#a fairly quick intro for a kinda?? fleshed out muse.. i just don't have the patience rn KDSLG
souvercines · 4 years
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hey y’all ! i’m kat and i’m super hyped to ( soft ) open sdgljkds my blog is clearly a work in progress — love having my laptop slow down on me for two days straight — but bear with me for the time being ! i’ll have stats up for both caro and renée eventually and i’ll be sure to make it known; but for now, let me get these messy intros over with, with the nuisance herself coming up first:
✰ ––– adria arjona. cis female. she/her // you don’t know ? that’s CAROLINA “CARO” BAEZ ! they’re a TWENTY-SEVEN year old socialite from MANHATTAN, NEW YORK. as part of manhattan’s elite, the sovereign is known to be ALLURING & DARWINIAN. most people recognize them by treating walks of shame like a runway, 3am parties in a penthouse, lux lavender baths with a glass of prosecco and city views, a bite as big as her bark, bongs and empty bottles on the living room floor. ( kat, 22, nt, she/her )
tw: drug mention
when i tell you that i have so many muse posts i’m holding back on for this bitch —
which, btw, will all slowly see the light of day soon enough bc god knows i can’t articulate my muses’ personalities as well as i’d like so that shit makes up for it FDGSLK
her parents’ only child together, caro’s the oldest out of her and her half-siblings
grew up with a silver spoon, her dad being a wall street giant and her mother being an entrepreneur with a love for art ( so much so that her two partners after separating from caro’s dad were artists themselves sdlkgj )
basically could’ve been a main character on gossip girl with her reckless antics and partying as a teenager…. and now, even sgdlkf
drk how to elaborate on that, aside from stressing that from her teen years onward she’s presented her own take of a rich bitch, and is a socialite/fashion week regular type if i were to describe where she stands rn
attended an ivy league school at the behest of her father so he had at least one child who could take a senior position in his company simply to keep it in the family
though she doesn’t have to worry about that as of yet, if ever, with her brother being better poised to do so
wasn’t the most studious person, but she’d pulled it off enough to major in communications with a marketing minor
she reasoned that, with her reputation in nyc, she’d need the bit of knowledge in how to clean up her messes. even if she wasn’t the one who had that responsibility
though.. the entire time had been spent sleeping with some of her rich friends, drinking and smoking pot, with the occasional one-time hit of whatever clean enough drug that one of her friends had on them
it’s been a few years since, and now she’s pissing off her neighbours with her house parties, jetsetting whenever she pleases and staying in the good graces of the media as a budding, fun yet classy heiress — despite doing dumb shit the second she’s inside of a gala or club
personality and extras
her little blurb on my indie is: refined party girl still set in her ways with her future left uncompromised; detached and pretentious, she soaks up the attention that continues to roll in
which. we’ve basically been over already lkdfsg but still
she’s messy as hell, but puts on the façade of a poised woman who has some fun because she knows it bodes well
she’s not a complete dick per se, but she can be snide and boastful
Big superiority complex, independent and lives lavishly with reckless abandon
non-committal as all hell and will abandon girl code if she drops you fgkljfs
.. fr, she’ll fuck an ex-friend’s ex if she technically saw them first, so being spiteful and resolving some past attraction ?? right up her alley !
keeps her true inner circle small, but gets off on attention and likes to stay cordial with some people, so she’s got quite a few friends all the same
she’ll fight tooth and nail to protect her image and won’t hesitate to throw anyone under the bus to do so/in retaliation if they screw her over
which happens to mean that her family is to be protected as well. fuck with any of her sisters ?? you’re done. try to compete with her father ? she’ll leak your suspicious investment history to the times fskgdljlsf
there really isn’t much to expand on tbh, though i will say that her emboldened nature and need for a good time however she can get it comes out more than her uglier side ( except her vanity. that’ll never go away ksfdg )
some wcs/plot ideas
a childhood friend or two, whether they’re still friends or not for x reasons can be discussed of course
could carry over into a trio type of thing depending on where she stands with either of them, or they’re a different couple of pals she’s made over the years
enemies are always fun ! probably rooted in a competitive streak more than anything else but i’m all ears for a more complex reason
ex-hookup(s), current hookup(s), throw it all at me klgfjd
a hateship/ewb would be fun with her too, oh my god sfdgklj
the majority ( if not all ) are relatively wealthy people, but that doesn’t mean that someone who’s using her for their fifteen seconds of fame, or just to get some perks out of their friendship, is necessarily a write-off — not that she cares too much about fake friends, face value hype and knowing they need her more than she needs them gives her too much satisfaction fkskgls
an ex-something, open to anyone. either someone her parents forced on her to straighten her out that she wound up liking…. after a good period of her telling them to fuck off sdglk or someone she’d been seeing for a while at her own accord. would’ve ended the same way: with her calling it off because she didn’t want to settle down, not even for a relationship ( and perhaps bc she’s scared of commitment with her cracked family dynamic that’s been a thing since age two, but that’s another story jsdfkg )
kinda relates to current hookups, but her designated event pal would be super fun ?? sdgkflj like they go to all of these big parties and galas together, then meet up in the nooks of the venue or head back to her place before she throws an after-party of sorts. they’d be decent friends beyond this though, them being someone she trusts a good bit compared to others in her circle
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