nekorinnie · 2 years
"This Wasn't Supposed To Happen"
He peaked around the dark corner over the border of a ceiling rafter, as the group on the ground moved around, carrying boxes and containers of worrying things.
He carefully snuck after his target on said rafters, making sure not to make any noise or sudden movement that would harm this impromptu operation.
This is a bad idea., a Very Bad idea to follow someone planning on blowing up entire cities. He is still only a cadet... but there wasn't much time to report this, and he can't let the explosions happen.
He had a plan, a risky, hastily put together plan, but it should work.... and he quietly activates, and hides another detonator in another box of explosives
A series of explosions shake the warehouse as he dodges turned stumbles away from the bolts shot at him. He dodges another shot, and dives for cover, hands over head as another series shake the warehouse, closer to the area they where in. Once the shakes stop, and shooting resumes, he grabs the blaster he acquired, and shoots back.
He runs forward, barely keeping his footing on the loose stone in the forest, a destroyed warehouse still exploding behind him.
Some kind of wire suddenly wraps around his neck, one, two, three... on and on it feels like before slapping onto his cheek hard, and suddenly he is yanked back, and falling backwards, yet before he can collide with the ground, a hand grabs onto his hair and slams his cheek into sharp stone.
He can't do anything about it, when suddenly he is free from the hand, the wire around his neck loosened. He sinks onto his knees, breathing hard, his shaking hands reaching up and trying to pry said wire off. Vision darkening as he hears an odd hum, seeing only a red blade as he looses consciousness.
After being treated, and debreifed, he sits on his cot looking at his shaking bandaged hands silver eyes wide as he fights back the panic, and fails. Curling into himself, as he struggles to breathe through the unwanted tears and sobs, he finally manages to calm enough to breathe right and be ready to fall asleep.
He brings a hand up as he lays down curled, gently touching the bandages on his neck and cheek.
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nekorinnie · 2 years
Swtor characters I play on and what servers I guess..? Figured I should do this....
Satele Shan-
Onginnat-Smuggler-Gunslinger- Lightside
Raiouri-Bounty Hunter-Powertech-Lightside
Shagrili-Jedi Consular-Shadow-Lightside
Evorurt-Jedi Knight-Sentinal-Lightside
Star Forge-
Zi'orse-Imperial Agent-Sniper-Lightside
These last two are sith versions of Evorurt I made... due to an au or few... and for fun, and to see how it'll go I guess?...
Jindrdaj-Sith Warrior-Maroudar(???)-Lightside
Aloe Veera-Sith Inquisitor-Sorcerour(?)-Lightside
And yeah! ... there's more? But I'm not currently playing them.. or I havnt been able to make them? Or something...
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nekorinnie · 2 years
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My Imperial Agent Zi'orse., before training to become an agent.,
Fun fact, before training an the like...?, he was.. let's say using a computer., and out of curiousity played around with coding and the like, and ends up accidently hacking, and finds new information, curious boi, being curious, continues and ends up hacking further, after figuring out how to..,
And due to that an so on, intelligence takes him in for training, and he becomes Cipher Nine some years later(?)
Ive.... no idea if the summery makes sense weee
Another fun fact that won't leave my mind... is Zi'orse and Vector being possibly related, as brothers... half brothers? Who knows,
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nekorinnie · 3 years
Smuggler (Gunslinger): Onginnat (aka Ongin)
Bounty Hunter (Powertech): Raiouri (aka Rai)
Jedi Counselor(?) (Shadow): Shagrili (aka Shag)
Jedi Knight (Sentinel): Evorurt (aka Evo)
Imperial Agent (Sniper) Zi'osre (aka Zi)
Trooper (Commando(?)): Dezmayess (aka Dez)
Sith Warrior (?): Valkarai (aka Val)
Sith Inquisitor (?): Raysosho (aka Ray)
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