MCD booths turn hazardous for motorists on DND flyway
Though the Delhi-Noida-Direct flyway, better known as DND, has turned toll-free, it is taking a toll on motorists. Blame it on the MCD's endeavour to collect tax from commercial vehicles by setting up toll booths metres away from the now-dismantled ones.
The thoroughfare connecting the Capital to neighbouring Noida in Uttar Pradesh became toll-free with the Supreme Court on November 11, 2016 refusing to stay an Allahabad High Court verdict restraining Noida Toll Bridge Company Ltd from levying cess. The decision came months after massive protests at the eight-lane, nine-km long link, with activists alleging corruption and overcharging. Demonstrators had demanded that the Rs 28 charge be scrapped as the operator had already made profits.
READ: Motorists now vulnerable to robbery attempts on DND flyway after removal of guards
MCD places booths in middle of carriageway
But after the flyway was made toll-free, the MCD placed its booths in the middle of the carriageway where motorists zip by at speeds up to 120 km/hr. Since November, lives of commuters have been at risk and it appears the civic body is waiting for a mishap.
Booths turning hazard for two-wheelers
The moment a vehicle crosses the main toll booth in Noida and picks up speed, it runs into an MCD toll booth and often the person behind the wheel loses control over the vehicle. According to the toll attendants, at least one minor accident takes place every day. "It also leads to arguments between the drivers and even scuffles," they said.
The toll booths pose a greater danger for two wheelers. Experts say that in the coming weeks when the winter fog sets in, these toll booths will turn into a death trap for commuters as the MCD operators are not following the basic norms to point out the counters to drivers. Also, no signal has been placed for the visibility of the barricades after dark.
READ: DND is toll-free: Supreme Court rejects plea against Allahabad High Court order
During the night, the DND flyway towards the Capital become more dangerous as vehicular movement is less and motorists speed up their vehicles. While at the peak hours these temporary toll booths lead to snarls.
Mukesh Yadav, South Delhi Municipal Corporation spokesperson, refused to comment on the matter.
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