#a bit of anya and Raven's story for yah ☺️☺️☺️
lexa-griffins · 11 months
I’m poorly with both Tietze syndrome or potentially (more likely) rheumatoid arthritis in the chest (drs yet to determine it yet) and got a cough which definitely not helping my pain. I was wondering, i know you do your horny hour or sun Sunday but if could I have a special request of farm clexa with ranya to soothe my soul? Angst or soft fluff I don’t mind but only if you don’t mind of course you are the talented creator of this au.
Oh no!! That sucks 😓 well i hope this little headcanon soothes your soul ☺️
Raven and Anya meet for the very first time at Clarke and Lexa's wedding.
Anya is one of Lexa's third distant cousins, living in the closest city to their little town. She used to come and visit her cousin once in a while, but the small town life was never for her, so she rarely stayed longer than a week. Raven, on the other hand, was born and raised in this small town, and she has no plan to leave. She's fresh out of high school and works in Jake's auto shop, been working there since she was sixteen alongside Clarke and Jake as told her if she keeps it up he'll gladly leave the shop for her to run in a couple of years.
The wedding is very sweet and intimate, of course. At 19, Lexa and Clarke couldn't even afford wedding bands, Lexa's dress is a thrift shop old prom dress find she altered by herself, and Clarke's jumpsuit is a generic one from a store with her dad's white blazer on top. None the less, they are over the moon in love with one another, their now better looking farm decorated with fairy lights and candles in jars, full of flowers and drapped fabric to make it more wedding like. As some guests dance and others lively talk with each other, Lexa and Clarke are twirling with each other, completely unaware of the world around them.
Until Lexa catches Anya approaching Raven with a drink, her usually not talkative cousin suddenly all smiles and full of words to share with Clarke's oldest friend.
Clarke barely registers anything that isn't Lexa in her arms, looking lovingly at her wife "Yes Mrs Griffin?"
Lexa smiles brightly at her title and gives Clarke a kiss that prolongs for just a little longer before she rememebers what she called Clarke's attention for, "Hmm, look at Anya and Raven."
Clarke doesn't. She just stares at Lexa with a loving smile on her face.
"Love, look." She tells her again and this forces her eyes away from her wife to look at them.
Her eyebrow shot to her hairline. "Is Anya smiling?"
"She is! Its.... bizarre. Raven seems to be enjoying the conversation tho."
In their sits, Raven and Anya keep on talking, big smiles on their faces as they seem to poke at each other as they eat their cake.
"Next year your cousin will be fully settled in town."
Lexa rolls her eyes at her wife, "Please, Anya would rather walk into traffic than move to such a small town."
Clarke shrugs, confident in her assumption, "She might find something she loves here. Love makes you do some weird things."
Lexa chuckles at her wife’s romance idealism. A strand of hair falls from Clarke's braided crown and Lexa tucks it back behind her ear softly, before pressing their foreheads together "Like what?"
"Hm.... Like this!" Clarke exclaims as she pulls Lexa off her feet and spins her around the dance floor in fit of giggles, their guesys turning to see the young newlyweds happily showing their love. Clarke holds Lexa up for a minite as they kiss, only breaking away when Raven throws them a loud "GET A ROOM" that makes the guests laugh. When Lexa and Clarke turn to her to give her the finger, they find Anya lovingly staring at her before finding herself being caught by her cousin and her wife, hisding away her blushing face with a glass of champagne.
Clarke is right, however. Within four months of their wedding, Anya visits more and more often. She's staying in town, she tells them, and its on her fifth visit that they realize that in town means Raven's small apartment above Jake's auto shop.
They date long distance for 7 months until Raven tells Anya she cant do it anymore. She doesnt want to move to the city and she can't deal with only seeing her once a month. They break up over the phone and Raven spends the entire weekend in clexa's cottage nursing her broken heart while Lexa tries to get ahold of her cousin who simply does not answer the phone.
On monday Raven is head deep in the hood of a car, greasy and with stained overalls when Anya’s nice car, far too nice for a town like this, pulls up in front of the shop's garage. Raven is shocked when she sees her, ready to tell her to go away and not embarrass herself when Anya drops to one knee, right there in the dirty shop's floor and asks Raven to marry her.
"Anya, what are you doing, get up!"
There's a speech there. One about how much Anya loves Raven, how every day they are apart all Anya can think about is her and its so stupid and maddening because Anya never cared about falling in love or marrying but even just a weekend knowing her and Raven were over was like hell on earth. So Anya sold her apartment, got all of her minimalistic life in her car, applied for remote work with her job and she bought an engagement ring. For the first time in her life she doesn't care if she doesn't have a nice apartment or if her car is a mercedes or whatever she cares about before. All Anya knows is that she wants Raven and she'll do whatever Raven wants her to have her.
It is quite the shock for Lexa when she opens the door to Raven, showing her an engagement ring and her cousin looking coy behind her, apologizing for not answering the phone.
They have a long engagement. They spend most of their free time making love in Raven's apartment until they realize it is entirely too small for two people, even with Anya’s barely there belongings.
They buy a farmhouse just at the end of town, a newly renovated one, modern but simple, perfect for them. Anya makes good money, and she enjoys working from home, finds herself enjoying breakfast in the porch and the quiet of the small town, the farmers market, and being closer to her favorite cousin. She takes up cooking and regularly brings Raven some food for lunch. She likes building and helps Clarke with a lot of projects around their farm, even if she nearly loses an eye by Clarke's hand when they are building the chicken coop.
They decide not to have a wedding ceremony. Raven has a difficult relationship with her family and Anya’s is so big it feels overwhelming. So they marry at the town hall, 4 years after being engaged with Lexa and Clarke there as witnesses, Raven's goddaughter already in Lexa's belly although barely visible.
As they exit the building already married, Anya picks Raven up and twirls her around in her arms while Raven giggles and yells at her to stop. Already by their truck, Lexa and Clarke yell in unison, "GET A ROOM!"
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