#Yuuki's Beloved Avenger— {Angra} §
moonlightmagus · 3 years
@despairfiles​​ said: (inbox)
A swift hand fondled the Master’s buttocks, mischievous Cheshire-like grin on his features. ❝ Yoo Master! Happy ass-grabbin’ day! ❞ the Avenger crackles and zooms away. Repercussions be damned.
The Magus was just standing there, trying to calm down from the last butt grope from Merlin, hoping that she was away from everyone during this day. She didn’t quite understand it, but she assumed that this is just the cost of being in a large group, working together. Was this what Dr. Romani meant about stress relief? And then, she caught a glimpse of his grin and the feeling of hands on her precious behind. 
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His voice, and his smile were very disarming to her, and she was stuttering over his name, and before she could do anything he lived up to his name as one of the fastest Servants around. 
She raised her voice, “ANGRA GET YOUR BUTT BACK HERE!” She screamed, she wanted revenge. “Do not make me use a command seal!” 
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moonlightmagus · 3 years
@despairfiles​​ said: (inbox)
“💝  my muses? (or pick and chose the more interesting ones)
Send a 💝 and my Muse will ramble on about how they presently feel about yours. (Accepting!)
This is going to be a long post, I’m going to add a few muses! (I hope that’s okay.) So Read More!!
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“That’s Lord El-Melloi’s assistant. I regret not trying to talk with them. They always seemed so attentive to his needs. They looked like they worked really hard as his assistant. I’ve seen them a few times around, but haven’t worked close with them. I need to change that.”
Waver Velvet/Lord El Melloi II
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“Oh man, I’m still intimidated by him. He did a few lectures and was also Head of the Modern Mage Department. He’s very commanding, and so smart too. His confidence is otherworldly! And super smart.. I got some of my determination to continue my studying from him. I admire him so much.. I really need to start talking to him instead of avoiding him in Chaldea..”
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“Fou is just the cutest little fluffy animal ever! I can’t help but want to spoil him and give him everything he wants. I’ve been looking up special beds and stuff to have in my room or when I’m at the library so he always has a comfy place to sit.”
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“Even though he’s my Servant.. I’m so nervous around him. I want to not mess up and have him think bad of me. He’s a great Servant and I enjoy spending time with him.. Our pact started off rocky as well, even though he told me not to be reckless, I just want to be reckless with him. I want to make him understand I’m good enough. But first, practice. I’m going to learn how to clean a gun blindfolded!”
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“Boy am I a big idiot. I shouldn’t have started our pact off this way, and I get to pay the price for it. Archer is sweet.. sometimes. He gives me so much confidence. I feel so lucky to be his Master, and sometimes he angers me. Teasing me, underestimating me! But other times, he’s like an older brother to me and he’s very informative. Explaining things, and going so far as to support me in his way. Sometimes it’s harsh, but it’s Archer. I don’t expect anything less.”
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She gently places her left hand on her chest, taking a deep breath. “Saber.. Oh man, I’m conflicted with Saber. He means a lot to me. He was my first Servant, my first protector.. He saved me, I wouldn’t be here without him. It conflicts me. He makes me so happy.. He’s done so much for me, and I’ve grown so much already with him by my side.. But sometimes I don’t understand it. One day I’ll figure it out. But, what I do know is, Saber means the world to me.” 
Shirou (F/GO)
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“Shirou! He’s like family to me. He’s teaching me how to cook, and he’s teaching me how to fight with Saber. Shirou’s taught me what a comfort food is, and he backs me up on missions. He is what I imagine it would be like if I had a brother, what family should be. He has a warmth to him that I want to keep burning. While I can’t condone or agree with how he’s reckless and puts himself head first into danger not caring about his own well being, I know that I support him, because he’s my family.” 
Angra (The Boyfriend Gremlin, main verse.)
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“Angra.. my Avenger.. My wish granter..” She clutches her hands to her chest, smiling warmly. “Angra means everything to me. He’s my strength, my weakness, my happiness.. He’s my boyfriend.. my first Avenger.. And although he can be mean to me, he has one of the best smiles I’ve ever seen. He makes my heart skip beats, and he protects me. He saves me from my nightmares, and despite him feeling cold, he always seems to warm me up. He still has plenty of mysteries, and I wish he’d be straight with me sometimes, but I wouldn’t change him for the world. I can’t wait to see where we go from here.. I wish he’d take me on dates more! I-I bought a brand new dress with Hosanna.. and I want him to be the first to see me actually wear it..” 
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“Snoopy is just like Fou! So adorable! I plan to ash Archer or Saber or Shirou to teach me how to make dog treats to give Snoopy the good stuff! Such an adorable beagle. I’m so glad that Snoopy is around! I never had animals growing up, they weren’t useful to my parents if they weren’t used in rituals, and I couldn’t make myself do it. So it’s nice to have cutie patootie Snoopy around!”
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moonlightmagus · 3 years
@despairfiles​​ said:  💋 from Angra
Send '💋' for my muses reaction to yours kissing them on the lips. (ACCEPTING)
(Read more because of length.)
Yuuki was doing what she always did best, curl up with a book and forget the world. It was easier this time, since she was trying to focus on changing herself by beginning to take time for herself. It wasn’t going well, since nightmares and being alone are her constant companions, especially since she wasn’t able to sleep well anymore. She tried repeatedly to do as she was told, to rest and relax, take breaks, but none of it mattered. She would rather focus on anything but being left alone in her room. If it wasn’t her dreams of memories past haunting her, she also experienced her own Servants’ pasts. 
The grueling fires of Fuyuki, to the feeling of her village choosing her to be the sacrifice, or even nightmares of facing Victor Frankenstein. Sometimes, on some nights, she even felt what it was like to be hunted down, despite running off to her own island with her sisters. 
It was painful. 
The magus used to believe that she was here to help, that she was going to do all she could to help out. She came here to assist with the Summoning system, being blessed with all these circuits, and an abundance of mana. She wanted to be helpful, to make everyone smile, to make their burdens less, and yet.. Despite all that she thought she had accomplished, feelings of inadequacy kept creeping up. 
Even so, she was curled up on her bed, trying to read. Trying to focus on the book and failing as her thoughts kept spiraling out of control.
The magus was focused so hard she didn’t hear her beloved’s normal ‘Yo, Master~’ as he entered the room. Or did he materialize from spirit form? She couldn't be certain as she didn’t pay any attention. She did hear the door open and responded with a nonchalant. 
“I’m busy.” 
To try and make whomever entered leave, but, Angra being Angra obviously didn’t listen to that. 
Feeling that the intruder hadn’t left, the emerald hues looked up from the page she so desperately tried to read, and noticed who it was. She was still frustrated with him, though couldn’t blame him as he was right. She’s a complete idiot. But, she still felt a weird feeling of.. Pain? Was that what it’s called? She couldn’t be sure. So instead of saying anything she just went back to her book and ignored him. She was slightly hoping he would leave the way he came, and gave up his quest for whatever he searched her out for. She was sorely mistaken. 
She let out a whine as he stole the book from her grasp. 
“Angra I don’t have time, I’m trying to read.” She huffed, reaching her hand out for the book, her face crumpled in annoyance and frustration. It was only a half lie, she was trying to read, but there was no guarantee with how her mind kept wandering. She crossed her arms in front of her chest as she realized he would not return it. Movements quicker than she even realized, she felt something against her lips. It was a rugged feeling, chapped lips meeting hers in a kiss. She felt herself closing her eyes and melting away against it. All too quickly, the embrace was gone and his cocky grin and laugh replaced the frustrated silence.
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She hated it. How he could make her go from feeling frustrated to calm and happy with just a wink and a crooked smile. Well, she didn’t actually hate it, but she was very frustrated with it. Feeling the heavy negativity disperse from her, she just sighed.
“...If you wanted a kiss, you could have done it without stealing my book, you know?” She responded softly, smiling warmly.
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 “..I’d really like it, if you kissed me more often, Angra..”
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moonlightmagus · 2 years
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@cantillat​​ sent:  [ CARRY ] pick your fav to carry the Yuuki!
[ CARRY ]:     having found the receiver in an injured/weak/unconscious state, the sender carries them in their arms to safety.
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 The butterfly Magus was just wandering the halls, perhaps sighing a lot. She had an unproductive training session earlier in the day and was having difficulties even studying some of the newer books she was able to acquire. A lot of her magecraft she figured out on the battlefield with a lot of assistance from Teacher and her fellow classmates from the Clock Tower in El Melloi the II’s class. The Naginata is still being a bit difficult to Master, even though it’s been over 6 months since she acquired it. Channeling her mana through it has become easier, but everything else is just a struggle.   She was so lost in her mind she almost didn’t feel Angra through their Master-Servant bond. She tried not to hide her pain but her façade threw itself back up and she gave her practiced smile.
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“Hey Angra! It’s good to see you.” She paused, a bit confused at why he was just standing there. She furrowed her brow slightly but went back to her composure. “I was just going for a walk, you know, getting some exercise. Maybe get a snack or something, I’m hungry.” She tried to hide her bandaged hand, it was a bit strained from a training attempt gone wrong. Yuuki noticed he wasn’t looking like his usual self, and tried to continue anyways. Sometimes when things go wrong, denial is all you have and she has that in spades! 
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“I was—Ah?! A-Angra?! What-What are you doing?!” And in a flash, she was in his arms and struggling to wrap her arms around his neck.
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moonlightmagus · 3 years
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@despairfiles​​​ said: (inbox)
“I don’t care if it goes against your orders, they hurt you and so they must die” from Angra
She didn’t get it, nor did she plan to understand. She didn’t want them to die, which is why she had told the Avenger not to harm them. She didn’t think that them hurting her was reason enough to kill them. It had to be a sort of misunderstanding, right? She was calmly trying to explain the others that they meant no harm, but for some reason they misunderstood and one of them had hit her. She wasn’t expecting it and had stumbled backwards, kneeling a bit as she held her cheek. A few tears had rose to her eyes as she felt the sting. She had almost forgotten that she had brought Angra, that’s how caught off guard she was. His voice, she couldn’t understand it.
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She removed her hand from her face and looked up at him. “A-Angra, I don’t.. I don’t think we should do that.. I’m alright, see?” Her cheek was red, and a few tears had stained her cheeks but she smiled at him, trying to convince him that she was alright. “Please don’t do that. Them hurting me isn’t reason enough to kill them, right?”
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moonlightmagus · 3 years
Angra vc: no shit
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“I’m taking this as a sign that I actually have good taste.”  
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