#a good anon.....theyre a rare species
gnzma · 8 months
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[ the romantic tension between me and anons with normal takes and a working brain fr ]
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void-bunny · 5 years
eliksni headcanons for anon
before i start its important to remember these are just mine, if u like them good if u dont then tell someone else.
i might reblog this later with some more as well. ok thank.
general headcanons:
a baron controls up to 120 captains, but typically its somewhere around 50-60
captains generally have a crew of 20-40, smaller is either because they are new captains or because they are considered especially bad and are disliked by whomever is above them (a baron/archon/kell)
an archon controls somewhere between 30 and 60 barons
obviously a kell controls the entire house, but will have personal crews structured thusly: kell -> 5-6 archons -> 20-30 barons -> 40-60 captains -> unlimited everything else
females are generally more respected than males due to a lopsided birth rate of 1 female for every 6 males (1:6), theyre also given a direct choice of what they want to do when growing up, and typically a female dreg means that particular lady did some extremely bad shit
the girls also live slightly longer due to this, as theres no way to continue the species without them, and doctors/medics will always attend to them first, but its not unheard of for a male to live as long as a female
otherwise, gender doesnt matter a single bit, if a female and a male from the same litter are the same rank, they share equal chance to go up in rank or go down in rank, its all about dedication and hard work and physical strength
a captain can have a ketch and remain a captain if they refuse baronship, but a baron cant lower their rank if the house acknowledges them as a baron
its not uncommon for females to take a lower rank than what they actually deserve and act as spies or double agents
a skiff can hold 50 eliksni, and is very roomy for a human to reside inside of even with upwards of just 30 eliksni in it, after all theyre quite tall
they slouch because their ships are built only to manage an 8ft tall eliksni, any taller and it would be unwieldly and expensive to fuel and fly
preferred sitting positions are squatting/yankee sit and crossed legged/indian style for comfort
their carapace/shell doesnt heal as well as their skin, so its not uncommon to see eliksni with shattered plates on their chests where a bullet might have hit them, being held together with staples/tape/really horrid looking scars
physical headcanons:
females are willowy and graceful, very flexible and have much sharper claws
males can be graceful too, but in a more brutal way
males are almost always physically stronger, though the difference is only noticeable if a male and female are trying to one up each other in a test of pure strength (lifting a walker tank for example)
while females generally have a higher pitch in their voice, the only true way to tell them apart from males is by looking between their legs, but both sexes have their organs hidden
males are biphallic and the general shape is pointy, but not sharp, their cocks have ridges on the underside and there is a soft bit of shell on the top, almost like leather in texture (if you want a visual aid: heres a link and its a bad dragon)
females have two vaginas and two uteruses, but only 2 ovaries, one attached to each uterus - this is a precaution against their warring lifestyle, if they are injured badly when pregnant their body will sacrifice one set of eggs
pregnancy is only about 160 earth days, with the remaining 60 days of development being after the laying of the eggs, the eggs require an ether-rich enviroment and typically a skiff will have up to 3 incubators, while a ketch will have anywhere from 9 to 15
blue is the most common eye color but it can vary wildly, heterochromia is extremely rare
albinism is extremely rare, and those with it are considered strange but no other special treatment is given, they just look odd
their teeth grow in rows like shark teeth and were primary weapons (along with claws) in their ancient past, thus necessitating a quick shed and replace function with them
sexy headcanons:
physical touch is very important, whether its gentle or not, or whether its with intent or simply being physically close to their mate in order to brush against them when walking/gesturing/etc
larger eliksni often pick mates who are much smaller as a form of domination however:
small dom/big sub type relationships are not uncommon, especially in situations where a female captain (or other high rank) chooses to remain under the average height for her rank
with the knowledge that they can mate with humans spreading through the houses, experimentation with different positions and techniques have been happening both with eliksni pairs and eliksni-human pairs
doggystyle is the most common and preferred position, either standing or on a bed platform
males or dominant females will leave marks on their mates, both claw and teeth marks, these can be very painful to recieve, especially for human mates
if a male human is mated to a female eliksni, hes expected to leave his mark on her, as a form of bragging for the female eliksni, regardless of who is the dominant party
same sex relationships were never a source of any contention, however a female-female pair could expect a little bit of judgement early on in their relationship due to the birth rates
despite all of that, harems are the most common form of relationship, only the first- and second-mates of any given harem leader are considered "important" but its becoming acceptable to name third- and fourth-mates as important too
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