trammelthewolf · 8 years
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trammelthewolf · 9 years
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miss this hair.
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trammelthewolf · 10 years
"Is it even a tea party if it's just the two of us?" He shrugged and took a seat on the couch before laying on his side. "Nah. I'm plenty good with the couch. See. I'm meant for it." 
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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trammelthewolf · 10 years
"Tea party..." He scoffed, "You can't call it that.. It's just me.. wanting a cup or two...." He looked around, feeling it a bit odd since he hadn't been here in a while. "Y-Yeah. Um. Yeah." He went to use the bathroom and came back out after awhile. "I'll.. take the couch then." He pointed at it. 
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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trammelthewolf · 11 years
He glanced up when his thoughts were interrupted. "Shut up." He chuckled while he still stayed seated, looking up at her, "You really want me to stay over?" He sighed and got out of his car, "It's been a while since I was last here... " Locking his car, Anthony slowly walked up to the door. The urge to just leave and get his blood was tempting but the girl was persistent. She wanted him to stay. Running a hand through his hair, he looked at the blond, "Mind if I use the bathroom first? Had a bit too much pop back at the theatre." He grinned stupidly, waiting for her. 
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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trammelthewolf · 11 years
Now that she was basically dragging him to his own car, Tony couldn't say no. He was sure Cady made him soft somehow but he didn't exactly hate it for some reason. "God you're cheesy." He laughed, shaking his head is mock disapproval. "And impossible." He got in his car and pulled out of the lock, make their way to her place. He turned on the radio so they wouldn't have to sit there in awkward silence as he thought about what she said. That she could never have enough of him even if they were stuck together forever. Surely she'd be tired of him at some point right? It's only normal. 
Finally they've arrived and he pulled up her driveway. It's been a while since he was last here, Anthony just sat there staring at her place, not intending to move any time soon. 
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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trammelthewolf · 11 years
"Sleeps for wussies." He grumbled, rubbing his eyes, not that it improved how they looked. At her second reason, Tony smiled softly. Cadence was adorable, always had been in his eyes and for her to constantly worry about him was touching — if only Tony deserved it. "Your dose of Anthony, was it? Didn't get enough of me yet? It wouldn't be .. a joyous time though if you hung around me..." 
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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trammelthewolf · 11 years
"You insist that I come with you?" Tony chuckled, "I thought I said I don't need a babysitter." He knew what she was doing. Something bad went down in his life and Cady would always want to make sure he wouldn't do something stupid. In his opinion, it wasn't stupid. He just wanted to quickly get a spot of V or whatever Demon blood he had left. It had been a few hours since the last but he needed it. It had been a shit week, he should be allowed to. 
"I'm not going to do something dumb, if that's what you're worrying about..." 
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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trammelthewolf · 11 years
"Uh.. I think.. I'm going to.. like.. I don't know.. head home and maybe do something later? I don't know.. " He looked around, watching people leave the theatre, "Where you going?" He crossed his arms, rubbing his face with a hand before giving a light sniff. 
".....Thanks for.. you know, watching the movie with me.. even if you weren't.. that into it." 
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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trammelthewolf · 11 years
During the whole movie, Tony focused on the screen, not even giving Cady one glance except for when he wanted a bit of her snack. He always loved cartoons even though his sister would have picked on him for that since it wasn't all that "bad ass". Ivy... Damnit, it still bugged him that Ivy was gone, but he was somehow handling it. He wanted to dabble in the demon's blood again, but it's been ages since he last saw his supplier and he hadn't ran into any of the other demons either. Vivian and Eve both disappeared so he wasn't sure how he was going to score some new blood. The vampires weren't in town either. Tony sighed in his seat as his mind progressed further into his blood venture rather than the movie. 
When it ended, Tony snapped out of his trance when he saw Cady walked right in front of him to exit the aisle. "Well, it's been up for ages, so maybe we've just seen it later than everyone since I heard the box office was actually pretty decent." 
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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trammelthewolf · 11 years
He shrugged in response. Then was different, they were together, then was when he didn't mind staying home. The wolf now was avoiding it altogether, spending most his nights at work, and most his days outside. He had been planning on selling the house and finding a motel or some place smaller for himself. He kept his eyes on the screen, not knowing what to say to her. "..Movie's starting.." 
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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trammelthewolf · 11 years
"...Whatever, it's the same thing..." He mumbled, paying more attention to the screen now despite the previews of upcoming movies weren't interesting him at all. Picking out more nachos and dipping them in the cheese before eating, Tony shifted in his seat, trying to get comfortable. "What?" He looked over when she spoke up, ignoring her last comment, "Why do you want to sleepover?" He had a feeling that she wanted to make sure he didn't do anything stupid again, but a babysitter wasn't what he was expecting at this time, or at all in general. 
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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trammelthewolf · 11 years
He looked over at her, "What? Cady? Cads?isn't that like, the same thing?" He shrugged, "True, but it's not a scary cartoon, it's like rated PG. So I think we're good." He shifted in his seat, his arm over the arm rest as he popped another nacho with his other hand. 
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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trammelthewolf · 11 years
"I guess... I rarely watch them though, so it probably doesn't matter." He laughed, "I suppose it depends, me, rarely." He shook his head, "it's a cartoon, Cads, how scary can it possibly be?" 
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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trammelthewolf · 11 years
"Might as well just wait for the DVD then, isn't it?" He shrugged, "I don't usually pay attention to the movie anyways, and me and my date usually sit in the back." he took his nachos and dipped it in the cheese, "Nope, not at all.I just randomly pickedit."  
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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trammelthewolf · 11 years
Heading into the theatre, he looked around, and immediately spotted the girl. Carefully balancing popcorn, nachos and god knows what else, he managed his way to her and sat down. "Here we are. Seems like everyone's seen this movie already." He shrugged, "Whatever, less nuisances." He chuckled. 
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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trammelthewolf · 11 years
"Dude, female hero butts are awesome to look at." He laughed, thinking about people like Jessica Alba as Invisible Woman. "Whatever, you better not forget next time." He chuckled as he lined up for the food, "It's fine, I'll just get it, here..." He gave her her ticket, "Head in first if you like, I'll be there with the popcorn soon." He grinned as he went up to the cashier to order, adding a few items on his list. 
Breaking the Avoidance Game :: Tony + Cady
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