#Zor has like a doofenshmirtz Gender Magnet 3000 that steals Phoenix’s gender for themselves
lavalampstealer · 1 year
So y’know how Phoenix is commonly referred to as they/them (as peoples’ interpretations, not the in-game player character) and so is Zor?
I like to think that Phoenix has absolutely zero gender, people cannot figure out what they are just that they do their job well, while Zor has all of the gender and people have next to no clue what their exact role is as head of Zoraxis. People still can’t figure out what they are but for opposite reasons. Phoenix doesn’t talk at all, Zor has a voice modulatior that makes them have a double voice of male and female. People know who Phoenix is and still can’t figure them out, we know next to nothing about Zor and also can’t figure them out.
Zor stole all of Phoenix’s gender, that’s the real evil. Not that they had much to begin with, but it’s the principle of the matter.
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