#a good break from my kin stimboards if you ask me
grimzeyedits · 1 year
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"Secretarial speaking. Go on, praise me like a god!"
Pathological Facade stimboard because I'm obsessed with this song right now like h001y shiiiiit
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Had to crop the middle gif so it wouldn't mess up the others, but the post I linked has it in full size!
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teddystoysnmore · 2 years
about + byf
requests are open
current requests logged: 0
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whats up, my name is teddy / carnie (whichever you prefer) and i use a lot of different pronouns so go wild. this is a blog for sfw age and pet regressors - as well as systems with kids and animals - to shop and request all sorts of stuff
what do you do?
shopping posts. request a theme, or a character, a type of item and color, whatever, and ill find you some cool stuff you might like to buy for yourself or a kiddo you appreciate. want some gifts from an oc? caring for a little buddy who loves rhinos? need something subtle you can take out and about? hit me up little dudes i got the means to find the goods. this is the blogs specialty
icon edits. pride flags and regression related icons mostly
dni/byf banners, either to make as your header or to put in posts. matching sets too. gotta specify what it is you want on there though
stimboards and moodboards
caretaker or regressor headcanons about characters, your favs, your kins, even your ocs if you got the info to spare. thatd be super fun actually*
activity and recipe suggestions
positivity posts**
*i will have to say though that if you dont provide a decent amount of information i probably cant do headcanons for characters i dont know well enough
**these could be in character if im familiar enough with the series and character. sounds like a fun time
how do i make a request?
first of all you GOTTA specify at least a LITTLE bit of what it is youre looking for and/or what youd like to avoid. that way i can better provide you with the Koalaty Comtendt™️ you came here for
do not request nsfw themes, gore, or stuff from characters who blatantly break the dni in some way. keep it clean dudes
just send an ask (or a message if youd like) my way and ill get on it asap
remember that i do have (a) a life and (b) mental illness and also im doing this entirely for fun so not everything is gonna be done at lightning speeds
i can turn down requests as i please if they make me uncomfortable or i just dont wanna do them
what fandoms are you familiar and confident with?
homestuck + problem sleuth
aggressive retsuko
death note
jojo’s bizarre adventure
gravity falls
my little pony (especially G3 and G4)
night in the woods
assassination classroom
care bears
soul eater
resident evil (mostly 1 + 2)
disney stuff in general
dangan ronpa 1
ouran high school host club
apex legends
over the garden wall
pandora hearts
so many and somehow at the same time absolutely nothing at all. i might think of more stuff i know down the line so if you really want to try your luck you can ask for something thats not here i just cant promise anything
who can interact?
just about anybody, but know that you will be blocked if i find that any of the following apply to you:
racist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic, antisemitic, ableist, etc etc
any radfem or transmedicalist ideas
zoo, pedo, chaser, supportive of abuse or incest
factkin, dsmp, fandoms like hetalia or countryballs or whatever
kink in ANY way shape or form i literally do not care if you consider yourself “sfw” i will have to kick you in the head. this is a minor friendly zone
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haikyuukinthings · 7 years
heyy, bokuto again ! can i request some positivity ? i've been feeling Super Anxious:tm: and it's been eating at me... i don't know what to do. i know you can't solve this but positivity would be greatly appreciated. thank you ! i hope you both have a good day mods
Under the cut because it’s long
Hey Bokuto, I’m sorry for the anxieties that are plaguing you.  I’m guessing, at least some of them, seem random?  That’s what I’m getting from your wording, and that can be really frustrating.  But if you do know where your anxieties are coming from, try to take a break from them, talk them out with somebody, or spread out your time more.  For example, if your anxieties comes from an activity that isn’t mandatory, such as a hobby, take a break from doing that for a while.  If there are anxieties that come from something a friend did, try talking to them about it.  I know it can be hard, but it’s important and a major key to maintaining a healthy relationship.  Friends should be able to talk to each other and help each other.  And if you’re anxieties come from a mandatory activity, such as homework, try to do it with many breaks.  Don’t wait until the last minute to get it done.  Sit at a desk or table and organize your things to get in a productive mood, and do a few things, then take a break and do something relaxing.  Then do some more work for a little while, another break, work, break, and so on until everything is done.
If these don’t work, maybe try finding a comfort item that you can keep with you that could help calm you down.  I also find that stimming can help.  The other week I got trapped in a crowd and my phone wouldn’t work, so when I was finally able to get out I started stimming with my keys as that’s all I had on hand.  If you don’t have anything with you, you could also try humming, snapping your fingers, bouncing, or anything that makes a small movement or a slight noise.  If you’re in a place where you can’t move or make noise, try daydreaming or thinking about things that make you happy.  But if you’re in a place where you have to pay attention, like class or work, make sure you focus on that.  You could try to merge the two by pretending that your teacher is a comfort character helping you study.
I also find it helps to ease anxieties by making art.  This can include singing, dancing, drawing, painting, sculpting, acting, writing, you name it.  But don’t try too hard to think while you do this, just go with it.  But big and quick.  Press your pencil firmly into the paper, let your voice ring, make big movements, pretend to be your favorite superhero, the list goes on and on.  Personally, I find finger painting on large canvases to help me, but I know that can be really messy.  But don’t forget that you can also cry or scream to let it out, those are valid and helpful ways as well.  Exercise, hugs, and petting animals all release certain chemicals that can help you feel a lot better too.  So if you’re at home, I recommend doing a few jumping jacks.
My favorite way to deal with anxiety is to go for walks, sometimes with my dog, and imagine scenarios as one of my kins and talk it out with the people from my canon.  For example, if I were stressed about an upcoming project, I might go for a project and imagine going to Iwa-chan’s house and crying and venting about my stress and anxiety and listen to what he’d tell me.  If you do have a dog that you could walk, or even if you don’t have a dog and feel comfortable doing this, run for part or all of your walk.  It’s another type of exercise, gives you some fresh air, and lets you think and imagine.
I know anxieties can be really scary sometimes.  And it’s okay to ignore them momentarily to calm yourself down, but make sure you address them.  Ignoring them forever is just going to make them worse as they’ll keep growing.  Finding the root of problems and solving them helps greatly.  But I also know that there will always be some anxieties, but if you know how to take care of yourself you’ll be okay.  And if you don’t know or have a root cause to a particular anxiety, these things can still help.  Don’t feel bad for not knowing why you’re anxious, you don’t need a reason.  Surround yourself with things that make you feel good.
And don’t hesitate to ask for requests.  If an aesthetic, stimboard, doodle, or anything really, would make you feel better, then both of us are always ready to help.  Also make sure you’re eating, drinking, and sleeping enough, as those can affect your mood.  And if you take medication, make sure you don’t forget to take them, as withdraw could be bad as well.  If there’s anything else that we can do for you, we’re always here.  I hope you start feeling better soon, Bokuto.  I hope you have a great day as well.
–Mod Tooru
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