heartfullofleeches · 1 year
What about murder clowns with monster reader who was part of a freak show and the clowns saved them
It was supposed to be an easy hit.
Bump off a few of the performers, take their places, and lay low for a little while. When the heat picked up and the police where on the lookout for a colorful gang of criminal misfits, the circus workers would take the spotlight as they prime suspects meanwhile they got off scott free with some new outfits for the road if they got lucky. The perfect crime.
"I want that mask. Tonight."
Two of the lookouts face the third with a shared look of bewilderment. Out on the stage, mere moments before the clown's declaration, a new performer had appeared on stage. Carried in an oversized toy box, the figure peaked from its lid - red smile peering out at the ground. As it was placed down, the performer crawled outside the box, long sleeves swaying against the wooden stage. They wore a mask with crossed out eyes and your typical jester grin, cheeks as rosy as the tent hovering above. They trip over their sleeves as they stand to their feet; the tumble gaining an uproar of laughter from the crowd.
"Dude, no. You saw the posters. They're the main act. If we kill them off we'll definitely get caught. Especially because none of us are that tall."
"Ahhhh. " The defiant clown sticks out their tongue and blows so hard it distorts the paint of their fellow band members. "It'll be fine. Besides, you all left me out of the fun like always. I'm sure the boss won't mind too much."
"That's because they're the most batshit out of all us."
"Whatever. I'm getting that mask whether you're in or not."
The third member of the group gets up and walks off, followed by the others. As they exit the tent, a young child tugs on their mother's dress.
"Mom? I think those clowns kill people."
"That's nice sweetheart."
After the show ends and the clowns get the go ahead from the one in charge, they stalk the circus workers at they carry the toy box backstage. That perfomer was nowhere to be seen and a lock was placed on the box before they left. If the clowns were lucky, maybe the mask was left in the box and they could continue with their original plan. The sledhammer welder of the gang made quick work of the lock - a small whimper coming from within.
"What the hell was that?"
A dozen hands work together to pull open the box, a large shadow bursting free and darting for the corner of the tent. With no clear exit, it cowards - hiding its masked face with its claws. They instantly recognize that smile.
"It's that performer." One of the earlier lookouts chimes. "The heck is wrong with 'em?"
A solo member of the group steps towards the performer, wearing a blood stained police cap to mark themself as leader. Their eyes narrowed at the mask. It was chained to their face. They usher for someone to hand them a lock pick and approach closer. "Easy, now. I'm not gonna hurt you."
The performer straightens against the wall at the sight of the tools, but eases due to the clown's gentle voice. They make quick work of the second lock, helping them pull off the mask. Their eyes, they were full of stars. Small clusters of light that moved in unison and shrunk against the dark background of their eye to express their fear. The creature chitters, hiding behind the comforts of its mask prison.
"Well I'll be damn.... Aren't you pretty." The clown holds a finger under their chin. The performer seems torn between pulling away and giving up, ultimately melting into the new contact. It was then and there they decided they couldn't kill this creature, nor let them go.
The clown smacks their lips. "Yup."
They turn to the crowd, pulling the performer to their feet and catching them before they could fall. "Looks like we got a new member of the crew. You all know what to do. Burn and slaughter whoever gets in your way."
There's some obvious mixed reason to the news, but they all immediately bounce at the chance of raining hell. The less blood hungry of them lead the performer out to their hideout, joined by two of the watchers from earlier.
"So.. you upset you don't get their mask?"
"Nah, this is better." They tear down a flyer from the tree, reading the name hovering over the jester popping up from their toy box. "Come on, Y/n. Let's get you home."
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