#a chapter or two in they name drop ned or michelle and i'm like oh...
sciderman · 11 months
I’m envious that so much of your life is dedicated to creating Spideypool content. 70% of my Spideypool time is reading fics or obsessing over fanart; only about 30% of my Spideypool time is actually spent writing my fics. And I haven’t actually finished enough of one of them to post anything. One day I hope I can change that ratio and spend much more time blessing the Spideypool fandom the way you do with your abundance of written and visual Spideypool work.
"im envious that so much of your life is dedicated to creating spideypool content" are words i never expected to ever hear in my lifetime... wild and freaky of you i think, you craaazy...
it's a trade-off because i consume so very little of it... but my tastes are very... singular... i think in a post-mcu world, it's become a lot trickier for me to find spideypool content i can enjoy, so i kind of have to furiously create it - and kind of all my favourite spideypool creators from that beautiful pre-mcu era have moved onto different pastures... where'd they go... oh i miss them so...
i certainly used to read a WHOLE lot more spideypool pre-homecoming, but since the homecoming-imposed hiatus, i've found it difficult to trust again...
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