects him and his uncle beats the ever-loving shit out of him. Because he had to fend for himself growing up, he doesn’t feel a sense of guardianship or brotherhood with his younger siblings. NEEDING A FRIEND: Since he grew up with none, it’s unlikely that he’ll go ahead and share his problems out of his own volition, instead choosing to angst over them on his own. Jamie often bull rushes past his problems because he is a bad friend to himself and perpetuates a cycle of repressing his negative feelings. (That’s how he got so tall) ANNOYANCES: He is always ready for a fight. He’s an extremely defensive person and easily spooked by literally everything. It’s best to just walk away because he probably will eventually. ROMANCE: Jamie is pretty subtle so he would just try to invite the person he likes to do things with him like read books and investigate corpses, leave them nice things he’d made and just loiter around their presence. Jamie’s not picky about people. The only requirement for a partner is kindness because he is a very sensitive boy. An interest in the morbid and tragic stories of dead people is a plus. ADVERSARIES: Rich people, dispassion, abusers and loud mouths. Alcoholics. Injustice. People who talk in movie theaters. ENEMIES: Bible-thumpers, Alberione Boys, Norman Normal, the Sheriff STRANGERS: Jamie’s not gonna be a dick to a stranger on the street unless he senses danger but he is pretty cautious about who hes willing to get to know. FUN STUFF: Ghostbustin’ DATING: Jamie’s a basic fella. He just likes to be around the people he likes so it doesn’t matter what they do, though an ideal date with be into the morgue or on an adventure through the cemetery, looking for spooky stuff.
MINGLING: No, he has no interest in that. Bad at small talk. Generally aloof. Does not care. COMFORT LEVELS: Depends. Jamie gets shy if you call him out on anything nice but he’s generally fine talking to people. He’s rather clinical and detached from most situations where he’s not discussing the case of the week. As long as it’s not a personal conversation, he’s okay. PHYSICAL: Unless he thinks you’re a real good pal and you’re already sharing everything, Jamie would not touch anyone or enjoy being touched by them. He already gets his personal space impeded on so much from living in a small space and getting abused that grazing him without his permission could easily set him off. GROUPS: He likes to be by himself but he wouldn’t mind hanging out with maybe one other person every now and again. He’s not really a group guy despite being the leader and generally sits back when he doesn’t have to participate. He likes to observe and exist in the same space as others but doesn’t always like to interact. Prone to coming and going as he likes. OPENNESS: It’s a long and arduous process where he comes and goes as he likes. Jamie’s pretty guarded/distracted from himself and one-track minded. He won’t bite you for asking but he’s unlikely to divulge anything personal. He is, however, very nosy about other people.  GENEROSITY: Not at all. Despite offering help to those who are looking for it, Jamie’s one of the least generous people out there. He’s very selfish and all for himself when it comes to physical items and food. Considering that he had a survivalist mindset, he’s hesitant to share the things that are his since he doesn’t have much. JEALOUSY: Jamie is generally unwilling to give up sex or put out so it’ll always come down to a sex thing. He’s not jealous of his friends having it but he gets prickly about having his worth in someone’s life substituted or replaced by a sexual encounter. i.e his mother choosing her boyfriends over their family, his best friends fucking, his brother choosing his girlfriend instead of the family, etc. TEMPER: He has a pretty big threshold for nonsense but none at the same time. Prone to snapping/lashing out in a cold and calculated manner if you get on his nerves. He tends to take one shot and makes it a killing blow.
EMPATHY: He’s not the most empathetic person. He’s always had a solitary life and found that people simply can’t empathize with him so he sees no need to be the bigger man. He logically understands similarities, but refuses to let himself delve further than that because he doesn’t think anyone can really understand him. AFFECTION: Jamie’s love language is acts of service and quality time. You know he likes you if he spends a lot of time around you and does things for you (namely advises you since his brain is his most valuable asset) since he doesn’t do either of those things out of his own volition if he can help it. DISTASTE: Ignores them, belittles and mocks them, is condescending towards them. So, basically his personality. ETIQUETTE: Jamie doesn’t care about social norms if the way he eats says anything about him. He’s pretty rude and straightforward but nothing unexpected of him. RESPONSIBILITY: Jamie takes full accountability for the things he’s done however, he’s not above arguing their validity, even if it’s bad. He takes responsibility for so much bad shit that he’s incredibly offended when someone accuses him of doing something he didn’t do. SELF ESTEEM: Jamie’s self-esteem is in the gutter but with the help of depression, its overwhelming apathy and an unyielding need to be contrary, he’s capable of acting like a complete arrogant dickhead. CONFIDENCE: Fake it ‘til you make it. Jamie is really good at feigning utmost confidence in most situations. He’s super weird for one and not very self-aware. He’s also really smart which adds to the whole pretentious air. Whether he really believes he’s better than everyone else is another story but he sure does a good job of acting like it. HONESTY: Jamie is incredibly honest and upfront about everything except for his own life. LEADER OR FOLLOWER: Well, it’s in the title. PRAISE: They make him uncomfortable if they’re about what he looks like due to the fact that he knows it’s because of Johnnie but he enjoys being praised for his accomplishments. A little acknowledgment goes a long way with Jamie since he’s never had it. Jamie is also fair in his praise for others if they’ve done a good job. He has a lot of pride but he can admit when someone is better than him if they are. (Unless he hates them, then he can’t.) FAILURES: Existing CRITICISM: Poorly INSULTS: Jamie’s been called everything under the sun so he doesn’t really care. He prefers them to be interesting but very few things get under his skin. EMBARRASSMENT: He gets flustered if you refer to him as good-looking in any way or consider him a nice/good person to his face. FLIRTING: Jamie doesn’t flirt, he just sends autopsy photos of bodies he’s found on Reddit. Jamie would also not notice if someone was flirting with him either, more likely to become suspicious of their motives than flustered. ATTENTION SPAN: He gets hyper-focused on multiple things at a time if they all fall into the same morbid category but otherwise, he’s not really paying attention to much. SITUATIONS: Jamie is the weird situation.
DUTY: Self-appointed duty to purge Normal of the evils he’s confident are there. “Bookkeeper” for Frank’s chop shop. TECH: He’s more than adequate but he’s no tech whiz. POLITICS: He’s the resident anarchist, so yes. Jamie’s very stick-it-to-the-man if his relationship with the Sheriff says anything about it lol COMBAT SKILLS: For someone who gets beat up as often as he does, Jamie’s only notable combat skill is incredible resilience, otherwise he’s not the strongest or most capable physically. He is incredibly smart, though, and will likely use other means of disarming his enemies. HOME: He lives at the mouth of the woods by a junkyard and the inside of the trailer isn’t much different than what’s around it. Jamie doesn’t like it and prefers cleanliness but he’s also very absentminded when it comes to his surroundings when he’s always busy sleuthing. DAILY LIFE: If Jamie felt out of his depth, no one would know it. He’s pretty good at keeping it all locked down. INDEPENDENCE: Incredibly independent. Jamie basically raised himself while fighting his siblings for a place to sleep and food o eat. He can take care of himself fine. COOKING: Tragically, he can’t. Most of his food comes prepackaged. CLEANING: He used to take care of his mother’s trailer as a kid, and tried it with Frank too but since he’s found it useless, he doesn’t anymore. This expands to his work spaces which are disastrous also. SHOPPING: Jamie is broke so the only shopping he does includes a five-finger discount. He’s very good at it but rarely takes more than he needs. DRIVING: Whether Jamie actually has a driver’s license or if he just shares one with Johnnie is up for debate but he can drive and has driven for a long time considering his family’s business is snatching cars and reselling the parts. He can drive automatic and stick but he does not have a car. He rides a bicycle since Johnnie refuses to share his mustang. FINANCES: Sometimes Jamie has money and sometimes he doesn’t. He tries to make it stretch but he’s so occupied with spooky shit now that he doesn’t hustle/work as much. As a consequence, Frank often keeps his pay when he does. For work, Jamie cooks the books for Frank and his taxes so he’s very good with finances. PETS: He would love pets but he can barely feed himself. LAW: Breaking and entering, grand theft auto, trespassing, arson-- you name it. MEDICAL: Jamie avoids going to the doctor if he can which often leads him to getting infections for all the things he’s been punctured upon or untreated illnesses getting worse. The hospital bills for the Ward boys will probably keep them stuck under Frank’s thumb for as long as they live. ILLNESS: Depression, PTSD WORRIES: Continuing to live the rest of his life in pain and continuing the cycle of his family PARTYING: He doesn’t like them but he knows they’re good places for information and gossip so he’ll hit those up like a professional wallflower HOBBIES: Sleuthing, reading, eavesdropping on gossip, harassing the adults in town
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