darlingdraw03 · 3 days
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My final redesign of Queen Aleena Hedgehog 👑💜
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darlingdraw03 · 5 days
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Who Manic is vs How Sonic fans saw him ( specialy none Sonic underground fans )
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darlingdraw03 · 23 days
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sonia redesign and edit :]
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darlingdraw03 · 23 days
could maybe draw, Sonia or Manic? i personally really love sonic underground and i think you'd draw either of them really cute!!!
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I never watched Underground, but I’m happy to provide!
Redesigns for both because I don’t think I’d survive drawing either’s quills…
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darlingdraw03 · 1 month
Hasbro continue Hanazuki challenge
Some things id like to see (huge s2 spoilers):
-Literally all the loose ends should get tied up?? Or at least the main ones???? Who stole the lil guys?? Is Depriva gonna be a reoccuring villain or just a one time thing?? Why couldnt hanazuki grow the jealousy tree???? Please we need answers
-More moonflower info. Are there any moonflower adults? Are moonflowers immortal beings? What is the official name for the lil colourful companions on each moon? I've seen the name Alterlings being used on the fan wiki but im not sure if thats official or not?
-more Maroshi content pls. Feelin It was a good episode and i loved it can we get more of that? I wanna see maroshi occasionally glow a colour and everyone smiles when it happens. I wanna see maroshi go "arent you tired of being nice?" and just go red, even if its just for a bit. I wanna see what angy maroshi is like
-more miyumi content too. We only saw her for one episode. Id assume we'd get to see her again if hasbro continued hanazuki because she clearly has more to do
-more everyone??? Gosh i love seeing wholesome kiazuki moments and also all the moonflowers hangin out and being buddies,,,,
-The interior of Kiyoshi's palace. Probably not gonna happen but like,,, can we have a palace reveal??? I wanna see what the inside looks like?????
-Return of twisted. I think twisted returning would definitely be interesting. I wanna know what hes been up to since he retreated. Is he plotting revenge?
-More emotions! With the introduction of Jealousy and Hope, maybe we can get more? 👀 Theres still lots of emotions out there that could have colours! Like boredom, disgust, embarrassment, etc
-I dunno i just wanna see more hanazuki because we were left on a cliffhanger in terms of overall story. Please hasbro make it happen pleas
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darlingdraw03 · 3 months
I wish they were canon...
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darlingdraw03 · 3 months
Love them💕
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more edits i made today 💞💞
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darlingdraw03 · 3 months
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To be honest i think Aleena is the perfect name for Sonic's mom.
Hey. This is a couple personal nitpicks with an already weakly written old ass show, buuuuut…
1. I’m not saying I have a problem with the name, but also Queen Aleena from Sonic Underground should’ve had an S name too. I like the matchy matchy stuff.
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And 2. Uncle Chuck never seemed like actual family. He was just a family friend of Sonic’s originally adopted family which took Sonic in.
That burns my biscuits! Make him secretly the Queen’s brother. That is it. Uncle Chuck in non-game media should ALWAYS be a biological Uncle. Even if you keep literally any other relatives a secret. Uncle Chuck should be an exception. I love Uncle Chuck as a character in Satam and Archie too. I don’t know. Something about Sonic having a safe person who doted on him is very good. I like that. As a character Sonic doesn’t need it, but it doesn’t change that I like it.
That’s it. That’s the complaints for today.
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darlingdraw03 · 3 months
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Shadonia Bedtime gift
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darlingdraw03 · 3 months
I Think Oncle Chuck deserve to be an Official Character.
Hey. This is a couple personal nitpicks with an already weakly written old ass show, buuuuut…
1. I’m not saying I have a problem with the name, but also Queen Aleena from Sonic Underground should’ve had an S name too. I like the matchy matchy stuff.
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And 2. Uncle Chuck never seemed like actual family. He was just a family friend of Sonic’s originally adopted family which took Sonic in.
That burns my biscuits! Make him secretly the Queen’s brother. That is it. Uncle Chuck in non-game media should ALWAYS be a biological Uncle. Even if you keep literally any other relatives a secret. Uncle Chuck should be an exception. I love Uncle Chuck as a character in Satam and Archie too. I don’t know. Something about Sonic having a safe person who doted on him is very good. I like that. As a character Sonic doesn’t need it, but it doesn’t change that I like it.
That’s it. That’s the complaints for today.
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darlingdraw03 · 4 months
I really hate when i hear type of comment like:
Manic is just green Sonic he dosen't have enny personnality except being a theif.
This is absolutly false but i don't blame some peoples to think this. After he is the more calm of the groupe.
For exemple in Mobodoom he said that he always feeling lost (probably lonely) and try to find his own place in the world tha't why he wanted to say in the first place. But in the end he realize that his place is with Sonia and Sonic.
Despite all that dit dosen't stop him to have some difficulty to found his own place between his siblings. The thing with Manic is he is more sensitive that more of the fandom give him crédit for. When something is wrong he keep all of his fellings for himself (probably because he don't wanna bother the other) but if you asked him and take the time to be pacient , pay attention to him and he's feellings , he will talk for sure.
But it will never happen because since the beginning of the show Sonic and Sonia (specialy Sonic) never really took the time to understand him. They always critisise him and his kleptomania (which is by the way a mental healt). And the only thing he have to say is stop being like this.
But Sonic and Sonia dosen't seen to notice his incecurity. Overall as a character i would say Manic is the most miss understood of the three.
hi lediz!! I thought it was really cool that you commented on each episode of Sonic Underground, I think it's very rare for someone to talk about the cartoon itself, especially about each episode, that's really cool!
I wanted to talk to you about a specific episode, episode 16, you know? which has the biggest focus on Manic, I really wanted to talk to someone about Manic in this episode, and I think you're the best person for me to tell.
I'm aware that I may have an interpretation that goes much further than Manic having to learn to work as a team and also learning to be stronger mentally, but I wanted to talk about one more detail about Manic that I'm possibly exaggerating lol but I think it is interesting.
It is not new that there is a list of characters who felt (or still feel) inferior to Sonic, who felt the need to prove that they are better than Sonic, be it doing an action(which is usually a stupid action that ends up harming the character in the end) to prove that he is braver than Sonic, or steal something from Sonic to experience what it's like to be him, yes, I'm including Manic in this list.
At the beginning of the episode, we can see that at first Manic says good things about Sonic, such as that he is incredible, sensational, the best brother he could have, but as the episode progresses, a transition happens where Manic changes this thought, first, he started comparing himself to Sonic and soon started wanting to prove that he is better than Sonic.
At the end of the episode where everything ends well, Sonic questioned Manic about what made him do that, but Manic avoided the question by making a little joke, and that was it.
envy can begin through a feeling of admiration that turns into resentment. In most cases, when someone initially admires the person for their abilities and achievements, this can over time turn into envy. This process can happen due to several factors such as: constant comparison, feeling of inadequacy, personal frustration or a perception that you will never reach the same level of success.
Well, Manic fit into all or almost all
Anyone who has followed the series knows that Manic has a bit of a history of believing that he is not capable and that he is not as incredible as his brothers, and especially believing that he is an embarrassment to his mother.
My conclusion is that he sometimes feels jealous of his brother, I think this is an interesting part of Manic plot, which in my opinion could make a great episode about it, Manic, as I said before, didn't answer Sonic question, he deviated from the subject, which is not the healthiest decision of all, admitting about the envy he feels would be the best choice, and this opened doors for the producers to make more episodes about it, which unfortunately the cartoon producers only took advantage of very few times.
Well, I don't know if you're going to read this, it's quite long, but I'm happy to share an observation I made about Manic. Have a good day!
Are you kidding? I read everything people send me, I love knowing I help people think about characters and stories, and I know exactly what you mean about needing to talk to someone about them.
And to your point!
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Yes. I agree wholeheartedly.
Manic is kind of key to what I sometimes find frustrating about Sonic Underground, in that he had so much potential as a character. As the heart of the Sonic Underground, as the "voice of the people", his whole thing SHOULD have been around emotion and emotional responses.
I also think it could have been a great way to evolve Sonic's character, too, in a much better way than having him go "oh, wow, I've been so arrogant I should be a better person" to "oh, wow, I should pay more attention to how other people are feeling." But Sonic is a discussion for another day.
For anyone else reading, episode 16 is Bug!, which is the one where Manic goes off on his own and gets brainwashed to turn spy. And as anon says, it could have been a really important episode in an arc Manic never really got to have.
Every so often, we get these glimpses of Manic as someone who struggles internally. These days we'd say it was a mental health, maybe even a kind of depression, but even back in the day, it was clear that he was insecure, and he can't always find the motivation to do the things he needs to, and yet, he also externalises his issues. Whatever goes wrong, it's never HIS FAULT. Even when he screws up, he just brushes it off, or gets mad at Sonic, or blames Robotnik, or the situation. It gives the impression of someone saying "I was never gonna be good enough; you just set me up to fail".
Of all the triplets, Manic is the one who comes closest to admitting he shouldn't have to be doing what he is. He constantly feels like he's making sacrifices, like he has to change who he is, like he doesn't get a choice or an opinion or anything. And the narrative keeps supporting this, because Manic is the only one who NEEDS his medallion to fight, and even when he is using it, he is intensely vulnerable - the drums don't move once they're out, so he's always stuck in place. And even outside that, Manic is ALWAYS getting caught, he's ALWAYS needing rescue. He is the perpetual victim.
Which makes him an even better representative of the People Of Mobius, who are also the victim in this war between Aleena and Robotnik, so METAPHOR YAY
It would be so easy to keep building on that and have it bubble up into resentment, as you say. And Manic's powerset is either insidious (thievery, hacking, stealth) or horrifically destructive (those drums are terrifying). Just like how negative emotions can get in when you're not looking, and cause immense pain when they explode.
Manic could and would have been able to really hit Sonic and Sonia where they hurt. And they both probably needed that lesson about being more careful with other people. But they never got it.
I do think, if the series was ever rebooted (HAH), Manic's storyline would be a--if not the--key arc to proving the Council of Four is worthy of leading their people. Because it would be that deep dive into WHY they should help people, WHY the people should fight back, and HOW people can deal with negative emotions in healthy, productive ways, instead of lashing out in pain and anger.
Oh, man, now I'm thinking about it, I can think of at least three episode bases that would have been good for this.
UGH. The possibilities!
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darlingdraw03 · 4 months
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darlingdraw03 · 5 months
Heavy Metal lover animation meme🎸| Sonia the hedgehog💗| ⚠Warning flash⚠
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darlingdraw03 · 7 months
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What do sega waiting toi add Sonia ans Manic in the main cast.
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I've had this sitting in my memes folder for ages, but I don't think I ever actually posted it. So, something for your consideration
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darlingdraw03 · 7 months
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Sonic underground x Modern Chapter 1 page 16,17
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darlingdraw03 · 7 months
Love them too🥰
Hello there, love your blog, it's one of my favourite ones, I had a question... I read a comment that said Amy is no longer interested on Sonic anymore and that this is shown on frontiers, that they will make their own paths and lives, is this true?
Hey, anon! I'm glad you enjoy my blog! 🥰💙
No, no, Amy is definitely still madly in love with Sonic 🤭😁 The main reason she's been acting more tame and not so open about it is really just due to character development/maturity. According to Sega, "she's not [physically] chasing after Sonic anymore, but he's still #1 in her heart!" 💙🩷
Sonic Frontiers actually has a decent amount of Sonamy content, but moreso if you squint. 😁 First of all, it tends to address the situation more from Sonic's end, in his moments of saying romance-coded things like "Wish we were sharing an umbrella, Amy," and "Amy, I should've made up my mind sooner." 🥹
Sonic has always been shy about his feelings and therefore never said anything about said feelings to her, and he's more of an "actions speak louder than words" type of guy, but as she shared her desires to share her love with the world, he worried a little that he may have lost his chance. However, Frontiers also makes clear that his friends' plans to go on their own paths were not permanent. Especially seen in Amy's case when she told Sonic her plans, and Sonic replied, "I'm sure you'll do great. I wanna hear all about it when you get back!" 💙
As a bonus, the Final Horizons update treated us to a bit more Sonamy content as well. 🤩 In a conversation between Amy and Sage, Sage identified Amy as "the one who admires Sonic." Amy, with a bit of her younger behavior slipping out, replied with no shortage of sass, "Oh. And are you a fellow admirer? Hm?" 😂
There were a few conversations between Sonic and Amy, during one of which Sonic tried to tell Amy to take care of herself as well as the Koco. Amy ruefully retorted that she could say the exact same thing back to him. Sonic admitted that she got him there, and confidently stated that they would get through this together.
And of course, after all this, my favorite Sonamy moment of the whole game. After everything was over, his friends were restored, and he reunited with them.
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The way Amy laughed and practically launched herself into his arms, Sonic's surprised little "oh!" but the way he welcomed the hug, and kept one arm around her as he high fived Tails and fist bumped Knuckles. 🥰 First of all, it's so obvious Amy had been dying to do that the whole game, and we can imagine it was tough on Sonic to be touch-deprived for an extended period of time once again (after the Metal Virus).
I think the main reason Amy didn't run to hug him when he freed her was because she immediately saw he was somehow struggling and likely didn't want to hurt him. (But then realized she wouldn't have been able to touch him, anyway. 🥲) Although it would've been kinda funny if she HAD tried to hug him and just fell straight through. 😂
I think it's worth noticing that Sonic has had this response to Amy's hugs several times lately. Instead of avoiding them, he lets her hug him and actually puts an arm around her in return. I've got a couple more examples from IDW.
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Anyhoo haha, I think I got a little carried away. 😂 I hope this answers your question! Thank you for the ask! 💙
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darlingdraw03 · 7 months
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Sonic underground x Modern Chapter 1 page 13, 14
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