#aka a Mandalorian
redbean-nom · 1 month
headcanon boba has decided din is his New Baby Brother, except he has zero frame of reference for appropriate behavior of people with a number of siblings between none and three million. din comes back from vacation and discovers that boba has been committing Casual Identity Theft via completing bounties in din's name
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oftenlyshitposting · 11 months
if sabine ever takes shin to mandalore to see the newly rebuilt and flourishing planet, the armorer and the rest of the mandalorians would adore shin and think of her as a fine warrior
sure, maybe shin isn't as much of an expert as sabine when it comes to blasters and other weapons, but shin is still a warrior after all; despite being backed by the fact that she is a force user, her skills as a mercenary alone is formidable
just imagine as sabine takes shin on a mini-tour, shin gets showered with compliments for her armour by some of the mandalorians they passed; it's like they know just from watching her body language and her moves that she is a warrior and that she belongs with the mandalorians and their culture
sabine takes shin to explore mandalorian delights that sabine dearly missed and observe intricate crafts from workshops, a few weapon experts offering them new blasters to try as they go along the little tour
they end up at the great forge to meet with the armorer and her ever growing group of apprentices, shin watching the armorer with awe as she worked with the molten beskar into whatever pieces she and her group are working on
shin was confused when the armorer asks her to strip off her pauldrons to melt it along with beskar, and was certainly surprised when the armorer presents a pair of new pauldrons for shin; made from an alloy of her old pauldrons mixed with beskar
sabine grins proudly, giddy and excited as shin puts on the new armour pieces because shin looks wonderful with the new beskar pauldrons; the silver-ish metal glimmer brighter than her old ones
more and more of the mandalorians began to teach her their skills as they stay in mandalore for a few weeks, and sabine couldn't be prouder to watch shin adopt mandalorian fighting styles, weapon skills, and even the culture
shin especially LOVES sitting at the great forge to watch and listen to the armorer teaching her apprentices; she had always been one to enjoy history and deep-rooted culture, and mandalorian culture is fascinating to shin
it makes her feel more connected to sabine
the armorer at some point considers shin her unofficial apprentice, from how frequent shin visits her at the great forge, and the more shin visited the armorer, the more complete her armour set grew
sabine would be the one to paint shin's beskar pieces, pouring her thoughts and focus into her choice of colours that would best suit shin's personality and history
bo-katan teases sabine for being so obviously enamoured by shin whenever she catches sabine flushing and stuttering around beskar-wearing shin (which is most of the time since shin loves wearing the beskar set)
when ahsoka finally came to pick them up for an upcoming mission, bo-katan and the armorer greeted her and gifted her a pair of new vambraces, which initially confused ahsoka; only understanding when bo-katan explains that sabine was the one who commissioned them for ahsoka, and the jedi master accepted the gift gratefully
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eurydia · 1 year
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Castle Kryze - Royal Portrait
detail + process
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
I am so tempted to draw/write a cryptid batfam. But also star wars crossover.
Cryptid mandalorian batfam. With wings. Idk I think they deserve to go Creachur.
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enidsinclair · 1 year
i completely agree that din djarin never really wanted the darksaber and couldn’t wait to get rid of it but when paz vizsla tried to take it from him he fought for it with his life, my mans was saving it for his wife and i love him even more for that
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kyberblade · 2 months
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You know it’s love when…. @fordo-kixed-rex
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sulphuryasecretcloset · 6 months
You are a hero to me
(I blame this entirely on @phrenic-a and their glorious writer-baiting. It was meant to be one genre, but of course Zev can't make anything easy for me....)
“Ex… Uhm, excuse me? Miss?” A tiny voice says, dragging Zev’sonya out of the conversation she’s currently having with Mose about whether they should bother securing more supplies or not before heading back to the ship and away from this awfully crowded marked. She looks to her left and down, towards the source of the sound, and is both baffled and displeased to find a green, little twi’lek girl standing there and staring at her with big eyes.
“What?” Zev’sonya snaps. Why isn’t anyone looking after this girl? She can’t be more than six or seven years old? She shouldn’t be hassling dangerous strangers who could snatch her up and sell her to slavers. Her guardians deserve a punch in the mouth.
“Are you…” The girl’s gaze slides over and takes in the sight of Mose towering behind Zev’sonya.
Her eyes grow even larger and Zev’sonya reluctantly braces for the inevitable shriek of horror while silently swearing she is indeed going to punch whomever is responsible for letting this little girl wander off.
“Y-you are!” The girl declares and shifts her attention back to Zev’sonya, but with absolute delight all over her face instead of fear. “You’re Zev’sonya Lee Lewna!”
Zev’sonya blinks. She can feel Mose’s confusion as strong as her own. Putting on her gruffest face, she scans the little girl and sees (and feels) nothing out of the ordinary. She’s dressed nicely, but not like a rich kid, is skinny but not malnourished, and has a large, yellow cuddle-toy hanging from her right hand instead her holding any weapon. “How do you know my name, kid?”
The girl leans to the side and outright grins. “And you’re Mose!”
Zev’sonya looks back at him, but he just meets her gaze with his equivalent of raising an eyebrow and underlines it with a faint shrug. No help to be had there. Great. Zev’sonya turns back to the girl and puts on her stern face again. “Listen, kid, I don’t know what you want from me, but you shouldn’t be wandering around on your own.”
“I’m not.” The girl says, then points with her free hand. “They’re right over there.”
‘They’ must be her family and ‘they’ are a twi’lek man and two other little twi’lek girls. The man, clearly someone in Zev’sonya’s trade of shady business, is busy negotiating with a seller and has no idea what is happening beyond that, but the two girls next to him are clutching their own cuddle toys and are staring wide-eyed at their sister talking to strangers. The girl on the left is hugging a raggedy looking human doll while the girl on the right is squeezing a falleen doll tight.
“I told them we might meet you one day! This is so awesome!” The little run-away declares with raw glee.
Zev’sonya shakes her head and scoffs. Not only does this little shrimp know her and Mose’s names, which is weird enough by itself, but she actually wanted to meet them? Is she crazy? “Why?”
“Because…” Now the girl finally lowers her gaze for a moment, suddenly a little shy, but it doesn’t last for long. She flicks her dark eyes up again and now they are beaming with awe. “I wanna grow up and be just like you one day!”
Zev’sonya feels like the kid just slapped her face. Yeah, must be crazy. She considers backing up in case it is contagious. Maybe it is brain-rot? Must be something serious, definitely. “What?”
“The Pyle heist! The Julita caper! The Aand sting! The Silver holdup!” The girl blurts out, increasingly excited. “They were all you.” A sharp gulp of breath is all she has time for before rambling on. “My dad goes away for work a lot of the time, but he always comes back with stories about you. When I was little, I didn’t think a twi’lek girl could be captain of a crew, but he said I was wrong and that’s when he told me about Zev’sonya Lee Lewna. The Pirate Queen! And Mose, her best friend and second in command!”
That’s when Zev’sonya notices that the stuffed doll the girl is holding on to is not something she’s seen for sale at any marked she’s been to. It is a home-made creation; a yellow hutt with brown stripes and big eyes. It is quite raggedy from being brought along to wherever this kid goes. For some reason, the sight of the clear replica of Mose makes Zev’sonya’s heart clench.
“All my sisters do is talk about meeting a prince and getting married and living in his castle, but they also claim that there are no nice hutts, so you know they’re stupidheads. I don’t wanna marry a prince, I wanna be a pirate, like you.” The girl declares with gusto. She swings her doll forward and holds it up for her to see. “I only have Hose right now. But one day I’ll run into a hutt who is nice, like Mose, and they will be on my crew and we’ll go on adventures all over the Galaxy..”
Zev’sonya has no idea what to say to that. Her brain is spinning at how unreal the situation is.
Lowering the toy, the girl tilts her head and studies the blaster hanging by Zev’sonya’s hip before she scans the blades strapped to her thighs. “My dad won’t let me shoot one yet, but I’m really good with my slingshot.”
“That’s… nice.” Zev’sonya awkwardly mumbles. She hears a quiet rumble of amusement from behind her and Mose is clearly handling this better than she is. But that’s because he’s nice and she isn’t! She’s no role-model. She’s a result of a cruel Galaxy. This kid shouldn’t-
“Is it true you even have a human on your crew now?” The little fiend seems far more shocked by this than Zev’sonya travelling around with a hutt by her side.
“Ye-es….” Zev’sonya replies, not sure why she is giving her answers instead of directions back to her family or spraying her with water to make her go away. How does she know about Leo too?!
“Hey, would you mind…” The girl starts, digging into her own pocket for something that she pulls up with a triumphant look on her face. “Signing this?”
The shocks keeps on coming today because Zev’sonya finds herself looking at the unrolling of a wanted poster of her and Mose. It’s an old one. Three or four years ago? That is really not a flattering picture of her. Yikes. Does she really look like that? She's never leaving the ship again.
Mose chortles from behind her.
Ok, this must be some kind of weird dream. Has to be. This can’t be real. No way.
When all Zev’sonya does is stare, the girl gives the poster a brief, suggestive shake.
“Sure.” Mose says, reaching by Zev’sonya and taking the poster to sign it.
Zev’sonya half-turns to stare at him with no small amount of disbelief that only grows when she sees the smile he’s trying in vain to fight off. He’s far too amused by this. Once he’s scribbled down his letters on the holo-surface, he hands it to her with an expectant look on his face.
Scowling, Zev’sonya hesitates for only half a second before signing it and turning to hand it back to the girl. “Here.”
“Thank you!” She says, beaming even more brightly despite how it shouldn’t be possible.
“Sure.” Zev’sonya clears her throat. “Now, go back to your father and don’t wander off again. Okay?”
“Okay.” The girl declares with zero hesitation and endless cheerfulness. “But when I get a little older, can I come work for you? Mom says I should focus on my dancing or singing, but that’s boring, so can I? Pretty please? Can I?”
Trying hard to ignore the long, rumbling chuckle she hears from Mose, Zev’sonya crosses her arms. “Give it ten to fifteen years, if you still feel the same, sure.” She doubts she’ll see this kid again, but there is still something about her that prods Zev’sonya to say the next words. “Just remember, being a twi’lek doesn’t mean you have to sing and dance. You do what you want to do with your life. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Even your mother. You can be whatever you put your mind to.”
Despite how it shouldn’t be possible, the girl’s face grow even brighter with happiness. “I’m going to be just like you!”
Wait, no t-that is not what she meant, absolutely not, but the girl takes off running towards her father and sisters before Zev’sonya can correct her. Then, after the cretin is reunited with her sisters, pointing towards her and Mose and clearly bragging, Zev’sonya spins around to leave in a hurry as their father finally catches on to something happening behind him and turns to investigate. Time to get back to the ship.
Mose is still chuckling when she stalks by him.
“Shut up.” Zev’sonya growls. Her face burns.
Mose outrights laughs.
“I will stab you in the eye!” She threatens, in vain as it has no effect whatsoever.
Back at the ship, Nohr is waiting by the open ramp. The nikto is standing guard and seems very ready for them to leave. He’s the impatient one on the crew. “We good to go?”
“We’re leaving.” Zev’sonya declares as she marches into the ship with Mose right behind her. “Now.”
The ramp starts closing behind them and Zev’sonya knows she should head up to the cockpit and have Bea’tah initiate take-off right away, but on the way she has to walk by the door to her quarters and she can’t help the way her gaze lingers on it.
“Lorda.” Mose says, now all quiet and gentle, stopping by the door. “I’ll head up. You go in.”
Zev’sonya pauses and glares at him.
Mose nods. His eyes are too mild. “You are the captain, Lorda. I know. You decide.” He’s indulging her bad temper and they both know it. “But I can handle the ship and you should check up on him.”
Hesitating, Zev’sonya is torn between her usual dislike of being told what to do and the fact that she actually wants to go inside that room. What happened earlier had left her with a knot in her belly, and now that twi’lek kid has made her head a mess too…
“Go.” Mose encourages. “I got this.”
She does not doubt that for a second. She trusts him without a shadow of a doubt and because of that, she can allow herself to be weak this one time. Zev’sonya exhales and gives in. “Fine.”
Mose nods again, relieved. “Good.” He shuffles by her. “It’s a seventeen hour journey to our next stop, remember? You might as well get some rest while you’re in there.”
“Mind my ship, not my business.” Zev’sonya snipes, uncomfortable. Mose is always looking out for her despite how she’s supposed to keep him safe. A captain watches over her crew, not the other way around. Mose never seems to get that into his head.
“Yes, Lorda.” He replies with ease, clearly not intending to heed her words at all. And people call her the stubborn one?
Stepping inside the room, Zev’sonya leans back against the door and pauses for a bit to take in the sight that greets her.
Lying on his back, arms by his sides, Leo is still fast asleep on the bed. As expected. As he should be. This morning’s attack had come out of nowhere and for several seconds that had felt like years, Zev’sonya had been convinced that the medicine had suddenly stopped working and that he would die in front of her. She had not felt so afraid and helpless since Mose was poisoned.
Taking a deep breath, Zev’sonya pushes herself away from the door and walks over to sit down next to Leo. He looks pale, but peaceful. No fear. Nothing like during the incident. He’s breathing deep and slow. She takes his hand in hers and forces herself to smile. “You’re going to be so angry when you hear you missed out on meeting someone as crazy as you.” His hand is warm and the contact feels reassuring so she places her other hand over his. “This twi’lek kid, she came right up to me and Mose and started talking to us. No sense of self-preservation.” Zev’sonya breathes a faint laugh of reluctant admiration. “No brain.” She shakes her head, weirdly… flattered? “You would have liked her. She said…”
- I wanna grow up and be just like you one day!
While Zev’sonya knows she’s anything but a role model, the idea that a twi’lek girl might break free from the booth others want to put her in, or even give a deserving hutt a chance because she heard stories about Zev’sonya and Mose, it is dangerously uplifting. And though the girl has horrible taste in heroes and the odds stacked high against her even before she starts her journey, Zev’sonya hopes she makes it. She really hopes she makes it.
Hmm, Leo is going to be a dreadful nightmare when he hears about this. (He won’t hear it from her but Mose is definitely going to tell him. Those two love to conspire against her.) His old nickname is going to be used a lot. “She said something crazy.” Zev’sonya says, easing down to lie next to the sleeping Leo. Everything in her wants to curl up close, wrap herself around him, place her head on his chest and listen to him breathe, but she only allows herself to hold on to his hand. It’s not much, but it’s more than what she’s allowed herself in the past. “You’re going to love it.”
The ship gently shudders as they take off and head towards the stars. Technically it is barely mid-day where they are right now, but the standard time teller tells Zev’sonya the ship will swap to night-mode soon and she realizes Mose must have known as he told her to get some rest. The different time zones between parsecs, even between some planets, can leave a traveller severely sleep deprived if one is not careful and that could get you killed in Zev’sonya’s line of work.
Fine. Sleep it is. For purely practical reasons.
Zev’sonya absently runs her index finger back and forth over Leo’s warm hand as she quietly starts listing up names of people she’s never met, except for one. Even if she’d been ignorant of Hauroko’s fate, Zev’sonya would have known it is souls Leo has lost from the grief she feels radiating from him every evening when he speaks their names. She suspects it is his way of keeping them alive in memory at least and as he won’t be able to tonight, Zev’sonya will keep them alive for him.
Zev’sonya Lee Lewna is not a hero. She’s not even a good person. But she is curled up next to one.
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
in the shadow (of your heart) - Mandalorian!Bakugo
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pairing: Mandalorian!Katsuki Bakugo x Jedi!Reader
tags & warnings: (all characters aged-up 25+) Star Wars AU, intense yearning and light angst, brief discussion of raising children, a surprise Jedi!Todoroki x Smuggler!reader appearance, Monoma bestie supremacy, exploration of mandalorian lore and customs, inexperienced Bakugo and the endearing fluff that comes with him
wc: 7.6k
a/n: here it is…the cultivation of all my other snippets and ficlets that have led to this moment, you don’t necessarily need to read them before to understand this but I think it would just add to the goodness of reaching this point, biggest and dearest thank you to @willowser & @ofmermaidstories always being my mando bakugo squad, also the title of this piece comes from the always lovely Florence + the machine & her song ‘cosmic love’ - thank you for reading!
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ .𖥔 ݁ ˖☾𖤓.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
It’s been a galactic month since your entire world collapsed.
A month has passed since the Jedi temple was attacked. A month since you woke up and found yourself in the bedroom of the mandalorian that conquered your heart.
And a month since you…
The thought of what you did has you flinching in pain like you just touched an exposed live wire.
Someone calls out your name. When you turn there stands Shouto along with his intriguing friend - the scavenger pickpocket who could speak seven and maybe even more languages.
“We plan to explore Tatooine tomorrow.” Todoroki is patient and calm, a true honor to his Jedi title. “You’re more than welcomed to join us.”
Even his friend, the pickpocketing smuggler who still does not seem trustworthy, wears a rather understanding look mirroring Shouto’s.
You think of the heat on Tatooine, the blistering mirage of the sand and the change of scenery it might bring.
So you agree to go.
Shouto smiles a reassuring grin that whispers of how proud he is for you to take this step.
His smuggler friend grins wider. “Sweet, guess that means I get to steal a bigger means of transport for us.”
“No.” Shouto flat out swiftly shuts the idea down.
Something hollow, the echo of a laugh leaves you but you hope even this is the start of returning back to yourself.
You send Monoma a private message over your jailbroken data pad about your upcoming trip. He immediately calls as you pack.
“Sure Tatooine is boring but...” Neito begins, a bit bored himself. “You can go snag me one of those nice satchels the vendors there sell.”
The truth is easy to find under his words.
I’m glad you’re getting out, I’m glad you’re trying to move forward.
You ask if the Jedi council has anything new to stay and just thinking about it draws a deep ache in your soul.
“Nah. They’re mainly keeping busy overseeing the rebuilding process and there’s been no update on the hunt for the culprit.”
You sigh. There had been no leads or luck on your side of the search either.
“I’m not surprised. Leads are going cold. Even with Sir disgusting picture perfect Jedi knight Deku still on Naboo, we got nothing.”
Oddly enough you missed hearing Monoma complain about the shining star that emerged from your academy class.
“Let’s hope Tatooine has something.” You hope.
“Well now with you on the investigation team I know we’ll get shit done. And if not, I’m getting so close to blowing something up myself.”
“Hey now.” You playfully chide Monoma. “No threats of violence now, Jedi Knight.”
Monoma chuckles weakly but the comment draws blood at a barely healing wound.
A silence settles between you and your dear friend. Its heaviness over the call clogs your senses and painfully crawls over your skin.
“Miss you dummy.” Nieto coughs out through tears and you furiously blink back your own.
“Miss you too, you annoying ass.”
Tatooine’s heat bears down unforgivingly.
The planet’s two suns stings your eyes. There’s even sand in places you didn’t think it could reach. But the liveliness of Mos Eisley, the commotion of the markets, comfort you and raise your spirits.
Under the dry air it feels as if you are resurfacing, emerging from a fog you have existed in for an entire month.
It’s invigorating, has you strolling through the markets with a relaxed ease.
Shouto and his smuggler, who is notoriously friendly with the Jawas, decide to check the junkyards first for any new information and leads. You instead head to the city to hopefully pick up any chatter about the temple.
After all, you are no longer in your Jedi robes.
So any fear of someone not speaking about the temple around you is gone.
Among the bustling marketplace in the heart of the city, a stall with shimmering jewels and trinkets twinkling under the two suns snags your attention. Specifically a beautiful iridescent gem like pendant immediately catches your eye. The jewel hangs off a simple sturdy leather thread and allows the stunning crystal to be center focus. Your fingers trace over it gingerly and fondly.
“Oh, are you planning to propose soon?”
The vendor suddenly asks intrigued and brightly curious. Her words make you choke out a wild dry cough.
“Excuse me?” You politely and weakly laugh.
“That’s an engagement pendant!” The older twi’lek woman beams excitedly with a twinkle in her eyes almost rivaling her jewelry.
“You have someone special in mind?”
The image of who you have in mind flashes fast. His striking black beskar armor, the electric orange and green trimming… his loud voice…
Your heart starts crumbling in your chest.
“No.” Your reply is rather hollow. “Just thought it looked beautiful.”
Whatever else the woman hears in your voice is enough to quiet any more questions she might have. You return to browsing the other jewels offered on the stand. But even with the beautiful craftsmanship before you, a slow poison seeps into your mouth and you try swallowing it back. But your heart remains an open wound thinking of that mandalorian.
And you think it always might be now.
The stall vendor who went silent now gasps so sharply it spooks you. You snap your gaze up to her.
Her eyes staring beyond you are wide and hypnotized.
“A mandalorian.” She whispers.
A terrifying dread runs up your spine. The rational voice screaming inside your head argues it could be any mandalorian, that you shouldn’t be getting this worked up.
You decide to see and prove to yourself that it is not the mandalorian haunting your existence.
When you turn off to the side -
You discover striking obsidian beskar armor, a beautiful ink dot against the shimmering sands.
Your heart collapses. Your legs almost buckle.
The familiar beskar helmet stares straight at you.
“Shitty Jedi!”
Then the mandalorian screams so gutturally loud that half of the market turns towards him.
You turn the other way and run.
Your heart races wildly loud in your ears, a horrifying war like drumbeat.
It can’t be him.
But in your heart of hearts you know it is. You would know it’s him in every lifetime, in any other reality.
In such a wild panic you can’t fully comprehend your focus. You even forget to use the force to run away.
A dead end hallway stops you in your tracks. Before you can bolt in another direction, a mandalorian descends down from the sky. He lands before you a fiery man of myth immortalized straight from his people’s creed.
“What the fuck?!” Bakugo screams at you raw and demanding.
“Stop screaming!” You hiss back but your voice already begins cracking.
“No!” He snarls back.
“You’re going to cause a scene.” You snap back harder and glare fierce at him.
“I don’t fucking care!” He punches out every word not wavering once. Standing across from you, Bakugo is an intimidating force so broad and filling up the space with his armor.
It’s a simple staring contest. No words are spoken for what feels like hours. A part of you wonders if maybe this is all just a heat mirage illusion brought on by your sad heart.
You end up sighing defeated.
You weren’t going to have this discussion, this reunion, here in an alleyway of the city. You and him deserved better than that.
So with a silent nudge of your face beckoning him to you, the mandalorian wordlessly follows you back to the hostel Shouto’s smuggler booked.
A rapid nostalgic haze tugs at you. This feeling of him so close to you, walking through a crowded planet is as if not a day has gone by.
Yet, an entire month hangs between you and him.
Thankfully your two travel companions are still out when you return to the suite. In the eerie stillness of the cramped room, you turn to the tense warrior.
“What are you doing here?” You don’t even have the energy to yell at him.
Out of all the planets in this grand universe, how did you have the luck of stumbling into this man here?
“That annoying fuckin’ blonde Jedi friend of yours.” Bakugo replies gruffly and his words rattle your brain.
“Wait, Monoma?!” You’re the one shrieking now.
The helmeted warrior nods.
“He told me you’d be here…” Bakugo’s voice trails off.
Even with the rabid confusion consuming your brain, you remember Neito was planned to be sent back to Mandalore. However, he never spoke about it with you. So you began to wonder if he ever did go. Now it makes sense and only confirms your suspicions.
“Why did he tell you?” Your voice wavers frustrated.
The mandalorian’s fist clenches. “Because I told him I needed to talk to you, shitty Jedi.”
The term claws at your soul.
“I’m not a Jedi anymore.” You flat out tell him.
A moment passes.
“Yeah…blondie told me about that too.”
Your heart drops. Of course Monoma told him. He always was a damn gossip.
All you can do is shakily exhale.
The memory still stings so raw.
Leaving your lightsaber at the ruins of the temple, crying with Neito over your decision, sitting with a thick confusion that had you in a daze for days…
“Why?” Bakugo asks, confused, dare you even say genuinely concerned.
“Why did you leave the order?” He clarifies.
The question you knew was coming.
The weight of its answer still feels too grand, too out of reach even for you. It’s like your heart and mind can’t fully comprehend into words the complicated sticky reason.
You tried to justify that your confusion mainly stemmed from the trauma of the temple attack and that you needed time to mediate, to heal. But the truth, your answer, is that you wanted more.
You wanted to yank off the shackles keeping you from reaching for him, that kept you from embracing every aspect of your heart.
So you half heartedly lie.
“I couldn’t wholeheartedly serve the order anymore.” Even stripped of the title of Jedi knight, your answer surprises you. So noble and composed as ever, a hard habit you think you might never fully be rid of.
“What’s that supposed to fuckin’ mean?” Of course Bakugo sees through your words, tries digging through them.
“It means what it means.” You reply back sharply. “I couldn’t stay in the order. I had too much on my mind and I knew…”
You knew that everything in you ache to break everything you were raised with. Because after you faced ruin and destruction, you ached to step forward into a future full of life without anything holding you back, without worrying if you were disappointing anyone or even yourself.
“I knew I couldn’t honor the Jedi.” You finish simply.
You were thankful those like Shouto and Monoma especially understood and helped guide you. They supported you even after your path diverged from theirs.
It’s why you would continue to still help look for the culprit who attacked the temple. You might not see yourself as a Jedi anymore but that didn’t mean you would truly abandon them.
So absorbed in your thoughts you don’t realize how quiet the room has gotten until Bakugo suddenly breaks it.
“Sorry…Knew how much it meant to you.”
It did. But you realized there are things that might mean more.
All you can do is weakly thank him.
You sigh again as the weight of this moment slowly curls over your shoulders and tries to dig past your skin.
“Is that why you left without saying shit? Without even saying goodbye?” His voice gradually fluctuates with tension and hurt. It shreds apart your heart with a jagged edge.
After you had woken up in Bakugo’s room, you stayed in a pretend sleep whenever he returned, not ready to face him yet. You couldn’t continue to keep bringing him into your path of trouble. Even after meditating, even after deciding to leave the Jedi order, you came to the same conclusion. You needed to leave this mandalorian.
For his sake and maybe mainly yours.
So you tell him how you managed to leave like a wordless ghost.
In your first true selfish act, in your first step at shattering your sense of self as a Jedi, you used the force to sense when Bakugo left. Once he was far away enough, you slipped out of the hut. Using the force to cause diversions, you bolted straight to the planet’s port of entry. After that you slipped away onto the next transportation shop.
You cried the entire time on the way back to Coruscant.
You do not tell him this.
Now the consequence of all these actions, your actions, stands before you hurt and anger forged in a man of beskar armor.
“You didn’t even tell me.” His voice cracks and your eyes blink through cloudy tears to stare at him.
You ache to see his eyes, to know what this man looks like.
“I have my reasons, and I’m sorry. I really am.” You apologize, wiping your tears away.
“Yeah? Those reasons better be real fucking good!” He snarls and you glare furious at this mandalorian.
“You wouldn’t understand.” You snap back like a cornered loth cat. You’re tired. You’re emotionally drained and the heat of the planet is catching up to you. You wearily move to sit on the creaky dusty couch.
“To have something control your life that keeps you away from someone…from somethings-”
You quickly correct yourself, but your voice continues wavering more and more with the frustrated tears threatening to spill.
“You’re so loyal to your own creed and I…I couldn’t face you.”
You don’t tell him the whole truth.
You don’t utter the truth that you loved him so much that it alerted your entire world. You wanted to let yourself love him against all odds. But, you wonder if this myth of a man could even possibly hold the same feelings towards you.
Every emotion tears you apart all over again. Inside of you rages a storm ripping apart every safe harbor you had built. All you can do is close your eyes to stop the tears from the storm raging.
“You said it kept you away from someone.” Keen as ever, Bakugo catches your comment.
That’s when you also notice his voice is closer.
Your eyes snap open and your heart drops into your stomach. The explosive mandalorian kneels before you.
“Who?” He asks calm, firm and surprisingly low.
You can’t even say his name and instead stare at him, stubborn and your tongue locked up tight
Bakugo says your name in the same direct tone except now with an undercurrent of urgency.
“Who?” He repeats again.
Out of frustration or maybe finally the weight of your emotions cracks you. Angrily shove away tears until you eventually cry into one of your hands not even able to look at him.
“I knew we could never be together.” You croak out a whisper. “You’re engaged. And with your creed, even when I stopped being a Jedi I just…”
The words escape you on another sob.
Large gloved hands suddenly rest gently on your thighs. Panic snaps your eyes open and there his striking black helmet stares unwaveringly at you.
Bakugo firmly says your name and you wait for the heartbreak that’s about to come.
“Marry me.”
It doesn’t.
“What!?” You ask through tears and snot.
“Marry me.” Bakugo repeats as unflinching and true as he did the first time.
“You… you’re engaged!” You stammer out.
“Obviously not! I’m in love with you but I’m not a fucking asshole! I wouldn’t have asked you if I was still engaged!”
His words knock you breathless, throw you out of orbit and you’re surprised your body has not floated away.
“You love me.” The words don’t sound real even from your mouth.
He coughs out a watery sound and moves forward. His bodily slots between your legs effortlessly. He curls against you and presses his helmeted forehead to yours.
“More than you know, shitty jedi.” He croaks while his strong arms wrap you in his embrace.
“Not a Jedi anymore.” You mutter watery as you clutch onto him.
“You’re not.” Bakugo confirms as he moves to rest his helm against your face.
“Be my riduur instead.”
During your time in Mandalore you picked up on plenty of Mando’a phrases and words. You even flirted with the idea of trying to learn the language fully.
You did learn some mandalorian words held a sacredness that set them apart because of their layered holy weight.
Riduur is one of those words.
It translates to wife, husband, spouse. But riduur held the weight of a partner forged in such a deep love that the basic term of spouse couldn’t capture the bond a mandalorian marriage would bring.
Your eyes widen and a storm of tears blur your vision. This time however, it’s the overwhelming overflow of emotion filling your heart and spilling over.
Nodding you holding onto him tighter.
You try joking about wanting to be the only one who gets to annoy him for the rest of his life. But your voice comes out a ridiculous sob.
Bakugo barks a wild chuckle and his arms tighten around you as well.
“S’why I asked you. Couldn’t put up with any other extra.”
Your eyes close right as you now hold onto your fiancé, and the thought of that makes your brain trip over itself.
“We’re getting married.” You mutter out mainly to yourself still not believing it.
“Damn right.” Bakugo growls low and proud.
Your eyes snap open wide and horrified at hearing Todoroki’s simple flat comment.
Your mandalorian scrambles away from your embrace to instead lean in front of you, as if to shield you.
Standing in the door’s entryway is Todoroki and his smuggler friend who smacks your once fellow Jedi knight.
“I told you to keep quiet!” The smuggler cries out horrified at being caught.
You’re embarrassed. Bakugo is screaming obscenities but for some reason, you laugh. It’s a buyout laugh filling you bright and beautiful. That’s when the force suddenly surges through you warm and celebratory.
Earlier this month you thought it had slipped away. That even the force itself began to pull away because of your decisions.
But now it hums beautifully in and around your body, exhilarated and electric. You think you could power an entire planet.
You laugh and simply lean against your fiancé who continues to threaten to blast poor Todoroki out the window. But his hand suddenly reaches out to your knee and he squeezes it tight, reassuring as if to say I am here.
You came to Tatooine simply looking for a lead on the temple attack.
Now would be leaving it engaged with a mandalorian by your side.
“Come back to my ship with me.” He mutters softly after you manage to drag him away to a local cantina to grab something to eat.
You don’t hesitate to follow him.
The inside of his grand sleek starship, modified to fit a whole room compartment, greets you like the warmest old friend. You even take a stroll around trying to see if he added anything new.
“So you wanna to get married now or what?” Bakugo simply asks.
Your mind feels as if he just set off one of his explosives inside.
“Now?!” You shriek shrill and chaotic.
“Yes now.” You’ve been with him long enough to know this tone suggests he’s rolling his eyes.
Trying to process this your mind sputters in a spiral like a broken speeder bike.
You understood mandalorians held certain courting rituals that you vaguely heard of. You voice this concern to your mandalorian who crosses his hands over his chest in a pouting type manner.
“That’s for potential marriage partners. We’re already engaged aren’t we?” Bakugo challenges.
“So we just skipped an entire courting process?” He seemed like such a traditionalist and would be upset over this. You even sound more upset than he does.
Especially when your fiancé simply shrugs.
“You’re not mad?” Now you have to ask and he shakes his head a casual no.
“Didn’t need to court anyone else.” He gruffy asserts confident and true.
So that meant jumping straight into marriage?
Whatever lies on your face, whatever is clouding your heart, your fiancé notices it and sighs.
He explains how Mandalorians typically didn’t have long engagements. When someone proposes marriage it’s with the acknowledgment they would be wedded moments or at the latest days after.
It mirrored the same direct quickness the first mandalorian vows were rumored to have been said in the creed’s legend.
“Look,” Bakugo continues with all the conviction a warrior pursuing victory holds.
“I know that’s my culture and shit but…We can wait whenever you’re ready.” He reassures you.
“I’ll wait for as long as you need because I know the ending s’always going to be the same. And that’s me as your husband. So if we do it today or fuck a year from now, I’ll wait.”
Love crashes into you in waves and you cannot fight the current any longer.
“So whenever you’re ready.” Bakugo’s beautiful beskar helmet nudges towards you. “You let me know.”
Now, you want to marry him now.
“Bakugo-” You are about to say your answer when he cuts you off.
“Katsuki.” He corrects you, a gentle firmness that speaks of his kind understanding.
His first name.
The most precious of gifts he can give to you and now here it is ready for yours to hold.
“Katsuki.” And you find to tastes like the most reverent prayer.
Mandalorian weddings, from what you remembered, were quick and privately intimate ceremonies. Here in his ship, away from his home planet and far away from yours on Coruscant, it’s as if this space is carved out just for you and him.
You don’t care about how long it’s been since you last saw him or that you only have been engaged for less than a day.
You want this, to be married to him, for him to be your husband.
And maybe it’s the shackles of the Jedi order being released from you but you want to be selfish. You want to grab at anything you want and greedily say yes it is okay to want without any guilt. It is beautiful to embrace it.
“Guess you’ll be the one having to call me Bakugo then huh?” You tease light but adoration coats your voice thick.
His shoulders tense. You can almost sense, almost see the suspended hope hanging on by a thread.
“So…you saying yes?” He tentatively ask.
You nod repeatedly and firmly.
“I want to marry you now.”
Katsuki walks closer to you, gently holding your hand in his.
“There’s this saying…” he begins low as if someone outside the ship might hear him.
He says a phrase and you can’t process what it is. You barely even pick up a word of Mando’a
“It’s a way we say I love you.” Katsuki explains. “But translate into basic it means something like… I’ll know you forever.”
To know is to love and to love is to know a person.
“That’s beautiful.” You admire and he nods silently.
“You know me, more than anyone else has.” Your mandalorian tells you. “And I know you. And even when I think I didn’t want to. I wanna keep knowing you for as long as I live.”
You swallow back a sob threatening to escape as you nod. You want that too.
He squeezes your hand.
“You ready?”
You squeeze his hand back. “I am.”
For a moment you think of the oath you took when you became a Jedi knight. How you swore to consecrate yourself to the universe, to a grand idea that would tie you to preserving an ideal and cause until your last breath.
Here you are now taking another vow, another oath, that you swear to honor for the rest of your days.
“Repeat after me.” Katsuki says and you don’t miss the slight waver in his voice.
“We are one when we are together or apart.” He declares and you repeat.
We are one when we are together or apart.
“We will share everything.”
We will share everything.
“And…” he pauses for a moment, but quickly gathers himself.
“We will raise warriors.”
The implications are not lost on you. You knew how open the mandalorians were about adoption, about raising children communally. This was a topic you would have to deeply discuss with him.
But the idea of simply guiding and watching over any young ones, even if they were not your own, even if you and him decide to not have children, shifts your world. Because just being by his side to help guide the next generation as you grow old with him is more than you can ever imagine.
We will raise warriors.
Once the words leave your mouth suddenly a shaky modulated exhale escapes your mandalorian.
Katsuki breathes out your name.
His bare hands move to cradle your face and a wide range of beautiful emotions begin to bubble in you.
“You shitty Bakugo.” Your husband, your husband, croaks to you tear soaked. You laugh loud and just as watery as he sounds.
That was going to take some time to adjust to. But this, in every way, is better than hearing him call you a shitty Jedi. Because you are Jedi no more. And now you exist as a Bakugo.
The excitement and giddiness bubbles over, illuminates you from the inside out. Katsuki presses his helmeted face against yours as you embrace him tight.
“I love you.” You breathe out to your husband.
Katsuki squeezes you firmer. You simply exist in this moment in his arms soaking in the quiet but powerful conviction of this new existence. You are someone’s spouse. You are his, just as irrevocably he is yours.
Katsuki mutters out your name.
“There’s…still one thing we gotta do.” He adds.
Slowly Katsuki untangles himself from you and you already miss his warmth. His shoulders slightly curl over and his helmet can’t even face you.
A tinge of fear bubbles in you fast and threatens to poison the barely moments old wedding bliss.
“I’m going to have to fight your ex fiancé for stealing you away, aren't I?” The idea that pops into your head so fast and quick you can’t even stop it.
The beskar helmet turns back to you.
Then, Katsuki bursts out laughing. A true warm gruff cackle that shakes his shoulders and makes you want to smack him.
“What?! That’s it, isn’t it!?” You shriek. You immediately dreadfully think of having to go hand to hand against the red and white armored mandalorian of Yui Kodai, who you only met once.
Katsuki continues to laugh even after you begin pouting. He even shakes his helmeted head a solid no.
“Fuckin’ love your ridiculous ass so much.” He breathes out a wonderful modulated sigh.
His hands move up towards his helmet.
And then he begins to raise it.
The action clicks instantly in your mind. In many cultures and customs a kissing vow is exchanged after weddings. You wondered if that was a secret only known by mandalorians.
So out of respect for your new husband you naturally close your eyes.
The hissing sound of his helmet being removed fills the small space of his ship. You didn’t realize how much you had missed the quiet but electrifying sound.
You wait for the pressure of his lips against yours.
Nothing comes.
The force even retreats away from you so softly like a loth cat returning to its bed to nap and you feel a chill in the air.
Katsuki sighs slightly shaken and heavy.
You’re about to ask if he’s okay, want to comfort him already when he speaks up first.
His voice crystal clear calls out your name.
“Open your eyes.”
The words clutch your throat and ignite an electric wave throughout your body.
“What?” You ask a bit confused because maybe you had misheard.
“You heard me.” Katsuki urges gruffly but gentle, so truly like him. “Open your eyes.”
You couldn’t.
It was against the code, against everything he stood for, everything his people stood for.
The surprise brush of his fingers against yours provides a solid stability.
“What?” He teases light. “Afraid of what you might see?”
No. That wasn’t it at all.
You even shake your head a furious stubborn no that makes him chuckle.
You know without even seeing him that he’s beautiful, probably one of the most striking forces to ever be seen in this galaxy.
“You know I can’t.” A fervent urgency leaks into your voice as if you want to remind both him and yourself of the danger behind this act.
Defiance, banishment, excommunication.
The words sting you fierce.
Like the solid lifeline he is, the back of Katsuki’s bare hand tenderly running across your cheek floats you out of your hectic thoughts.
“We’re married now, idiot.” His voice wavers. “Clan members are allowed to see our faces.”
Something deep inside of you shifts so effortlessly.
You are a clan member now. The answer hangs so truthfully and effortlessly in the air you almost can sense the force itself giggling at you.
You want to see him. You’ve wanted nothing more than this, to know him and know the face of your husband.
So you open your eyes.
The first week after you left the Jedi order, Shouto’s smuggler friend took you out for a drink. There on the sips of alcohol and the freedom it tasted of, you spilled your heartache.
“In love with a mandalorain.” The scavenger had sighed almost a bit apologetic. “And you have no idea what he looks like?”
You shook your head no.
“I have imagined it though,” you instead added boldly because you had.
At first you couldn’t picture what this man of fire and beskar, who would fight a galaxy with his bare hands, would look like. But for some reason you always pictured his eyes bright, like the fiercest force that could never be dimmed because that’s the type of man he is. You believed his eyes would reflect that.
And now you find they do.
The most stunning crimson eyes stare at you so openly, honest, hesitant and guarded slightly. The bold red color is beautiful. You don’t even think you’ve seen eyes so gemlike.
You think of how red for a Jedi is aligned with the sith. It’s not a color one wants to encounter in a lightsaber. There was even a legend that spoke of how the first red kyber crystal was created when a sith held a white crystal in their hand until they bled and let the color soak into the gem.
The color that was once a warning sign now stares at you as a promise of your future, wonderful and warm like the red sky in the evening.
It fits him too.
The color of war, blood and passion so vividly mixing with the color strongly associated with love…
You think you fall in love all over again with this mandalorian.
Then you finally soak in his entire face and feel your soul leave your body.
He’s handsome. Of course he’s handsome you knew he would be. But he’s stunning in a way that has your thoughts clustering together in a collision.
A strong sharp manly jaw, high cheekbones, and the softest spikes of blonde hair -
You can’t believe it. He’s a blonde. He’s gorgeous.
And he’s yours.
“You’re beautiful.” You croak out freely and tear soaked.
You get to see his emotions flash across his face now, see how his eyes shimmer so glossy as his eyebrows furrow.
“Shitty riduur, that’s my line.” Katsuki replies back just as thick and his hand now simply cradles your face once again.
What did the vows say? That you and him were now one whether together or apart?
That already seems to be so true. Or maybe it always was.
The way you and Kastuki seemed to both mirror and repel each other like planets trying to fight a gravity bigger than your orbits. Now here you are.
You can’t help it.
You laugh a watery jubilant thing and clutch onto his hand still resting on your face. You happily burrow closer into his hold.
Slowly but so firmly Katsuki draws you into him. His bare face goes to rest against yours. His nose even burrows against your forehead as he towers over you.
Shakily your mandalorian exhales, relieved and gentle and you melting into him more.
“Thank you,” you whisper softly to him. “For showing me…for letting me know you.”
Katsuki’s arms wiggle out to now wrap you in a true warm embrace.
“Yeah, yeah.” He mutters back and your heart jumps at his lips tickling against your skin.
“You smell s’good.” His molten syrupy voice seeps into the very core of your being.
Your mind feels cloudy but in the best way so much that you can only hum back a quiet thanks as you press your cheek against his warm face more.
He says your name and your eyes, which had closed in pure content bliss, open wearily.
“There’s…there's somethin’ else…”
What elses could there be?
Begrudgingly you draw back from his warmth and glance up at him a bit curious now.
It’s so interesting and even a bit funny to see how expressive your husband truly is now. His crimson eyes are averted from you. His pretty blonde brows furrow so hard and faintly a hint of pink begins to color his cheeks.
Embarrassed, he seems embarrassed.
You’re about to ask what he means when suddenly those gemstone eyes of his snap back to you quickly and fierce.
“I wanna kiss you.”
He flat out says it but with unwavering solid sharpness.
The thought almost makes your body buckle. You even almost choke on the sharp inhale you take.
“O-oh.” You stammer out.
“Yeah.” Katsuki mutters out low and slightly bashful.
At just the thought your eyes immediately flicker to his lips. You noticed them earlier of course when you first saw his face but didn’t want to stare. Now you find they are soft, plush and you want to press your lips against his more than ever.
“I haven’t…” your mandalorian begins then his voice trails off.
He hasn’t kissed anyone.
It makes sense. He’s so abstinent in his loyalty that he would never remove his helmet for a simple kiss.
And, for some reason that truth licks a dangerously warm heat up your throat that also seizes your heart. To know you’d be the first and only one to kiss him awakens something clawed and pleased inside of you.
Katsuki swallows hard.
He’s hesitant, embarrassed, maybe even worried. It paints his handsome face so easily.
Very cautiously your hand rises up to his face.
After having his face covered for most of his life out of instinct Katsuki immediately snaps his attention to your hand with a hard cautious scowl. You freeze, wondering if this is all too much.
But then realizing what you are trying to do, your mandalorain’s scarlet eyes soften instantly. When your hand softly rests against his face, mainly against his sturdy jaw, Kastuki exhales heavily as he closes his eyes.
The weight of this force of a warrior melts against your hand as he leans against it fully.
“You’re considered the best of the clans,” you begin. “The best out of all the others.”
“Damn straight.” He mutters out still looking like a blissful lothcat against your hand.
You hold back a chuckle that still manages to trickle your lips.
“Then you have nothing to be afraid of.” You reassure him. “You’re a natural and the best for a reason.”
But you also realize that yes, even though he said he wants to do this, this does not have to be done right now.
“Plus, there’s no rush…We can wait whenever you’re ready, I’ll wait as long as you need.” You repeat the same words he told you, feel their weight and devotion, patience and love, weave deep into your bones.
You even feel a smile tug your lips.
Hazily, almost sleepily, his eyes halfway open to stare out at you with such an intense warmth you feel as if you are staring into his heart's core.
He’s so unbearably gorgeous you almost can’t stand it.
Then without any warning, Katsuki leans forward and presses his lips against yours.
The surprise of him acting so quickly mixes with the surprise of finally getting to kiss him that you wonder if your heart is going to give out from the rush of emotions. But then your mind melts to simply solidify into this moment.
You’re kissing him, your husband, your mandalorian. You’re kissing Katsuki.
His lips are so soft, warm and the faintest smell of his herbal soap suddenly fills your senses.
Slowly his lips begin to pull back ever the slightest before you jump back at him with the same energy of acting without hesitation.
Your eyes close as pure bliss fills you to the brim.
Your lips meet his once, twice in sweet simple kisses but each time he presses closer and closer to you.
Katsuki’s lips now chase yours as if to ask for another kiss every time as if he wants to slowly kiss you again and again until he can’t any more.
You almost want to snicker, but you believe if you do your secretly tender hearted husband might storm away in embarrassment. But it’s not out of humor why you want to laugh. It’s out of a giddiness you can’t describe.
Until you realize the giddiness is simply love.
It is a love stitched into your bones and so overjoyed to finally be free, to finally be in this moment with the man with crimson sunset eyes.
You came to Tatooine with Todoroki and his scavenger. You now would be leaving the planet with your husband.
“Are you sure you don’t want to just come back with us?” Shouto asks with the most intense sincerity in his dual colored eyes. He stares so directly into you wanting to gauge if you give him a secret sign saying otherwise.
“My ex jedi is coming home with me!” Bakugo barks back angrily at Shouto who ignores him flat out.
You laugh and even the scavenger who you now feel is slowly actually becoming a friend, laughs too.
You can’t thank this pair enough for what they have done for you. They gave you shelter when you were lost and aimless and a home when you had nowhere go. They became almost your strongest support system besides Monoma. Your heart would hold them tight together.
And when you bid them goodbye you hug the two of them just as right. You vow to contact them when you return to Mandalore.
Just because you are married now did not mean you would abandon any of your friends or the task of finding who attacked the temple.
As you watch them take a speeder bike to head out to the other city here on Tatooine you say a silent blessing to the force to keep them safe.
“When we get back home,” Katsuki mutters. “We’ll start figuring out what leads we can track.”
Seems like you would not be alone in your search.
Then the word hits you gently.
Mandalore would be your new home. Or mainly, Katsuki is your new home now.
Overwhelmed with emotions you turn back to stare at your husband.
Katsuki wears his helmet now but you can so clearly picture his handsome face composed with determination. You even itch to lean forward to just kiss the side of his curved helmet cheek. Instead you playfully nudge your armored husband who stiffens at your playful action. Then he nudges you back harder.
You snicker amused at how childish he can be.
“Damn weirdo.” He even mumbles out annoyed.
But his fingers continue to brush against yours as if to simply chase after your presence or simply remind him
how close you are.
The markets once again liven up the streets of Mos Eisely. You wanted to do one final look through the shops and vendors before your trip back. You even mention finding something for Monoma, specifically maybe that satchel he hinted about wanting.
“Fuck you and him are gonna be damn headaches together.” Katsuki even sounds as if the thought stabbed his side.
“Oh hush.” You chide him gently as you scan the market place.
That’s when you spot the familiar jewelry stand. The same elderly twi’lek woman is there working. Her eyes grow wide seeing you and then they eagerly flicker to the mandalorian with you.
Naturally you walk back to the stall.
“I’m thinking you might need that necklace now huh?” She grins wide and your face heats up.
“I was worried when I saw him chase after you but I should’ve known it was a lovers quarrel.” She adds and the thought of her being worried is endearing.
“Ha?” Your mandalorian asks so rudely and you lightly shush him as you buy the necklace.
The sweet elderly twi’lek giggles the entire time. Especially when Bakugou swoops in to hand the vendor credits.
“I could’ve paid for it.” You huff.
“No, cause that’s my job now.” He bluntly tells you like it’s the most obvious thing in this galaxy and you don’t even want to argue with him.
“Besides, s’nice.” He admires low, only for your ears.
“It’s an engagement pendant.” You explain. You even add how you’re just holding on to it until you can give it to him later.
“To mark our engagement and all that.” You casually and a bit cheekily say.
“We’re married!” He snaps back insulted and horrified that you’d even make the mistake of even forgetting.
“Oh you’re married?!” You’re not that far from the stall for the vendor to catch that. Or it could be that Katsuki is just that loud.
Either way you and him turn back to her. Her warm eyes shine with excitement.
You sleepy grin back to her. “So he says.”
“We are!” Your poor husband cries back furious.
You think this is it. This is the true blessing of getting to be married to this mandalorian for the rest of your life and that is getting to tease and annoy him.
You can’t help but snort. Then the rush of footsteps on the sandy gravel come towards you. When you and Katsuki turn back your dear vendor approaches with something in hand.
“Here, the companion piece!” She warmly hands you the twin of your necklace.
“Once someone gets married the spouse is meant to come back to retrieve the matching necklace so that the two are now together forever.”
It’s a sweet tradition and you happily hold the two necklaces together as you ask how much for both.
“Oh no young one, it’s fine.” The vendor waves you off warmly. “Think of it as a wedding gift from me and the city.”
You’re overwhelmed by the gesture, the pure genuine sweetness of it and the force even dances beautifully in the air.
“You’re too kind please let us-”
Before you can finish Katsuki moves beside you and places down two solid gold credits on the stall’s counter. That’s triple the amount that you paid and you’re pleased at your husband’s action.
The vendor exclaims in huttese and almost looks petrified seeing the money on her stand. She tries to sputter out something but you simply give her a warm thankful nod.
“Think of it as our thank you for the gift.” You tell her earnestly and even Katsuki beside you nods in quiet agreement.
With her heartfelt thanks you find yourself already walking back to the ship. Monoma’s satchel would have to wait for another day. Your eyes are focused on the two necklaces sitting in your grasp.
“I’m counting this as my wedding gift to you.” You say matter of factly to your husband.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yup, deal with it.”
He chuckles low at your reply.
“Moron.” Is all he says but you hear the truth happily buried beneath it.
Thank you, it’s wonderful. I'll cherish it forever…
You glance down again to look at the two necklaces with a fondness before you move to place them in your bag
“You’ll get your gift when we get back home.”
Then his words almost make you trip and drop your precious jewelry pieces.
“What wedding gift?” You ask again as worry leaks into your voice.
Even with the helmet on you know he’s staring dryly at you.
“What? You can get me somethin’ and I can’t get you shit?”
“You know that’s not what I mean!” You reply back huffy.
He stays quiet.
“What did you get me?”
Again he stays silent and doesn’t answer.
“Katsuki.” You hiss out and you believe this ridiculous mandalorian is now grinning at you victorious.
“It’s meant to be a surprise, shitty Jedi!” He barks back and you’re too wrapped up in this conversation to even correct him.
“Shit…thinking about it, it won’t be a surprise when you gotta get measured.” He mutters mainly to himself as if he realized this fact.
The words stop you dead in your tracks.
You stare at him a bit petrified and confused. So all you can do is ask him again, low and even a bit serious about what he got you.
You’re thankful to have made it to the edge of the market and it is mainly vacant.
Because your spirit leaves you the moment you see Katsuki move to tap at his beskar shoulder pauldron.
And it clicks.
He means to give you beskar armor.
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bolithesenate · 8 months
shoutout to my latin teacher of 6 years, you are the reason i cannot simply cobble together words i need in conlangs, no, it needs to make *sense* and be fantasy-etymologically and culturally *correct*
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theartsalsa · 6 months
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A little sketch dump :D
I've been practicing with more dragon angles and expressions, so here's an example with our favorite Din dragon
Then a few other sketches of Din and one little one of Hunter
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cienie-isengardu · 1 year
Jango Fett Open Seasons: Retreat vs. fight no matter the cost
Another detail from Jango Fett: Open Seasons that I find very telling about characters is their approach to retreat. I’m specifically want to talk about the  four major Mandalorians - Tor Vizsla, Jaster Mereel, Jango Fett and Montross as they all were at some point in the story put in situation when they needed to decide to continue fight no matter the cost (in theory the ideal Mandalorian warrior mindset) or to prioritizing their people’s life (a choice testifying to good leadership). And yes, those situations weren’t always exactly the same yet similar enough to see the implied(?) similarities in theoretical dissimilar characters.
So we have Jaster Mereel, the original leader of True Mandalorians. During a mission on Korda Six, when Mandalorians came across the enemy's heavy fire (and Jango ordered his people to find cover), Jaster gave an order to regroup at Jango’s location - the safest place and abort the air strike.
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And once it became clear, they made a mistake to rely on second-handed intel - but before they learned it was Death Watch's trap - Jaster decided to abort the whole mission. Something quite different from what Jango will teach his son decades later (“Your loyalty, your honor – these are the things that matter. When you accept a mission, when you give your word, it is all that matters.”)
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Montross however refused to regroup at Jango's location
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and continued the attack, stating "we've never abandoned a mission!"
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Montross survived thanks to Jaster who personally came to his aid only to betray his leader and leave him behind once Tor showed up. And while he tried to take command of True Mandalorians, he did order an evacuation, as the "Jaster's last order still stands" argument.
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Then we have Tor Vizsla who during Jango’s attack on Death Watch’s ship, ordered everyone to evacuate.
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And now, let’s talk about Jango Fett who started very much minded like Jaster, what was the best visible on Korda Six. The mission was his first official role as Squad Commander but he didn’t allow pride or desire to make Jaster proud to take over common sense. When it became clear his men were under too strong enemy’s fire, he ordered them to get into trenches / find cover. 
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However on Galidraan, as a leader of True Mandalorians, when he already knew they walked again into Death Watch’s trap, instead of  de-escalate threat of the Jedi by at least trying calm down the situation and presenting what is going on behind the scene- and mind you, the Jedi did not have all facts but Fett already met Vizla at Governor's residence and as he wore helmet at that time, most likely had recorded this, not to mention all Mandalorians could present what they were doing and where they were via the recording from helmets - Fett ordered to open fire. And the Jedi naturally responded as such.
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(And really, if Fett was smarter he could at least try to turn Jedi against Death Watch).
This is even more surprising choice as Jango's first reaction upon seeing Republic shuttles before even meeting eye to eye with Jedi was to call his second-in-command to order an evacuation.
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Which is pretty ironic, that both Jaster and Tor, despite their ideological differences, were at some point shown to prioritizing their men’s safety by ordering retreat / evacuation, while Jango started as similar minded (Korda Six and upon seeing Republic shuttles on Galidraan) but once Jedi showed up, his attitude changed into “no running, fight whatever the cost” which not only led to great tragedy but made him more like Montross. 
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merrysithmas · 1 year
just reading how in Lone Wolf And Cub Ogami Itto's son Ogami Daigoro is given the choice by his father (Itto) at the start of their journey between a ball and a sword. The child is 1 year old at the time.
If he chooses the ball he will be slain to rest with his murdered mother(Mandalore?), but if he chooses the sword he will continue on with Ogami Itto to avenge her on their Quest.
so as I'm reading this of course i'm thinking of Din Djarin (Itto) and Din Grogu (Daigoro) and how Grogu was presented a beskar shirt or a lightsaber by Luke Skywalker, obviously as an homage to this scene in the manga.
so my brain goes: Luke Skywalker is Grogu's second dad, confirmed.
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DISNEY: Alright, Audience. We've taken your complaints about the new season of The Mandalorian into consideration, and I think that you're really going to like this new episode.
AUDIENCE: We'll see.
DISNEY: Okay. First, we have a Romeo and Juliet type love story between two squid people. I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO SAY, but it's just a short scene, and it also establishes what Bo-Katan's old crew is up to.
DISNEY: So, then Din and Bo-Katan go to a planet to find more Mandalorians. And it's, like, a silly planet! With guest stars! We've got Jack Black and Lizzo as space royalty!
DISNEY: Lizzo feeds Grogu a fish!
DISNEY: Din and Bo-Katan have to solve a violent malfunctioning droid problem, and there's Ugnaughts! Like Kuiil! Remember Kuiil? They chase down a rogue droid, and Christopher Lloyd is there, and Lizzo makes Grogu a knight!
AUDIENCE: This sounds like it could be...fun.
DISNEY: YES! FUN! EVERYBODY LOVES FUN! (Also, Bo-Katan is the main character now) So, they find the other Mandalorians-
AUDIENCE: What was that last part?
DISNEY: About the other Mandalorians?
AUDIENCE: About Bo-Katan.
DISNEY: Oh, yeah. She's the main character now.
DISNEY: Because she has the Darksaber.
AUDIENCE: No, Din has the Darksaber! She still has to fight him for it!
DISNEY: Oh no, she has it now. Because of a loophole that happened in episode 2.
AUDIENCE: So, the only dramatic tension left in the show is whether or not Bo-Katan will retake Mandalore?
DISNEY: Yeah, pretty much.
AUDIENCE: But what is Din going to do now?
DISNEY: I don't know. He'll...be around. Holding Grogu and stuff.
AUDIENCE: But he's the main character! His name is in the title!
DISNEY: Ah, but the show is called The Mandalorian. We never specified which Mandalorian.
DISNEY: Did we mention that Lizzo has a holo-cape?
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Mandalorian season 3 spoilers
Mandalorian season 3 spoilers
Mandalorian season 3 spoilers
I’m telling you right now
Turn around
Mandalorian season 3 spoilers
Mandalorian season 3 spoilers
Aight, I warned you
I swear, if the armor tells Din ONE MORE TIME that he is no longer a Mandalorian, Din needs to ignite the Darksaber & tell her, “The once extinct Mythosaur revealed itself to me within the mines of Mandalore (which aren’t cursed) before I could finish reciting your Watch’s creed. Bitch, you are no longer a Mandalorian.”
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beachesgetpeaches · 2 years
lmao if someone doesnt write a fic in which by some divine unexplained force grogu is transported into tlou universe where joel finds him and ellie is zapped into the galaxy far away to hang out with din
i guess i will have to do it myself
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 years
As much as I appreciate the insight into New Republic politics…this was not the way to do it in this show 🤦‍♀️
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