#Yuuri got a big mention in this set wow
sachiro · 7 years
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The Many Faces of Victor Nikiforov - Episode 6
And here we are, back in the international competitive circuit! We get a good look at how the other skaters and coaches think of Victor and Yuuri’s situation and how Victor deals with their reactions. Let’s dive right in!
Actually, character development aside, I just love this first one for how peaceful it is. Even the little details like Yuuri talking in his sleep and Victor drooling in his make them feel more realistic than they would were they perfectly put together when unconscious. They’ll need the rest too, considering the amount of socializing they’re about to get thrown into. Also, you can catch a subtle banquet reference before this shot with Victor asking Yuuri if he wants any champagne!
So your first thought for this second choice might be “but this isn’t a Victor gif” and I thought so too but I feel like the composition of this shot is actually really interesting in regards to him. I think there was a part of Victor that was hoping Yakov wouldn’t be too mad at him for up and leaving when Yakov so clearly disapproved of the plan. Or maybe Victor knew what Yakov’s reaction was bound to be like and decided to brave the flames regardless, but either way Victor invites Yakov to dinner with a smile on his face like nothing had changed since the last time they talked. But Yakov rejects it, along with Victor’s coaching endeavours in the process, and we as viewers are deprived of Victor’s immediate reaction to it. There may have been some kind of spasm of emotion on his face, such as hurt, before he plasters on the smile and obliviously cheery attitude to cover it up. So, the fact that this isn’t specifically a Victor gif is exactly what makes it one.
And then that hurt leads us to this third gif, where Victor has gone and gotten himself drunk right before a competition day. Remember back in episode 3, how we touched on Victor’s drinking habits being a bad coping mechanism to deal with his depression/upset/disappointment? Here’s another instance in which he drowns his sorrows with alcohol. If nothing else, this speaks to how much Yakov’s disapproval of Victor’s career choice hurt him, even if Victor never talks about it.
But Yakov isn’t the only one who disapproves, as seen by the girls talking to Victor here in this fourth clip. Something interesting to note in terms of body language: Victor has his arms crossed. This is a real easy way to tell if someone is closed off. Compared to when he was talking with Yakov, when his body language was very open (and thus very susceptible to Yakov’s words and opinions), he seems to have either learned his lesson and goes in expecting disapproval or never particularly cared what these girls thought in the first place (or very possibly a mix of both). I do also find it interesting that they seem to think that Victor is only there for a booty call and nothing else. Their message of “it’s not going to last” also speaks to me about Victor’s past relationships; namely that he’s never had any that were really long term and/or serious.
I actually love this fifth gif with Chris because it shows how close they are as friends in just a few simple details: that Victor is comfortable enough with Chris to not mind him in his personal space bubble, that he has no qualms shushing him, and that he listens and responds to Chris’ query. Unlike everyone else so far (except Yuuri) where he’s either kept some space between them or not responded directly to their questions/comments, he seems to share an ease with Chris that we haven’t seen before.
For this sixth choice, I’d like to talk a bit about the words Victor’s saying and the sentiment behind them. He’s telling Yuuri that he doesn’t need to be a katsudon or a beautiful woman to seduce Victor; Yuuri just needs to be himself. Sound familiar? I believe that this line and sentiment is a direct parallel to the beach scene in episode 4 where Yuuri imparts the exact same message to Victor. They both encourage each other to just be themselves and not put on a mask because the mask isn’t necessary, they were attracted to each other – and continue to be so – because of who they are as people and not what they can provide in any other “roles”. I also love how Victor tops it off with “and you already know that, don’t you?” because it shows Victor’s trust and confidence in him. And then Yuuri goes off and responds by skating the best Short Program he’s ever done with more references to the beach scene (“I’m the only one who knows Victor’s love”, “I’ll show it to you through my skating”).
Okay, I will admit that my reason for adding this seventh gif in was because it’s an expression of pure arousal. Yuuri has definitely succeeded at seducing Victor and he is completely turned on. He just looks so enraptured and unguarded. Also, another thing to note: this is the first time that Yuuri has finished skating and Victor’s first reaction wasn’t to be critical, which I think is a mixture of learning how to be a better coach for Yuuri as well as how completely blown away he was by Yuuri’s performance.
I find this eighth gif particularly fascinating because Yuuri obviously gives a response that Victor was not expecting. Victor asks Yuuri if he felt good out there (which was also a sexual innuendo in the original Japanese… Victor please, you’re in public) and Yuuri responds with saying that he hopes everyone else felt good watching him. Yuuri continues to surprise Victor, even in the small things, and I love how they show that to us so we can watch them grow with each other.
Victor’s pure joy here is something that I love just for being what it is. Even if Yuuri can’t see the scores that well, he should still have been able to hear them over the loudspeakers (and see the number of digits he got) but he doesn’t have much of an expression. It feels to me like he was completely in the zone while he was skating and he’s still trying to work himself out of it. But for Victor, he’s just bursting with happiness at Yuuri’s results for no other reason than because Yuuri did so well. If anyone ever had any doubts about Victor being invested in Yuuri’s skating then I feel like this moment would have set those worries to rest.
And for this last gif, I just love their casual affection. Before, Yuuri used to back away from any kind of physical touch or others being in his personal space bubble and Victor wouldn’t touch unless he had a specific reason for it (like flirting or comfort). But now, Victor so easily clings onto Yuuri while watching Chris’ program like it’s something they do all the time (and it very well might be). It makes me think back to episode 4, how Victor was leaning on Yuuri’s shoulder as a method of comforting him. Although that had a reason, it’s interesting to watch the slow development of their physical comfort around each other. They may not tell us much about it directly, but they’ve really gotten quite close since Victor first arrived in Hasetsu.
To me, this episode felt like a middle point when it came to development. It threw some new information at us, but mostly was meant to show us where Victor and Yuuri were at and how others saw them (along with how they reacted to those perceptions). I probably talked a lot more about Yuuri in this set but by this point he’s becoming an inseparable part of Victor’s development so it’s almost impossible not to. I hope you still enjoyed regardless and look forward to next week for the episode you’ve all been waiting for!
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [Duetto]
Bonus because he just looks so cute here to pass up:
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kasumi-chou · 7 years
Zoo Trip
Yuuri hummed in response as he packed his bag for the day.
With a date at the gym planned with a few of the other danseurs before an afternoon of dancing in Minako-sensei’s class, he need to make sure that he not only had enough clothing but also enough food and drink.
“I want to go to the zoo,” Yuri piped up, causing him to pause. He glanced over his shoulder, spotting Yuri sitting on the ground trying to tie his own shoelaces.
“We can’t go today, Yurochka,” he told the boy, earning a huff in response.
“Not today, papa. We have to take Vicchan too. Can we go on the weekend?” Yuri whined before growling to himself as he undid the mess that was his shoelaces. He bent down and grabbed one of the boy’s shoes before he began slowly showing him how to tie his shoelaces at a pace the boy could mimic on his other foot.
Going to the zoo wasn’t actually a bad idea, especially with the skating season about to start back up. It would be nice to have a weekend to themselves before Victor had to start traveling for all his competitions.
“We will see. I have to double check to make sure I don’t have any classes on this weekend and then we have to make sure Vicchan is free too,” he explained to the boy as they both finished tying a shoe each.
“I’ll ask Vicchan later!” Yuri told him with a bright smile.
“You do that,” he chuckled, ruffling the boy’s hair before standing up again and turning back to his bag.
“Can you go make sure my drink bottles are on the kitchen sink and that Makkachin and Potya have food?” he asked the boy, who shouted confirmation before hurrying out of the room.
He let out a small sigh as he turned back to the bed, smiling as Makkachin waved her tail from where she was laying on the bed. He walked over and cooed gently at the poodle before reaching down to rub her adorable cheeks.
“Who’s a good girl? Who’s a good girl? You’re a good girl,” he cooed while rubbing her cheeks, only pausing when he heard a shout.
“PAPA! IT’S ALMOST TIME TO GO!” Yuri’s voice echoed through the house, causing him to roll his eyes as he quickly grabbed his bag.
“Be a good girl, Makka,” he said, pressing a kiss to the top of the poodles head before hurrying out of the room.
He barely had time to look around when he felt a familiar weight collide with his legs. He chuckled softly at the over excited child who was hugging him around the waist.
It was strange, Yuri hadn’t been this excited to see him in a while.
“Hey Yurochka,” he greeted, smiling at the boy as he looked up at him with a bright smile.
His hair was a mess, almost like his hair had fallen out from whatever hairstyle Yuuri had put it in this morning and had tried to fix it himself.
“Vicchan, Vicchan!” Yuri said, demanding his attention, “Do you have practice this weekend?”
He blinked at the question, confused as to why Yuri would be asking him.
“Maybe,” he replied hesitantly.
“Papa said we could go to the zoo if you weren’t!” Yuri explained, almost jumping up and down in his excitement.
“Did he now?” he questioned, arching an eyebrow. Yuri nodded his head wildly, to the point where his hair finally seemed to come undone.
He let out a dramatic sigh as he quickly started running a hand through the boy’s hair, searching for any possible bobby pins and hair ties and pulling them free until Yuri’s hair hung freely.
“I’ll talk with papa tonight,” he said before leaning down to press a kiss to Yuri’s forehead.
He couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him at the pure face of disgust that overtook Yuri’s face at the simple sign of affection.
“Yurochka mentioned going to the zoo this weekend,” he spoke up as he watched Yuuri climb into bed beside him.
“Yeah, he mentioned it to me too,” Yuuri sighed while taking off his glasses and setting them to the side.
“Oh?” he questioned, frowning in confusion. Yuri had said that Yuuri had mentioned going to the zoo.
“Yeah, Yurochka had asked to go to the zoo and I said that I’d have to check to see if I have class and if you were training or not,” Yuuri explained while shuffling in the bed until their sides were pressed together.
“And do you?” he questioned.
“Yes and no,” Yuuri mumbled with a shrug, “I have a class, but they don’t really need me.”
“Yakov has requested I stay off the ice this weekend, rest my ankles or something,” he admitted, rolling his eyes.
“So,” Yuuri mumbled as they shared a look, “We are going to the zoo.”
“If that is what our Yurochka wants, that is what we are doing,” he confirmed while throwing an arm over Yuuri’s shoulder and pulling him a little tighter into his side.
“I don’t want to go to the dentist,” Yuri whined from the back seat.
He threw a pointed look at Victor, who just continued to grin.
Why his fiancé had deemed it important to tell Yuri that they were going to the dentist rather than the zoo was beyond him. It had been rather heartbreaking to watch the excited look fade from the boy’s face when he realised that their early morning was not for what he thought.
“Sorry, Yurochka, but you have to get your teeth checked,” Victor said brightly, grin never fading. Yuri let out a huff from the back seat, moments before he felt something poke the back of his arm.
“Papa,” Yuri said, not quite whining, “I don’t want to go.”
He threw a look at Victor again before sighing and shaking his head, he was not going to help Victor with his ‘joke’.
Yuri let out another huff before going silent in the back seat. The car was silent other than the soft music coming from the radio.
The silence lasted another fifteen or so minutes before he felt Yuri poke his arm again. He shifted in his seat so he could look at Yuri, only to blink at the panicked look on the boy’s face.
“I’m sorry,” Yuri said suddenly in rushed Japanese. He blinked in confusion before easily slipping into Japanese – it wasn’t often that Yuri started a conversation in Japanese.
“What? What’s wrong?” he questioned, frowning in worry.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to not brush my teeth.” He blinked at Yuri in confusion for a moment before reaching back to gently grab one of the boy’s hands. Yuri quickly clung to him, wrapping both hands around his.
“I’m sorry, I won’t do it again. It was only one time,” Yuri ensured him, clutching onto his hand rather tightly.
He glanced in Victor’s direction, ignoring the worried look that he received in response.
“We aren’t going to the dentist,” he finally admitted. Yuri stared at him, the panic looked slowly turning into confusion at his confession.
“Vicchan,” he started, glancing in Victor’s direction and watching the man perked up at the sound of his name, “Has a surprise for you,” he explained. “You aren’t in trouble. You haven’t been bad,” he ensured the boy. Yuri stared at him with big wide eyes for a moment before slowly nodding his head, though he didn’t let go of his hand.
“What type of surprise?” Yuri asked, voice still small and hesitant.
“We are here!” Victor said before he could reply, causing Yuri to perk up curiously. Yuri glanced around for a moment before letting out a loud gasp.
“THE ZOO!” Yuri shouted, finally back to Russian. He smiled softly as Yuri quickly undid his seatbelt before hurrying to get out of the car. He turned to Victor, giving yet another pointed look which earned him a pout.
“What?” Victor questioned.
“He got into a panic because he forgot to brush his teeth once,” he stated before undoing his own seatbelt.
“What?” Victor replied, a baffled look on his face.
“Papa, hurry up!” Yuri shouted while opening the door for him. He smiled softly as he got out of the car, grabbing the blonde-haired boy before he could hurry away and planting a kiss on top of his head.
Yuri let out a whine, but stood still until he let go of the boy.
“Yurochka~” Victor called out, “Come here, we need to put sunscreen on!”
He smiled softly as Yuri happily bounced towards Victor, his moment of panic in the car seemingly forgotten. He stood watching for a moment as Victor helped Yuri cover every inch of his visible, pale skin with sunscreen before shaking his head.
He wasn’t sure why Yuri had gotten into such a panic about forgetting to brush his teeth, but he was pretty sure he could figure out when. Brushing teeth before bed was part of the routine – because his parents would skin him alive if their grandchild wasn’t being looked after properly – and the only time that routine could have been broken was on his sleepover.
He let out a small sigh and shook his head, hopefully the rest of the day would be less dramatic and more cheerful.
But who was he kidding, he was engaged to Victor Nikiforov, a man willing to thrown money in any direction Yuri pointed.
He would just have to hope Yuri didn’t ask to bring a tiger home.
“The tigers! No, lions! Wait, wait, wait, I want to see the leopards!” Yuri told them as they finally entered the zoo.
He smiled as he pulled out a map and bent down so Yuri could have a look.
“Wow, look at all the animals,” he mumbled. Yuri gasped and quickly pointed towards the tiger enclosure, almost tearing the map in his excitement.
“There, papa,” Yuri all but begged, giving him more adorable puppy-dog eyes.
“Well,” he hummed, “How about we started here, at the wolves and we go up here,” he said, running his finger through the route that would allow them to see all the animals, including the tiger. Yuri nodded his head in agreement, even suggesting a slight detour for a food stop.
There little planning moment was ruined by the sound of a camera shutter. They both glanced up, only to spot Victor standing a few feet away with them holding a rather fancy camera, a bright smile on his lips.
“You two looked so cute,” Victor cooed before lifting the camera up to his eye again.
He let out a huff as he held the map up in front of his face – ruining Victor’s photo and earning a smilein response. After ensuring that Victor wouldn’t snap anymore photos of them – a promise he knew would only last five minutes at best – he carefully folded up the map and handed it to Yuri to look after.
“Vicchan,” Yuri whined, walking over and grabbing the older man’s hand, “You should have been paying attention. Now you have to hold my hand, or papa’s hand, otherwise you’ll get lost,” Yuri told Victor, a serious look on his face. He chuckled softly as Victor nodded his head, clearly trying his best to not snap a photo right in Yuri’s face.
“Okay, Yurochka, lead the way,” he said, watching as the boy quickly started to drag Victor towards the direction of the wolves where their little route through the zoo begun.
“Where did you even get that camera?”
He couldn’t help but smile as he took a picture of his giggling fiancé.
There was something magical about Yuuri’s smile, he was so sure of it. No matter how he was feeling, Yuuri’s smile brightened up his day and sent his heart racing.
“It was a gift from a sponsor,” he explained while adjusting the zoom on the camera before turning the lens onto Yuri.
The six-year-old stood in front of one of the display windows, staring into the large enclosure that was meant to be holding a snow leopard. Yuri’s eyes flicked around the enclosure, searching high and low for the big cat meant to be inside.
He rose the camera up to his eye, taking a few steps to the left and bending down until he could just see the boy’s reflection in the glass before pushing and holding down the button.
The camera shutter went crazy, taking a cluster of photos and catching the exact moment Yuri spotted the snow leopard.
He released the capture button and pulled the camera away from his face, quickly opening up the camera roll to check that he had actually gotten a decent photo.
“Papa!” Yuri shouted, catching his attention and causing him to look up from his camera. His beautiful fiancé walked towards Yuri, looking graceful and majestic as he moved, before pausing and kneeling down beside Yuri, following the boy’s fingers as he jabbed the glass, trying to describe the hiding spot of the hidden snow leopard.
He rose the camera up again, and took another picture, a single one this time of the two most important people in his life.
His fiancé and Yuri, the boy he could almost call his son.
Son – it was a strange concept. To think that he would be raising a child.
When he had realised his sexuality, he had thrown the thought of children out the window, but here he was, engaged to the most beautiful man with a son.
He blinked, noting that he was simply staring down at his camera with a blank look on his face.
“Vicchan?” a small voice asked again, this time pulling on the end of his shirt. He turned to the side to see Yuri staring up at him with a worried look on his face.
“You okay, Vicchan?” Yuri asked, tiling his head to the side adorably.
“Of course,” he ensured the boy, even leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead in assurance.
“I was just looking at all the photos I took,” he explained, bending down to show Yuri a few of them.
Yuri stood beside him, looking at all the photos for a moment before turning to him with a pout on his lips.
“Vicchan,” Yuri whined, crossing his arms across his chest. He blinked in surprise, what had he done?
“Where are all the animal photos?” Yuri demanded, causing him to pause.
Maybe he should actually take a photo or two of the animals, rather than taking only photos of his family.
“Yurochka! The reptile house is this way, did you want to see some big spiders?” Yuuri called out.
“Spiders?” he squeaked out as Yuri grabbed one of his arms and started pulling him along.
“Will there be snakes too?” Yuri asked, causing him to gasp in horror.
“What!? Spiders and snakes?”
“My turn!” Yuri declared, holding his hands out towards him.
“I beg your pardon?” he questioned, arching an eyebrow at the boy.
“I want to take photos, Vicchan,” Yuri explained, suddenly making grabby hands. Grabby hands at his camera!
“N-” he started, only to pause when Yuuri sent him a look. A look that hinted that there was no arguing with Yuri because it was clear that his mind was made up.
He let out a defeated sigh while carefully draping the strap of the camera around Yuri’s neck and handing it to the boy.
“You have to be very careful,” he warned, earning a nod of understanding – or at least what he hoped was understanding – and an excited smile in response.
“How do I take photos? Just hold the button?” Before he could response to the questions, Yuri had already pushed the button down, taking a picture of the ground and probably Yuuri’s shoes.
“Well, you have too-” he started, only to be cut off yet again as Yuuri walked towards them, gently took the camera from both their hands and fiddled with it for a moment before handing it back.
Yuri let out a gasp of delight before turning and pointing the camera at him.
The boy did press it to his face, instead staring at the back of it for a moment before pushing down the button.
“How do I look at it?” Yuri demanded while dropping the camera out of his face. He rolled his eyes as he shifted to see the camera, seeing that Yuri had turned on the back display so Yuri could see what he was taking a picture of without pushing it to his face.
“You push this button,” he said, pointing towards the display gallery button. Yuri didn’t even wait for him to finish and pushed the button, bringing up the picture of him standing in front of the boy, a rather relaxed look on his face.
He wasn’t frowning, or smiling, he just looked… at peace if he did say so himself.
“Okay!” Yuri declared, pushing the button again and cheering in delight when it returned back to showing what it was looking at, “Remember to stay with papa!” Yuri said, giving him a pointed look that seemed rather familiar somehow before skipping away, clutching the camera in his hand.
Yuuri chuckled beside him before holding out a hand.
“Come on, you heard the boy.” He smiled as he took a hold of his fiancé’s hand and followed their six-year-old towards the tiger exhibit where he was pretty sure all his memory would go.
“Do you think he had fun?” Victor asked as they made their way to the car, Yuri slumped in Victor’s arms fast asleep.
“Of course,” he assured Victor as he adjusted the two bags on his back.
It had been a good day, they managed to get through all the animals and have a nice lunch in one of the small park sections.
Yuri had been having a ball, dragging them in every direction and taking as many photos as he could – Yuri had taken too many that the camera card was now full.
It was only in the last twenty minutes or so that all the excitement seemed to catch up with the six-year-old.
It had started with a simple rub of the eye, to asking to be held and now he was passed out, fast asleep in Victor’s arms.
“Why haven’t we done this before?” Victor asked while gently rubbing Yuri’s back.
“I don’t know,” he admitted.
Going to the zoo had always been a birthday thing before Victor came along. Something he would have to budget for and normally organise for one of their birthdays.
But now, money wasn’t an issue.
As bad as he sometimes felt at spending Victor’s money, it was rather relieving to not have to stress about everything. To not worry about how he was going to put food in the fridge and get Yuri clothes that fit him properly.
“Did you have fun?” Victor asked, causing him to pause at the question.
“What kind of question is that?” he asked, giving his fiancé a confused look.
“A serious question, did you have fun?” Victor asked, giving him a serious look.
“Yes,” he answered, rolling his eyes, “But I always have fun with you two.”
Victor was silent as they stopped in front of the car – it wasn’t exactly hard to miss the bright pink Cadillac. He shifted Victor’s bag so he could go through it for the keys, pushing aside all the random camera lens that seemed to be in the bag – why did Victor need all these camera lens? They went to the zoo, not a modelling shoot.
“We should go to Disney world next. There is one in Japan, right?”
“What?” he questioned as he glanced up from the bag, giving his fiancé a baffled look.
“How about next year?” Victor hummed thoughtfully, completely ignoring him.
Sometimes he wondered if what he was feeling now was what Yakov had felt the whole time he had been Victor’s coach.
Confused and baffled.
Skater Next Door AU
AO3 Skater Next Door / Skater In Training
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What about Yuri.p ,pitchit and Leo when they accidently blurt out that they have a crush on s/o while in conversation with someone/people and the person / people that hear it just smile real big and tease them about it ~sorry its so long -H
No worries, darling~ It’s just fine! I’m a little confused what with the constant mention of people, but I think I get the gist of it! Hopefully this is alright
-Yuri’s just chatting with Mila when it happens-But I use the term “chatting” incredible lightly-It’s more-Her talking and asking things and he just-Grunts confirmations while looking through his phone-Like wow, thanks, you silver-tongued rascal-And Mila totally knows, by now the conversation is a fucking mess, she’s just saying weird shit because it’s funny how it flies over his head-”Yuri, you know a cow can’t digest it’s food until it makes sweet love with a squirrel?”-”Mhm.”-what the fuck Mila-But now she’s getting bored, and a bored Mila is a dangerous one-ESPECIALLY when she notices you nearby-So she grins slyly, and leans against the table, propping her chin on her hand-”Hey Yuri.”-”Mm.”-”Don’t you think Y/N is super cute?”-”Mhm.”-You totally hear, and you begin to blush, and hunch your shoulders, you can’t help but smile a little-Mila continues, grinning, “In fact, I distinctly remember you telling me you have a crush on them, isn’t that right?” oh fuck here it comes-”Mhm.” He replies. But now he’s coming back to earth,since whatever the fuck he’s looking at on his phone is boring af now, and his mind is rewinding what he’s missed-Wait what did he just fucking agree to, hold up--Yuri’s head snaps up, his face looking as if he’s been shot, and he sees Mila smiling, and you smiling, and oH NO, FUCK FUCK FUC--”wAIT WAIT WAIT, NO–”-You grin, “What? Is it true, Yuri? You liiiiike me~?” You flutter your eyelashes, and he’s blushing up a storm, help him-”nO SHUT UP SHUT UP, I DO NOT, FUCK OFF-”-He doesn’t hear the end of it for like a fucking week, he curses Mila out and swears vengeance, hE WILL NEVER LIVE THIS DOWN GODDAMMIT
-Did you know Yuuri’s a piece of SHIT-He’s not but Phichit will never forget this -He did this on purpose, he must have-Phichit’s just chatting with him, they’re talking a ten minute break during practice-and you’re loitering nearby, just checking your phone, checkin texts, kinda zoning in and out, that’s chill-Phichit glances at you now and then, and when you catch his gaze, you smile and wave-And he does the same, laughing slightly-Yuuri looks from you to Phichit and decides to take one for the team-D On ‘T-”So, Y/N…” He starts, leaning his head back-Hoboy-”Yeah, what’s up?” says the unsuspecting you. Phichit tilts his head, curious to hear the conversation-”You ever think about dating anyone? Got your eye on anyone?” -Okay now Phichit knows somethin is up because Yuuri couldn’t give two shits about this kind of stuff-You blink owlishly, and you’re kinda speechless-”Oh, well, um-”-Phichit laughs nervously hahaha yuURI WHAT ARE YOU DOING–-Yuuri’s just smiling nonchalantly, and looks at you expectantly-”Well, I’m sure Y/N is too busy to think about that kind of stuff, right?” Phichit presses, hoping that you won’t answer-Because if you do it might crush him-But you laugh slightly, “Well, actually… I may have my eye on someone…”-Fuck-”Let’s maybe talk about something else,” Phichit says instantly, he can’t stand this, goddammit Yuuri--”What? Why?” Yuuri asks innocently-”Because it’s not exaclty the best thing to hear my crush talking about someone else they like, Yuuri, GOD.” WOOP THERE IT FUCKIN GOES-You grin and Phichit feels like dying-”Aaaaw, you thought I liked someone else? And you felt bad? You’re so cute Phichit~ Don’t worry, I was thinking about you anyway.”-hey can someone kill him he’d really appreciate it THANKS
-Leo, Guang-hong and you are actually having a video chat while it’s happening-It’s kind of hilarious, because in skype if there are more than two people, it’s more of an audio call than video call-So you two are joking around-Guang-hong is fanboying about Viktor, and you two are teasing him for it but WHATEVER that’s what friends do after all-You excuse yourself for a bit, you need to go check up on something-So they’re just, “Okay, hurry back.”-It’s a bit silent, before Leo starts nudging at Guang-hong again.-”You’re practically in love with Viktor, you should just maaaarry him.”-Guang-hong is taking it like the good-sport he is, and just starts laughing, “What are we, five?? Leo, pls.”-Leo starts mimicking his friend’s voice-”Ooooh Viktor, the way you land your quads is sooooo amazing! I’m star-stuck! Have my children Viktor!!”-”I’M A GUY, LEO, I CAN’T GET PREGNANT DON’T BE GROSS”-Leo’s fuckin losin his shit god these kids are like, three-”Yeah, well, if you can tell me to marry Viktor, I can tell you to marry Y/N or something.” Guang-hong says with a smug satisfaction-Leo laughs, “Dude, yeah right, like I’m ever going to tell Y/N I have a crush on them, let alone marry them. It’s more likely that you-”-”Um, you what?”-Fuck.-Leo freezes, and the whole chat goes silent-YOU HAD TO RETURN JUST A FEW SECONDS BEFORE AND YOU RECIEVED THAT BOMB SHELL-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA--Leo is freaking the fuck out inside-Guang-hong finally breaks the silence by nearly losing his shit-”O-Oh my god, um, I’m just gonna-”-”Guang-hong, I swear to go d if you leave-” Leo starts before it’s too late-And oh my god, the camera settings are back to work and right there, Leo sees your face-He’s blushing up a storm, and has the most horrified look on his face while he sees you grinning like the Cheshire Cat-”Aaaaw, you have a crush on lil ol me?” You say teasingly-”nO LEAVE ME AL ONE OH MY GOD Y/N”-”YOU’RE BLUSHING OOOOOH MY GOD YOU CUTIE”-”AAAAAAAAAA STO P”
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