#a fun lil meme to warm up my writing bc its been too long LOL
lordheis · 3 years
spice: cloves and ginger; the bitter yet succulent spices you taste with smoked meats, leaving you with a thirst in your mouth. 
weather: much to his dismay, the still winter air speaks familiarities to him. crisp and biting, it’s a proper reflection of everything karl has come to know in this life. jagged metal fragments, heavy tools and instruments, pipes and wheels and cogs, everything is cold to the touch. any warmth comes from an artificial place ; piles of stacked coals are his only weapon against the dreaded silent snowfall. 
primary color: an aged, rusted red.
magical power: other than his recognizable ability to bend and manipulate metal, one might associate karl with the power of supernatural strength. well toned arms and scarred, callused hands tell a story of great and powerful physicality -- he is a man who will try to move the entire earth with his own muscle, if he wishes to do so. 
shoe: a deep brown combat boot covered in straps and buckles to keep them secure. they are old and comfortably worn down, leaving a trail of soot and dried mud behind them wherever they walk. 
plant: tobacco ; or perhaps an old oak tree with thick, chipping bark and roots that were planted deep into the earth’s crust a very long time ago. hardly anyone can remember a time without it’s presence. 
weapon: heisenberg's true companion , the large war hammer he wields at his side at almost all times. it is not much other than an oversized hunk of metal that the engineer welded together in the desperation and fury of an isolated evening many years ago, but it has served him with undeniable loyalty ever since. it flaunts the blood and rust of countless won battles, a constant reminder of all the lives taken in karl’s endless journey to save his own.  
school subject: the obvious statement is engineering, as the man exceeded in craftsmanship and mechanics from a young age -- perhaps in his fleeting youth before miranda ? -- but one subject that is often left unspoken is his medical knowledge and expertise. it takes a complex understanding of such in order to reanimate the corpses that stalk his factory floors at night. a disgusting hybrid of man and machine that still stand as one of lord heisenberg’s greatest achievements. 
social media: in a modern/normal au, i seriously struggle to see him using any kind of social media. he’s just that old guy who takes accidental selfies where you can see all up in his nostrils. if he’s got everyone’s phone number, then what reason does he have to care about social media -- he’ll just text or call you if he wants to talk and he won’t stop yelling at you in your voicemails until you answer. the most i could see is him having is facebook or instagram, possibly because someone bugged him about it until he made an account ? it’s most likely for the best anyways, because if he gets too comfortable using social media he will start comment wars with random people and have absolutely no kind of etiquette. also please don’t let him have access to shitty meme videos. 
makeup product: none. the best you’ll get from him is some kind of cologne , not to mention he coated it on a little too thick. it’s a scent mixed in with the already present muskiness of cigar smoke and oil. 
tangible fear: torture and death at the hands of his wicked mother. 
ice-cube shape: that semicircular cut that most ice dispensers spit out by default. i wouldn’t put it past him to be the type that likes to chew on his ice after finishing a drink. 
method of long distant travel: in the event where karl could travel long distances, he would jump at the opportunity ; gathering what he can in a hastily made pack, slinging it over his shoulder, and collecting the few valuables he has stocked away in a box hidden underneath a loose floorboard. with these valuables -- most likely a mix of scrapped jewelry or an old collection of coins, since monetary value has little significance inside the village -- he would barter for a horse. but such an idea lives only as fantasy, for the lord heisenberg knows he cannot simply run away from his broken family. in a more foolish state of youth, maybe he would have tried it.
art style: a clash that falls somewhere between the bolded edges and strict lines of cubism, but also the bleak ruggedness of realism. the colors are dulled browns, oranges, reds and greys. it does not depict much imagination, nor skillful artistic interpretation, but instead a crude and flat rendition of an image that was already there. it will take some work to make it beautiful. 
historical period: with both his appearance and personality, i would say the late 1800s, crawling into the prime of the old west. his raging independency and ‘ every man for himself ‘ mentality compliments this quite nicely. he would make a good lone ranger. 
mythological creature: the minotaur, a creature that acts on impulses of violence and rage to defend the labyrinth it lives in, despite itself being a punished victim trapped inside of endless twisting walls. it suffers from an endless hunger, devouring any and all who come to face it, or try to stop it.  
piece of stationary: leather-bound notebooks with yellowed pages are laid open on an old metal work desk. they sit and tan under a single lamp bulb, which flickers on it’s last stretch of life. many pages have been ripped or bent from recklessness, and many more have been completely torn out and pinned on the corkboard that covers the wall above. the handwriting fills each page from top to bottom, with little space wasted. the lettering is heavy, pencil pressing harshly into the paper and scraping away with quick strokes. his sentences are long trains of thought, interrupted with mistakes that have been hastily scratched out. 
three emojis: ⚙️📺🚬
rom-com archetype: the jaded and brooding love interest who is a mystery to all. he keeps himself distanced from everyone, probably due to a tragic backstory he cares not to tell, and that uncertainty is exactly what draws people in. some long to get to know him better and uncover all the questions that are left unanswered. many will fail to do so, but he will find himself softening for someone special who dares to approach him -- feeling a kindness he hasn’t felt in ages, and a deep appreciation for the one who takes time to know him for all his darkness. now it’s just them and him, two against the world, and he’ll protect his partner with the same ferocity that he used to protect himself. 
tagged: @lastheiress​ KISS KISS <3 tagging: @doublebladcd , @nightlyvisitor , @antiibow and YOU!
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