mutedbeautyqueen · 5 years
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FULL NAME: Dolly Ann Dixon


GENERALLY REFERRED TO AS: Dolly Ann or just Dolly
FACECLAIM: Carlson Young
SEX: cis female

HEIGHT: 5’2” 

WEIGHT: 100-105

BUILD: thin, slightly toned

HAIR: long blonde hair, always styled

HANDS: she gets a mani/pedi every week and comes in for touch-ups if something happens and they chip, prefers a more rounded soft-looking nail with a nude or pale pink polish, soft grey in winter, in contrast, her toenails are often a brighter pink

CLOTHES: mostly skirts and dresses, most of her shoes have a heel, delicate jewelry, prefers gold over silver and diamonds over other stones, if you saw her walking down the street you’d know she was a pageant girl

ACCENT: Soft, well-off North Carolina accent
LANGUAGE: English and some Spanish

ARTICULATION: She’s used to public speaking so she’s articulate

EDUCATION: She speaks differently when she’s with her friends but if it’s pageant related she’s well-spoken
LAUGHTER: She feels self-conscious about her real laugh, she’s been told it’s too loud and unladylike so she tries to keep her laugh to a giggle. When something really tickles her, she can’t help it.

BREATHING: She has been known to sigh dramatically or in frustration, and she does a very good scornful ugh
FACE: She’s good at hiding negative emotions, positive emotions are harder for her
HANDS: She doesn’t do a lot of gestures, a few when needed for emphasis but they’re very controlled and planned. 

LEGS/FEET: If she taps her foot impatiently it’s on purpose to try and get someone to hurry, she doesn’t mindlessly tap or jiggle her leg
EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: Negative emotional outbursts are rare for her. She tries to keep a tight lid on those kinds of things. When she’s really happy she’ll give a little happy squeal
HABITS: checking her phone when bored
POSTURE: She has excellent posture. She’s even got the trophy from finishing school to prove it.
PERSONAL SPACE: Depends on the person. Her and her friends are always in each other’s spaces and growing up pageant meant she is used to sharing space. But if she doesn’t like you she wants you out of her personal space
OTHER: She tilts her head to the right when she’s thinking
DIET: For the most part she eats healthy with a few splurges in there, when she’s preparing for a pageant she has a stricter diet that is borderline unhealthy
SLEEP: Dolly Ann is a firm believer in beauty sleep before her friends started dropping she made sure she got eight hours, since the gentlemen happened her sleep has been lacking when she does sleep she has nightmares
EXERCISE: She works out, especially when she’s worried about calories, but she tries to stick to things that won’t bulk her up bc she’s worried about being too muscular. She doesn’t like working out in front of people so she uses the home gym her daddy set up for her momma 

ACTIVITY: She keeps a full schedule of activities both during a pageant and after

CLEANLINESS: She’s very meticulous about bathing and washing, she’s got an hour-long skincare routine to go along with it
ODOR: She loves scented things but usually opts for lighter scents so they don’t overpower her perfume which is usually something light and either floral or fruity depending on the season. Right now her favorite is Roses De Chloé ADDICTIONS: hairspray, on her hair not huffing

PARASITES: ew no! (Unless you count her mom re-living her pageant years through Dolly Ann as a parasite)

OTHER: she drinks at parties but not enough to puke
INTROVERT/EXTROVERT?: She thrives on being the center of attention and can strike up a conversation with anyone, though it’s very likely the conversation will revolve around her
OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: Optimistic, especially when it comes to things involving herself

GENDER: female

SEXUALITY: she’s the kind of straight girl that would kiss another girl to get a hot guy’s attention

ROMANTIC: She loves romance, all the cliche stuff but also the more personal stuff that only the two of them would get 

MEMORY: She has a good memory

PLANNING: With as much as she has going on between pageant preparation, school dances committee, community service projects, Queen duties, and school she has to be great at planning

INTUITION: If Dolly Ann makes the decision it’s the right decision in her mind

PROBLEM SOLVING: She feels like since she’s rich and beautiful she can just pay someone to handle problems for her which is her go-to problem-solving solution 

GOALS: Dolly Ann’s main goal in life is to marry a politician at the state or national level or CEO of a successful company, anyone else rich might do too, have a cheating clause in the prenup so that when they cheat on her, because politicians always cheat, she can divorce them and do whatever she pleases with a large bank account to back her up. Her momma’s main goal for her is to be Miss America which Dolly Ann is fine with since it could help her land the bank account of her dreams. 

INSECURITIES: She’s human so of course she has insecurities but she hides them behind a lot of hairspray and lipstick. Mostly she’s insecure about her ability to make her own choices, murder club is one of the few times she’s gone against her momma’s wishes. What if momma really does know best?

ACHIEVEMENTS: every single one of her crowns, sashes, and titles. Also, she didn’t get her heart cut out so that’s a big win! 

ANXIETY: running out of hairspray

SELF-HELP: throw money at them, run to daddy, a good mani/pedi always helps 

COMFORTS: pretty things, she can be really shallow and she’s happy with that

BAD HABITS: gossiping and judging other people, not that she considers it a bad habit, it’s not mean if it’s true

PHILOSOPHY: Being beautiful gets you everywhere is her philosophy in life, she’s also a really terrible catholic but she thinks she’s a perfectly wonderful one

TRIGGERS: running out of hairspray
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Mary Helen is a formidable pageant mom while her dad Beau tends to be working or on the golf course a lot, so while not terribly close to either she loves both of them and has always felt loved by them. But she would love it if her mom paid more attention to her own life and let Dolly Ann live hers, like her dad.
LIFE EVENTS: the only life event that’s affected how her life went was being Mary Helen’s daughter
WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: gotta be the night the gentlemen tried to kill her, first there was almost getting her heart cut out followed by the whole fiasco of trying to get the sheriff’s office to believe her about what happened, finally getting to leave only to find out that four more of her friends (frienemies) were murdered that night

BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: Winning Miss Teen Normal this year, unlike all the highs of all her other wins this one felt even better because they defeated the gentlemen and no one else died

LOOKING BACK: tell Emmett what was happening, make Kaz stay over before she was attacked so she wasn’t alone that night, believe Jamie sooner so that maybe they could have somehow stopped all the deaths before they happened, convinced her boyfriend not to go on that trip, there are a few things she wouldn’t mind a redo on
FAMILY: she’s never had/needed a found family so family has always been those related by blood/marriage 

FRIENDSHIPS: She and the other beauty queens make up a lil clique of frienemies within the larger popular crowd
FRIENDS IN NEED: make over time! The best way to help someone is to help them look better, right?

NEEDING A FRIEND: Not having friends who wouldn’t gossip about her if given the chance Dolly Ann tends to keep things to herself, things are getting a little too heavy to do that now 

ANNOYANCES: Most of the time by spilling gossip about the person occasionally getting petty and going for revenge 

ROMANCE: She wants someone who appreciates her beauty. That’s a lot of effort she puts in! Aside from that if they’re an athlete and they ask her out chances are good she’ll say yes, even better if they have a nice car. As far as boyfriend material, Tad won her over by having all of that and political aspirations. He was the total package right down to his boat shoes and complete life plan

ADVERSARIES: Prior to MC it would have been lack of popularity, ugly clothes, weirdness in general, lack of appreciation for the things that make high school high school like dances. Now she’s slowly opening up to allowing that stuff but if you wear plastic shoes you are really pushing her levels of tolerance

ENEMIES: Hate causes wrinkles. Besides her momma always says keep your enemies close, it’s why she’s friends with all of them. 

STRANGERS: Situational, she can be completely careless about noticing background people but she can also turn on the charm and make strangers feel like she really likes them   

FUN STUFF: mani/pedis, shopping, make overs 

DATING: dinner someplace with real napkins, movies, hanging on their arm like the trophy she is at events

BEST FRIEND: RIP Heather, Edwina seems to be in the lead to fill the opening 

LOVE: she is her own love of her life, daddy’s black card comes in a pretty close second

WORST ENEMY: Humidity, it can kill a hairdo 
MINGLING: She can be charming if she wants but she really has no idea how to make real friends instead of the shallow friendships she has

COMFORT LEVELS: She is comfortable talking to all sorts of people and if she’s not she can at least fake it

PHYSICAL: She’s comfortable giving and receiving physical affection but it really depends on how close you are to her if she initiates it

GROUPS: Dolly Ann loves attention on her, it doesn’t matter if it’s a big group or just one on one

OPENNESS: She’s normally very fake, opening up is a new process for her

GENEROSITY: She loves getting things, give her all the presents with gift receipts so she can take it back and get something she really likes, she also has no problem spending daddy’s money on other people 

JEALOUSY:  She gets jealous when someone else gets the attention she wants or something she wants especially from someone she considers one of her people 

TEMPER: Dolly Ann doesn’t really have a temper, she doesn’t even raise her voice normally, if you make her really mad she’s more of a get even kind of person

EMPATHY: Her momma is very big on making it no matter what and Dolly can be really self-absorbed to the point of not realizing someone else’s feelings. But if she’s making an effort she has empathy for someone and lately, she’s been feeling more empathy towards others and less self-absorbed without having to make an effort. 

AFFECTION: She is a hugger. But mostly she shows affection by spending time with people, because her schedule is always packed, or by buying them things.

DISTASTE: Dolly can be pretty petty so her usual way is not using their name. But she’s not above gossiping about them or even criticizing them to their face.

ETIQUETTE: She is very much a sticking to polite norms of social interactions type 

RESPONSIBILITY: She doesn’t like admitting when she’s wrong but she does try and fix her mistakes

SELF ESTEEM: No one loves Dolly Ann as much as Dolly Ann loves Dolly Ann

CONFIDENCE: She cares what other people think of her because being popular is important 
until it interferes with what she wants
HONESTY: Dolly Ann has no problems hiding behind honesty to hurt someone’s feelings but when it comes to herself she isn’t always honest.

LEADER OR FOLLOWER: Both, she’s comfortable leading and comfortable following if she thinks the person leading can get her what/where she wants

PRAISE: Dolly Ann lives off compliments, it’s the easiest way to get her to do something 

FAILURES: She can be very self-centered which can be annoying to others 


INSULTS: Depends on who is insulting her and what they’re insulting 

EMBARRASSMENT: She would rather die than admit she was embarrassed about something 

FLIRTING: Very flirtatious, her momma taught her that was one way to get her way, a beautiful woman’s power

ATTENTION SPAN: If it’s something she thinks is important she can concentrate, if it’s not worth the effort to her she’s not going to

SITUATIONS: Dolly Ann would rather not deal with difficult social situations, have your breakdowns in private like a normal person pls
DUTY: She has her pageant responsibilities which is almost like a job

TECH: If she’s not on her phone she’s on her MacBook, but usually it’s her phone

POLITICS: She’s too young to vote but she’s a democrat, Dolly Ann only talks about politics in certain crowds 

COMBAT SKILLS: She survived her attack on pure luck and a strong desire not to die in third place

HOME: They have a maid, Dolly Ann is somewhere between messy and cleans her room before the maid comes

DAILY LIFE: Before life got weird Dolly Ann had no problems even with her packed schedule, now that she’s starting to figure out what’s going on she is slowly getting her balance back but still feels a little off-balance rn

INDEPENDENCE: She can do a lot of things by herself that she chooses not to but she was also taught that there are things you hire people for

COOKING: This is one of those hire people for things

BUILDING: Another hire people for things though she can do DIY stuff like she’s worked on school floats and decorations for dances

CLEANING: She doesn’t have chores but she does put her dirty clothes in the laundry and puts her stuff away instead of leaving it for the maid

SHOPPING: She LOVES to shop especially when she’s got someone with her who also loves to shop, even if all they do is try things on and not buy anything she has fun

DRIVING: Dolly Ann has her license and a brand new pink convertible watch out Normal 

FINANCES: Her family is old money rich so she’s never worried about money 

PETS: Dolly Ann has a cat named Queen Bee, she was twelve, she calls her Queenie

TRAVELING: She goes on holiday every summer, Christmas always includes a trip up to New York City, she and her momma always go to the Miss America pageant

MEDICAL: She’s got no problems going to the doctor or dentist, good health and sparkling teeth are important 

WORRIES: everything that’s happened has made sleeping at home very difficult and the only time she gets a good night sleep is when she sneaks over to Kaz’s

PEACE: She loves having music playing

PARTYING: parties are a part of high school life so if there’s one being held by a popular student she’s there but she doesn’t go hard

HOBBIES: she hasn’t got any spare time
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screamqvccn · 5 years
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FULL NAME: Edwina Agnes Clussy NAME/NICKNAMES: Eds (everyone), Eddie (Holly and Kaz), Edsy (her mom), Wee (her dad) GENERALLY REFERRED TO AS: Edwina or Eddie
FACECLAIM: Kristine Froseth SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5′0″ WEIGHT: Basically a sack of flour; easy to pick up and throw over your shoulder BUILD: Scrawny HAIR: Mousy brown and straight, but she usually curls it. Sometimes she’s got a ribbon tying some of her hair back HANDS: Small and kind of cushiony (think of Pooh Bear’s hands). Her skin on her hands is usually dry because she uses a lot of hand sanitizer CLOTHES: Plaid skirts and dresses, comfy sweaters, knee high socks or socks with frills around them, overalls, mary janes, fannypacks, cross necklace
ACCENT: North Carolinian twang VERBAL TICKS: Tends to stutter when nervous LANGUAGE: English ARTICULATION: She's educated and has the ideas in her head, but she’s just really bad at getting them out in an articulate manner EDUCATION: Edwina will occasionally substitute a really simple word for something longer. Besides that, she speaks like a typical teenager LAUGHTER: She snorts a lot and tends to try to bite back her laughter because she thinks her laugh is ugly BREATHING: Can usually sound like she’s out of breath especially from all the screaming and yelling she constantly does
FACE: Edwina wears her heart on her sleeve and in her expressions. She’s very expressive and has a hard time fighting back microexpressions HANDS: Because she’s got a lot of anxiety and energy she tends to talk with her hands LEGS/FEET: Her legs are always kept very tightly together (she learned to do this from her parents not wanting her to flash people) EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: Literally cries all the time. Tends to get emotional easily and will yell and scream if upset HABITS: Hums when she’s thinking and will look around a lot if she’s nervous POSTURE: Stands up straight because she’ll look shorter if she doesn’t PERSONAL SPACE: Tends to like her personal space at first, but once she trusts people (which really isn’t hard to gain from her) then she’s okay with touching. She loves hugs, but if people are overtly touchy with her she may act like she’s annoyed, but will do nothing to fight it back
DIET: Her mom takes good food really seriously so Edwina tends to eat well for breakfast and dinner. She gets all her food groups in, but tends to snack. Her guilty pleasure is Lunchables. SLEEP: Edwina loves sleep and if you wake her up she will probably kill you EXERCISE: LOL no ACTIVITY: Edwina is lazy as FUCK she would let someone carry her if she didn’t have to walk at all CLEANLINESS: Very cleanly. Grooms herself well and tends to clean everything else around her due to her thing with germs ODOR: Smells like strawberries due to her shampoo and the body spray she uses MEDICINAL DRUGS: She has an inhaler NARCOTICS: No ADDICTIONS: Addicted to One Direction ILLNESS: Asthma and lil bitch syndrome
INTROVERT/EXTROVERT?: She keeps to herself, but she gains her energy from being with people OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: In between. She tends to think everything is the end of the world, but because of that she tries to look for the light in everything GENDER: Cisfemale SEXUALITY: Homosexual, but she’s in the closet. At this point Edwina doesn’t even fully realize she’s gay she just thinks there’s something wrong with her for not liking guys ROMANTIC: Soft romantic bitch. She wants love so bad like she just wants to get married and have like 5 babies MEMORY: Her memory is strong which is helpful with school, but not with her grudges PLANNING: Edwina prefers to plan things out because she knows that’s the safest thing to do, but is constantly getting swept away by people or acting on emotion so planning for things typically go out the window INTUITION: Edwina does everything with good intent, but most of the time it just blows up in her face PROBLEM SOLVING: She’s pretty good at figuring things out whether with context clues or doing research GOALS: Her goal that she tells people is to go to a school like Stanford for engineering, but she really doesn’t think she’s good enough to get into any big name universities. She wants to do something with cars, but her real goal is to get married and become a mom. INSECURITIES: Edwina is insecure about her everything lol. She especially hates her body because of how short and flat chested she is. Her gums and smile are also a really big thing to her and she’s also just ver insecure about her personality because people tell her she’s weird all the time ACHIEVEMENTS: Wins second place in the science fair every year and is in the top 50 of her class ANXIETY: Bitch is always anxious SELF-HELP: Edwina tends to cope by crying all the bad feelings out or screaming about her inner thoughts until she’s tuckered out COMFORTS: If she’s really upset she’ll want someone to just hug her while she cries, but if she can’t do that then she’ll sit in her bed under all the blankets and curl up with her stuffed rabbit BAD HABITS: Not standing up for herself, getting emotional over small things, trusting people too easy, overly washing and sanitizing her hands, screaming and being loud in inappropriate places, and crying easily PHILOSOPHY: Basically lives by the teachings and rules of the Catholic church, but she’s leans very much towards the New Testament and the idea that God is forgiving and therefore so should man TRIGGERS: Germs, blood, death, vomit, Satan, anything gay
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: She’s very close with her parents, but mostly her mom. Her mom didn’t let her out of her arms for so long that Edwina learned how to walk pretty late. Her parents always made her feel loved, but her dad was a little more strict with her. Even so, he still was always affectionate with her. Her parents wanted a bunch of kids, but it took them almost 3 years of trying to have Edwina so they tend to helicopter her and treat her like a princess. Edwina loves both her parents and would put them first always LIFE EVENTS: Edwina met Raquel in kindergarten and that was the first friend she made. After that they became inseparable and didn’t really have people to hang out with besides each other. This was mostly due to people thinking Edwina was sorta weird growing up or Raquel would scare off guys that she thought were trying to ask her out or get with her. Eventually this made people think they were dating which wouldn’t be a problem to Edwina until people started calling her gay slurs. It got worse when she looked at Heidi Dods in the locker room for a little too long and the whole school labeled her as a predatory lesbian. It got so bad that Mr. Kobbs told her she wasn’t allowed to change in the locker rooms anymore for other girls’ comfortability. WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: When Raquel’s mom died because that was really her first experience with death and that was the start of her having to watch her best friend’s life start crumbling BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: When Jamie let her drive Johnnie’s ‘64 Mustang LOOKING BACK: Edwina has always believed that things happen for a reason, but if she could go back and do anything different it’d be not letting Tommy go so he wouldn’t die
FAMILY: Mom; Susan Clussy. Dad; Edward Clussy. She has uncles on her dad’s side and some cousins, but she isn’t that close with them. She also considers Raquel family since she’s always at her house anyway and Mr. Torrance is awful FRIENDSHIPS: Up until this year Edwina’s only close friend has been Raquel. She has some church friends (i.e. Norman Normal), but no one she really hangs out with. Now she considers everyone in MC a pal, except perhaps Dolly (but that’s more so because Edwina doubts she’d want to affiliate herself as Edwina’s friend). FRIENDS IN NEED: Edwina will usually drop everything to help a friend out even if she has to put them first before her own emotional needs. She’s always there with reassuring being her greatest weapon to fight off tears, but Edwina will make other meaningful gestures if she thinks it will help NEEDING A FRIEND: Edwina tends to bottle a lot in and then will end up exploding all her frustrations or tears onto one unlucky person. She likes to only really talk to people she can trust not to make her feel worse, but sometimes strangers get caught in the moment she finally snaps ANNOYANCES: She yells a lot and tends to be snarky and sarcastic when she’s annoyed with someone ROMANCE: When looking for something romantic, Edwina tends to gravitate towards people that make her laugh and like being affectionate. If you wanna woo her then literally just be a pretty girl, make her giggle, and compliment her (she’s not that hard to impress) ADVERSARIES: Edwina would honestly befriend anyone and give anybody a second chance at redemption, but if someone was just cruel and showed 0 signs of having any sort of remorse or good in them then she'd stay away completely ENEMIES: She has a hard time with people who just go after her with little reason other than she’s weird STRANGERS: She tries to be polite to everyone because that’s how her parents raised her. However, Edwina can be a bit judgmental when she doesn’t keep that side of her in check FUN STUFF: Fun stuff she likes to do with friends are going to Marie’s, driving around town, going to the movies or staying in and watching cheesy films, napping together, private karaoke or dance parties, or even just sitting in silence while her and the other person/people just do their own thing or sit on their phones showing each other funny memes they find DATING: Everything above, but with kissing LOVE: Her fanny pack WORST ENEMY: Heidi Dods, Shoprite Cruz, and Mr. Kobbs
MINGLING: She’s nice but awkward as fuck so making friends is hard COMFORT LEVELS: Edwina gets nervous and anxious easily so talking to people can take a lot outta her, but if she’s comfortable around you then she’s more lax PHYSICAL: She’s very affectionate (but if you’re dirty she’ll be more reluctant to won’t touch you, sorry Kaz) GROUPS: Prefers smaller groups OPENNESS: It depends? She’s pretty open about most things, but she still keeps a lot buried down in her lil fanny pack and won’t talk about openly or easily GENEROSITY: Bitch would give the shirt off her back if anyone needed it JEALOUSY: Can get very jealous very easily, but tends to not understand her own jealousy. She’d go home and cry whenever Raquel would be hooking up with some new person, but just think it was her period making her emotional or something lol TEMPER: The human embodiment of an angry pomeranian EMPATHY: Thinks about other people’s feelings first and is a very strong empath AFFECTION: Cuddling, hugging, touching, forehead or cheek kissing, kind words, and meaningful gestures DISTASTE: She doesn’t usually show it to their face, but if she’s talking about them to someone else she’ll just call them an asshole and stuff lol ETIQUETTE: Tries to be polite in public, but tends to cause scenes if she’s upset or emotional RESPONSIBILITY: If she’s wrong then she’ll always apologize SELF ESTEEM: Edwina has really low self esteem because of kids at school picking on her. Her parents always tried to make her feel good about herself, but it didn’t do much because she always felt as though they were obligated to say nice things to her. She let’s people push her around for the most part, but if she does stand up for herself it’s in a very quiet way CONFIDENCE: She doesn’t really care what most people think of her, but she just wishes that they’d keep it to themselves instead of beating her down for it. She cares about what her family thinks though HONESTY: Edwina has always been taught to be honest, but recently she’s been lying a lot LEADER OR FOLLOWER: Follower PRAISE: Loves compliments, but is super bad at accepting them CRITICISM: Really bad at reacting to criticism, but takes it. Will likely cry, but take it to heart INSULTS: Doesn’t take insults well and will 100% cry EMBARRASSMENT: If she’s embarrassed she’ll usually turn red and start stumbling. Again, will likely cry FLIRTING: She isn’t flirty because she doesn’t think anyone would ever reciprocate. If someone does flirt with her it goes over her head ATTENTION SPAN: Gets distracted by shiny objects and fuzzy animals. Very easy to divert her attention SITUATIONS: Really bad at handling stressful situations. She will start screaming or crying or even hyperventilating in which case she’ll crack her inhaler out
TECH: Very tech savvy. Great with computers and figuring out how to make things work POLITICS: Her dad is a very vocal republican, but Edwina’s mother is a lot more loving and liberal so Edwina takes after her mom’s views COMBAT SKILLS: She’s scrawny, but scrappy. She’d definitely lose a fight if she got in one, but she’d go for the jugular HOME: Keeps her room immaculately clean. She’s one of those kids who makes her bed everyday and organizes all her clothes. Her mother is always cleaning the house so the whole place is usually spotless COOKING: Learned how to cook from her mom. She’s no Top Chef, but her food is good BUILDING: Likes to put things together so on any project she’d want to take the lead. It’s like a big puzzle to her CLEANING: Mom does most cleaning, but Edwina helps out sometimes just because she loves her mom. Her parents don’t really give her chores SHOPPING: Likes shopping DRIVING: Loves to drive. Grew up around cars because her dad owns the local dealership. Edwina could likely figure out how to drive any car FINANCES: Family comes from a decent amount of money PETS: No pets, but she’d love a bunny or cat. Pet hair makes her allergies act up and her dad doesn’t like animals so there’s a no pet rule in the house TRAVELING: The only place she’s really gone outside of NC is Disney World. Other than that, most family vacations are in stand MEDICAL: Is constantly going to the doctor because her and her mom are kinda hypochondriacs. Edwina had some health complications when she was a baby because she was born premature so her mom just wants to make sure she doesn’t lose her kid. Edwina doesn’t mind the doctor though for they always give her a lollipop ILLNESS: Asthma WORRIES: Is literally worried about everything lmfao PEACE: Likes peace and quiet, but will occasionally listen to music and stuff if she’s working PARTYING: Doesn’t go to many parties because she doesn’t get invited HOBBIES: Working on her car, building stuff, watching bad movies, and reading
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kazcaldwell · 5 years
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lovable jock x dumb is good x the heart
FULL NAME: Kazran Caldwell PREFERRED NAME/NICKNAMES: ‘Kaz’ to a majority of the world. His sports bros call him ‘Caldwell’.
FACECLAIM: Tyler Posey SEX: Cisgender male HEIGHT: 5′10, pretty average. WEIGHT: around 160 lbs. a little lighter when it’s baseball time and a little heavier in the winter during bulking season. BUILD: he’s generally lean and muscular, with a little more muscle definition in his thighs and calves. HAIR: short and black. he would grow it out but his mother makes him cut it regularly. HANDS: big hands for holding many balls. occasionally sports a big ink stain on the side of his right hand from an intense drawing sesh. too often has dirt caked under his fingernails. his hands always smell vaguely like a baseball glove. SCARS: a few, on his knee and calf, and a good one by his elbow. they’re all from various sports injuries, except the one across his hip that came from the time johnnie convinced him it would be a good idea to parkour over a barbed wire fence. CLOTHES: absolute sports bro garbage trash. ratty, dirty sneakers and white socks that come up a little too far. basketball shorts or track pants. jeans on only the most special occasions. his shirt is usually a jersey of some sort, and he’s rarely seen without a baseball cap (backwards, naturally). OTHER FEATURES: dimples! he has the most adorkable dimples when he smiles, which is most of the time. he also has a stick n poke tattoo on his wrist that his bff johnnie gave him - a poorly rendered skull and crossbones.
VOICECLAIM: if Tyler Posey was a good southern boy ACCENT: slow and southern. LANGUAGE: english and spanish. his spanish pronunciation is inhibited by his deeply american accent, much to his mother’s chagrin, but he is fluent. ARTICULATION: he often has to search for a word or way of phrasing something in the middle of a sentence, but when he finds it, he says it with confidence. EDUCATION: kaz’s vocab is a lot of slang, peppered with ain’ts and y’alls. sometimes he’ll surprise the room with a three-syllable word but it’s always a shock when it happens. LAUGHTER: loud and often, from deep in his chest. has probably teared up from laughing more than he’s teared up from crying.
FACE: his heart is displayed right on his face, in flashing neon lights. he’s often accused of having a case of the puppy dog eyes. HANDS: he fiddles a lot. he has a hard time keeping still, and his hands always need to be doing something. he doesn’t use them to talk, but he’ll be spinning a pencil in his hand mid-conversation for sure. LEGS/FEET: similar to his hands, he’s generally tapping and bouncing his leg to get out the pent up energy. EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: the happier and more excited he gets, the louder kaz is. he has no concept of his own volume and the halls of normal secondary are often blessed with echoes of him yelling, “BRO!”. when he’s upset, however, it’s quite the opposite. he withdraws and grows quieter. HABITS: kaz can’t stand the quiet, so if there’s a silent room, he can often be heard making beatboxing noises under his breath. PERSONAL SPACE: kaz has no concept of such a thing. anyone in the vicinity should prepare for him to barge into their bubble without the slightest thought.
DIET: as a growing sports boy, kaz eats quite a lot. mostly protein, but when he’s not trying to be ultra fit for baseball, he’s a snack fiend. SLEEP: as a kid, growing up in a graveyard gave him frequent nightmares. he grew out of them, but his sleep cycle never really recovered, and he wakes up easily throughout the night. EXERCISE: every morning before school, he goes on a mile run. on the weekends, he does it for longer. he hits the gym to weight train whenever his team does but he doesn’t usually seek this out on his own. he’s more of a runner. CLEANLINESS: he’s a dirty, sweaty boy because he spends all of his time outside. his mother is unsure if he owns a piece of clothing without a grass stain on it. ODOR: general boy stank masked with the strong scent of old spice. NARCOTICS: although his friends dabble in recreational drugs, kaz is a good boy who doesn’t touch anything stronger than weed. he’ll even pass on that if he’s got practice or a game the next day. ADDICTIONS: baseball.
INTROVERT/EXTROVERT?: extrovert as hell. he hates alone time and will bug his friends to be in their presence no matter the time or day. OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: annoyingly optimistic. he’s like the bard of the group. when he’s sad, he has his moments, but it isn’t difficult for him to jump back to the glass being half full. SEXUALITY: straight-ish as far as he knows. he’s only ever dated girls, but there was that one time he woke up to his best friend’s hands on him. johnnie claimed he was half asleep and thought kaz was a girl, so it was whatever. he doesn’t think about it a lot. romance has never been a focus of his and he generally only dates because it’s a thing everyone else does. ROMANTIC: kaz has a huge heart and he can be super romantic. he’s that way with everyone he meets. PLANNING: kaz would rather rush into a situation and figure it out on the fly than stand back and make a plan. if he’s forced to rely on others before he can act, he likes to get the ball rolling by throwing out a million suggestions until one sticks. INTUITION: when it comes to the game, kaz has great intuition. it’s like he knows what the other team is going to do before they do it. he trusts his gut, and he brings that with him in real life situations as well. GOALS: more than anything, kaz wants to get out of normal and explore the world. his way to do that is through baseball and a potential scholarship, which he is very close to achieving. INSECURITIES: he takes most things in stride, but he can be insecure about his intelligence. especially with the murder club, he often feels like he isn’t contributing or helping the cause. he internalizes a lot of it and tries to put himself out there anyway, in the hopes that he’ll accidentally do something right. PHILOSOPHY: the caldwell family is not particularly religious, at least not more than their neighbors, but they are very traditional. they have a lot of beliefs about the sanctity of life and death. kaz is far more hedonistic/utilitarian in that he does what makes him happy in the moment and disregards whatever it might mean for his afterlife.
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: kaz lives with his biological mother and father, but he doesn’t have a close relationship with them. they’ve always been distant and mostly allowed kaz to run off and do his own thing. they’re responsible parents, if not emotionally neglectful. FRIENDSHIPS: being a popular guy, kaz has a large social circle. he’s closest to the other guys on his baseball team, particularly johnnie ward, his best friend. after his brother’s disappearance, kaz has been distancing himself from his regular crowd and spending more time with the murder club. ANNOYANCES: kaz is the ultimate peace keeper. he rarely thinks that anything is worth fighting over and always tries to see things from the other person’s shoes, when he can. the only thing an argument is ever good for is entertainment when you’re watching two people go at it and you know you’re not involved. ADVERSARIES: kaz is more forgiving than he should be. he takes most things in stride, so it would be difficult to do anything so heinous that you lost his friendship. anything involving his brother is a good way to get him riled up. STRANGERS: kaz treats everyone he meets very familiarly, like they’ve been best friends for years. FUN STUFF: he does the standard teenage boy stuff with his pals. they play video games, trash other people’s houses at parties, hit each other with sticks, etc. he’s very active and hands on so he rough houses with his friends a lot. BEST FRIEND: johnnie ward is his bff and has been for a long time. johnnie is like the mr. hyde to his dr. jekyll - the one who always drags kaz along to do the dangerous, slightly illegal things. WORST ENEMY: at the moment, kaz’s worst enemy has to be the sheriff and the rest of the police force. although he’s generally always been on good terms with them due to his sports prowess bringing renown to normal (johnnie often shoves kaz at the cops when they get into a spot, so he can smile their way out), he can’t forgive them for the lazy, uncaring way they’ve handled his brother’s disappearance.
GROUPS: the more the merrier. kaz loves having people around him and thrives in group settings. he’s the guy at the party who keeps hopping between different social groups to interact with everyone he can. OPENNESS: it’s a 50/50 situation. there are certain things that kaz keeps very private, that he’s unwilling to talk about. he’s so bent on keeping it positive that he doesn’t often share the deep stuff unless he’s doing so flippantly. however, there isn’t a lot that he takes seriously enough to treat this way. GENEROSITY: kaz would probably give both his kidneys if someone really needed them. he grew up lower class (not as much as the wards, but enough) so he doesn’t have too much to share, but he shares it all the same. JEALOUSY: romantically, kaz is not the jealous type. he’s so socialable himself that he couldn’t imagine getting upset if someone else was the same way. the only thing that’s ever really made him jealous is seeing the way his more well-off teammates live. they can afford the nicer cleats and have more time to spend in the weight room, etc. etc. he’s seen how it takes him more work to stay at the same place as them and wishes it were easier. TEMPER: generally patient as a saint, if only because most stuff either flies over his head or is taken in a positive manner by him. his temper has gotten worse recently, but it’s still very tame. AFFECTION: kaz’s way of showing affection is through touch and time spent with the other person. he’s very affectionate with all of his friends, always boosting them up and being their hype man. a total team player. DISTASTE: if he dislikes someone, he simply becomes the opposite of himself. cold, robotic, generally antisocial around them. ETIQUETTE: polite enough. his mama raised him to be a gentleman so he acts accordingly, but he can’t help being a little rude around the edges without realizing so. RESPONSIBILITY: he feels responsible for everything. he’s always been extremely independent, as his parents left him alone to take care of himself and then eventually his brother, so he sees himself as the one who has to handle it all. if something doesn’t go right, he feels like it’s his fault and internalizes the blame. he projects his bad feelings onto others when they’re bad, if only because he has a hard time processing them. CONFIDENCE: kaz is very confident in most aspects of life, aside from anything to do with academia. he rolls with the punches. HONESTY: honest, but never in a way that intentionally hurts someone else’s feelings. he will occasionally blurt out something that’s honest and rude, but it’s usually accidental and he tries to put a positive spin on most stuff. LEADER OR FOLLOWER: follower, and pushover. kaz’s friends could get him to jump off a bridge if they really wanted. he likes to go with the crowd, to feel like his belongs. FLIRTING: if kaz is speaking, he’s flirting. ATTENTION SPAN: poor. he’s very easily distracted. the only place where he’s super focused is out on the field.
DUTY: kaz has always been responsible for taking care of his brother. when baseball started to get more intense with scouts was when he asked abby to take over for him. he’s the de facto captain of his team and is in charge of making sure everybody is in shape and doing what they should. COMBAT SKILLS: he’s a lover, not a fighter. but he’s fit and athletic so it wouldn’t be difficult for him to defend himself or others. HOME: he’s a garbage boy with a very messy cave of a room. but it’s organized chaos and once a month his mom makes him clean up because it smells worse than the dead people in there. COOKING: he can use a microwave. hot pockets all day, baby. DRIVING: he doesn’t have a car, preferring to get about town on rollerblades, but he can sometimes be seen driving johnnie’s white mustang when his best friend is out of it. FINANCES: the caldwell’s live a humble lifestyle. they’re on the lower side of lower middle class. more like upper poverty. but kaz does odd jobs here and there for cash money, like mowing lawns and shoveling snows and such neighborhoodly things. PETS: there’s a feral cat that lives in the graveyard. he also has johnnie. LAW: he’s gotten in trouble a few times - breaking and entering, vandalizing public property, public urination... mostly things his friends were doing that they blamed kaz for because they knew he’d get out of it. he doesn’t have a record because that’s usually true. TRAVELING: he’s never been out of normal, but he wants to travel the world more than anything. MEDICAL: the only time kaz has ever had a real medical mishap was at a very young age, when his parents left him in the car to go to a town council meeting. middle of summer, way too hot, and it landed him in the hospital nearly dead from heat stroke. he doesn’t suffer any lingering medical issues from it but it has left him with a strong desire to always feel like his body is functioning and alive. PARTYING: he’s a partier, always letting his friends drag him along to the haunt of the night. HOBBIES: drawing. he doodles in his sketchbook. it started being a more frequent activity as a way to bond with alfie, but he does it on his own as well.
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frvnchies · 5 years
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     lovable alpha bitch / the speechless / so beautiful, it’s a curse
FULL NAME: francesca eloise waverly. PREFERRED NAME/NICKNAMES: frenchie. GENERALLY REFERRED TO AS: francesca by her parents (which she does not like!), frenchie by essentially everyone else.
FACECLAIM: halston sage. SEX: cisfemale. HEIGHT: short — she’s about 5′3″. WEIGHT: about 115 lbs normally, more like 110 during pageant season. BUILD: slim with some tone from working out. HAIR: soft natural dirty blonde with some subtle highlights from the salon, often styled in loose waves. HANDS: small, delicate, perfectly manicured hands. she has a regimen for taking care of herself, hands included (she’s got a mani-pedi appointment every tuesday afternoon). SCARS: faded scar on her knee from a fall as a child. CLOTHES: she dresses like a sorority girl, tbh. a lot of lilly pulitzer, some madewell and free people, kate spade bags, pearls, lululemon leggings & vineyard vines or simply southern shirts when she’s feeling lazy. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES: wide smile.
VOICECLAIM: as far as her normal speaking voice, halston works. as for singing, i’m gonna go big and say she’s got a touch of sara bareilles. ACCENT: soft carolinian accent, kind of like this. VERBAL TICS: tendency to use pet names (sugar, honey, darlin’, etc).  LANGUAGE: she’s fluent in english & ASL, currently studying spanish. ARTICULATION: she’s very articulate and sure of herself when explaining things. as with most things in her life, this is a result of excessive pageant practice. EDUCATION: the thing about the way frenchie talks is that it’s long & tiresome, but more from the fact that she drawls her words like a good southern girl and less from the fact that she uses big words. she’s not dumb, but it’s not her style. LAUGHTER: she doesn’t laugh loudly because her mother says it’s not ladylike. she tends to giggle instead. BREATHING: she makes a lot of noise during club meetings, partly because it’s easier to convey her meaning through sighs and humphs than writing something out. 
FACE: a lot of times, she doesn’t mind people knowing what she thinks, so it’ll be written all over her face (i.e. when she sees the murder club being weird, it’s not hard to tell that she thinks it’s weird). that being said, she can put on a pretty good poker face when she wants to. HANDS: being too expressive / talking with her hands / making herself too big or loud in general has been drilled into her as unladylike, so her hands usually stay folded in her lap.  LEGS/FEET: absolutely not. see above. EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: if anything, frenchie tends to maintain the hell out of a poker face when she’s upset and then burst into tears the second she’s alone. she doesn’t like losing face in front of others; it feels too vulnerable. HABITS: most fidgety sort of habits have been discouraged by her mother. the one thing she can’t get frenchie to stop doing is twirling her hair. POSTURE: her posture is absolutely perfect. that’s a pageant queen for you! PERSONAL SPACE: depends on who we’re talking about. with friends, she’s much more likely to be comfortable with them – ex. brushing shoulders, casual touches, etc. with strangers or people she doesn’t know, she’ll back off a little, and is more averse to them getting up in her space. she’s pretty tolerant of anything, though. OTHER: she can usually be found chewing a stick of gum.
DIET: frenchie’s on a pretty strict diet as far as keeping in shape for pageant stuff. this usually means a lot of salads, lean meat, veggies, that sort of thing — if she even bothers to eat at all, which is less likely to occur during pageant season. she has an undeniable sweet tooth, though, so she’ll always cave for a shake at marie’s. SLEEP: these days, she doesn’t sleep as much. she usually tries to get a solid eight hours, but her sleep is so restless now that she’s lucky if she can grab a few hours at best. EXERCISE: it probably borders on a little bit too much of the treadmill / stairclimber. right now she’s more busy with the murder club, which takes away from her usual regimen. ACTIVITY: she’ll damn near kill herself practicing pageant stuff if she thinks it’ll make her mom happy. CLEANLINESS: frenchie takes a lot of pride in her appearance, so she’s always been the type to shower regularly and keep herself clean & tidy. she has a whole regimen of soaps, scrubs, lotions, etc. that she follows religiously.  ODOR: her signature perfume is armani’s sí. if she’s not wearing that, she’ll still smell pleasant and vaguely girly, mostly like her shampoo. MEDICINAL DRUGS: she got a prescription for xanax last year, but she never filled it. NARCOTICS: she’s not averse to smoking some weed at a party, but nothing more than that (she tends to worry about her singing voice). PARASITES: does jamie count as a parasite?
INTROVERT/EXTROVERT?: definitely an extrovert — she always likes being around people, and usually feels better / more energized when she’s out and about.  OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: optimist. she has an unwavering belief that things will work out. this is probably a result of the fact that she’s white, pretty, and well off, so things do tend to work out for her. SEXUALITY: frenchie’s still kind of figuring this out, but she’s bisexual. as far as people she’s dated in the past, they’ve usually been the type of person people expect her to be with — hot, popular, etc. as for what she actually wants for herself, she really just needs someone who’ll make her smile. ROMANTIC: biromantic. again, has yet to realize that anyone other than cis dudes are really an option for her, but she’s got a big heart underneath all that hairspray, and she’s secretly a hopeless romantic.   MEMORY: she has a better memory than a lot of people give her credit for. she’s especially good with names/faces/dates/times, that sort of thing. PLANNING: she has a planner. does she use it? no. she just wanted the lilly pulitzer print to tote around. this bitch just wanders into whatever she wants to do next — her whims are wild and often. INTUITION: she generally trusts herself and her gut. whether or not this is a good thing is still up for debate. GOALS: as of right now, her only clear goal is to win the miss teen normal 2019 pageant. other than that, she has a vague idea of the kind of life she wants to have, but pageantry has really shaped a lot of who she is. INSECURITIES: she’s insecure about the fact that she kind of feels like a one trick pony. if she can’t do pageants, what can she do? ACHIEVEMENTS: little miss normal 2012, young miss normal 2014, junior miss teen normal 2017... you get the gist.   ANXIETY: pageants lol. her mother. the idea of failing her mother. anything along those lines, honestly. SELF-HELP: frenchie is very much of the ‘ignore the problem until it goes away’ mindset. this is not working for her at all right now, which distresses her greatly. BAD HABITS: she smacks her gum, which drives her mother absolutely insane. otherwise, she tends to drill out her bad habits before they can form. PHILOSOPHY: she was raised catholic, but frenchie has struggled with the whole believing part of religion for years. she still goes to services every sunday with her family, but her heart’s not in it. she wants to believe in something, but she has a hard time taking the church’s word for it. she’d probably fall best under agnostic for now.
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: her relationship with her dad is amiable but distant; he’s always at work, so they never really bonded the way they should’ve. she’s tied up tight with her mom, but that relationship is absolutely riddled with anxiety and angst. she wants so desperately to have her mom’s approval that she has very few positive interactions with her. WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: the day she lost her voice. not only was it incredibly embarrassing to stand on stage and watch everyone whisper about her, but she’s genuinely distressed by the idea that it has yet to come back. there’s no explanation, no reason — she can’t be stuck like this the rest of her life. BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: when she won little miss normal, her mother took the whole family out for a huge dinner and let frenchie get whatever she wanted. it was one of the few times she can remember having everyone together without a single sharp word or argument.
FAMILY: the only family member she truly trusts to have her back is her twin brother, theo. she absolutely idolizes her mother, but frenchie knows that she would leave her kids in the dust if she thought they needed to learn a lesson. FRIENDSHIPS: truthfully, she has almost no true friends. her best friend is, without a doubt, theo. frenchie’s the kind of person who’s surrounded by people, but feels absolutely alone — none of them really know her, or even care to try. though she might try to resist, the rest of the murder club is on their way to being her friend, too.  NEEDING A FRIEND: she generally deals with problems on her own (read: she does not deal with them and waits until it fizzles out), or she consults theo (read: she has him take care of it).   ANNOYANCES: cold shoulder, 100%. she’s a petty bitch and it’s very easy to do now that she legitimately cannot talk. ROMANCE: frenchie is actually very unsure when it comes to any sort of romance. she wants it, but has no idea how to invite it in. ADVERSARIES: people who say ‘lol’ out loud, the entire state of florida, people who chew really loudly, dentists, people who want to be dentists. ENEMIES: people who are mean to animals, probably. FUN STUFF: getting shakes at marie’s, going shopping, taking long drives. BEST FRIEND: theo.
MINGLING: when she actually tries, she’s got a certain charm about her that makes it fairly easy for her to make people like her. COMFORT LEVELS: as a rule, she doesn’t really have any issues talking to anyone, from strangers on up to close friends or family, so she’s pretty hard to faze in that sense.  GROUPS: she’s comfortable with both big and small groups. she likes having both in equal measure — big groups for a fun time, small groups for that good 1-on-1 dish. OPENNESS: since she doesn’t really have any true, close friends, she has a harder time opening up about real stuff. if she’s having issues, theo’s the one who will hear about it, and she’s never seen need to tell anyone else whatever’s closest to her heart. GENEROSITY: if the murder club was a sorority, frenchie would be everyone’s big. she’s still warming up to them a bit, but she’s very generous with milkshake orders, ghost hunting supplies — whatever. she doesn’t care. she has daddy’s amex on deck at all times. JEALOUSY: she’s jealous of people who seem breezily confident in themselves. though she seems very content with herself, she wishes she actually had that kind of easy comfort in her own skin. TEMPER: depends on the situation. certain people can get on her nerves more easily than others, but she’s not usually the type to have an outburst. EMPATHY: these days, she’s working on being a little more empathetic, especially since the murder club has a few people that she used to be pretty vicious towards. she’ll still lash out sometimes, but she’s trying. AFFECTION: little stuff — private smiles just for them, attempts to fill their needs before they even know they need it, generally trying to make sure that person is perfectly content. DISTASTE: just look for that characteristic derisive sneer. she’s not likely to hide it if she doesn’t like you. ETIQUETTE: etiquette is frenchie’s middle name. emily post who? RESPONSIBILITY: she does not like to admit that she’s wrong. it leaves a very bitter taste in her mouth. SELF ESTEEM: she’s not about to let anyone she sees as ‘lesser’ than her push her around. if you’re below her on the popularity food chain, she’s not gonna act like a little delicate flower. CONFIDENCE: depends on the day, her mood, etc. sometimes she’s all ‘i’m the hottest bitch ever to walk this earth’, and sometimes she feels like shrek. high school is magical. LEADER OR FOLLOWER: she tends to go with the flow more than anything.  PRAISE: she loves a good compliment! boost that ego. CRITICISM: she takes genuine criticism VERY poorly. when confronted with her own flaws, she tends to lash out and try to dig twice as deep into her critic. the notable exception to this is her mother — she’ll take that criticism with little more than an apology and promise to do better. INSULTS: insults are much easier to laugh off, for whatever reason. they feel more surface-level to her. EMBARRASSMENT: not too easily embarrassed, but if she is, she’ll just turn red and not really know what to say. FLIRTING: not usually unless she’s drunk or specifically interested in someone, but she does sometimes think it’s fun to bat her eyes and smile prettily at football players just to watch them trip over themselves. ATTENTION SPAN: frenchie is a magpie. show her a pair of earrings and she’ll forget what she was saying entirely.
DUTY: no real responsibilities to speak of beyond being on time for practice. TECH: she’s been through three phones in the past year. that should speak for itself. COMBAT SKILLS: frenchie might not have bulk on her side, but she’s vicious enough to hold an attacker off for a minute or two. those perfectly manicured nails will go right for your eyes if you try to mess with her. HOME: she’s very organized. her room is nice and neat and very pleasant to be in. INDEPENDENCE: frenchie is absolutely dependent on her parents. she likes to pretend that she can do anything she wants on her own, but she’d be lost without them.  COOKING: she’s actually a pretty good cook. growing up, her nana made sure she knew all the good southern recipes passed down through their family so she ‘could take care of her husband properly someday’.  BUILDING: the idea of frenchie building anything is hysterical. SHOPPING: she shops constantly. i’m sure she’s bought things online literally during murder club meetings, and has come home with bags on bags of stuff before. DRIVING: she’s got a cute little baby blue VW bug, courtesy of daddy’s big bonus and presented to her on her sixteenth birthday. FINANCES: virtually all her money comes from her parents, who are very comfortable financially. her dad is a very successful lawyer, so frenchie will usually end up getting some sort of ‘allowance’ from him each month. this is often flexible — if she really wants something, she’s pretty much guaranteed to get it. PETS: she has a golden retriever named ollie.  LAW: no ma’am, no sir. unless you count underage drinking. MEDICAL: she currently has doctor’s appointments out the wazoo to try and figure out what’s up with her voice. before that, she was pretty vigilant about going to the doctor/dentist. she takes care of herself! WORRIES: these days, it’s her voice. day and night, she wonders — will she get it back? is she stuck like this? what will she do if it never comes back? it’s an endless cycle, and the answer is always the same: she doesn’t know. PARTYING: frenchie actually loves to party. her mother supports it if she has ‘a nice young man to escort her’, AKA she’ll probably call up kaz and ask him to take her so she can go. HOBBIES: y’all, we all know this bitch does pageants and nothing else.
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violet-matthews · 5 years
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FULL NAME: Violet Marie Matthews PREFERRED NAME/NICKNAMES: Violet, Vi GENERALLY REFERRED TO AS: Violet by most, Vi by those she is close to (aka her dad and everyone at the station).
FACECLAIM: Lili Reinhart SEX: Cisgender Female HEIGHT: 5′6 WEIGHT: 123 lbs. BUILD: Relatively thin, minorly toned. She takes PE but is not a part of any particular sport. HAIR: Medium length with a slight curl, blonde, soft thanks to conditioner, and down most of the time (in a ponytail, bun, or half-up/half-down otherwise). HANDS: Average sized hands. Not small, but not large. Long fingers and nails that have never had a proper manicure but well taken care of. Smooth skin. SCARS: Physically? None. Yet. Miraculously. Mentally, many. CLOTHES: Varied. Top stores include Urban Outfitters, Forever 21, and Madewell-inspired looks (but not actual Madewell because she doesn’t have that kind of cash). Vi likes girly clothes (she’s big on dresses, skirts, florals, pastels, jumpsuits, cardigans, etc.), sometimes leaning towards preppy. On the other end of the spectrum, though, she’s obsessed with overalls. She wears some form of them at least once a week.
VOICECLAIM: Lili Reinhart ACCENT: Slight regional dialect, but it’s definitely not strong. Her father’s is way worse. VERBAL TICKS: N/A. Vi isn’t used to speaking much, but she doesn’t struggle with the act of it. It’s more that she doesn’t always think before she speaks, so her words just come pouring out of her and she finds herself regretting things later. LANGUAGE: Fluent in English, learning French. ARTICULATION: Pretty articulate. She’s good at speaking her mind, and only trips over her words when things have gotten awkward and are only getting worse. EDUCATION: Vi has a decent vocabulary and makes the occasional literary reference. She’s still a high school junior, so that’s where the bar really should be set, but she’s bright. She takes pride in the fact that she has a decent amount of knowledge and she excels in school. LAUGHTER: Vi has a few different laughs. Fake, small yet genuine, small and based in being bitter or petty, small and based in nervousness, and absolutely genuine based on hilarity. She doesn’t laugh all that often, but if she does it’s definitely in one of the above categories. Each laugh is slightly different, but she’s not one to be too loud in general. BREATHING: She sighs occasionally, but otherwise things are pretty one-note.
FACE: Vi’s face shows way more expression than she’d like. She has to actively mentally coach her expression to remain neutral, but she’s gotten better at it. HANDS: She has a set repertoire of smaller gestures that she uses when speaking (pointing, connecting the dots, and other general gestures) LEGS/FEET: Violet’s legs are pretty stationary. EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: She definitely bottles up her emotions and journals them out later. She allows herself to feel more of the happy emotions, but things like frustration... just sort of shine through. HABITS: Nothing major. She’s tried to blend in and be invisible for so long that anything that grabs attention visually or audibly she tries to avoid. POSTURE: Posture definitely changes with mood. Normally she’s pretty prim and proper with just the slightest hint of a teen slouch. The longer the day goes for her, the less proper it gets. PERSONAL SPACE: Big on personal space. She doesn’t really like to be touched, and there’s only a rare number of occasions that she’ll make exceptions. She’s therefore really good at respecting others’ personal spaces. (She’s not a hugger, and can’t remember the last time she initiated a hug, but if the situation absolutely calls for it, she’ll make it work).
DIET: As well-balanced as it can be considering the fact that 4 out of 5 times her dinner is takeout. Breakfast is definitely balanced, though. When she’s stressed, eating is the last thing on her mind. SLEEP: She tries to get in the recommended amount, but is rarely successful. She’s up early for breakfast every day with her dad, so she always has that limit. She dreams, but they’re never ones she remembers. EXERCISE: She exercises in PE. That’s about it. ACTIVITY: She goes at things hard, so she’ll absolutely work herself to the point of exhaustion. If you’re not trying your best, are you even trying? CLEANLINESS: She’s cleanly. Great hygiene. She showers, she brushes her teeth, she flosses. ODOR: Not a bad odor. Very slight, quite fresh. Clean laundry mixed with something vaguely floral. MEDICINAL DRUGS: Allergy medicine, but nothing else. NARCOTICS: Absolutely not. ADDICTIONS: None. ILLNESS: None actually diagnosed, but probably at least one form of metal illness that could greatly benefit from therapy. INJURIES: No physical injuries. Her mother leaving has caused a ripple effect emotionally, however.
INTROVERT/EXTROVERT?: Introvert. Even in situations where she’s pretending to be an extrovert.  OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: Realist. She fluctuates, depending on the situation. SEXUALITY: Demisexual. She’s never taken an interest in anyone in that way before and doesn’t really see the merit of it. The more she gets to know someone the more potential there is for something to develop, but that involves her getting to know people. Which she doesn’t do. ROMANTIC: Demiromantic. Again, she really needs to know the person to begin to have any feelings whatsoever. When it comes to romance itself, Violet doesn’t know the first thing about it. She’s quite independent, and she doesn’t see that changing any time soon. She didn’t exactly have the best of relationships to look up to when she was a child, so that definitely had some impact on her thinking now. MEMORY: A good memory. She writes things down to ensure she remembers them too. PLANNING: Great at planning. Sometimes it goes out the window, but Violet really does her best to make sure she’s prepared. INTUITION: Good intuition. She’s had plenty of time to learn about what the best decisions to make in various social settings are, and being the sheriff’s daughter has taught her something about intuition in general (aka follow it). PROBLEM SOLVING: Loves problem solving. Not, like, listening to people’s problems and advising, but puzzles and mysteries. She’s a curious girl, and she likes getting answers. GOALS: Main goal is to get out of Normal. All of her small goals relate to that and maintaining a decent relationship with the only family member she has. INSECURITIES: Only recently has she really become insecure about the fact that her best friend is her dad, so she’s trying to put herself out there just a little more. She’s also vaguely insecure about how she looks. When she does speak up, she needs to feel like she’s being properly understood and is never in a situation where she could be misquoted. ACHIEVEMENTS: Violet’s gotten a decent amount of academic awards. She treasures them. She thinks they’re her ticket out of town. ANXIETY: Social anxiety for sure. Most of her anxiety stems from that. SELF-HELP: She deals with her life problems by ignoring them or noting them in her journal. She doesn’t work them out. COMFORTS: A good book, a quiet room, the ability to just vent through writing and know no one will read it. BAD HABITS: Lately it’s ignoring the voice in her head that says to stop talking. Generally, it’s her constantly switching friend groups, even if sometimes she wants to stay. PHILOSOPHY: She was vaguely religious in childhood, but that went away when her mom did. Dad doesn’t have time for church. TRIGGERS: None that she’s aware of yet.
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Great relationship with dad on most days. No relationship with her mother. LIFE EVENTS: Violet’s life was greatly altered by her mother leaving (she has some pretty serious abandonment issues that have manifested in various ways), but perhaps even moreso by how the town reacted. If it had been a quiet leave that no one discussed, she might have turned out entirely differently. Instead, she very quickly learned the importance of avoiding the spotlight at all costs. WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: The day her mom left (and the next year after it). BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: Hasn’t happened yet. Everything’s been pretty one-note since.
FAMILY: Violet’s only family is her dad. He was an only child and both of his parents have passed. She doesn’t know anyone on her mother’s side. To her knowledge she’s an only child. FRIENDSHIPS: Violet doesn’t have any friends. Any true friends, at least. She tries to keep good relations with pretty much everyone she comes across, but she’s actively avoided any genuine friendships. Her closest friends (beyond her dad) are probably the other employees at the station. Vi doesn’t know what she actually wants in a friend, but the ability to listen and know when talking was the last thing she wanted would be nice. Also some mutual interests. FRIENDS IN NEED: Violet hasn’t had to do this yet. She’d likely be mildly uncomfortable with it at first, but she’d give it her best effort NEEDING A FRIEND: Violet goes to her journal with most of her problems. If she really needs help she’ll go to her dad, but he thinks she’s pretty self-sufficient. ANNOYANCES: Violet gets surprisingly petty surprisingly quickly. While normally she’s able to just bottle everything up, if someone is really determined to get something out of her, they will. She prefers to have the last word too. ROMANCE: Violet has no clue how to woo anyone, but if she’s going to be with someone, she wants it to be someone who she has a good rapport with. Someone she’s actually interested in talking to and sharing with. Aka not Norman Normal, who she finds tragically boring. ADVERSARIES: People who are unnecessarily cruel. If you’re being mean and you don’t have a reason, Violet has no time for you. ENEMIES: She has no enemies yet beyond town gossip. STRANGERS: Violet’s good with strangers, since she prefers for most people to remain on that level to her. FUN STUFF: Doing normal teenage things? Going to the movies, hanging out at Marie’s. DATING: Violet has never dated before and therefore does not know the first thing about dating. If she had to choose her ideal date, it would probably be at the library. Minimal talking, but they could choose books for each other and she’d try not to judge based on what she was given. Book choices say a lot. BEST FRIEND: Honestly, it’s her father. She doesn’t even really consider herself to have friends. LOVE: N/A WORST ENEMY: None. Yet.
MINGLING: Vi is a social butterfly. She’s great at mingling, but she tries to keep herself distant at some level at all times. COMFORT LEVELS: Violet is an introvert and she doesn’t necessarily enjoy talking to others, but she does it out of necessity. PHYSICAL: Violet avoids physical touch. GROUPS: Violet prefers small groups 99/100 times. OPENNESS: Violet is very reserved and distant. She frequently deflects questions about herself by asking questions about the person she is conversing with. Anything so as to not draw attention to herself. GENEROSITY: Vi hasn’t ever really had to be generous, but she has it in her to be. It’s pretty likely she’ll order pizza for the Murder Club on several occasions. JEALOUSY: Vi sometimes gets jealous of people with really present parents, but at the end of the day it’s not something she’d lose sleep over. She just journals it out and everything’s fine. TEMPER: Violet has a decent amount of patience, but if someone is pushing very specific buttons, she’ll be worked up in seconds. EMPATHY: Violet’s decent at empathy. She can connect the dots as to why they’re feeling a particular way and gains her understanding that way. She still tries to keep her distance, but she’s had to use empathy in some social situations before. AFFECTION: Affectionate in quiet ways. Never through touch, but through small gestures. You know she cares when she remembers small things about you and maybe just shows up one day and offers you the chips you mentioned one time that you liked. DISTASTE: Her eyes say it so her words don’t have to. Vi isn’t out to make any enemies. ETIQUETTE: She’s a polite girl. She sticks to social norms. Her father would be disappointed in her if she didn’t. RESPONSIBILITY: Violet hates to admit when she’s wrong, but she’ll quietly try and correct things. If she’s forced to admit she messed up, it’s a very bitter admission. SELF ESTEEM: Vi has some. Not a ton, but enough that she doesn’t feel bad about herself and her choices at every turn. CONFIDENCE: Vi likes to think that she doesn’t care what others think of her, but she definitely does. Others talking about her is her worst nightmare. HONESTY: She tries not to speak her honest opinion. Sometimes it slips out. It’s not always nice. LEADER OR FOLLOWER: She’s tried to force herself to be a follower, but deep down she’s more of a leader. PRAISE: Vi is very bad at taking compliments, but she has a general understanding of how she probably should do it. FAILURES: She just sort of disappears and refuses to share. Eventually for someone that has to be annoying. She would also definitely ghost someone. CRITICISM: She takes criticism very poorly. In her mind, no one even knows her well enough to criticize her. INSULTS: Vi wants to have a comeback for every insult that comes her way. It’s rare that it happens, so it’s a nice chance to use her wit. EMBARRASSMENT: If she does anything embarrassing in public and thinks anyone has seen, Vi wants to immediately crawl in a hole and die. FLIRTING: She’s not flirtatious at all, but if for some reason she needed to be, she’s seen enough movies that she could probably act her way out of things. ATTENTION SPAN: Good attention span as long as the situation isn’t overwhelming. Vi does a lot, so her focus is always somewhat split. SITUATIONS: Vi’s good at mediating, since she doesn’t like to assign herself to a side. She tries to avoid doing it, however, in case things get messy.
DUTY: On top of being a good student, Violet takes care of her dad by making sure he’s eating and encouraging him to sleep. She’s done it for as long as she can remember, but it’s definitely gotten harder lately. She also volunteers (sometimes paid, mostly not) at the local library. TECH: Good at technology. She’s never really had a life without it. POLITICS: Violet is big on voting. Clearly. She’s pro-police because of her father (and stubborn about it, though the tide could turn). And she has more liberal beliefs. COMBAT SKILLS: Surprisingly high. Violet’s dad made her take self-defense classes when she was younger and she gets a refresher every other year. He also taught her how to shoot and she learned archery in Girl Scouts. In case of emergency, she’s prepared... though given that she’s not a superhero who conveniently carries arrows around, the archery thing probably won’t be so useful in a fight. HOME: Things are kept tidy in the Matthews home. A little less so lately, but there’s still an order. DAILY LIFE: She’s pretty good at keeping up with the twists and turns of daily life. Her trick is to remain just detached enough that nothing quite phases her. INDEPENDENCE: Super independent. With her father working as much as he does, Vi’s been on her own minus some daily checking in over meals for a while. Most of the time she prefers it. Sometimes it gets lonely. COOKING: She cooks. Decently well. She also sometimes saves up her fridge money to do her own grocery shopping, since constant takeout meals gets boring CLEANING: Violet was given a rigorous chore schedule when she was young, and she’s been able to keep up with it over the years. If her dad isn’t home much, someone needs to keep things clean. SHOPPING: She shops, but it’s normally not a long thing and half of the time it’s online. She’s gone on social shopping trips occasionally when she’s social butterflying into a group that does that, but it’s definitely not something she’s used to. DRIVING: Violet knows how to drive out of necessity and has a license, but she doesn’t have a car. FINANCES: Violet comes from a single-income household and really doesn’t make any money on her own, so she’s not in the best of financial positions but she’s certainly not poor. She doesn’t get an allowance, but she essentially gets a food stipend every day, so it adds up. She’s good at saving it, too. She knows she’ll need every penny once college rolls around. PETS: No pets. She also presently doesn’t want any. Why get one now if you probably can’t take it with you to college? LAW: Violet truly does her best to avoid breaking the law. She’s not sure what would happen if someone caught her doing it, but at the very least she’d definitely get an ‘I’m very disappointed in you’ talk from... well, everyone at the station. TRAVELING: Her dad is a workaholic, so she hasn’t been on a real vacation since her mom left. Before then it was just to nearby locations. When she was in Girl Scouts, she went camping. MEDICAL: Violet’s number one priority is taking care of herself, so she seeks out medical attention when she needs it. WORRIES: Plenty. Mostly it’s a ‘what if I get stuck in Normal for the rest of my life’ thing,  but it constantly varies. PEACE: Used to the quiet. Since she’s had a lot of alone time growing up, it’s just her normal. She sometimes finds it difficult to concentrate if there’s a lot happening. PARTYING: Violet is not a partier. Normally she doesn’t see the use in showing up at one, since she socializes out of necessity. HOBBIES: Journaling, reading, more recently investigating (it’s nice to have that purpose now).
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hollys-eve · 5 years
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Holly-Eve Knights
FULL NAME: Holly-Eve Knights PREFERRED NAME/NICKNAMES: Holly-Eve, Holly GENERALLY REFERRED TO AS: Holly, Sometimes her mother Maggie calls her Evie
FACECLAIM: Abigail Cowen SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5′10 WEIGHT: 150 lbs. BUILD: Reedy, but hidden muscles from carrying the weight of the newspaper on her shoulders. HAIR: Red and naturally wavy. Is too lazy to straighten it so she’s just got long loose curls. Long, down to the small of her back. The kind of hair that when you roll down the windows actively attempts to suffocate you but she doesn’t want to cut it or pull it into a ponytail. So it’s either braided, in a bun, or down. Mostly down. HANDS: Delicate hands, but long fingers, like she should have been a piano player. Callouses on her fingers from years of playing by herself outside and going ghost hunting with her parents. SCARS: A small scar across her eyebrow. She doesn’t know how she got it, but her parents say it happened while she was living at one of the Florida orphanages. CLOTHES: Tennis shoes and converse, clothes that are comfortable, hoodies to sink into, and like 800 bracelets. If it’s oversized, she’ll wear it with no pants, or shorts that look like no pants. Lots hats and sunglasses. Bracelets and hair ties all the way up both of her arms. A few of them were made by her parents, a few are ones she has collected from various little shops. Likes loose and comfortable button ups during the summer. If the situation does not force her to wear shoes, she is not wearing them. OTHER FEATURES: Wouldn’t call them uncommon but she’s covered in freckles. Plus she has a birthmark on her back called a stork bite.
ACCENT: Barely there Southern/Carolina, only noticeable in certain words. LANGUAGE: English, some latin from books that her parents having laying around, but not fluent. More so can pick up certain words. ARTICULATION: Being a journalist she is extremely articulate and good at explaining her points.  EDUCATION: Prefers direct language, but is at least vaguely aware of internet culture and uses memes. When texting refuses to use things like “u” or “ur” and will correct other people’s grammar and spelling. Has two extremely educated parents and it shows in her speech. LAUGHTER: Does not laugh often, mostly because she’s never had a reason to laugh, and is cautious of people. Her laugh is almost silent. BREATHING: Sighs. So much. All the time. When frustrated, confused, unsure of what to do with her breath she just lets it out in a sigh.
FACE: Has very expressive facial features and an absolutely terrible poker face. Unfortunately blessed with Resting Bitch Face. HANDS: Does not usually talk with her hands, keeps them close by her unless she is really trying to make a point.  EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: Tends to be a bit emotionally reserved unless under extreme circumstances. Sleep deprivation makes her more likely to snip at people, and alcohol makes her extremely honest and affectionate. As a baseline she’s very good at hiding complex emotions. HABITS: Crackles her joints. Specifically her knuckles and her back. POSTURE: Posture depends on the mood. The more tired she gets, the less she holds her posture upright. PERSONAL SPACE: Has a very important personal space bubble, and likes to give people their space. Only breaks it when it feels appropriate. She isn’t used to having people in her space but if she trusts the person she doesn’t hate it.
DIET: Both her parents like to try to eat extraordinarily healthy. They grow plants on their balcony. But they free range eat with no set meals so often Holly will either forget to eat or she will eat at Marie’s. Eats the leftover pastries at All Ground Up. SLEEP: Has not been sleeping well lately at all. Even before the nightmares started up she didn’t sleep very well, but now it’s gotten worse. The usual is 2 hours of sleep a night if she is lucky. EXERCISE: Spends most of her life slumped over the table typing but walks around on her feet during work. Is carrying Edwina around considered exercise? Because if so, she lifts. ACTIVITY: When she becomes dedicated to something she will exhaust herself doing it. CLEANLINESS: Showers every other day, keeps herself well groomed, and likes to have her life organized and put together. Most of the things in her desk are filed to a particular order even if that order makes no sense to anyone else. ODOR: Always kind of smells like essential oils because that’s what her house smells like. Specifically peppermint. MEDICINAL DRUGS: Attempted to take melatonin to help the sleep and nightmares but it is not doing much. ADDICTIONS: Caffeine ILLNESS: Insomnia, Night Terrors, Anxiety. Allergic to roses and some other flowers. INJURIES: The scar on her eyebrow hurts occasionally, but not much.
INTROVERT/EXTROVERT?: Introvert. She doesn’t mind having a voice in being in charge of the room, but she values her quiet independent time. She needs it to recharge. OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: Realist, practical, assumes what’s going to happen is the most likely scenario that is going to happen and tries to look at it that way. GENDER: Female. Gender identity matches sex. SEXUALITY: ??? Possible Demisexual or somewhere on the ace spectrum. Holly views her sexuality as a bunch of question marks. It’s difficult for her to develop attraction for someone simply because she’s has a difficult time letting her guard down. ROMANTIC: Biromantic. See above in reference to difficulty letting her guard down enough to let people in. Would not mind a little bit of romance but much prefer something quiet, genuine, doesn’t even need to be public. There has to be wit and intelligence there. MEMORY: Has a memory like a steal trap. If she focuses on something she’s able to remember it relatively well. PLANNING: Probably plans too much about everything. There has to be a good throughout plan or she doesn’t want to follow through with anything. Extremely organized. INTUITION: Likes to think of herself as a sleuth when it comes to mysteries but can be rather ignorant when the truth does not meet her expectations. PROBLEM SOLVING: Loves puzzles and mysteries and uncovering the truth. Can become too focused on a problem when she thinks there is one to be solved. GOALS: To get out of Normal. Holly wants to find a way to leave this place and escape to a situation where no one knows who she is and she has the chance of starting over. Another goal would be to find a place where she feels like she fits in. INSECURITIES: Insecure about a lot, despite how much she hides. She’s always felt incredibly lonely her entire life, alienated, so she’s insecure about her place, especially amongst the murder club. Her writing (the poetry, not her journalism) she is insecure about as well because it is something that matters to her. ACHIEVEMENTS: Her newspaper. Every issues fills her with pride even if not everyone respects what they read. Won a lot of science fairs as a middle and grade schooler because of her parents. ANXIETY: So, so much. Her night terrors/dreams, the relationship she has with her parents, opening up and feeling human connection. SELF-HELP: Has seen a doctor for nightmares but the melatonin is not helping. COMFORTS: Warm blankets, fires, hot tea or hot coffee. Feeling warm and safe. And her stuffed dog Max which she tends to keep hidden from most people out of embarrassment. BAD HABITS: Drinking all the energy drinks and coffee she can, chewing on her pencils, erasures, and pens. PHILOSOPHY: Atheist, but understands the importance of religion in providing comfort to people, however she doesn’t think there is any proof of the existence of a God. TRIGGERS: Tight spaces. Neither of her parents ever explained why, but being in claustrophobic environments can cause her to panic. It likely has something to do with trauma she experienced growing up in the orphanages before she was adopted. She also can’t be crowded by too many things or people.
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Has no idea who her birth mother is, or where she was from, other than the fact that she was a young mother who felt she would be unable to raise a child appropriately. She was adopted by Maggie and Lizzie and taken to Normal when she was 3 years old. Holly loves both of her parents immensely and is fiercely protective of them, but ever since she became more skeptical of their beliefs their relationship has been somewhat strained. They are free range parents and there has never been much structure or rules in their household. In a lot of ways she raised herself. Lizzie is stricter than Maggie is but they both still don’t set rules like curfew. LIFE EVENTS: Once gave Norman Normal a love poem in Middle School and he read it in front of all of his friends. She was mortified and hasn’t really had a “crush” on anyone since then, at least not one she’s acknowledged. Growing up and having no friends also shaped her life because she doesn’t really know how to interact with people she wants to be affectionate towards. She also vividly remembers going hunting for ghosts in an old abandoned house with her parents. Maggie gave her the flashlight and told her to count how many times she saw flickers of light, because those were ghosts saying hello. WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: The day she realized the nightmares weren’t going away. They make her sick and scared and on edge, so nervous she sometimes lashes out. Realizing that there was no way to cure these and they would be happening for a long time to come crushed her. BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: The day the murder club showed up and started getting in her hair. Her first memory of walking into Marie’s with her moms and them telling her she could have whatever she wanted. She wasn’t used to that so she got three milkshakes and didn’t even finish one of them, got carried home and tucked into a bed that was hers and fell asleep around a brand new stuffed animal (Max). LOOKING BACK: Holly isn’t sure she would want to do anything different, because she feels like nothing in her life has ever been in her control. She didn’t get to choose to be given up at birth, or who she was adopted by. She feels like she’s never been in charge of her life.
FAMILY: Holly’s only family she knows are her moms. They are not particularly close with either of their parents. Maggie’s parents are both dead and Lizzie has a strained relationship she doesn’t discuss after they attempted to put her in conversion therapy growing up. She loves her moms, and they love her, but the more skeptic Holly has become the more strained that relationship is. More and more there’s a disconnect from them. They’ve always been a bit absentee. When she turned 13 they could finally leave her alone at home for extended ghost hunting weekend trips. FRIENDSHIPS: Growing up, with a name like Holly-Eve Knights, it’s not hard to imagine why she wouldn’t have friends. Most people labeled her the same as they did her parents and wrote her off as someone to be ignored or bullied. She has a hard time making connections but when she does they are ride or die. Holly is affectionate with her friends, albeit awkward as she fumbles her way through proper etiquette. She knows her parents probably hugged her way too much growing up so she has to fight that primal urge to hug a friend even if it makes her just as uncomfortable as it makes them. FRIENDS IN NEED: Holly’s new to this friend thing and she’s trying her best to figure out what’s the proper way to do anything. She offers her friend brute honesty regarding the situation and then offers for the two of them to figure it out together. Possibly with color coordinated highlighters. NEEDING A FRIEND: Tries to deal with her problems on her own because she isn’t used to relying on other people. She won’t outright reject other people’s help but she is very cautious in accepting of it unless she trusts the person explicitly. ANNOYANCES: She’s always been a bit too quick on her feet or to go on the offensive when it comes to retorts, but lately she’s been getting snippier and cattier than even she is comfortable with because of her exhaustion. ROMANCE: Relationship-curious would be a good word for it. She’s open to the idea of being in a relationship but it also scares her after the last brush with romantic affection left her humiliated. Supportive, but honest, would always make sure the person feels like they are wanted, heard, and acknowledged. However, has absolutely no idea how to woo anyone and is terrified to try. ADVERSARIES: Despite having a general distrust of other humans, you have to put in a lot of work for Holly to waste the energy into hating you. You would have to do something pretty heinous. ENEMIES: Anything to hurt her parents or her friends. Be a ghost and make her realize all her fears are a reality. STRANGERS: Respectful and quiet. Very reserved around strangers unless they say or do something she finds to be moderately offensive. FUN STUFF: Watching all the movies she never got to watch growing up, staying up for hours talking, would love a slumber party but would never vocalize that out loud DATING: Nothing too over the top. Flowers aren’t appreciated (she’s allergic to roses) and there’s no need for overt affections. She wants someone she can have an intellectual conversation with or go and watch a b-rated horror movie to make fun of the bad acting.
BEST FRIEND: TBD  WORST ENEMY: The entire state of Florida
MINGLING: Is incredibly inept at making new friends and being around people as a general. Does not know what small talk is or is too aggressive in using it. COMFORT LEVELS: Feels okay talking to new people if there is a reason for it. She can socialize in class or work settings, even enjoys some of the people at the coffee shop she works at, but she’s almost always on edge around people. PHYSICAL: Is occasionally affectionate and even likes touch from other people under the right circumstances. Was comforted with physical affection growing up. GROUPS: As comfortable in a group as she is in any social situation. Awkwardly accepting of this. OPENNESS: Takes an incredibly long time to open up to someone about the aspects of her life she deems to be more relevant than others. GENEROSITY: Is incredibly generous to the best of her ability. She likes buying her friends food, bringing them drinks, and seeing them smile. JEALOUSY: Jealousy is a strange emotion and one she is not usually prepared to handle. Most of the time growing up she felt jealous about people who lived relatively normal lives, not having to go on ghost hunts with her parents or man the crystal and oil shop they have downstairs and pretend like everything was haunted just to get people to buy. She’s jealous of people who are good at making connections and opening themselves up. TEMPER: There are certain buttons you can press that are an immediate flare, but otherwise she tends to be pretty level headed if not unnecessarily sarcastic. EMPATHY: Awkwardly empathetic. Holly understands people emotions but has a difficult time knowing what to do with that empathy and how to place it properly. AFFECTION: Gentle things. Occasional gifts without thought, gentle touches, generally making that person feel important and needed. Once she opens up Holly is an incredibly kind person, it just takes some time for her to open up. Like a cherry pit to a cherry blossom if you will. DISTASTE: Arguments, biting words, purposefully hitting places that she knows are inappropriate. ETIQUETTE: Her borderline hippie parents didn’t teach her much about etiquette so she has no idea what spoon goes where. If she’s not wearing sneakers she just doesn’t wear shoes, even if the situation likely calls for shoes. RESPONSIBILITY: Doesn’t like being wrong, but is willing to admit when she was the one who made the mistake. Will make others take ownership for their contribution in the mistake as well. SELF ESTEEM: Has incredibly low self-esteem but does her best to mask it. Being so socially and emotionally isolated she always lingered onto the feeling that the must be something wrong with her. CONFIDENCE: As much as she hates to admit it, Holly still cares what people think about her. HONESTY: Brutally and perhaps inappropriately honest sometimes. LEADER OR FOLLOWER: Leader. Has a difficult time taking orders. Would do well in a second in command position, but she’s the editor of the newspaper so she’s used to being in charge. PRAISE: Is incredibly awkward when it comes to accepting compliments. Does not know what to do with the compliment and might assume there is an ulterior motive to it. FAILURES: Probably a lot. The unwavering skepticism, a barbed tongue, the lack of filter as a general. She also loves to be right which can rub people the wrong way. CRITICISM: Takes criticism okay. Open to growing as a person but does initially find it difficult to swallow. INSULTS: Quick to bite back with something equally as insulting and then regret it a few hours down the road. EMBARRASSMENT: Fluttered, not embarrassed. There are very few things that can make Holly feel like she is embarrassed but once you unlock them she’s about as red as her hair. FLIRTING: Does not know how to flirt. Does not know if someone was flirting with her. ATTENTION SPAN: Used to have an easy time concentrating but with the nightmares it’s been harder and harder lately. SITUATIONS: Depends on the context of the social situation if she’s good at it or not. In tense situations often is able to keep a level head but if someone is asking if their outfit looks good Holly might implode.
DUTY: Runs the newspaper, works at All Ground Up, and whenever her parents are out of town is obligated to help run their shop as well.  TECH: Decent at modern day technology, mostly out of necessity though, since neither of her parents own a computer. POLITICS: Incredibly strong convictions when it comes to human rights and people. Please don’t read her article from election season. or maybe do if you’re into some light masochism. COMBAT SKILLS: Probably very scrappy in a fight. Has never had the reason to fight but is very fast on her feet when it comes to running. HOME: Her room is more organized than the entire household she lives in. The little space is full of bins that she has carefully labeled in her own head. DAILY LIFE: Lately has felt very out of her depth. The nightmares are starting to consume her entire entity and purpose and it’s starting to frighten her. INDEPENDENCE: Very independent thanks to incredibly flaky (albeit well meaning) moms. COOKING: Is better with drinks than cooking, but being a barista gives her certain talents. Good at following recipes and a quick learner, but it isn’t a passion. BUILDING: Absolutely cannot put shit together. Is hilariously bad at it but thinks  she would be great. CLEANING: There aren’t any chores in the Knights household, but she’s the one cleaning up most of the messes her parents make. Someone has to clean the pig’s blood up off the dining room floor. SHOPPING: Does not usually go shopping, but when she does she likes thrift store finds because they can be repurposed and used in a variety of different ways. DRIVING: Yes she can drive and her broken old as dirt minivans name is Velma. FINANCES: Both her mother’s are incredibly talented Doctors of differing sciences with a few books written each, however outside of that they don’t get much money coming their way. She lives comfortably enough, but doesn’t like to talk about her money and is uncomfortable taking it from her parents when she feels at any moment their ghost hunting business could go tits up. So she works to help pay for the things she wants. PETS: Was given a pet rosy boa named Lilith for a birthday one year. She loves her long danger noodle. TRAVELING: Would nothing more than to get out of Normal and go as far as the west coast. Has gone with her parents on a few crazy ghost hunts and visited “haunted” places. Fell in love with the West because of those visits. MEDICAL: Has become a frequent visitor of the doctor given her need for any form of sleep aid. ILLNESS: Night terrors and anxiety. Panic attacks when confronted with claustrophobia WORRIES: Everything keeps her awake at night. Literally. The demonic nightmares are the biggest part though. She worries that she is going crazy and doesn’t understand if there is something in her family that would make this happen, her biological family. She doesn’t know anything about them so she sits and worries a lot about how they might affect her one day. PEACE: Appreciates the silence immensely because that’s what she’s used to. PARTYING: Has never once in her entire life been to a party. HOBBIES: Enjoys writing poetry in her spare time, when she’s not writing papers. Occasionally volunteers at the animal shelter to pet the kitties and the doggies.
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devilsward · 5 years
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byronic hero / crazy sane / tall, dark, and snarky
FACECLAIM: Cole Sprouse SEX: Cismale HEIGHT: 6′0, almost 6′1 WEIGHT: He’s like 160lbs wet, maybe. BUILD: He has an average male body. Slightly malnourished. Skinny. Delicate. 80% legs. HAIR: He has a lot of it. It’s floppy, wavy, black as night. Long on top, short in the back. When it’s styled, he looks like a storybook prince. Unfortunately, he doesn’t wash it that often now. HANDS: Beautiful, unmarred hands. Long, slender, a little bony, covered in silver rings. SCARS: He has a multitude of self-harm scars up the insides of his arms/wrists that he puts bracelets over. Scars and nicks all over his body from being beaten/hurt by various means, but very noticeable slashes on his back. CLOTHES: Goodwill chic. He wears a lot of plaid and band tees. Comfy sweaters. Ratty jeans. Button-ups. He has a trademark denim sherpa jacket he always wears on top of everything and suspenders that he wears up or down, depending on the day. OTHER FEATURES: He’s covered in beauty marks. Has 3 very noticeable ones on his cheek. OTHER NOTEABLE FEATURES:  Jamie’s pretty unremarkable without a shower. At Alberione Jamie looked like he belonged there. Delicate, sharp, unconventionally handsome but handsome nonetheless. Jamie in the Murder club just looks like a dirty bootleg of the boy he used to be but much livelier. The only constant between the two are the black eyes and bloody noses since he’s almost always injured.
VOICECLAIM: Cole Sprouse if he was a redneck ACCENT: Since he’s from Normal, he grew up with a very thick accent but tries to squash it. Alberione helped kill the accent a little but he probably still uses ‘reckon’ more than I’m willing to write it. LANGUAGE: English and Latin. Very good at English. He learned Latin in school and his obsession with the occult only made him better at it. ARTICULATION: He’s very articulate. Scholarly. Regal. EDUCATION: Jamie put a lot of weight in education since it’s the one thing everyone emphasized as a class marker as he was growing up. He talks like he belongs in a Shakespearean play and while some of it is laid on, he actually just comfortably uses big words when he converses. It’s the weirdest thing about him. He sounds like an old person trapped in a teenager’s body. He’s also very poetic and uses a lot of metaphors and similes. LAUGHTER: He does laugh sometimes but it sounds sarcastic and dry. When he laughs genuinely, it’s rarely and often behind a hand because he’s self-conscious about his teeth.
FACE: He doesn’t emote very often but that’s mostly because he’s always alone. Jamie has a very  expressive face for someone who exudes broodiness and stoicsm. You can always tell when he’s upset but it’s easy to see when he’s happy too, even if he tries to crush his smiles often. It’s all in his eyes. They’re very bright. HANDS: He talks with his hands. Points at stuff. He’s got beautiful hands so who even cares what he’s doing with them, really. He thumbs at his mouth when he thinks. Generally touches his own mouth a lot. LEGS/FEET: He climbs on things and sits with his legs open and splayed everywhere like a whore on sale. He takes up a lot of space. EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: He’s full of feelings but often just pushes them down. Very unlikely to lose control of himself but he can get overwhelmed with sadness and/or frustration. HABITS: He licks his lips when he’s about to do something wild. He looks like the Cheshire cat. Gives literal meaning to tongue-in-cheek. POSTURE: He slouches but it doesn’t look lazy, it just looks like he’s too good for the air he’s in. Walks a bit like a marionette trying to get by with no strings. He’s generally relaxed but like a majestic lion laying in the Savannah in the way that he could definitely murder you if you look at him weird but is kinda enjoying where he is. PERSONAL SPACE: He minds his own space because he knows impeding on other people’s space is a dominance thing. After dealing with his uncle and bullies stepping into his zone all the time, he’ll only cross that boundary when he wants to scare somebody. Would not recommend getting into Jamie’s personal space. OTHER:  If he fits, he sits. Always sitting on stuff that he probably shouldn’t be sitting on.
DIET: He eats very often though considering how little he gets fed at home, it’s not a surprise. He’ll eat anything whether it’s good or bad and values all sustenance, except for carrots. Has trouble gaining weight even though his diet consists of mostly junk food.  SLEEP: He has the normal sleeping habits of a teenager; stays up all night sometimes and sleeps all day others. Very vigilant when he’s sleeping so he needs to peace and quiet or else he’ll just keep waking up. Jamie shares a bed with his uncle at home so he tries to not sleep there very often now that he’s 16 and kinda big to get snuggled by a grown ass man.  EXERCISE: Unless you count running his mouth, Jamie doesn’t really exercise. He gets most of his workouts from running from the cops and crawling into places he’s not supposed to go but you’re not gonna find him doing push-ups. ACTIVITY: Jamie is an extremely hard-worker when it comes to his hyper-focuses. Will rarely complain about his workload even if he has too much. He likes to keep his mind occupied and gets restless easily if he doesn’t have things to do. For other things though, he’s a complete slob. If he doesn’t care, you can’t make him. CLEANLINESS: Due to trauma and an unreliable household, Jamie doesn’t bathe as often as he'd like to. He’s not opposed to primping since he did well grooming himself while he went to Alberione but the effort and payoff wasn’t enough for him to keep doing it. ODOR: Kind of boyish and like laundry soap on a good day. Motor grease sometimes, depending on where he spent the night. Like pine trees and nature. MEDICINAL DRUGS: No drugs. Good luck getting him to take ibuprofen. NARCOTICS: He’s a clean boy and has zero interest in partaking in anything that could make his mind a worse place to live in. ILLNESS: He’s depressed, fam. (And probably has PTSD.) INJURIES: Mama broke his heart and it never healed.
INTROVERT/EXTROVERT?: Extremely introverted. He gets exhausted in club meetings but he has a responsibility to solve the cases so he sticks around and does what needs to be done. Mostly keeps to himself unless someone provokes him. He’ll generally just walk away if you antagonize him too much. OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: Surprisingly, he is an optimist. The depression makes him pretty dreary but the underlying current of what he does is pure optimism for a good result. GENDER: Jamie’s a cismale but often breaks the binary. He really does not care about society so it’s less of a personal identity statement and more of a ‘stick it to the man’ statement when he does trivial things like use the girl’s bathroom or wear their clothes. He also doesn’t fit macho and masculine so he’s pretty salty about that too. SEXUALITY: Jamie is asexual and slightly sex repulsed* but he’d have sex with someone he’s in love with if they say it’s important to them and even be glad to do it. He isn’t aware that he falls on the ace spectrum and would deny it, for it’d be one more thing that makes him different from everyone else but his libido is pretty lacking for a teen boy. Sexually, he could probably think of a lot of things people wouldn’t due to extensive research on the subject manner. (*This doesn’t apply if he’s trying to be a dick.) ROMANTIC: He’d be considered along the lines of demiromantic since deeply bonding with him is the only way he’s gonna consider you not a threat. He doesn’t feel the excessive need for a romantic relationship and is very skeptical about the validity of it but he is curious about what the big hullabaloo is about. Despite how difficult it is to romance him, he’s very genuine when it comes to someone he likes and isn’t afraid to talk about them, cherish them openly and do things that’ll make them happy. MEMORY: His mind is a steel trap. Good luck making him forget something. PLANNING: Jamie is a master schemer. He can scheme his way through anything. His brain is a loaded gun. He’ll think of everything. Almost too much. INTUITION: Yes, he’s clued in about some things. And then others, he’s incredibly stupid. Jamie gets hyper-focused and therefore, all his brainpower gets poured into whatever he’s paying attention to. Not always a good thing because he misses out on much of the big picture. PROBLEM SOLVING: Extremely good at. He’s very logical, contrary to popular belief. He has an IQ of 142 and often thinks five steps ahead. He gets frustrated when others don’t keep up even though he hasn’t explained how he got there. GOALS: Short-term goals include wanting to figure out the town mysteries and help the people who have come to him. Long term-wise, Jamie’s personal aspirations have been totally dunked after he got expelled from Alberione and he’s running on low battery for himself. While he’s not selfless, him hanging onto myths and demons is a way to trying to find a reason to keep going. He’s incredibly depressed and downtrodden without magic and monsters so dying before graduation would be his ultimate goal without it. He hasn’t come to terms with being stuck in Normal and doesn’t want to. INSECURITIES: Mostly about his status in town and his skinny legs. He doesn’t care enough nor is he self-aware enough these days to let them impact him too hard. ACHIEVEMENTS: Getting into Alberione. ANXIETY: Everything gives him anxiety which is why he’s so good at planning. Thinking ahead and predicting issues helps him cope with crippling teenage anxiety.  SELF-HELP: Escapism and demons, arguably the same thing. Jamie’s infatuations are all distractions from his morbid reality. Without it, he’s just a sad sack of shit. COMFORTS: Food, warmth, shelter, kindness. Soft, gentle things/people. Understanding. Jamie’s lives a rough life so anything that doesn’t bring him conflict is comfort. BAD HABITS: Arguably everything he does. Jamie doesn’t do any drugs but he essentially goes through life with a big ‘FUCK ME UP’ neon sign blazing overhead just daring something to snuff him out once and for all. He’s not brave, he just doesn’t care about living. A dare devil. PHILOSOPHY: Satanism in both regards. He believes the devil is out there to be found but he also values the philosophies of actual Satanism where one belongs to themselves to be free. He used to be a devout Catholic, hence the holes in his theories. The origins of his beliefs are all Christian but he won’t admit that. TRIGGERS: Getting submerged in water. The real reason he avoids showering.
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Jamie loves his mom but more in a ‘if i love you more, will you love me back’ kind of way. She barely took care of him but not in a malicious way, just a neglectful one since she had so many kids and was often chasing a boyfriend for love. When Jamie got given to his uncle, things went south. LIFE EVENTS: The big change in his life happened when Jamie moved into his uncle’s trailer and he was faced with worse abuse than having nothing to eat. After that, he realized that the abuse was relentless like all of Normal was doing its best to keep him punched into the ground and he couldn’t figure out any other reason than demons. WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: The day he got expelled from Alberione and condemned to live in Normal for the rest of his life. Jamie doesn’t actually remember the event that caused it in great detail but he was so viciously bullied at the school that he’s not shocked it happened. He is, however, sad. It’s bittersweet because he’s both freed and trapped by the verdict. BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: When Abby and Kaz first asked him to help them, making them the first people to put stock in his theories.
FAMILY: Bad relationships with everyone he shares blood with. His brothers bully him, his mother neglects him and his uncle beats the ever-loving shit out of him. Because he had to fend for himself growing up, he doesn’t feel a sense of guardianship or brotherhood with his younger siblings. NEEDING A FRIEND: Since he grew up with none, it’s unlikely that he’ll go ahead and share his problems out of his own volition, instead choosing to angst over them on his own. Jamie often bull rushes past his problems because he is a bad friend to himself and perpetuates a cycle of repressing his negative feelings. (That’s how he got so tall) ANNOYANCES: He is always ready for a fight. He’s an extremely defensive person and easily spooked by literally everything. It’s best to just walk away because he probably will eventually. ROMANCE: Jamie is pretty subtle so he would just try to invite the person he likes to do things with him like read books and investigate corpses, leave them nice things he’d made and just loiter around their presence. Jamie’s not picky about people. The only requirement for a partner is kindness because he is a very sensitive boy. An interest in the morbid and tragic stories of dead people is a plus. ADVERSARIES: Rich people, dispassion, abusers and loud mouths. Alcoholics. Injustice. People who talk in movie theaters. ENEMIES: Bible-thumpers, Alberione Boys, Norman Normal, the Sheriff STRANGERS: Jamie’s not gonna be a dick to a stranger on the street unless he senses danger but he is pretty cautious about who hes willing to get to know. FUN STUFF: Ghostbustin’ DATING: Jamie’s a basic fella. He just likes to be around the people he likes so it doesn’t matter what they do, though an ideal date with be into the morgue or on an adventure through the cemetery, looking for spooky stuff.
MINGLING: No, he has no interest in that. Bad at small talk. Generally aloof. Does not care. COMFORT LEVELS: Depends. Jamie gets shy if you call him out on anything nice but he’s generally fine talking to people. He’s rather clinical and detached from most situations where he’s not discussing the case of the week. As long as it’s not a personal conversation, he’s okay. PHYSICAL: Unless he thinks you’re a real good pal and you’re already sharing everything, Jamie would not touch anyone or enjoy being touched by them. He already gets his personal space impeded on so much from living in a small space and getting abused that grazing him without his permission could easily set him off. GROUPS: He likes to be by himself but he wouldn’t mind hanging out with maybe one other person every now and again. He’s not really a group guy despite being the leader and generally sits back when he doesn’t have to participate. He likes to observe and exist in the same space as others but doesn’t always like to interact. Prone to coming and going as he likes. OPENNESS: It’s a long and arduous process where he comes and goes as he likes. Jamie’s pretty guarded/distracted from himself and one-track minded. He won’t bite you for asking but he’s unlikely to divulge anything personal. He is, however, very nosy about other people.  GENEROSITY: Not at all. Despite offering help to those who are looking for it, Jamie’s one of the least generous people out there. He’s very selfish and all for himself when it comes to physical items and food. Considering that he had a survivalist mindset, he’s hesitant to share the things that are his since he doesn’t have much. JEALOUSY: Jamie is generally unwilling to give up sex or put out so it’ll always come down to a sex thing. He’s not jealous of his friends having it but he gets prickly about having his worth in someone’s life substituted or replaced by a sexual encounter. i.e his mother choosing her boyfriends over their family, his best friends fucking, his brother choosing his girlfriend instead of the family, etc. TEMPER: He has a pretty big threshold for nonsense but none at the same time. Prone to snapping/lashing out in a cold and calculated manner if you get on his nerves. He tends to take one shot and makes it a killing blow.
EMPATHY: He’s not the most empathetic person. He’s always had a solitary life and found that people simply can’t empathize with him so he sees no need to be the bigger man. He logically understands similarities, but refuses to let himself delve further than that because he doesn’t think anyone can really understand him. AFFECTION: Jamie’s love language is acts of service and quality time. You know he likes you if he spends a lot of time around you and does things for you (namely advises you since his brain is his most valuable asset) since he doesn’t do either of those things out of his own volition if he can help it. DISTASTE: Ignores them, belittles and mocks them, is condescending towards them. So, basically his personality. ETIQUETTE: Jamie doesn’t care about social norms if the way he eats says anything about him. He’s pretty rude and straightforward but nothing unexpected of him. RESPONSIBILITY: Jamie takes full accountability for the things he’s done however, he’s not above arguing their validity, even if it’s bad. He takes responsibility for so much bad shit that he’s incredibly offended when someone accuses him of doing something he didn’t do. SELF ESTEEM: Jamie’s self-esteem is in the gutter but with the help of depression, its overwhelming apathy and an unyielding need to be contrary, he’s capable of acting like a complete arrogant dickhead. CONFIDENCE: Fake it ‘til you make it. Jamie is really good at feigning utmost confidence in most situations. He’s super weird for one and not very self-aware. He’s also really smart which adds to the whole pretentious air. Whether he really believes he’s better than everyone else is another story but he sure does a good job of acting like it. HONESTY: Jamie is incredibly honest and upfront about everything except for his own life. LEADER OR FOLLOWER: Well, it’s in the title. PRAISE: They make him uncomfortable if they’re about what he looks like due to the fact that he knows it’s because of Johnnie but he enjoys being praised for his accomplishments. A little acknowledgment goes a long way with Jamie since he’s never had it. Jamie is also fair in his praise for others if they’ve done a good job. He has a lot of pride but he can admit when someone is better than him if they are. (Unless he hates them, then he can’t.) FAILURES: Existing CRITICISM: Poorly INSULTS: Jamie’s been called everything under the sun so he doesn’t really care. He prefers them to be interesting but very few things get under his skin. EMBARRASSMENT: He gets flustered if you refer to him as good-looking in any way or consider him a nice/good person to his face. FLIRTING: Jamie doesn’t flirt, he just sends autopsy photos of bodies he’s found on Reddit. Jamie would also not notice if someone was flirting with him either, more likely to become suspicious of their motives than flustered. ATTENTION SPAN: He gets hyper-focused on multiple things at a time if they all fall into the same morbid category but otherwise, he’s not really paying attention to much. SITUATIONS: Jamie is the weird situation.
DUTY: Self-appointed duty to purge Normal of the evils he’s confident are there. “Bookkeeper” for Frank’s chop shop. TECH: He’s more than adequate but he’s no tech whiz. POLITICS: He’s the resident anarchist, so yes. Jamie’s very stick-it-to-the-man if his relationship with the Sheriff says anything about it lol COMBAT SKILLS: For someone who gets beat up as often as he does, Jamie’s only notable combat skill is incredible resilience, otherwise he’s not the strongest or most capable physically. He is incredibly smart, though, and will likely use other means of disarming his enemies. HOME: He lives at the mouth of the woods by a junkyard and the inside of the trailer isn’t much different than what’s around it. Jamie doesn’t like it and prefers cleanliness but he’s also very absentminded when it comes to his surroundings when he’s always busy sleuthing. DAILY LIFE: If Jamie felt out of his depth, no one would know it. He’s pretty good at keeping it all locked down. INDEPENDENCE: Incredibly independent. Jamie basically raised himself while fighting his siblings for a place to sleep and food o eat. He can take care of himself fine. COOKING: Tragically, he can’t. Most of his food comes prepackaged. CLEANING: He used to take care of his mother’s trailer as a kid, and tried it with Frank too but since he’s found it useless, he doesn’t anymore. This expands to his work spaces which are disastrous also. SHOPPING: Jamie is broke so the only shopping he does includes a five-finger discount. He’s very good at it but rarely takes more than he needs. DRIVING: Whether Jamie actually has a driver’s license or if he just shares one with Johnnie is up for debate but he can drive and has driven for a long time considering his family’s business is snatching cars and reselling the parts. He can drive automatic and stick but he does not have a car. He rides a bicycle since Johnnie refuses to share his mustang. FINANCES: Sometimes Jamie has money and sometimes he doesn’t. He tries to make it stretch but he’s so occupied with spooky shit now that he doesn’t hustle/work as much. As a consequence, Frank often keeps his pay when he does. For work, Jamie cooks the books for Frank and his taxes so he’s very good with finances. PETS: He would love pets but he can barely feed himself. LAW: Breaking and entering, grand theft auto, trespassing, arson-- you name it. MEDICAL: Jamie avoids going to the doctor if he can which often leads him to getting infections for all the things he’s been punctured upon or untreated illnesses getting worse. The hospital bills for the Ward boys will probably keep them stuck under Frank’s thumb for as long as they live. ILLNESS: Depression, PTSD WORRIES: Continuing to live the rest of his life in pain and continuing the cycle of his family PARTYING: He doesn’t like them but he knows they’re good places for information and gossip so he’ll hit those up like a professional wallflower HOBBIES: Sleuthing, reading, eavesdropping on gossip, harassing the adults in town
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murderclubhq · 5 years
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Hi gang! We wanted to go a questionnaire to get to know everyone’s characters some more! This will really help admin J and I for when we wanna do plot drops involving your characters!! This is long, but fun! Feel free to cut out any of the questions you feel like doesn’t apply to your character.
Under the cut is the questionnaire.
OOC //
Tags: @devilsward @screamqvccn @raqueltorrance @violet-matthews @abby-rosenthal @kazcaldwell @hollys-eve @frvnchies Admin Notes: Please tag it “normal:task1″ and tag @murderclubhq when you’re finished!
FACECLAIM: [Do you have a faceclaim for your character?] SEX: [Is their anatomy male, female, or other? Was this always the case?] HEIGHT: [how tall/short are they?] WEIGHT: [how heavy/light are they?] BUILD: [Thin? Fat? Bulky? Muscular? Toned? etc] HAIR: [describe their hair, is it long or short? Soft or course? Do they style it a certain way? Do they dye it?] HANDS: [Big or small? Manicured fingernails? Claws? Wrinkles? Visible veins? Bony knuckles? Or smooth skin and soft features?] SCARS: [Any visible scars?] CLOTHES: [What is their clothing style?] OTHER FEATURES: [Optional for non-human characters, or human characters with uncommon features] OTHER NOTEABLE FEATURES: [Optional - anything you need to mention that isn’t covered by the above.]
VOICECLAIM: [For those without faceclaims - do you have a voiceclaim for your character?] ACCENT: [Do they have an accent?] VERBAL TICKS: [Any verbal ticks? Such as a tendency to stutter, repeat themselves, stumble over their words, etc.] LANGUAGE: [What language(s) do they speak? If more than one, are they fluent in all these languages?] ARTICULATION: [Do they tend to be good at explaining things, or can they be clumsy with words when trying to explain something?] EDUCATION: [Do they tend to use a lot of long words? Do they ever show off about how many big words they use? Or do they prefer to use short, simple language?] LAUGHTER: [What is their laugh like? Do they laugh a lot, or not very often?] BREATHING: [Do they tend to gasp, sigh, humph or sniff at things?]
FACE: [Do they have an expressive face? Do they show their emotions in their face? Or do they tend to have a poker face most of the time?] HANDS: [Do they make a lot of hand gestures? What kind of gestures do they use?] LEGS/FEET: [Do they tap their feet or jiggle their leg?] EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: [Are they prone to these? Do they tend to cry or yell when they’re upset, or laugh and jump about when they’re happy?] HABITS: [Do they have any habits, like humming or singing or fidgeting or fiddling?] POSTURE: [Do they usually stand straight and to attention, or do they tend to slump? Does their posture change with their mood? How does it change?] PERSONAL SPACE: [Do they like to maintain a personal bubble, or does it bother them when people get in their personal space? Do they tend to be respectful of others’ personal space?] OTHER: [Optional - anything not covered by the above.]
DIET: [What do they like to eat? Do they have a healthy, well-balanced diet? Do they eat a lot of junk food? Or do they sometimes forget to eat?] SLEEP: [Do they sleep a lot? Or not a lot? Do they go to bed late, or do they sleep early and get up early? Are they prone to nightmares or strange dreams?] EXERCISE: [Do they work out a lot? Too much, not enough, or just right?] ACTIVITY: [Do they tend to work hard and exhaust themselves? Or are they pretty lazy? Or somewhere in between?] CLEANLINESS: [Do they bathe regularly? Are they meticulous about washing?] ODOR: [Do they have any particular body odor (good or bad)?] MEDICINAL DRUGS: [Any medicinal drugs taken?] NARCOTICS: [Any recreational drugs taken?] ADDICTIONS: [Any physical addictions?] ILLNESS: [Any physical ailments?] INJURIES: [Any injuries that never completely healed, and still cause trouble?] PARASITES: [Do they have fleas or any other parasites?] OTHER: [Optional - anything not covered by the above.]
INTROVERT/EXTROVERT?: [Is your character one of these? How does that manifest in their life?] OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: [Which of these are they? Or are they in between?] GENDER: [What is the character’s gender, if any? Do they feel that their gender matches their anatomy?] SEXUALITY: [What type of person do they feel sexual attraction for, if any? Do they have a preference for one sex/gender in particular? Do they prefer their own race/species, or another? Is their any type of person they absolutely would NOT want to get into bed with? Or do they have no preference?] ROMANTIC: [Are they inclined towards romance? Do they enjoy lots of romance, a little, or do they prefer no romance at all? Do they see themselves married with kids one day, or would they prefer to be alone?] MEMORY: [Do they have a good memory? Or are they forgetful? Are they good at remembering certain things and not others?] PLANNING: [Are they good at planning? Do they spend a lot of time planning or do they tend to leap right into things?] INTUITION: [Are they good at making the right decisions, or at figuring things out from minimal clues?] PROBLEM SOLVING: [Are they good at dealing with puzzles and problems?] GOALS: [What is their main goal in life? Do they have any short-term goals?] INSECURITIES: [Is there anything they are insecure about? Do they hide their insecurities well? Do they affect the way they live their life?] ACHIEVEMENTS: [Anything they’re especially proud of?] ANXIETY: [What, if anything, causes the character to feel anxiety?] SELF-HELP: [How do they deal with their life problems?] COMFORTS: [What helps the character to feel comfortable and happy?] BAD HABITS: [Do they have any bad habits?] PHILOSOPHY: [Do they have any religious or philosophical beliefs? What are they?] TRIGGERS: [Do they have any triggers?]
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: [Did they have a good relationship with their parents while they were growing up?] LIFE EVENTS: [Did they have any important life events that affected the route their life took? This could be something traumatic or it could be something pleasant like graduating with good grades.] WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: [What happened?] BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: [What happened?] LOOKING BACK: [If they could re-play their life and do something differently, what would they do?]
FAMILY: [Who, if anyone, does the character consider their family? Are these blood relatives? And do they have a good relationship with their family?] FRIENDSHIPS: [Do they have lots of friends, or just one or two close friends? What do they look for in a friend?] FRIENDS IN NEED: [How do they help a friend who is going through hard times? Do they offer advice and support, or do they feel uncomfortable, not knowing what to say?] NEEDING A FRIEND: [Do they tend to go to friends when they need help and support? Or do they deal with their problems on their own? Do their friends ever worry about them?] ANNOYANCES: [How do they deal with arguments and disagreements with friends or partner?] ROMANCE: [If applicable: how do they woo a potential partner? What do they look for in a potential partner?] ADVERSARIES: [What would turn them off a friendship or romance?] ENEMIES: [What would make them hate someone enough to call them an enemy?] STRANGERS: [Do they tend to be respectful to strangers, or are they careless towards anyone who they don’t consider a friend?] FUN STUFF: [What kind of things do they like doing with a friend?] DATING: [What kind of things to they like doing with a romantic partner?] BEST FRIEND: [If applicable - who do they consider their best friend?] LOVE: [If applicable - who do they consider to be the love of their life?] WORST ENEMY: [If applicable - who do they consider to be their worst enemy?]
MINGLING: [Do they get along well with others, in general? Or are they bad at making new friends?] COMFORT LEVELS: [Do they feel comfortable talking to people? What might others do that could make them uncomfortable?] PHYSICAL: [Do they tend to be touchy-feely? Do they hug people or pat them on the back? Or do they prefer not to touch anyone?] GROUPS: [Are the comfortable in a big group? Or do they prefer to spend time with just one or two people?] OPENNESS: [Do they tend to open up easily? Or does it take them a while to open up to someone?] GENEROSITY: [Do they like to buy gifts and treats for others? Would they be willing to lend money to a friend? How do they feel about people buying gifts for them?] JEALOUSY: [What might make them feel jealous towards somebody else? Is there anyone they are jealous of, or have been jealous of in the past? How do they deal with jealousy?] TEMPER: [Are they easily worked up or do they have a lot of patience?] EMPATHY: [Are they able to empathize with another person’s feelings? Or do they tend to be clumsy and put their foot in it? Or do they just not care who they hurt?] AFFECTION: [How do they show affection for others?] DISTASTE: [How do they show that they dislike someone?] ETIQUETTE: [Do they tend to stick to the polite norms of social situations, or can they sometimes be rude or inappropriate?] RESPONSIBILITY: [Do they admit when they’re wrong? If they make a mistake, do they try to correct it?] SELF ESTEEM: [Do they tend to stick up for themselves or do they let others push them around? Why?] CONFIDENCE: [Do they care what others think of them?] HONESTY: [Do they always speak their thoughts honestly? Or will they keep things private if they feel that it might upset someone?] LEADER OR FOLLOWER: [Which one are they? Or are they neither?] PRAISE: [Are they comfortable accepting compliments?] FAILURES: [Is there anything they do that makes people annoyed or irritated?] CRITICISM: [How do they take criticism?] INSULTS: [How do they take insults?] EMBARRASSMENT: [Are they easily embarrassed? How do they handle embarrassment?] FLIRTING: [Are they flirtatious? Why?] ATTENTION SPAN: [Are they able to concentrate on lots of things? Can they hold their concentration well? Or are they easily distracted?] SITUATIONS: [Are they good at dealing with difficult social situations? Such as an argument or someone getting upset?]
DUTY: [What kind of responsibilities do they have?] TECH: [Are they good with modern technology or do they prefer not to tough a computer?] POLITICS: [Do they have strong political opinions? How to they show their support/opposition for their leaders? Do they vote?] COMBAT SKILLS: [Can they fight and defend themselves?] HOME: [How do they like to keep their home and their personal space? Are they messy or organized?] DAILY LIFE: [Do they cope well with day-to-day or do they tend to feel out of their depth?] INDEPENDENCE: [Can they get on well by themselves? Or do they sometimes need help dealing with things like bills and bank accounts?] COOKING: [Can they cook?] BUILDING: [Can they put together an item of furniture or do basic DIY?] CLEANING: [Do they keep their home clean and tidy? Do they always do their chores?] SHOPPING: [Do they like to shop? Or do they prefer to only go to the store when absolutely necessary? Are they prone to impulsive buying or do they shop sensibly?] DRIVING: [Can they drive, or operate any vehicle?] FINANCES: [Are they in a good position financially? Are they good at taking care of their bank account? Do they usually pay their bills on time?] PETS: [Do they have or want pets?] DEPENDENTS: [Do they have anyone to look after, such as an elderly relative or a sick friend?] LAW: [Have they ever done anything illegal? What was it?] COURT: [Have they ever been in court? Why? And what was the verdict?] PRISON: [Have they ever been in prison?] TRAVELING: [Have they ever been on holiday, or would they like to?] MEDICAL: [Do they go to the doctor/dentist when they need to? Or are they afraid of going to see the doctor?] ILLNESS: [Do they have any mental illnesses that affect the way they live their life?] WORRIES: [Is there anything that keeps them awake at night?] PEACE: [Do they like peace and quiet? Or do they prefer always to listen to the radio or playing their favorite songs?] PARTYING: [Do they go out partying a lot? Or do they prefer to stay in?] HOBBIES: [Anything they enjoy doing in their spare time?]
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