#Zelda Spellman fanction
recallingrealities · 4 years
Aligned - Chapter 3
Chapter 3: Grounded
Zelda x Reader
For Chapter 1, click (here)
You were growing comfortable in the days following that evening. It was as if the rarity of your circumstance with Zelda Spellman had been an omen to the unexpected tranquility you'd come to reside in. Especially in these days to come; you felt as though the exuberance of exploring new spaces was literally intoxicating.
You had spent the first several days unpacking your belongings. Feathering your nest was a task you found pleasing. Having spent so much of your introversion and contemplative meditation in a familiar space, it only seemed right to transform your new one to embody such comfort. In arranging, you were getting to experience the conceptual process of embodying the divine self; the you, deep down, you yearn to become. You were getting to create the optimum space that your optimum self would reside in. Every second of that felt fantastically exciting and magic to you. This would become a space where you'd find peace and safety, let alone every intuitive realization that would change yours and others experiences henceforth. In fact, you were sure  it had already begun.
Once preened, you felt it dutiful to explore the grounds. You had already known you would be teaching at the academy, so your lesson plans were completed long beforehand. You found in accomplishing tasks in honor of the Goddess, you often exceeded every expectation you would have thought to set for yourself. Lately you’ve formed the habit to carry this practice into space for yourself as well, for taking time to honor yourself, honors the Goddess.
At the time, you had no idea what you were doing. As like most things, tasks as the Goddess intended would align at their exact right time for a most bountiful fruition. In this case, that included your early preparedness, and complete trust in her control. It was not necessary for you to understand.
With your lesson plans pre-executed, you became momentarily separate from most of the other faculty. They were huddled in their offices, in nose-pressing dedication to reference whatever relevant studies were to be taught this coming semester. All the while, you were free in joyful meditation; able to explore the grounds and many halls of the Academy of Unseen Arts.
 You had recalled Ambrose mentioning the rumours of it's infinite corridors. It didn't seem to you, an impossible concept. With an open schedule, and mind however, you could take this chance to implore those which rooms appeared to you. What better time would there be to familiarize yourself with what you were aligned to discover?
The first hall you seemed to walk down, felt as if it was ever stretching. In exiting one of the doors, you were sure you were across the hall across from where you entered. Most of the doors looked the same, and you found  a martyr any witch knew where to be at any given time. Then again, perhaps the proper door you were meant to enter would be that which you opened, or willed to enter. As an establishment for exploring and practicing magical arts, willing your experience to your pleasure would be a valuable asset to have familiarity with. It would certainly be interesting that the room held before you would open to you based upon your intention. You had even made an attempt to open the same door twice, but upon finding the same place, you weren't sure if that meant each room simply was it was, or that perhaps that was the one you were meant to, willed to open. After a third attempt, finding the same room as the two beforehand, you leaned your forehead against it's frame. You couldn't help but let out a small laugh, not knowing what it was you had expected. You weren't sure if you were easing into a migraine from thinking too hard, or had just been ignoring your bodily need in thirst. You decided to take a break before continuing this conquest. To be fair, you had been exploring the corridors  alone for at least an hour or two, you were surprised you hadn't decided to take a break earlier, especially with the hall's resemblance to an optical illusion. 
As you made your way back towards the center of the rotunda, you held the corner of your cheek in a half smirk. You couldn't help but laugh at yourself. It seemed very characteristic that you not only indulged in the rarity of breaking meditation, but had done so to fixate on something so silly. Of course taking a break had been more of a revelation than an answer to alleviate you. Ambrose had said they were infinite, but you certainly wouldn't be yourself without questioning someone wiser on the subject. 
When you finally made it to the hall's opening, you spotted the High Priestess discussing something intently with a young witch. Your eyes drew to hers, almost instinctively. After a few words into the discussion's progression, her eyes caught yours, passing over the witchlings shoulder. She gained that same glint in her eye as when you watched the crackling embers burn in their reflection that night; especially upon realizing it was you she had locked eyes with. You felt your pacing slow if only to keep your gaze on her a little longer. You gave her a soft smile, wanting to bid her a silent hello before you met the juncture of the rotunda, where she was standing, distanced from you. You also did not wish to distract her, but a silent greeting felt fitting for you, words unspoken had already become a kindling of a sort to your relationship - new and budding the flames. Her lips didn't smile at that moment when she brought her eyes back to her conversation, but her eyes did seem to gleem in reply. After half a moment, she returned, lifting her eyes to you again. Only this time, she let them travel wantonly over your figure. They seemed to trace the shape of your legs, the hem of your dress, your abdomens subtle contour, and across your collar. She had lingered on your neck for just a moment as the student spoke, before locking her eyes with yours. This time, she did smile. You felt a shiver pass over you and your heart was now at a steady gallop in your chest. You realized she had looked at you this way before. And this time, she meant for you to know it. You felt your cheeks burn before you let a soft smile lay upon your lips. You closed the end of the hall before tracing your steps on the rotunda's border, feeling her eyes grace you, as your own traced the floor. Then, lifting them in satisfaction, as to not be ashamed of this silent attestment. As you moved up the stairs towards your chambers to retrieve your intended glass, a warmth blanketed your entire body - and you felt as though all the air in the Academy now glowed with embracing affirmation.
 When you finally arrived there, your heart was still racing, shaking slightly in the fingers you poured your glass with; able to unravel in the vulnerable privacy of your own quarters. You could hardly believe she had just… raked her eyes over you with such want and lust. Shamelessly, at that. If that student had turned around they might have noticed… or perhaps they had been too engaged in their conversation. 'Praise Lilith' you thought, before lifting the cup, sipping hard, generous gulps. Your mind now danced between a myriad of things to think about. How hard she had pressed you for your intent and position, how you had felt her unfold your insides without preface as you had done hers, how she had unwinded, unraveling like dark smoke in your office, enveloped you with heat and genuity with just a glance. You were bewildered.
You’d decided you would transition your plans to traverse the forests depths. The mossy, twisted green, a home for settling your wandering mind. Though your meditation typically held you securely in listening, Miss Spellman was beginning to have a knack for tipping your scales a hair beyond alignment. You felt yourself rebalancing as each step synchronized you with the hum of Earth beneath your feet. You had taken off your shoes, placing them on the ground, near a tree back towards the Academy. There was no reason for separation between you and the Earth here. Your shoes had only protected you from the toils of manmade forgings. 
You need not understand why, but as you drew towards the beating heart of the forest’s web, the trees showed you small visions of things to come. Mother Lillith kissing your hand, and greeting the High Priestess, unholy mass and ritual movement, the dance of the Litha fires during a Summer’s Solstice. The visions overlapped, moving in no particular order to envelope your mind, keeping it bidingly occupied in your quiet admiration of each wood and wise elder tree. It was then you approached a large, mothering tree. She called to you with waves of unseen light, shimmering leaves illuminating the grey and mist of the forest surrounding you. Her branches towered above you, seeming to everstretch, interweaving between the other neighboring trees. You felt drawn to kneel before her. Bowing your head you touch a gentle root, birthing from the ground before you. As your fingers grazed the fine seems of the bark, you felt a sudden luscious warmth again. A premonition of desire. 
When you’d hear the Goddess’ voice, it wasn’t in a way literal or sensory, it was like that you would note in your mind’s eye. A humming resonance that your body translated for you - far more intimate, it felt than even Lillith gracing you in human form.
“Your untouched desires are known, and are granted, awaiting you. 
Your deductions manifest with every changing present. 
You are so loving to me, dear one.”
Tthe words surrsurate through you, feeling yourself overwhelmed by her praise.
“My love, my dear sister, my daughter” She called “I have drawn you towards the trueness of your desires, the silent call of your yearning.
You have not asked, you have not begged, only weaved and devoted every moment of yourself to the seeds I’ve had you sow and tend to.
This is life’s purpose. To find the light of what is desired, and tend to it lovingly unbridled.
In turn, I reveal to you what is to come. 
What is true and intended for your awareness.
Embrace it shamelessly.
 Let me dissolve your fear, and allow you to embrace divinity in ecstasy”
Though the voice was not tangible, every beat, every syllable felt like a swell of overlapping, unwavering love. Beyond what the stimulus of your mind could find imaginable, your body had never experienced such richness, as this experience. You became aware that though your coming to the Academy was a part of her plan, it also was an unhindered gift for your dedication. It had never gone unnoticed. Something you were already recognizing, but felt unwaveringly humbled to know she was intending to please you. She wanted you to be happy in every moment, and not only wanted it but willed for your deepest pleasure. Intended to forge towards your every subconscious desire. She formed time and your world’s exactness to shape to it.  It was then you understood this was what made the universe. She shaped the web this way, for everyone. It was in your dedication to truness, to embracing and shaping towards light and love, that made you able to relish in the rewards of what was meant for you. 
You felt a tear stream down your cheek and nose, as your head craned in gratitude. Like a vision, but less tangible; you felt the school, your teachings, a home where you could exist in joyful solitude but also feel surrounded and safe. A teacher, a priestess who would guide you and draw you closer to magic and law than you had ever been taught before by any mortal or woman, and now you were realizing, this was whom you were willed to love. You felt her touch, her eyes, her smile, you felt her laugh and warmth, and  your stinging thigh all at once. You received waves of unbridled pleasure quake heavily throughout your entire body - and as abruptly so, you realized the voice had gone.
Your hand still touched the root of the mothering tree. Your skin dewed with sweat, your breath quietly labored. You had felt as if you had dreamt something beyond an Earth shattering orgasm. You had experienced your Goddess, the embodiment of all desire. You took a few minutes to regain yourself, catching your breath. The cool breeze of the forest floor calming you. You felt its radiating purity in the dancing leaves, twirling down towards the forest’s floor. It blew like a soft, intimate breath, cooling your skin. 
You had felt as though you were waning an intangible sunburn, the healing energy of the forest regaining you to stand and steady.
 As you made your way back to the school, you felt weighted, grounded with ease. It was a sturdiness that held you with every fiber of your awareness. You were content and exhausted from the communion, unable to question what had been revealed. The Goddess had not intended you to fear it, what was to come. Instead of foreboding thoughts of questioning, how and when what would happen, you found yourself budding with blossoms of that residual warmth. In gratitude you were reminded that everything was as it was meant to be, and always would be. No matter what level of consciousness or chaos you’d feel.
(( Authors note: oh goodness!!! There is SO MUCH TO COME! The next chapter is already in the works so you won’t have to wait so long!  Thank you so much for tagging along with me for this ride. I love a good slow burn. The intertwining of each relationship is what makes each scene and relation so much richer, especially that of the Goddess. I hope you don’t mind the contextual aspect of the story so far, because it is so important in how it will be told! This is one of my absolute favorite personal projects and I am so excited for you to see what unravels <3 Blessed be, lovelies! Love & Light! ))
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