#Young to old
swappingforgood · 2 months
Dads shirt
I think I should’ve seen the signs from the beginning. My dad was acting strange when I told him I had a boyfriend. He didn’t seem mad. He seemed jealous. My dad was very excited when I told him that me and my boyfriend were going on a trip, and I thought he was just happy for the alone time. He said he bought me a new shirt, and I looked at it, and at first glance it looked huge. "Dad, are you sure you didn’t buy a shirt in your size?” I asked him, and he laughed and just told me to try it on. I waited until the next morning since my boyfriend and I were leaving then. I looked at the shirt and figured, Oh, why not? I put it on, and yeah, it looked huge, so I wanted to wake my dad up and show him. When I reached for the door handle, I fell to my knees as I felt a tightening pain in my stomach. I tried to unbutton the shirt, but I couldn't, and I stood there helpless as I noticed my stomach bulging and inflating. "D-dad, help me.” I tried to call out, but I couldn’t. I managed to get the shirt unbuttoned as my once flat twinkly stomach grew out to a muscle belly and my chest was huge. My new larger frame was covered in hair just like how my dad looks, and as I went to a nearby mirror to see my new frame, “It must’ve been the shirt,” I said to myself as I opened my dad's door, only to see my own reflection before the transformation. My former body laughed at me, “Hey kiddo, I guess the shirt really did fit, huh?” I was shocked. “Dad, why do you look like me, and why do I look like you?”. I was furious and confused, and I didn’t even notice him moving towards the living room, and then I heard my boyfriend pulling up, and that’s when my dad spoke again. "Look, you ungrateful brat. I’m going to have fun with my boyfriend, and your going to stay in that dilf body for as long as I want.” I begin to cry. “Daddy, no, please, you can’t leave me like this. Give me back my life,” but he didn’t listen; he grabbed my bags and left the house. Leaving me like this 
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fatswaps · 10 months
Lucas had been a lovely young man his whole life, with a passion for helping others out. It was why he'd studied medicine to become a nurse. At only 26 years old, the young man had it all- a well paying job at a local hospital, an amazing body he'd worked hard for, and a pretty decent reputation in his neighborhood. This reputation was mostly because of his part time job, which involved helping his sickly neighbor Hector.
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Hector was an old veteran, the man was 87 years old, and his body was simply ruined. His hair was patchy and balding, with a completely white beard on his wrinkly facem his eyesight wasn't very good hence why he had to wear glasses and his 5,4 height was certainly not complimented by his morbid obesity. The old guy's health had been in decline for years, but Lucas was determined to make his last years more comfortable for the old man.
Unbeknownst to Lucas, Hector didn't see him as a means of making peace with his old age, but rather a way to escape it. One day, he invited Lucas over and showed him a strange device. Telling Lucas that it was an heirloom from his days as a soldier, Hector explained the device's purpose.
"This here is what the military called a swap gun. It's used to switch the bodies of two people that are consecutively shot by it"
Lucas seemed intrested, but his expression changed as Hector begun to explain what his idea was
"I'm getting older Lucas, and I want to feel what it's like to be young again, at least for a few hours. Would you let me switch bodies with you? It's completely reversible"
Feeling sorry for the old man, Hector sighed and responded
"If you really think it'll work, then sure. It's only a few hours, right?"
with that, the old man handed Lucas the device as his bedridden self was unable to stand long enough to do the job. With a deep breath, Lucas first shot himself and then Hector and suddenly everything fell silent.
When Lucas came to, he felt a crushing weight almost gluing him to the bed he was now laying in. With a struggle, the young man now turned old and fat sat up to see that his old body was nowhere to be seen. Spotting a note on his bed's side, Lucas begun to read
"Thanks for the body, Lucas! I'll be sure to get it back to you after I have some fun today. Until then, enjoy the pipe I left for you and watch some TV!"
With that, Lucas turned to the mirror to look at himself. He was hideous, his body a mess. He couldn't believe the swap actually worked and his mind was racing, but he kept himself composed as he reminded himself that Hector would swap them back tonight. So, he did as Hector suggested and decided to try that pipe.
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As the day slowly came to an end, Lucas was beginning to get anxious. Looking at his huge, slob like body- he longed to be his old self again. After several hours of waiting, Lucas realized how boring and difficult Hector's life was. He needed help to even get up and go to the bathroom, and he was constantly out if breath.
Suddenly the door opened and a familiar sight walked into the room. There was a confident smirk on Lucas' face, now belonging to Hector. He walked up to the bedside table and placed a hand on Lucas's fat belly
"Damn. I really let myself go in these years haven't I? I won't miss this old body."
Lucas seemed distressed as he frantically looked up at his old body
What do you mean- I- I thought we were swapping back!"
Hector let out a booming laugh as he grabbed the letter from Lucas's hands and crumbled it up
"No way I'm going back in that disgusting body. Enjoy being a fat fart for the rest of your life Lucas, not like you have much time left hahah!"
Hector than flashed his new abs at the crying old man Lucas was now permanently stuck as before leaving Lucas behind to helplessly struggle in his bed. Soon moving away from the neighborhood never to be seen again.
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As Hector enjoyed his new life, Lucas was left helpless as he didn't even have the support of another person to help him out. After a few months passed from the swap, Lucas was admitted to a mental hospital for saying stuff like his body was stolen. That was where he spent the rest of his days, as he passed away due to his morbid obesity three years after the swap.
He'd only gotten fatter, hairier and balder as he'd aged, his youth stolen from him by a selfish old man.
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yourdakg · 6 months
Donation Found!
Remember Ryder? The SoCal pretty boy who was depressed that his life was a vapid, superficial, and party focused existence? He contacted Turnaround Technologies to ask, nay plead for a new body and a new life. See his Donation Request Form.
If only it were that simple. Turnaround Technologies utilizes some of the most advanced science on the market. When a body is fully adjusted, it's a slow and sometimes torturous process! If it was as simple as switching brains, that would be one thing. But the subjects have to physically transform into one another, and then brainwaves are overwritten. Chemistry, genetics, biology, and psychology are all involved in this elaborate process.
So Ryder had to come up with the $325,000 fee. Luckily, he had money saved and he was able to sell off the red Mustang convertible and his yellow Yamaha Sport Bike to meet the target. The final straw was giving up the deed to his WeHo apartment. Don't tell him, but his donor bought the items! Isn't that funny? He covered the rest with personal loans! Well, a little bit of debt won't hurt.
Let's remind you of where Ryder is starting his journey:
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And now let's the see information plate for his donor. I think he'll be very pleased! After this, he'll never have to worry about being surrounded by vapid, beautiful people and fending off pesky pool party invites! Yes, this is the ideal swap partner for Ryder.
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Meet Dr. Pervus Fondler. And wouldn't you know it? Dr. Fondler was a doctor in Ryder's hometown! They actually know each other. The good doctor cares very deeply for Ryder and was pained when he heard about his current circumstances. He decided that his job as a physician meant he had to step up and give the ultimate sacrifice! You know what they say: First Do No Harm.
Donor Statement: While I am nervous about the process, I am confident that I will give Ryder a new future, one where he won't have to worry about all that vanity and his gym obsession. True freedom for the boy!
Thank you, doctor, for going the extra mile for your patients. Turnaround Technologies will prepare the Exchange Chambers. Both subjects will be stripped down and cleansed before being placed in metallic, moisture wicking bikinis while our technicians prepare for the process:
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Now that Ryder is dressed and the drugs are injected into his system, it's time to introduce him to his generous benefactor. I hope he has a positive reaction to the kind of man he will become. Let's check in!
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Patient Statement: No! Holy shit! No, not Pervus the Perv! You can't put me in that. Don't force me into that body! I'd be going from a perfect ten to a zero. Please! No... LET GO. Please, oh my God. No, I thought it would be another buff guy like me. I change my mind, I changed my mi--**UMPH HRRMPH**
It's not clear why Ryder objected so strongly to his partner. Maybe it was the shock of knowing who the doctor was from earlier in his life. At any rate, he paid the fee and signed the paperwork so there is, quite literally, no going back. Swaps of this nature are once in a lifetime and, of course, quite permanent.
Subject had to be forcibly gagged and sedated.
Add another $125,000 for the service. Ryder sure is going to pay a lot of money for his new life!
When he came to in the chamber, Ryder was pounding on the door. I think he was crying. His oversize genitalia were mashed against the glass in his silver pouch. It was quite the sight. When the whirr of the machine began and the paralyzing blue light hit, his eyes went crossed. He fell backwards and pumped his hips in the air. Well, the erection is to be expected. I've heard the process somewhat erotic, though painful.
It takes a couple days and the exchange unstable during that time, but I am happy to report the following:
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Donor Report: I feel good. Very good. I'm probably going to move to SoCal, sort of take over Ryder's apartment. I'll probably start using his name now too. Don't wanna confuse people. I don't even have my old, perverted urges. I hope he's comfortable with the mental traits foisted on him. Oh... he wants to take picture of me? Ha, okay. I'll flex for $100. Recipient Report: What do you mean I can't go back *whimper* why do I feel so strange. I'm already out of breath. Give it back! What do you mean a name change is included in the package *sob* MY NAME IS PERVUS NOW??!?! Oh. I have to take his medical practice in my shithole hometown? Oh God! I just... oh goodness, seeing it from this angle it's such a fine body. So tight and firm! At least flex for me, my boy? A little. So I can snap a few pics and... use them later. Eehehe. Oh God, what have I become?
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anomanlyarchives · 1 year
The Contract
A man was angrily stomping his heavy feet alongside the swimming pool, his undersized flip-flops regularly making a funny noise which somehow mitigated his intimidating appearance. He was, to say the least, huge. His body was swelling with muscles - strong, veiny arms, sculpted legs, and a couple of solid pecs protruding over a bulging musclegut. His face was not overly mature, but his big, although tidy, beard did make him look some sort of modern-day, fierce viking. However, just like his flip-flops, the tight briefs he was wearing did not seem to fit his frame entirely, largely exposing and highlighting his muscles.
As you may imagine, such a muscle beast did not go unnoticed. Everyone who was chilling by the pool couldn't help but stare at him, either attracted by him, jealous of him or simply despising his evident thirst for attention. What they didn't know, however, was that he was all but happy for all the stares he was receiving. Despite his striking appearance, he was trying so hard to ignore every single person who was looking at him, progressively walking faster.
The muscle beast finally stopped, menacingly towering over a group of young men around their early twenties. His eyes were locked on who seemed to be the boss of the little group, who had followed the big man's movements with a grin depicted on his face the entire time.
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"What's with that look, sir? Something's wrong?", the young one asked. His group was giggling and whispering, not trying too hard to hide their comments about how ridiculous the man looked in his undersized swimming gear.
"We need to talk."
More giggling and whispering. The young boss defiantly looked at him for a few seconds before getting up with a sigh. "I'll be right back", he announced.
The man and the lad headed towards a quiet place, not so far from the pool. The big man looked around to make sure nobody could hear them. He was looking at the young one with a furious expression. "Seriously, man? I was with my family when I started changing! It's not fair!"
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The younger one didn't seem to mind the scolding that much. Actually, even though the huge man was towering over him with a ferocious attitude, he didn't even seem to be bothered in the slightest. "Not fair? You signed a contract, kid". As he said so, a sheet of paper materialised in his hand.
"I know! But I'm fed up with your old body and your life. You said you'd only take my body for a couple hours at most, and you'd make sure I didn't need it to-"
"I don't remember saying that."
"You're a liar, you did!", the big man whined back, his deep, manly voice distorted into an unfitting lament.
The lad smirked and quickly read what was written on the sheet. "Even if I did, what's important is what's written on the contract you signed. And there's no mention about any kind of limitation for the swap. Ergo, I can take your body whenever I want. I couldn't give a fuck if your little family sees you transforming into a beast of a man."
The older man's face turned red in anger. "That's not what you said! You little-" he violently grabbed his former body, just to be repelled by a burning sensation.
A glimpse of malice flashed in the wizard's eyes, and his now young, attractive smile cracked. "Don't you dare to touch me, kid. I make the rules, and I can change them whenever I want." He was getting dangerously close to the stud, pushing him back towards the wall. They were facing one another, and their noses were mere inches apart. It was quite a paradoxical situation, as the much smaller, apparently armless kid was fiercely towering over that brawny beast of a man. "I could also decide to keep your body forever, and you could do nothing to stop me. Got it?"
The man gulped, and the young one seemed to enjoy it, as an amused smirk came back to his face. "Your friends seem to enjoy my personality more, too. They're wondering why you got so funny all of a sudden, you know? Besides", he ran his hand over the man's bulging abs, "everyone would like to be in your shoes right now. I know, maybe a little... too much. But, for a gay fellow like you, such a body is a blessing."
"H-how do you...", The stud stuttered.
"I'm not an idiot, kid. I could see it from the way you looked at me". The young guy suddenly grabbed the man's crotch. In response, the hunk startled, trying to hide his pleasure. It was no use: his dick was already fattening up, and his tight briefs left nothing to imagination.
"Bu-but... "
"No buts, kid", the wizard whispered in a seducing tone. "I know being older is boring and sucks, but... try to make good use of it, as long as you're in that enviable body. Look at you. You're a sexy, strong daddy. You can do whatever you want. You're free now, and with a spectacular body." The older man gulped as the wizard let him free and stepped back. "Now, go."
The muscular giant moved, heading back to the swimming pool. Before disappearing, he stopped and turned back towards his former body. "When will I have my body back?"
The wizard shrugged. "Erm... I'll need it until tonight, at least. And maybe tomorrow, too. I don't know if the guys are planning something for the next few days. Don't worry though, I'll give it back to you as your holiday ends."
The bulky stud hesitated for a few seconds. He then grunted and clumsily moved on, his undersized briefs hardly hiding his thick boner, and his large feet crushing his unfitting flip-flops.
"...if I feel like it", the wizard added in a whisper, a wide sneer on his face.
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keozrb · 1 month
The Doctor: The Smoker
The doctor is a series of story where people go see a Doctor but the crazy old senile Doctor keep on making mistake about his patient. But the Doctor is never wrong.
A young man named Rob goes to the doctor for a cough and discovers something truly bizarre happening to his body. As he grapples with his new reality, he decides to embrace the changes and explore a whole new world.
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Rob had been battling a persistent cough for days. He decided to visit the doctor to figure out what was wrong. He was a young, fit man who lived a healthy lifestyle, so the cough was concerning.
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The doctor examined Rob and concluded that his cough was due to excessive cigar smoking. Rob was confused. He had never smoked a cigar in his life. But the doctor pointed to a cigar sticking out of Rob's shirt pocket, a cigar Rob didn't remember having.
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The doctor then told Rob that he should quit smoking, especially at his age of 55. Rob was startled. He was only 22. But his reflection in the office mirror showed an older man with graying hair and a beard.
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Before Rob could react, his body began to change. His face wrinkled, his hair turned gray, and a beard sprouted on his face. The young man he had been was replaced by an older version of himself, dressed in black leather.
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The doctor then started talking about Rob's weight, stating that he weighed over 300 pounds. As the doctor spoke, Rob felt his body expanding. His belly grew into a rounded ball gut, and his clothes tightened around him.
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Rob's body had transformed into a hulking, older version of himself. He was shocked and confused. He had become a completely different person in a matter of minutes. But the doctor seemed unfazed, continuing to speak about his health.
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Rob left the doctor's office, his mind spinning from the strange events. His clothes had transformed along with his body, fitting his new size. He found a cigar in his pocket and, without thinking, lit it and took a puff.
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The taste of the cigar was familiar, and he found himself enjoying it despite his earlier confusion. He looked down at his new body, running his hands over his belly and beard. It was surreal, but he couldn't deny that it was happening.
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Rob contemplated his situation. He could panic, or he could embrace this bizarre turn of events. He decided on the latter, feeling a strange sense of freedom with his new identity.
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With a newfound confidence, Rob strolled down the street, puffing on his cigar. He took in the city sights as if seeing them for the first time. The world was a different place through the eyes of his older self.
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Rob decided to hit a smoker bar. The cigar smoke fill the air, he was welcomed warmly, his new persona exuding an aura of charisma and authority.
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Rob enjoyed the night, embracing his new identity fully. He smoke his cigar, drink beer, and lived like he had never before. His strange transformation had opened a whole new world to him, a world he was ready to explore.
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strangemaleswaps · 1 year
Strange Beach Bod Swap
"Tyler, hurry up you lameass!"
I quickly ran through the crowded beach to the shallow water where my fraternity brothers were about to take a group picture. I've always hated them but I really can't leave because it'd ruin my reputation. Once you're pledged to a fraternity, you can’t just easily leave and with the way my brothers are, they’d get revenge if I tried. So I'm stuck with a bunch of assholes. I don't even know why I joined in the first place, I should've known I wouldn't fit in.
"Hurry up and take the pic so we can get on with our lives!" One of the brothers yelled.
"All right, all right."
They set up a tripod, one guy placed a phone on it, we all got into position, but a second before it snapped, the guy on my right shoved me into the water.
"Hey!" Upon seeing the photo, everyone laughed their asses off at me flying through the air.
"Ha! We're keeping this one!"
We went to the beach to have some fun but all I felt was misery. While it's true the frat did encourage me to better myself physically, giving me a diet plan and exercise program in order to look my best, it was all for their reputation, not for me. All I have for myself is a pretty sick bod with abs. It's one of the only things I'm proud of.
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I walked over to my beach towel, intending to relax the rest of the trip when a fat old guy approached me as I sat down.
"I saw that you know."
"Saw what?" I looked up at him but could barely see his face past the enormous belly and man tits.
"The way they treated you. Sounds like a bunch of assholes."
"Yeah well I'm stuck with them so..." I thought he would walk away after that but instead he stood for a minute.
"I may have something that will help you, if you want?”
“Then here lay down." He pointed at my towel. I had no idea what he was talking about but I laid down on my towel, only because I was going to do that in the first place. Maybe he'll go away now. I closed my eyes and started to relax. After a minute I decided he was gone...until I felt someone put their hands on mine.
I got up suddenly, ready to throw punches at this pot-bellied weirdo, who was probably about to violate me, when I realized something was off. I...couldn't. It felt like there was a heavy weight on my chest preventing me from getting up. The man was nowhere to be seen so I looked at my chest to see what was weighing me down, my eyes widening at the sight.
There was no weight on it, I AM the weight! My abs were completely gone and had been replaced with a flabby mass. I could see my nipples rolled to the side facing outward, since they were now attached to a saggy pair of man tits. They were kinda big too, and stuck out way further than my old ones ever did. Without hesitation, I went and touched them. It was wild. I didn't expect my nipples to be so sensitive since they were so far out from the rest of my body, but the sensation was like a surge that went straight to my dick...oh shit my dick! I couldn't even see my own swimsuit anymore! This chubby gut is completely blocking me from seeing my own dick! I tried sitting back up, but couldn't.
I ended up rolling over, feeling the gravity force me onto my stomach, only it didn't feel like I was on my stomach. It felt like I was laying on a marshmallow, while still being able to feel the sand on my torso. I groggily got up on all fours and managed to get onto my feet.
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I stood there, still feeling weird. Suddenly, I felt a rush of humiliation and awkwardness. Everyone else looked so thin and full of energy, and I'm just that fat guy on the beach. The kind of guy I was always kinda silently judging. How did this happen though? And where did that old man go? I-oh god. It can’t be?
I rushed to the nearby restroom, feeling my belly and tits flopping around all over, a pretty disgusting sight that felt unsettling. I walked over to the mirror and found my horrors had come true. I AM the fat old guy! I leaned in closer and touched my face all over. I pinched my double chin, wiggling it back and forth. I ran my fingers through my colorless hair and found that most of it was in patches, as the bald spots almost took over completely. I opened my mouth to find all yellowing teeth, with shiny aluminum crowns replacing a few of them. I looked down at my body once again, now being able to see it in the mirror, and played with my tits as I watched them wobble and sag. I did the same with my belly, feeling the jiggle as I shook it up and down.
I can't believe this is actually happening. Is this that guy's way of helping me? Turning me into a different person to escape my fraternity brothers? I may not have liked my life but I did like my body! Suddenly I felt a vibration from my pocket. I reached in to find my own phone...not this old man's. An unknown number was calling me.
"Hey man!" The voice sounded awfully familiar.
"Who are you?"
"It's me! You! Well, you now! This was my way of helping you!"
Oh god, he not only transformed me, he swapped our bodies entirely! That voice is my voice! He's trying to copy my way of speaking but it sounds all wrong.
"How is this helping me at all? I was a young fit college student. You turned me into a fat old man!"
"You didn't like your fraternity brothers did you? I swapped our bodies so you can escape. Shame that I had to be so ugly though...that hurts."
"Hey, look I'm sorry! But swap me back!"
"Sorry, no can do...at least not right now. I think I can do a much better job at standing up for myself than you ever could. How many more years of college do you have? Two? See you in two years then! Oh, and I'm sure you've noticed already but those nipples are extremely sensitive. I've been pumping them for awhile in order to get a more sensual experience. Maybe you can continue that!" He immediately hung up after he finished his sentence.
I'm sure my frat brothers are still on the beach, but if I try to return to them looking like this, they won't believe it's me! Maybe that guy's right. 2 years doesn't sound so bad actually. I won't have to deal with them anymore and if what he said was true, he could give me a much more assertive reputation for after I graduate!
"I guess that's a deal then." I said, absentmindedly rubbing one of my nipples. God that does feel good though. I headed into the stall and starting jerking. I couldn't see my dick and it was a little hard to reach anyway, but rubbing just one nipple was enough to give me all the pleasure I needed to reach max stiffness. The nipples were so sensitive that I actually stopped jerking entirely to rub both of them with my hands, feeling my man tits jiggle with every rub. I didn't stop getting hard even for a second and was able to cum without my hand even touching my dick! I was never able to reach a nipple orgasm with my old body! I could get used to this...
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Becoming the Old Man Next Door
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Carter Austin was annoyed that he had to be home for his parents 30th wedding anniversary. The model was only in town for one night, and even that was too much. He hated Fairview and missed the fast life of New York. The 28-year-old was one of the hottest models on the scene and couldn’t believe he was wasting his weekend in his childhood bedroom.
Hon, we are so excited that you are home. We’ve missed you.
You know how busy I’ve been mom. I’m one of the hottest models. I’m constantly booked.
I know. We told Mr. Jarvis that you were coming home and he was so excited to see you.
Mom, I’m 28. I don’t want to go see our old neighbor.
Oh, just do it Carter. It’ll make him happy. He’s lonely. His wife has been dead for 20 years and he has no children. Just do it.
I went next door and rang the doorbell. Mr. Jarvis answered the door. I forgot how fat he was.
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Austin my boy. So good to see you. Come in come in. Sit down. I’ll get you a drink.
As I sat in his living room, I looked around at his depressing life. The room seemed straight out of the 1970’s, and it reeked of tobacco. 15 minutes. That’s all I need.
Here’s a coke. So, tell me about New York.
It’s fun. I travel the world. I’m one of the top models out there.
I know. I’ve followed you. You are quite the good-looking young men. I bet ladies throw themselves at you.
I get my fair number of women. And men. I don’t discriminate.
I wish I had your life. My life was always boring. And it’s been worse ever since Marian died. I live a lonely life.
Well not everyone can have my life. This coke tastes weird.
That’s because it’s not coke at all. It’s a special potion. You see Carter, I’m tired of being an old man who never did anything with his life. I want a life in the fast lane. So, I am going to steal yours.
What. That’s not possible
I stand up and try to move, but I can’t. It’s like I am frozen in place.
Carter, look in the mirror. Can’t you see the changes have already begun.
As I stared into the mirror, I could see the wrinkles start appearing on my face. Suddenly I started breathing heavier as I felt myself get older. I ran my hands through my hair and it came out in chunks in my hand. I tried to run, to get out, but couldn’t move. My skin was aging. I could feel my youth leaving my body. Passing 30. All of my hair fell out. Passing 40. Stubble appeared on my face. Then it stopped. I looked in the mirror. Damn. I’m fucking old, but I’m fucking hot.
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Haha old man. I’m still fucking hot. Look at me. Your plan failed.
You aren’t very smart are ya Carter. That was just step one.
Step one! I turned to him and saw that somehow his hair had grown back in and he looked middle aged. It’s like my hair and age went to him!
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Yes, there are three steps. Let’s start step number two.
With that he clapped his hands and suddenly I felt bloated. My stomach was starting to rumble. I looked in the mirror and my face was bubbling. Suddenly it felt like I was blowing up like a balloon. 10, 20, 50, 100, 150, 200 pounds of fat just suddenly appeared on my body. For some reason as I grew, my clothes grew with me.
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I was a whale. No one would ever recognize me. It was absolutely disgusting. I used to make fun of people who looked like this. Now I was one of them. I turned and looked at my captor. He looked good. He was so skinny. It’s like all of his weight transferred to my body! He was hot! I was so jealous. Wait he said this was step two, what was step three going to be?!
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Damn, I never even looked this good when I used to be in my 40’s. This is amazing. I bet you are wondering about step three. Well, I suppose it’s time to start the final step. Get ready to say goodbye to any remaining part of your old life.
A wave suddenly washed over me. I could feel the life force draining from my body. My facial hair was turning white. My back pain was killing me. I could feel pain everywhere in my body. Arthritis. But I’m only 28. What is happening. I didn’t even think this was possible.
I’m Marvin Jarvis. Wait what! No I’m not Marvin… I’m um….i’m um. What is going on. It’s like I am losing my memories.
What are you doing to me. Why can’t I remember my name. Why do I think I’m you.
Because, Marvin, that’s part of step three. I become you and you become me. We might not look exactly the same, but the world will change to suit us. Why don’t you look at your license.
I could barely reach my wallet. I pulled out my driver’s license. It still said Carter Austin, and then it changed. Marvin Jarvis. 81 years old. 375 pounds. I looked at the photo and then at my reflection in the mirror. There was the same old man. Me!
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You’ll never get away with this.
I already have. Your old memories will continue to slip away until you become Marvin Jarvis. Meanwhile, I’ll get your memories and live out my life again. A world-famous model. Carter Austin. My life is set.
Suddenly my mom entered the house.
Hello Marvin. I just came to get Carter. Dinner is ready.
I wanted to scream out. To tell my mom what happened. All that came out was “Of course Karen. It was lovely seeing Carter again. What a fine man he has become.”
Mom, I am just going to hug Mr. Jarvis goodbye and then I’ll be home.
Okay. See you soon honey. Goodbye Marvin.
The new Carter came and hugged me. Good luck Mr. Jarvis. You’ll need it. Don’t forget to take your heart pills, and back pills, and all the other pills. Don’t drive at night. Also, your social security check barely covers basic living expenses. Haha. Better get one last look at me. This is the last time you’ll see me. I’m never coming back to this hodunk town.
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I started crying as the new Carter Austin left. He may not have looked exactly like me, but what does it matter. The world believes he is Carter and I am Marvin.
I sat down because my knees were giving out. I tried to remember everything about my old life, but I could feel it slipping away. I’m trapped. There is nothing I can do. You know what sounds good right now. A good pipe. I wonder if NCIS is on. 6:30pm. Almost time for bed. Well, maybe being an old man isn’t going to be so bad after all.
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roller6262 · 2 months
Hey! Skinny white guy here wishing I was something more exciting!
I can sense you've been touched by the power of many transformations before, perhaps you are a master of transformation as well? Usually I'd be wary of using my power on those like you, in case it rebounded on me, but this request is too tempting to pass. Fine, I'll make you more interesting. You're sitting at home when to hear loud rock coming from outside. You open your front door to find yourself in a suburban neighborhood with a young South Asian man sitting on your doorstep with a speaker.
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You want to ask him what he's doing here, but after noticing some angry glares from your neighbors, you think it's best to tell him to turn the music down first. "Turn it down?" He scoffs, "Man, you're the one always saying to turn it up. Listen to this!" He grabs you by the ear and pulls you closer to the speaker, as if standing across the street wouldn't still be a fine distance to hear the track. You curse when you feel a sharp pain where he grabbed your earlobe, but as the sound reverberates through your skull you find that pain turning to pleasure.
You nod your head to the booming drums as your ear lobes grow, craving more of that sound, then filling with large gauges. You tell him he's right, shit this good deserves to be played at max volume. "Hell yeah, especially when it speaks to taking down a broken system. That's what it's like for brown men in a white man's world." You're confused, is brown men referring to you too? You feel your body electrified like a guitar, your body warming up and your skin darkening in turn. Your hair stands on end until the blackened strands curl into a mess much like the man's, though you like your streaked red and sides shaved. You grin, looking at your fellow south asian with your deep brown eyes in newfound familiarity. You can't help but agree that there's nothing more punk than an immigrant.
After a few minutes of listening, your neighbor's annoyed stares become more obvious to both of you. "Man let's ditch these posers. Is it cool if I take this to Zayne's house?" You get excited, recognizing the name of another punk who lives a few blocks down. You agree, noting you're excited to listen there too. "What?" he chuckles, "no offense Man, but I don't think Zayne invites anyone your age to rock out." You wonder what he means by age before looking down at your arms, ever hairier than before. You think you're seeing things, adjusting your glasses out of habit without realizing you weren't wearing any before. Your facial scruff becoming a thick beard. Your clothes turning into a brown polo tucked into white khakis, baggy at first but stretched tighter as your time as a slim youth grows distant from years in a sedentary desk job. Your adjust your polo, trying to give your moobs more room while they jiggle along with your gut to the speaker. Despite your new clothes, you're still a punk in spirit, but a man needs to dress a certain way to work when he's got bills to pay.
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you look at the man, now recognizing him as your son. You're a bit sad he keeps calling you "Man" instead of Dad, but a part of you swells with pride as a sign he's inherited some of the anti-authority spirit you grew up with. You sigh, allowing him to go rock out with his friend, but reminding him to come home before dinner and hoping you can jam with him after too.
"Ah kids" I say, stepping out of the house next to yours, looking like a typical suburban man "no matter how cool you are, they always choose their friends." You laugh deeply, clutching on to the bouncing polo that threatens to untuck from your khakis and reveal the furry carpet below. You say your son is probably just going through a rebellious phase. I laugh in kind, "With a rebel dad like you, I'm sure 'rebellious phase' is an understatement!" I'm unsure if you recognize me, or the request you made to me, but I am sure that this life is at the very least more exciting!
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swappingforgood · 3 months
Happy Father’s Day?
When I woke up on Sunday morning, I had a massive headache, which was no surprise for me because me and my dad shared a bunch of drinks with each other. We decided to get drunk together since everyone else was busy and had other plans, and me being the youngest son, I felt bad for him. After our respective fourth beers, my dad said something that caught me off guard. “You know, Liam, you’re turning out to be quite the looker,” my dad said in his deeper voice as I blushed and looked away and returned the compliment. "Thanks, dad, but I would much rather look like you,” I said as I slurred my words before continuing. “I’m hairless on my chest and stomach, unlike you. I wish I looked more like you." He chuckled and moved closer before reaching out to hold my hand and saying he wouldn’t mind looking more like me. Now, in the morning, as I look around the room, I realize I’m not in my college dorm room; I’m in my parents room. I get up and almost stumble over from the hangover, but also my larger feet. Huh? I don’t have large feet or these bigger legs or this manlier stomach. Before the panic takes over, I run to the bathroom to see my dad's face staring back at me. I touch my face and watch his reflection do the same, and I lift up my shirt, and again, the reflection does the same. It hits me; I’m in my dad's body, and if I’m in his body, I get a text from him saying that our drunken wishes came true, and he said he couldn’t be happier and told me to enjoy my new body because he doesn’t want to change back. I was sad at first until I lifted up my shirt again to see my older frame covered in a mix of dark hair and fat, which caused a stir in my pants. Honestly, I can get used to this. Happy Father’s Day to me!
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fatswaps · 8 months
Minh was what many woukd refer to as, the perfect guy. He was smart, as shown by his exceptionally high grades. He had the looks of a supermodel, always the subject of awe for every girl and even some of the guys on campus. And, perhaps most important to the unfortunate events that would unfold, He was just a few months into his 18th age. The young man had everything he could ever ask for, and with such great traits, came perhaps the only aspect of Minh most couldn't stand- his disrespectful attitude. Minh really didn't shy away from treating those he seemed as unattractive in comparison to himself with the same resoect he'd show to an insect. But his pretty looks and large circle of acquaintances were enough to keep him surrounded by friends.
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Though Minh would have his comeuppance one faithful night at a dorm party. The boys Minh was friends with were doing their usual activities such as drinking, making an overall mess and damaging dorm property. Markably, that night- it was the dormroom toilet which had been broken by the rowdy college boys. One of the pipes had been broken apart by one of the boys hitting it with a golf club in a not-so hilarious prank.
After the boys setttled down a bit, they soon realized they'd be forced to call the college plumber, an older guy called Steve. It was common for students to make fun of Steve for his big gut and in their eyes, "lowly" job of fixing their shitters. Once called over, the boys snickered and pushed one another to talk to the exhausted old guy at which point, Minh heroicly stepped forward and said "Hey... so, our pipes got broken. Guess you didn't do a very good job last time" he smirked, which Steve could only reply with an irritated sigh "You'll have to wait for tomorrow for me to fix it" he made his stance and was about to leave when the irritated younger man scoffed "What? Going home to eat some slob piggy?" He insulted the poor man, which was when he stopped in his tracks. "You know what, show me the way."
Smirking victoriously, Minh lead Steve to the bathroom but the moment he stepped inside- he blacked out and time itself seemed to become hard to decipher from space.
When he came to, Minh saw a familiar sight sitting on the stairway he'd led the fat plumber up to reach the bathroom where he heard his own voice say "Yeah, thanks for the job bro. Now piss off, this party is for young people". He didn't understand what was happening until he was pushed out the door- by himself!
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Minh was confused as he fell to the floor outside his door room in the corridor. Taking a moment to recall what had happened- he soon realized everything got weird after he went into the bathroom with the plumber guy... speaking of, where was he?
It was at that moment Sing caught a reflection of himself in the mirror at the end of the hallway... that was not his body, that was NOT his pretty young face. That was the face of the 87 year old plumber he made fun of on a daily basis!
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Having freaked out would be an understatement as the freshman-turned-old man screamed in pure fear and shock at the changes to his body. It was at this moment when he recieved a text... pulling his phone out of his now much tighter jeans' pockets- Minh read the texts in pur horror
"You probably noticed by now that I took your body kid. Well, tough shit. I was tired of being the fat plumber everyone shits on, now its your turn. Enjoy my 87 year old body, cause I'm gonna enjoy yours"
He saw a text being uploaded right after
"Oh and, don't even try to tell anyone what happened. I took some pictures of 'you' doing some pretty messed up shit to my poor college boy body and they could make you lose your job in less than a day, if not go to jail. Heh, good luck dickhead".
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It had been around 6 months after the swap, and Minh had to adjust to his new life whether he liked it or not. The new Minh had already blocked his number and would give him the most humiliating smirk whenever the two saw eachother.
What took the most to get used to however was the disadvantages of obesity and old age. The old man suffered a great deal trying to get from anywhere to anywhere else. Even the most mundane tasks had him gasping for air due to years of smoking.
Showering was still so humiliating, seeing the fat rolls, his fatpad, the hairy body and ridiculously large moobs and belly. His balding head and old man beard- they all felt so wrong. Minh cried for quite a long time until his shower sessions turned into silent moments of pure shame
Another aspect of his body Minh could never come to terms with was his ridiculously small, constantly soft penis. With the horniness of an 18 year old freshman snuffed out, replaced by the body of a 87 year old man- Minh longed for his old vitality.... something he would never have again.
It was about 5 years into the swap when Minh's suffering came to an end due to a sudden heart attack due to his morbid obesity. The news spread around campus, and Steve- now fully in Minh's shoes, seemed quite unsympathetic, his statement about the old guy being "The fat fuck deserved it."
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maletfwitch · 1 year
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After seeing this video of Jack Harlow at the chiropractor I came up with this swap concept and decided to try it in a comic-like style similar to Dighetman’s work let me know what you guys think.
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tfbodyswapstories · 1 year
Greg’s POV
I was just sitting on my couch, eating and watching TV as I usually do, when I felt this pulling sensation. Like my soul was leaving my body. I thought I was going to die. That’s when I woke up and found myself in another room. I look down and see my body. My new body! I’m much skinnier now! All of that fat has just gone like magic! I can actually stand up without my walker.
I take my shirt off and see my nice new abs and muscles.
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I sit back down on the couch and slide my new hand down my pants. I’m already hard as a rock. It feels so good. Each sensation feels better than the last. Finally I come inside my pants. I’m going to take a shower and explore my new body.
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Derek’s POV.
I was at home watching my favourite movie ‘Drive’ for my 13th birthday.
I wish I could be Ryan Gosling. I think to myself.
Next thing I know I’m feeling this weird sensation, like something is dragging me away. But I’m still sitting on the couch.
That’s when I wake up in a bedroom I don’t recognise. I am shirtless now. But wow! Look at these muscles and abs! I start flexing my muscles and I’m getting excited. I don’t know what happened. But I look around for a mirror.
What I see in a mirror made me jump.
I am Ryan Gosling!
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I look in the mirror and flex some more. I pull my trousers down to take a peek. I’m starting to get hard.
‘It’s not gay if it’s mine right?’
I start pulling myself while flexing my new muscles in the mirror.
‘God, I love this so much’
I come over the mirror. I never want to leave this body.
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malebodyexhibit · 2 years
The Start of a New Life (a Next Door Boy tale)
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Thomas posed for the picture while his friend took a picture. He felt so comfortable in this body. It was such a daddy bod, but he was a hunk with stomach fuzz and boulder-like biceps. His cock wasn’t anything scoff at too. At 8 inches, he loved the gray that peppered his pubes. The man whose life he took over had children in their late 20s, about a decade older than Thomas’s original body.
The guys in their teens like Thomas had been were obsessed with stupid stuff like chasing girls, action movies, or getting blasted on the weekend. Thomas just wanted a grown up relationship where he could talk about art, history, and important things. So he signed up for NDB services and matched with a daddy. 
The man was nothing impressive with exception of his bank account and hunky body. He wanted what most men wanted on NDB: a young body to have great sex in. He was a massive horn dog. His libido caused his divorce and estrangement of his children. He didn’t care. He wanted to look young and fuck hard.
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He spent so much money on Thomas’s body. The first few days, Thomas watched in surprise as his teenage body posted slutty social media pics. Tomas’s friend kept him up to date to with what his teenage body did. He got drunk and partied hard, slept with several jocks, played strip poker, and changed his wardrobe. No more polo shirts or khakis, his teenage body was decked out in sports gear even though Thomas hadn’t been particularly sporty or athletic. That seems to have changed when the video posted with his teen body being piledrived  by a couple gym bros. It was honestly impressive how much upper body strength Thomas’s old body had.
The abuse his old body went through didn’t phase Thomas. The deal was already made. This wasn’t a vacation. This was the rest of his life. Thomas stretched his meaty arms and stripped off his pants. While he didn’t party hard like the old guy, he still had urges, and thankfully his friend was here to help him.
He wrapped his arms around his friend, a 30-something medical student, he met in college. They tried dating but his friend loved older men who were more mature and responsible. Now that Thomas was near twice his age with a stable income and maturity, he fit the bill for his perfect man.
They kissed and Thomas moaned as his friend reached around pushed him harder against him.
“What did you need the photo for, babe?” Thomas asked.
His friend turned around and fondled his erection. “I wanted to show my friends what a hot man I had. Maybe we can take a couple more pics for my parents? With your shirt on I mean.”
“That’s gonna kill your father. I must be near his age!” Thomas laughed and pulled his friend’s hand away and knelt down taking in his cock into his mouth. “Not to mention my own children are a year younger than you.”
“Honey, don’t talk with your mouth full.” He moaned and gripped the back of Thomas’s head and slowly thrusted. His hands caressing this body’s thinning hair. “My dad will love you. You both like the same old people stuff.”
Thomas pulled back and the wet cock smacked his friend’s thigh. “Oh, you’re going to get a spanking for that!” Thomas picked up his boyfriend, so much easier with these bulging biceps, and playfully smacked his ass. The two resumed their kiss, enjoying each other’s warmth.
In another city, Thomas’s old body woke up. He went by the name of Dylan and his head pounded from a hangover. The previous night was an exciting blur of a pub crawl. As Dylan turned on his side, the men on either side of him covered his naked body with their jacked arms. The day promised another exciting night.
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Unbeknownst to each other, the two men thought of how their dreams came true.
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yoshirage · 2 years
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Body swap Diaries: Carl
“Ok one more! Flex your arms a little bit! Ok 1, 2, 3! Ok great photoshoot! Carl once again, great working with you.”
“Thanks Mr. Gomez! Always great working with you.” Carl dropped the dumbbells and shook his hand. He looks around to see that the photo crew are cleaning up and ready to go. “So next week again?”
“Yes of course!” Mr. Gomez said. “Ill see you then”. The crew leaves leaving Carl alone in the Gym
In the corner of his eye he sees Ozzy, a man in his mid 50’s working as the gym’s graveyard shift janitor. Ozzy sees him and quickly left the gym floor and made his way to the lockers; Carl quickly followed him and closed the doors to the lockers.
“Whoa whoa hold on there man. I haven’t seen you for awhile.” Hemove closer to the older man as the older man steps back eventually stopped by a wall. “Damn! I remember that frightened and intimidated look i used to make when you and Derrick used to harass me! I even remember that last prank when you took my clothes while I was showering and i had to leave the gym naked. It was that same day that i made a wish that both of you learn your lesson.” He paused then did a double bicep pose “and someone must’ve been listening since i woke up the next day in your body.” He started taking his sweaty clothes off and threw it to his old face.
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Carl looked at his old body with awe and terror. He has never been this big before let alone this ripped before. Ozzy did some more bodybuilding poses which made carl tear up with jealousy. “ Please man! Im sorry for bullying you!! Please give me my body back” he pleaded.
“No can do man! And even if I can, you’d think ill give this all up! I worked hard getting this body this ripped, and modeling companies are lining up to feature me! Something your lazyass could never do!” Carl felt defeated. Ozzy grabs Carl’s gangly arm and forced it to his sweaty chest. “ come on man feel it! You miss having a body this young don’t ya” Carl started moving his hands and feeling his old body. “ yeah bet you miss all of this huh”. Ozzy looks down noticing carls growing erection. “Wow looks like someone took their viagra today, lemme tell you! Feels great constantly getting an erection without taking those! Oh speaking of which!” He looks down to see his cock hardened to its full 8 inches. He could see Carl’s face shocked to see his old cock hard like that. Ozzy smirked and with a commanding tone said “touch it!”
“No please!” Carl begged, but Ozzy didnt care, he grabbed carls right hand and forced him to grip his old cock.
“Oh yeah! You should feel lucky. Your the first guy that ever touched my cock.” Carl stroked Ozzy’s cock with his right and fondling the balls with the left; jacking ozzy off as he used to do it. Moans escaped Ozzy’s lips every stroke, and without warning Ozzy grabs carls head as he squirted cum all over his old face. Carl felt humiliated as he tries to wipe off the warm load off his face and getting it all over the floor. “Fuck that felt good” Ozzy said as he puts his clothes back on. He gives Carl a cocky look as he left the locker room; leaving the cum covered bully with a floor to clean and a hard five erection due to being humiliated.
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strangemaleswaps · 2 months
Strange Leather Bar Swap 2
I still couldn't believe that I was in a different body! I wish it was a hotter guy, but I'm sure someone would be into me! Thankfully being an old guy didn't stop my dick from staying hard, as I could feel it rubbing against my leather pants…even if I couldn't see it past my enormous belly.
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I opened the door to find a couple of guys walking down the hallway, chatting, and laughing. I thought they were a little drunk. One of them rushed over to me with an ecstatic look on his face.
“Hey there daddy! Up for some fun?” He poked my belly. “You a sub or dom? I'm ready for some kinky action!”
“Oh I don't know actually.” My voice was so deep and gravelly, that for a sec I didn't realize I was the one talking. “I'm kinda new at th-”
“All good! All good! Plenty of guys yeah? Seeya round!” He then took off down the hallway and into a room with the other guys. I was still excited, but a little discouraged that I didn't have much experience with kinky sex. I guess I looked like someone who did though. 
I made my way down the hallways and found that all the closed doors had a lot of noise coming from inside so I guess that meant they didn't want any more guys. I noticed one door was open a bit so I took a deep breath and walked inside. In a cool looking room with white walls was a young guy; he was about my age or so! He was wearing a really cool leather vest, breeches, and arm guards.
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“Well hey there old man,” he said real smooth. He must've noticed that I seemed uncomfortable because he walked up to me and ditched the sexy tone.
“You're definitely not that old are you? What's your REAL age?”
“21,” I said hesitantly. He smiled and started laughing.
“We got a fucking 21 year old looking like his own grandpa here!” I kinda laughed along, trying not to make it awkward.
“It's alright man! Neither of us are the right age physically. I'm 47!” He said with a face that looked more like 20. “But that's what Swap Night is all about! Having fun with your new bodies!”
“You know…” He put his hand on my belly and started rubbing it. “I bet you were a twink before right?”
“So having all this weight on you must be so different right?” He began unbuttoning my shirt very slowly. My dick was getting hard once again and his smile widened when he noticed.
“Hey, you like that huh?
“Mmm” I let out a bit of a deep moaning sound.
“Then I guess you wouldn't mind if…” He dramatically ripped my shirt open, unbuttoning everything at once. “...we see what's underneath!”
“He grabbed me by the tie and pulled me closer until I was face to face with him. He was so hot! I wondered who the real owner of his body was. Since he was closer to my age, maybe we could be friends.
He then pulled me in for a kiss, shoving his tongue into my mouth. It tickled as my mustache rubbed against his face. I wasn't much of a kisser but I tried copying him by using my tongue. As we made out, I could feel him stripping the rest of my shirt off, and undoing my tie. He threw both of them to the side. He stopped kissing and moved towards my chest. Suddenly I felt a weird sensation on one of my nipples, as if it was being pulled very hard, but yet didn't hurt. I looked down to see the guy biting on a nipple piercing…wait piercings! I had piercings!
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“Woah,” I said out loud. He looked me in the eye and read my mind once again.
“Just noticed you have your nipples pierced didn't you? They're really sensitive aren't they? I have mine pierced…well not in this body anyway. I loved having mine sucked and bitten…” He looked down at his chest and pinched his nipples. “...but these just aren't sensitive enough.”
“Yeah that makes sense.”
“You on the other hand…” He started up again, biting the piercing, and again I felt the weird sensation. It was incredible! They were so sensitive that I swore I was about to cum right there. But I held it in as he rubbed my belly again. 
“That's a really nice ball belly you got there, old man.” Something about being called an old man was turning me on even more and just like before, he noticed.
“Yeah…you like being called that huh? A fat old man.”
As he licked all around my belly, his hands made their way underneath. Taking my belt off and unbuttoning my pants, he started licking from the top, downwards until he got to my dick. He squeezed it with his right hand and began sucking as he rubbed my belly some more with his left. 
I really didn't want to cum right then but I couldn't hold it in anymore! As he sucked, I came in his mouth, which seemed to take him by surprise. After a minute of catching my breath, he broke the silence.
“Well then daddy. I hope you had a good time.”
“Aw I wish this would last longer.”
“Well…we still have a few hours until midnight. Why don't you see what some other guys are doing? Maybe you'll find your own body.” The idea of seeing or even fucking my own body sounded kinda creepy, but also intriguing. I didn't know what to think!
“Yeah I guess. What about you? Don't you want to cum?”
“Hey I think just looking at my sexy self in the mirror is enough to make me cum. Unless you wanna jerk me off?”
“I'd love to,” I said with a sexy smirk, as the old man in the nearby mirror copied me.
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male-body-swap-lover · 11 months
Smoking Ages You
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Kappa Delta Pi was the it place on campus, and I was the king. Michael Webber, Mikey as my friends called me. There I am in the center of our group photo. We were an inseparable group of bros. Porter, Kent, Oliver, Damian, and me. Kings of the campus is what people called us. Could you blame us. We were hot, ripped, and rich, and boy did we love our cigars. Lungs be damned. There was nothing like the deep, rich scent of a perfectly aged cigar.
If there was one thing the girls on campus did not like, it was our unique love of cigars. Many girls actively avoided us. Yes, we never suffered for women, but we never got the cream of the crop. Until one night we managed to score dates with five of the hottest girls from Alpha Salem Theta. After dinner, we were sitting in the senior smoking room of our frat. Five boys with their cigars, whisky, and girls.
“Boys, could you please stop smoking. It’s disgusting,” said Porter’s date, Amber.
“Don’t you know how bad it is for you,” said Damian’s date, Chelsea.
“Boys will be boys. Stupid and idiotic till it’s too late,” said my date, the head of Alpha Salem Theta, Samantha.
“Oh, come on babe. Smoking is sexy. We are hot and you know you love it,” I said.
“I’m not your babe. Come on girls. Let’s leave these little boys,” said Samantha.
The five girls got up to leave and started walking towards the door.
My brothers and I pleaded with them to stay, but they wouldn’t budge.
“Fine! Be that way you stupid bitches. We can have any girls we want,” I said.
Samantha slowly turned around. “What did you just call us?” She was furious.
I started to stammer and then Samantha said “Girls, I thought we would let them go tonight, but since they want to be cruel, it’s time they get what’s coming their way. Boys, SIT!” she commanded.
Suddenly five chairs made their way to the center of the room and we were forced to sit down. We couldn’t move. We just kept puffing away at our cigars.
“What’s going on! Why can’t we move?” said Kent.
“Boys, we at Alpha Salem Theta practice the witchcraft of our sisters of yore that used to reside in Salem. We hate to see people throw away their lives on ridiculous things, such as cigars. You are all hot. You are smart, at least I presume you are, but you are all addicted to cigars. It is embarrassing. You act like a bunch of middle-aged men who have let themselves go. So, if that is how you want to act, why don’t you become just that.”
The girls started chanting some weird incantations. We were unable to decipher what they were saying. The wind started whipping and the room turned a vibrant red color. As it crescendo’d, it suddenly stopped.
“Ha, it didn’t work” I said.
“Just wait,” said Samantha.
Suddenly Porter started moaning. A rumbling came from his stomach and it started pushing out. His hair turned white and his hairline receded. A bushy beard grew on his face. Everywhere on his body, he gained fat. Wrinkles appeared everywhere and he aged right before his eyes. He looked like he could be 60. He had to weigh at least 300 pounds. His clothes burst at the seams and then they reformed. His blue button down resized to fit his body, his ripped jeans turned into khaki shorts and a belt wove through the loops as his shirt tucked in. All the while he puffed away on his cigar, attempting to scream, but unable to.
We all started panicking, but we couldn’t move and we continued to puff away at our cigars.
Kent was next. His stomach pushed out even faster, but didn’t grow as large as Porter’s. It almost seemed like he shrunk in height. All of his hair turned white as he aged up and a trimmed beard appeared. His white button down turned into a blue polo and his jeans expanded along with his waistline as a belt appeared. He was the mirror image of his dad.
Oliver aged the worst. He looked horrible. His hair was a mess and his beard looked like something George Lucas would sport, but way worse. His jeans turned into dad jean shorts that barely fit his much-expanded waistline. He looked like an old fart that was most comfortable in his recliner. A pair of old man glasses appeared on his face. Tears were streaming down his face, but all he could do was puff.
Damian was so proud of his hair. No more. His hair receded the most, leaving him with just a ring of hair. His face hardened with age as his beard grew in. His button down turned into a white tank top tucked into his jeans as his beer belly hung over his belt. He looked like trailer trash. He went from modeling for A&F to modeling for Medicare. His flabby arms were revolting.
“And finally, for the finale, the great Mikey Webber gets taken down a peg, or five, Samantha said.
It felt like I was going to throw up. My stomach rumbled so badly. Then it started growing, and growing, and growing. All the buttons popped off my shirt. My pant seams ripped. All of my hair fell off my head. I could see it on the floor around me. I was crying. I felt myself gain a second and a third chin. I had to be fatter then all my brothers. A blue button down formed over my body, and the ugliest pair of khaki shorts appeared on my body. I looked like Tony Soprano, but 10 times worse. Finally, it stopped, but it was too late. I was a man far past his prime. A tub of lard.
All of the girls laughed. “Good luck boys, with your new lives. Too bad no one is going to know who you are. Bye!” All of the girls left. We all slowly stood up and felt our new ages. Back pain and arthritis.
“My hair. It’s gone. I’m old. We are all old. How are we going to get girls now,” said Damian.
“That’s not our biggest problem. We need to find a way to switch back,” said Oliver.
Suddenly, Henry, the Junior class president walked in and started yelling. “Who the hell are you. Get the fuck out of here before I call the police. Creepy old men.”
We tried explaining who we were, but to no avail. Eventually we gave up and trudged downstairs and out of the frat without any of our belongings. We walked till we found an empty front porch. I sat down, trying to come to terms with what happened. We looked at our ID’s and it still showed our old lives, meaning that no one would ever believe us when we explained who we were.
“What the fuck are we going to do. We look like people’s dads. No one is going to believe who we are,” said Porter.
“Shut up. Just let me think. We will just have to convince the girls to change us back. Just let me finish my cigar,” I said. We all stayed on that porch, smoking our cigars, trying to figure out how we were going to get out of this mess. Little did we know, we were stuck like this forever, and our problems had only just begun.
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