#You turn on any of my crew you turn on me! || Nylkras
fireteam-silent · 1 year
Open Starter - NYLKRAS
"How," Nylkras snorted as she dusted L-CAP-E-10 free of cobwebs, dust, and bits of string, "did you get this dirty?"
The small servitor, affectionately called Ellie, made a series of grunts and beeps. It wasn't ITS fault! Some of the little Hatchlings had lost their toy underneath the skiff, and Ellie was the only one who could get it! 
Nylkras sighed and coughed as a puff of dust tickled her throat. "Ridiculous," she shook her head. But she couldn't fault it, she supposed. It was hard to be a tough, scary mercenary in front of hopeful children. She patted Ellie on the top of its sphere and shooed it away. "Go on then. Try not to get stuck under the skiff again."
Ellie beeped and went off. While they weren't formally part of House Light, they had graciously been allowed to stay within its confines of the Last City while the Sol system went to hell between the Shadow Legion and the Witness. Ellie liked to wander the grounds when it wasn't busy with the crew.
Nylkras shook her head and settled back against the low, damaged half wall. She still didn't know what to think of House Light and its alliance with the Last City. It stunk of desperation, but it seemed to be working. Even if they were all doomed, at least the children weren't afraid. 
She watched a gaggle of older hatchlings run past, laughing and chattering. Not one of them was docked, and they seemed to be getting their fair share of ether. It was so… bizarre to Nylkras. If she had had a House like this to flee to…
She still hadn't allowed herself to get close to anyone here. She hasn't forbid her crew from doing so, but she felt like she was on the outside looking at this, in contrast to her own, idyllic House. Where did a Houseless marauder like her fit in?
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fireteam-silent · 1 year
New Tags!
(( To make things easier to track I’m changing up my tags!
Khalom posts: What does the Fox say?
Artemis: Let my hands do the talking
Forget-Me-Not: There are branches in my bones
Nylkras: You turn on any of my crew you turn on me!
Lucid: Through Light or Dark... we’re partners. Always.
Church: I am a motherfucking Ghost
Apollo: You are my sunshine
Out of Character: Behind the Curtain
Ask memes and prompts: Send it via carrier pigeon
Ask Answered: We just got a letter
Crack RPs: Kicks and Giggles
I’ll change my blog to reflect this soon c: ))
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