#a lilalienembolia's rambles
apompkwrites · 3 months
Spur of the moment + spoilers for the disomnia chapter and silvers backstory,
How we feeling about silver meeting a sibling he never knew about in the dream? Just him unknowingly interacting with his older sibling while everyone else is like "You two have the same vibes"
The angst is heavy here. Silver gets to meet his sibling after they are gone. Maybe he doesn't formally meet them, but rather watches them in the timeskip once the human kingdom takes over meleanors castle and the whole political struggle is over. He sees them trying to find an infant (silver)
They won't ever have a chance of having a proper relationship, and the one they had was in a dream. Even then, silvers' whole monologue over his self-hatred for being related to the people who hurt Lilia and killed meleanor + his siblings' love and desire to see him one day = "how can I hate you and myself when you love me so dearly?"
Only in a dream.
OKAY I haven't gotten too knowledgable on Book 7 yet (I don't mind spoilers, so feel free mhm mhm ^^) BUT WOAH
I'm basing this a lot on my personal ideas/hcs since I haven't reached Book 7 yet OTZ
Imagine Older!Silver who is desperately clawing through bushes and brambles in search of their missing sibling. Their dead silent, hoping to hear even a single cry of a baby amidst the forest. They're begging and pleading to every god/dess that will hear them to just please please let them find their baby brother.
And that's what Silver sees in the dream. He sees the lengths his sibling went to to find them, only to fall short and have to give up by the time the next day arrives. And although they're related to the people who hurt his current family, there's a certain pain in Silver's heart that cries at the fact that he can't love Older!Silver the way that Older!Silver loved him.
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apompkwrites · 3 months
Welcome back cheater—
Jk, I missed you 🫶✌️💕💞✨️❣️
Glad you're alive!
MISSED YOU TOO WAAAAAHH!!! It's so nice to see familiar faces again after my disappearance 🥺
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apompkwrites · 1 year
One of the last asks I sent was about one of the Lil sheep's going into Wonderland (portrait of pirate f), and you responded with young asim being the most likely candidate. And it's perfect😭😭✨️✨️✨️
This is relatively short in comparison to my other shorts. But this was written in one go rather than in multiple different writing segments, so this is good!
On such a silent night, opening the window
Wishing the ticking of the clock would put you right to sleep
On such a night, you'll be visited by a pixie
Taken to Neverland, where dreams never end.
Lil asim, one of the many children part of the asim family. 12, 17, 24, 33 siblings, and they are just part of a number. None of them can compare to big brother Kalim Al-Asim. No one can compare to the poet, the artist, the chef, the scientist, the writer, the idol, or the martial artist. How can this young sheep shine in a pile full of diamonds and emeralds as obsidian? How can they shine as bright as they're many siblings? How is it that their siblings younger than them still shine brighter?
"You're too old to hold hands with mama "
"Your younger siblings need more attention since they are very young"
"CONGRATULATIONS ----- You got first place again!"
Who had the right to decide their life like this? Why is this jealousy in them drives them to destructive thoughts. How unimportant they must be to hardly need any bodyguards since they are just an asim, not al-asim. How worthless you are to rival factions or assassins!
Is it really your fault, though? That you opened your window to gaze the life outside of the palace. Is it really your fault you didn't notice the blot monster take the appearance of a pixie? Is it really your fault that you reached out a hand to accept the pixies offer for a happy ending for you? Is it really selfish to want to feel wanted by everyone and attention on you?
"Grab my hand and I'll take you Neverland!"
So you jumped.
Off to Neverland you went. You love them, your family, you really do. It's just that sometimes its painful to stand next to them and be pushed aside as secondary. Is it wrong to want to be noticed?
"Thank you for loving me"
Filled with anger, want, desire, resentment, hate, love, and greed, this young child of the asim family was perfect for a monster.
This sheep never never had anything special about them. Average grades, creativity, artistic ability, strength, intelligence, singing, sewing, crocheting, cooking, looks, magic, all of it, EVERYTHING!!! what is exceptional about this sheep, nothing. They have nothing but the money and love of this family.
You have the money to buy anything in the world! You can have anything in your hand if you ask for it! You have guards protecting you from harm! You don't need to struggle to eat every night! You have the best doctors at your doorstep! You have servants waiting for your command! You have siblings who love you with their all! What more could you possibly want? How selfish could you be?
"I want to be talented"
To be talented, you need talent.
"I'll get talent!"
To get talent is to be born with it, which you don't have.
"Then how do I get talent?"
I'll force it into you.
It's not difficult to force magic into someone; it's not difficult if done artificially. It's not difficult to make someone as talentless as young asim into someone brimming with talent. Though this, this isn't talent, it's magic; and this Lil sheep, from the Asim family, has overblotted. One of the many artificial overblots brought upon the Twisted Wonderland.
With this, the Scalding Sands will be overtaken and become the overblot's domain. Doing so will hinder any communication from the outside world.
With this, Lil asim will make this their dream land. With this, they'll be able to be the hero and make everyone believe it as so.
This is their Neverland.
okok i love lil asim being so desperate to be noticed by their family, to stand out for just a single second, that they willingly give themselves to some sort of creature that forces magic into their body.
ohhhh and you know this would def lead to lil asim meeting lil shroud (post-soul transfer) because they overblotted and S.T.Y.X needed to take care of it D:
and, for just a lil more hint of angst, I can see kalim crying out for lil asim. for them to come back to him because he'll do better next time! he won't let something like this happen again! but they can't hear him.
even as they're being caged and dragged away by charon, they can't hear his desperate pleas for them to bring lil asim back.
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apompkwrites · 2 years
So like I love angst and so do many of your followers I bet too since many of the asks sent are angst related so like this headcanon isn't applying to just one sheep, it can apply to whoever but I feel that this could apply to young shroud, the Lil rose, and little schoenheit, mainly shroud.
If you have ever read land of the lustrous, you'd be amazed and deeply saddened in the change in the Mc, phos. Not that the characterization is bad or anything, it's just depressing. I want phos to be happy, to no longer fear burdened, I just want them to smile again. Phos once was a ray of sunshine, always smiling, naive, curious, and had a need to be useful to their siblings. Then as the story progresses, so does phos, she becomes so unfamiliar it feels another person but it's still them. Even after all that change, it's still them.
These panels here show just one character, Phos. Her from when the series first began all the way to her 3rd-5th change in like chapter 70+ (rough estimate)
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That brings me to my main point. In these panels we see phos seeing a hallucination of their former self. Phos doesn't recognize herself, she has become something completely different from her former years that she didn't even know who that gem was. Phos has lost themselves in the pursuit of their goal.
"Nothing is never set in stone, not even death"
From reading your fics showcasing young shroud's past made me a sense of melancholy at the back of my throat (This is good it means you're good at writing making hurt like this). That feeling of dread as you describe how much they adore ortho and their elder brother, the dread in the back of your mind as you know what is to come.
I imagine that you intended for the young shroud to be a joyous, smart child, one with a life full happiness ahead of them. Curious they are, eager to know all there is to possibly comprehend. Just perhaps they were too Curious that it drove everyone away after an incident that tipped them over.
"I didn't know! What was I supposed to do!?! WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO!?"
After being blamed for the death of their beloved brother, you mentioned that they shut themselves away working to bring him back from the dead, though, with a few...changes.
This goal of theirs was must. It must be accomplished no matter what, for his sake. Shroud is willing to sacrifice their soul, mind, and body if it means ortho comes back. No matter what.
Timeskip to when they overblot cause their story ain't finish.
I just feel it hit real hard if we get a scene similar to the panels I shown. Perhaps they're in a point in their overblot that even if Lil shroud is saved, they won't come out completely intact. They lose maybe a part of their body or mind and they don't even know it. I just what goes on the heads of those who overblot. Will the Little shroud even realize what they're doing to their brothers? Their friends?
Make it hurt more if that they destroy ortho's mechanical body, losing him just as they did all those years ago. Would they even know that they did that to their beloved brother? Perhaps the young shroud is far to gone emotionally that the words of their loved ones can't reach their heart.........
"Who are those children?"
Perhaps their overblot reqches a tipping point where their mind begins to run through all possible memories to figure out a way to save them from ending their story far too soon. That child still has a lot to live for. And just maybe their mind lands on a memory from when they were a child, before the passing of their younger brother, when it was just idia, ortho, and them. A memory from when they were still naive and unknowing of many things in their world, when they had no understanding of loss.
"That......that child there?"
They wouldn't recognize the children in scene as they observe a far as a fourth person. Disassociating themselves from who they once were. And as the first year observes the children playing in a white out facility, one catches their attention. A child with eyes full of curiosity and wonder. An innocence held their eyes glistened under the artificial light. The child laughed and grinned as they ran around with their brothers.
"Oh...that child is....that child....th....oh god..."
"How could I ever I blame you?"
The first I bet when the young shroud ever fell in love was after meeting their baby brother first time. They meet a baby full of purity, a wonder and greatest curiosity gifted to their life. They would protect and teach him all there is to know in this world.
They second time they fell in love was at this moment of realization. How could they ever that child, blame them for the death of their brother? They were young, unknowing, how could a child naive as them ever grasp the terror of those monsters? How could that child know?
I feel that shroud would approach the mirage of their former self and just kneel and cry. Just cry and cry as they ask themselves how they could ever hate such an innocent child. How does one hate a child as naive as them? How? Just how? What was the point of loathing an existence so pure and kind as that child? How could they ever hate themselves?
The consequences for an overblot as severe as theirs I feel would lead to life long physical consequences. Like losing the ability to walk, hear, or see, something. But that would be find with them. They can cry and cry all they want and that in itself is a gift for they, for the first time in years, fell in love once more.
oooh yeah this concept def fits a few of the black sheep :O
esp lil shroud with the new chapter for their fic, the way that they don't recognize themselves fits the part when lil shroud goes up onto the upper floors. ofc, they still recognize its them in the fic but after the experiment, there is a possibility they wouldnt.
for an overblot, maybe that's how they get saved from the overblot? because they get so distracted by the realization that this pure innocent child is them and they've practically killed them would probably be enough to drag them out of the overblot, or at least enough for the others to help them :((
100% lil shroud first fell in love (platonically ofc) when ortho was brought home for the first time. id say idia probably felt the same when lil shroud and ortho both came home :))
as for who lil shroud was before ortho's death, yes, they were meant to be this pure, curious child that would have definitely been an influence on ortho's personality. but because of his death and lil shroud's banishment, that child disappeared D:
maybe, if their parents didn't do what they did, lil shroud would have still been that child. who knows?
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apompkwrites · 2 years
We legit don't talk enough about draconia[name]. Like the angst potential is like so high and we for real sleeping on them 🙄So for this ima use the headcanons from that one anon in which draconia!name doesn't recognize themselves as malleus' younger sibling or don't acknowledge that they are family. Also, I don't play twst so all I don't know much depth about the lore. So for Little draconia, I'm going by the head canon that fae mature much more slowly in comparison to humans. And I made a list of songs I listened to thinking bout the lore for the lamb/young draconia: Sentenced, Ensheath, RougeAssassinsCreed, scarletVow, standchen, real me
(tell me if none of the links worked)
It was in near beginning of the Human-fae war. In one of the planes surrounding Briar Valley, nearing the waters of the warm south. Sreams of terror echoed through the waves being carried up mountains to the valleys of storm.
The Crimson Cresent Moon hung up high the violent magenta sky. Between dusk and dawn, what was once a battlefield went up in flames. The war between fae and man coming to halt. The burning fires of hell decimated everything and anything left in it's wake.
The flames of hell killed thousands and thousands of men and fae. Not one was victorious. No one could escape the wrath of the lamb. Both sides of the war attempted to flee. Yet not one had a single a survivor. The place of battle was up in flames for thirteen hours and sixteen minutes.
The corpses, there were none, not even bones. Despite the catastrophe, there were signs of extreme cold temperatures. There was heavy frost and ice covering the foliage surrounding the area. The ashes of the victims were all underneath a layer of glaciation.
Had it not been for a flower of memory, the events that transpired under the witness of the Crimson Moon would remain a mystery, to be lost in history. In the flower's memory there, amidst the chaos, was a person, a fae. They looked so divine with their raven hair glowing in the night, hair curling at the ends swayed in the wind, untouched by the flames. Skin as white as snow, left untarnished by the ash and debri staining the land around. And on their head was a pair horns, one broken and one whole. The right eye gone with nothing but a mess of decay.
It is because of that flower that names of terror would reign throughout Briar Valley late during the war. The Witch of Crimson Cresent Moon, Witch of Glaciation, the Devil in the skin of a Lamb, and so on. This fae would act as a great equalizer of war. Whenever battle took place nearing Briar Valley, the scarlet vow would awaken and under the witness of the Crimson Cresent Moon, bring disaster to both land of man and fae alike.
Droughts would be brought on both. Forests would be vanish overnight, reduced to ash. Earthquakes would shake mountains and tilt the Dominos of Fate. Heavy bouts of rain would come in the form of ice and snow in places such as the North and as far as at the equator and farther. The cold and heat knew no evil bor did it know good. It stopped for no one, the Witch of the Crimson Cresent Moon halts for none.
Once both of the kingdoms of humans and fae were destroyed and defeated by the judgment Moon, did the war end. Neither side was ready to incur the wrath of the bloodied moon nor did they have the resources to do so. Many of their people were famished and lost to plagues and catastrophes. The damage was done. But since most disasters brought on by the Witch were in Briar Valley, the fear and hatred for the Witch grew as the people's lives grew worse and crime ran rampant in the poorer areas of the valley.
However, after the birth of the heir to the throne, Prince of Briar Valley, Malleus Draconia, things began to turn for the better for the people. The economy began to stabilize, crime became scarce. However, that only remained true for middle and upper class. The poor were left to rot. Not a day went by without a murder or kidnapping, illegal substances being sold, and so on. The nobles and those in power of the happenings but why help if they got nothing out it?
There were complications with the queen's pregnancy that resulted in her death upon the birth of her child. The king mouned for days, refusing to see his child beacuse he knew if he did, no one could guarantee the safety of the infant and so he and his son mourned for the death of the queen. The child was exiled within the first week of their birth. It took years for the king to even come and look at the child. But even then, it took for a diaster for the king to even glance at his child he sired.
The little lamb's refusal of being called a witch grew and grew with each and every day as the looks of disdain the eyes of the servants gave the lamb grew. The more they felt guilt for the death of the queen, the more they began to resent themselves. Til one day it all became far to much to bear. Their magic grew unstable til finally did that chalice fill with red ink. The day turned to night and Crimson Cresent Moon arose once more. Except, it wasn't just red, there a was sapphire jewel in the center of the Cresent radiating a purple glow.
The fire, there was none yet. First it was cold. It was so very cold. The wind grew sharp, the trees and plants seemly shrunk back in a fright. A frozen dew all over the mansion and area around. Icicles began to form inside. Within three seconds, everything, within one hundred and thirty-two miles, froze with a layer of of glaciation. Everything within the radius remained in a statis of absolute zero. Surrounding all formed a dome as strong as the great glaciers in the north. Embraced by sculptures of rose vines and at the top rested a bouquet of roses. The towns within dome all perished, woman, men, and children, all gone, the cold doesn't discriminate against no one, for it know no good nor evil. The Crimson Cresent Moon now a purple hue rest above all as the only witness to see all that transpired.
The people who just barely missed being captured within the ring of winter death just stared in awe and in absolute primal fear at the Cresent Moon that appeared so suddenly. Even after all these years, many from the war survived to see the new age of Briar Valley, but not one escaped the night terrors of the Witch, the scars inflicted by the witch still remain fresh and new. The fae that brought death and destruction to their own kind was back. The people, the knights, the bishops, and the king all alike gazed up at the ice giant and the moon directing it's violet light on it.
It took five months and ten days to take down the ice dome. The lamb was retrieved safely yet it was known by all the hatred every person in the rescue had for the lamb. The fact the lamb had raven luminous hair with skin as white a snow, a scar akin to that of rotting decay, and a horn halved and on whole, made it the people's truth that the lamb was the cursed witch back to kill the rest of fae and man.
The lamb was thrown infront of king's throne and the council as they all watched as the king descended and gave the first and last look he would ever give the lamb and said, "From this day and forward you are exiled from ever come near Briar Valley. Leave, you are no longer- You were never a child of mine, not then, not now, and I'll be damned if I ever claim you as one of mine in the near future. Remember this well, we are only binded by blood, never did I give you a name, never were you worthy of being a Draconia. I'll give ten days and nine nights to run and hide, i'll send an army to bring me your head and blood."
The lamb, the council, the knights, they all knew the king, he would not allow for the lamb to go far, not allow them to take up anymore space than necessary. The lamb did have the eye of queen but love can not ever compare to the years and decades of hatred for the Witch of Crimson Cresent Moon. So the lamb ran.
Ridiculed, humiliated, stabbed, burned by acid, but this had to be it, this was when the lamb learned that justice may never have existed, that all their efforts were for naught. It mattered not if they were a child, if they were family, if they were of divinity sent from above, they were wanted killed, tortured, fed to fae who lost for vengeance. Was is selfish to want to be loved? To have a father and brother care for you? Do I really look like a witch?
No, not selfish, not cruel, not evil, not a witch, just naive. Naive to ever think the king would even look in their direction. Naive to not notice the death and and pain the lingers deep into the earth left behind by the Witch. Naive to think they could be loved with the face they carry. Naive to think that not everything wanted them dead. The sky, the sea, the earth, the plants, the animals, fae, human and god the same, all want the lamb dead. They cared not if the lamb isn't the Witch. The fact they look the same it in its self is reason enough for them to be killed at any cost.
But where there is despair, there is hope, and hope came in the form of a man who lived in far corners of Briar Valley, in one of the most crime infested poor areas, where no knight nor noble would even dare step foot in. Sir Falcone was a kind one, a human who cared not for the appearance of the lamb nor the fact they were fae. The lamb swore they would leave after a few days, but days turned to weeks and weeks to months and eventually a decade went by. The lamb finally learned about the life outside of palace, outside walls of nobles and out to cruel world that was of poor lower class. There were many little girls and boys who had to fight to live and many that perished. There were many that beaten and killed everyday, there were many that lived the same as them...Sir Falcone was a judge, one who wished to bring an end the crime in Briar Valley and bring justice to victims of violence. The lamb asked him why he did what did, he was beaten, threatened, and stabbed multiple times in the time they lived together.
Falcone would always say it was to save those children of the future and their children's children. To end the cycle of hatred brought on by the evil of fae and man. He had already lost his wife and son to violence and he wasn't willing to do nothing as it happened to more people. The lamb never understood what Sir Falcone meant by ending the cycle of violence til he was gone. A hit was ordered on him and he was burned alive in the middle of towns square and the lamb watched from a distant, dazed and filled with a feeling of emptiness and sadness. Did they finally realize what he meant when they themselves were filled with so much anger and rage. They wanted to hurt those who did this to him. They knew Falcone wouldn't want them to use violence to end violence, they would just be proving him right....With a heavy heart they did nothing to bring the criminals to face the law and punishment. They knew they couldn't do anything, if they shown their face they would meet a fate worse than death. So they left. They left Briar Valley for good swearing their life that they would return and make things right between civilian and government.
They traveled and traveled becoming an itinerant lawyer to help the innocent free of charge. Worked across all the twisted wonderland where the legend of the Crimson Cresent Moon wasn't known and brought criminals to face the law and god of judgment. Eventually they would find themselves in noble bell college with a recommendation after meeting an old friend of Sir Falcone. There they could find the true meaning of the pursuit of moral and justice as well as get the education Falcone always wished for them to get. To attend you need a family name but them had not one, not or first nor last. They thought and thought....."(Name) Falcone....that works wonders wouldn't it?" Things finally were looking up for (name)!Falcone they finally made their first friend since their birth and seen the place Falcone lived before Briar Valley. Naive they were to think the peace would last for long. But why this soon? Why is that when their beloved friend Rollo called them down to assist the NRC students that they saw him. All they saw was the prince of Briar Valley and all that they saw was the living legend of the Crimson Cresent Moon.
ahdsaj your brain so big :OOOO yes yes we need omre draconia!(name) when i get around to finishing their fic :D
all i can think about now is lil draconia(falcone) who has been so badly injured that they share no resemblance to the draconia name aside from the iconic black horns in their hair D: and and they're aware of the fact that they're related to malleus but don't make it known to anyone else. even when they see each other again, even when malleus tries to talk to them again because he misses his lil sibling that was forsaken by their kingdom, they brush him off as if they don't know of their relationship :((
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apompkwrites · 2 years
There was an attempt I swear-
This is little shroud/wisp but like little. Like they're actually happy. Basically this is baby 👶shroud pre-incident.
I did my best trying to get the fire-like🔥 appearance for hair and my best to make lil wisp's appearance gender-neutral. A pomegranate hairpin for aesthetic💅, yellow eyes 👁👁, and a sweet innocent smile to capture the joy of the youth.✨️✨️✨️
This is what we want, pompk. This is what your readers want to protect while also wanting heavy angst🥲.
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waaaah it's baby shroud look at them <333 !!!!
i can imagine this being a photo in idia's room :(( like imagine their parents started getting rid of solo photos of lil shroud but idia managed to keep this one. so all he does is apologize to the photo because he doesn't have the courage to do it in person :(
(i promise i want to protect lil shroud too even though my actions very much say the opposite ;-;)
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apompkwrites · 1 year
Okay but like hear me out-
Cult leader!shroud 👀
But like it makes sense! The ideas of resurrection and man controlling life and death?! Come on! Twst probably has religion or whatever the equivalent is. The point js, seeing chapter 6, they probably, for the most part, don't believe in an afterlife or "paranormal equivalent."
So imagine me this.........
A young shroud going through the countless research papers their brother had created. Going through every single one of them. Growing more and more frustrated with every single word their eyes land on.
Idia doesn't love ortho the way they did. No, no, no, not like this, not with this. He doesn't love ortho(?) Not like this. How could he replace him with..with this thing? This isn't him, no,no,no,no,no, this piece of metal will never be truly be ortho.
It has no soul, none of his "true" memories, it won't remember the things they went through together. That thing will never be ortho.
Unlike their brother, they will bring ortho back, they will bring the real ortho back and not some mockery of nature.
I feel as if, eventually, young little shroud would leave their home, leave the underground and towards the surface. No amount of research or mechanics would ever bring a person back from the dead, not by staying here, that is. So the little shroud left STYX(?) Without letting anyone know of where they have gone. They can't know, they wouldn't understand, they could never love ortho as much as them. They don't love them either, so why would they care? They never stopped to understand what happened. They would never understand what they spoke about before the Monster got him.
And so gone they were, little shroud all alone to fend for themselves. They don't know where to begin searching to bring back their brother, but that is of no matter, it will take years and a few lives to find an answer. But along as he comes back, there is no need rush.
There lies a young little lionette, mourning the loss of her beloved family. How many more days will it be? How many more days of war between tribes must go on? Why is this being ignored? Why do they kill each other? Why fight this pointless war? Why do they ignore this? Why does the royal family ignore the terror and horrors that occur on their land? Do they not have any love for their people!?
She cried and weeped as the Lachrymose sky began to tear as well. The young little lion cried and cried as a cloaked figure stood behind. They approached the girl slowly as possible and stopped when half a foot away and asked, "What would you give to bring them all back?"
A heart, a soul, a ring, a bird.
"Would be interested in hearing my story?"
A lion, a heart, a ring, a bird.
A rabbit, a lion, a heart, a ring, a bird.
A fae, a rabbit, a lion, a heart, a ring, a bird.
A man, a fae, a rabbit, a lion, a heart, a ring, a bird.
A murder, an abuse, a victim, a war,
His heart, the blood ring, and the corpse of a bird.
It has been a bit over a year, and soon will be then. When a human not known to this fairytale world, arrives in a coffin with people not of know, a sacrifice will occur, and those of once pronounced deceased, will rise and sing once more for they.
Oh, little shroud, lost into nothingness and obsession with the dead. The poor little sheep lost their way from the cruel reality. Idia never loved him, but they do, very much so. They will bring ortho back, no matter what.
And those behind them who sing a chant, they help with that very goal.
"We will save this world from all evil and purify it soon."
"Nothing is set in stone, not even death"
Cult leader shroud, cult leader shroud-
Imagine the cult infiltrating NRC
Imagine like tho, little shroud attempting to mess with a afterlife and play god?! Like omg omg. The drama~
I had a thought and wrote it out.🙏😭😭🤌
i love cult!shroud despising idia for making ortho? maybe they see it as a desecration(?) of his image. and they leave STYX bc there is no way they can find what they need there.
and. and is that a crossover i see? lil kingscholar becoming a part of cult!shroud's group?
ugh now we have black sheep cult au /pos. imagine they infiltrate NRC and are, like, a big bad at the school but no one knows it yet :O
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apompkwrites · 2 years
For this seemingly monthly ask, I bring forth bodguard!asim and idol!asim as twins. An idol always needs a bodyguard by their side for if it would be a tragedy if an obsessive fan came along and.......
So imagine this. As far as anyone in nrc is concerned , there are two asims attending nrc, the heir and idol. Though there is supposedly a rumored third sibling that roams the halls at night. So imagines the blacksheeps surprise when they find out that not only does that third sibling exist, but that they and and the idol are twins.
It was darn surprise for everyone. The two were complete opposites, one wanted to forgotten by the world in order to protect their family to the fullest whilst the other craved for just for attention, both the good and bad. The only way you could tell that they were twins was because of their hair and eye color, white and blue.
Why their eyes aren't the same as their elder brother you may ask? Well, they share different mothers, their family ain't starnger to polygamy you see, seeing as it is common practice amongst the wealthy in the scalding sands.
The biggest question the Flock held was as to why the twins don't converse with one and another as one would think that twins are in good familial relationship standing.
"Just because we're twins doesn't mean we have to be next to each other all the time ya know!"
There once was a time when all the two did was enjoy each other company. They never left eachothers side, not even for second. They were twins after all, the bond they held went deeper than blood and spirit. You could never find one with out the other.
After all, it get quite lonely in a home as big as the theirs. The twins were the only children of their fathers fourth wife and with fact that they held 30 other siblings, it came to no surprise the twins were often emotionally neglected as consequence. Perhaps that's why they held on eachother for support, because they believed that they had no else to lean on. They didn't need love, attention, praise from anyone, as long as the other was near everything would be fine, everything would be alright....but when life is cruel, one is sure to find that fates cruelty is second to none.
"There once was a time when the land was green"
There lay the two twins on their shared bed in their shared room. It wasn't that their parents refused to provide another bed, it was just that the two felt more at ease closer together.
"There once was a time when the land was green"
They held hands as one sang a song and the other began to sleep. The window left open to invite the harsh howling of the winds brushing over the sands of red gold.
"There once was a time when the seas were clean and the flowers bloomed and the winds at rest"
They was a faint sound outside the window. A scratching chipping away at the marble that encase their home.
"There once was day when the sky turn black"
There was a heavy sound of breathing outside, carried by the wind, a scream with a howl. The wind picked up.
"There once was a day when the land flood with red-"
The twin who had been singing had come to a halt. They tried to ignore the sounds of clawing reaching the window to their room, but it becomes far to difficult to ignore that feeling of dread when a hand is seen grabbing onto the edge.
Without a moment of hesitation the singing songbird grabbed the blanket and covered both themselves and their sibling under the safety of the blanket. Making it so that only they would be seen and their sibling was hidden from view.
There was a soft sound of feet hitting the ground but the feel of hatred filled the air in a heavy miasma.
They did their best to play ignorant of the situation, to pretend they lay at rest for the whole time, but they knew their efforts were for naught, the assassin already heard the song of a bird.
The other twin awoke due to overheating under a mesh of blankets. As they arose, sitting up they faintly remember seeing a tall figure unknown to them and a loud siren. They remember rubbing their eyes to see their sibling turning pale bluish color. It was at the sight of this that they quickly realized that the siren was no siren and that the stranger was shouting at their twin.
Where was she! Where was Aishia!
Whoever this person was, they were looking for their elder sister. But there was no time to linger on that because after that..... after that...they can't remember anything else after that.
Just that one moment this Stanger was strangling their twin and yelling for them to tell where their eldest sister was, and in the next, their twin held on to them tight as they sat in a corner with a red substance all over the room. The stranger, the assassin was nowhere to be found, all that remained was eachother and that faint scent of copper.
They do remember looking around frantically wondering what had happened and why it red all over the room. They remember crying once they realized they couldn't protect their beloved twin. They remember guards rushing in to their room only to recoil in horror at the sight. They remember hearing a ringing in their ear as their twin tried to sing a song, voice hoarse and sore. They remember not much after that other than that the red "paint' wouldn't come off their hands no matter how hard they tried.
Memories of that day remained scarce. They had so hard desperately trying to remember the full events that had occurred but alas, only bits and pieces would come to mind.
One thing they knew for certain was that this was the day when they grew up and saw the real world for what it is.
They certainly weren't the first to be threatened with death and neither will they be the last. As with great wealth and power, comes the hatred of rivals of both the rich and poor alike.
The relationship between the twins grew estranged as one grew cold in distant, determined to become strong enough to protect their twin and their family from any and all harm that comes their way.
And the other twin, the one who sung that fateful lullaby, longed since that day, for their beloved twin to just come back to them. That they don't blame them for what happened nor should they feel guilty bout it either.
Both twins knew that they wouldn't see eachother for a very long time, but one thing was for sure, where ever one would go, the other was sure to follow.
This isn't my best writing as like I had a difficult time keeping it short and such. I case it wasn't clear, Bodyguard!asim was the one who was asleep and idol!asim was the one who sung the lullaby
Here is the art I made as reference. Idol asim is the one with the bright red and bodyguard asim is the one in dark red.
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black sheep fic! black sheep fic! black sheep fic!
i love the idea of bodyguard!asim being so hellbent on being in the shadows that they are literally unknown to the entire student body? idk it's funny to think about kalim introducing his siblings to people and everyone being like "omg there's another one????"
i can imagine that for a while, idol!asim was unable to sing? yknow because of damaged vocal cords or smth like that? and that only fueled bodyguard!asim's guilt to a point where they promised to stay back to protect everyone </3
and ugh your art beautiful as always /pos
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apompkwrites · 2 years
Holly golly, the newest chapter for kingscholar is like wow. My heart just went 🫀 liquid Splat!
Holy mary, do you have a way with words. I just can't help but wait for Schoenheit's💅 story. Continue the angst pls 🙏. Make us cry, make it hurt✨️, 🥲. We can handle it.
Also, I'm working on something for little Schoenheit. I found a better song to fit them and am currently working on an "essay" as to why the song is perfect for them. Still setting with that sea🌊⛵️🐚 theme tho
waaah im glad you liked the new chapter!!!
hopefully i'll get around to making a good chapter for lil schoenheit, they desrve one :) (in terms of being written, not fluff probably ;) )
i can't wait to see what you have in store for lil schoenheit :OO
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apompkwrites · 1 year
I really thought you were gone for good 😭😭😭
Glad to see you doing well 😭😤🥲
i'm so sorry 😭
im okay i promise i just sometimes fall out of writing ;-; but pompk is back :D
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apompkwrites · 2 years
Made some drawings for the little lamb (draconia/falcone)
I made my original thought designs but then I saw the post about the ram like horns and the one where Young draconia would likely see magic as an evil thing hence why they would be Rollos accomplice, magic js unlawful, unjust, a border to cross to reach true equality. At first I thought it would be out of character for the lamb because though sir Falcone was killed by the use of magic, they never blamed magic it self for the crime, but the more I thought the more I realized they would and could find reason to hate.
Droconia, Falcone, the lamb/ram , how ever you refer to them, hates the social hierarchy. The hate that the richer is getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Everyday the gap between those two is getting bigger. The more hatred that seeps through the cracks as those living in poverty live to resent life. And magic is a huge contributer to that divide. Those with an abundance of magic are likely to have an easier time while those without are left to rot and decay. It is because of the dependency of magic people have and the influence it has in social settings that the young dragon grew to find fault in magic.
Not all men were created equal: Some were born in lower class, some are smarter, some are born disabled, magicless, sightless, ect. The lamb knows that well, not all of mankind will be ever be true equals but that doesn't mean that they can't mend the gap as much as possible. And removing magic from the world will aid in that goal.
My first drawing of what was in mind below 👀
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I fill as if once there was a time Rollo and the lamb were enemies of some sort in their first year attending the college. Both top students and well disciplined and yet fought eachother at the prettiest thing. Yet now they stand together as very friends greeting the students of night raven. Student council president and the head of the disciplinary committee, side by side, to keep eachother in check, checks and balances. To work without the other means to work without none. A perfect balance between the two, stasis of peace and tranquility, they stand as equals, not one above the other and not one below another. To think that the two were once rivals is difficult to believe but that makes you wonder....how? What happened?
Well idk I haven't thought that far through. But yeah they would totally work together to eliminate all magic cause why not?
Though the lamb is all about the law and the rules of the world, their morals is one of Saint. The believe in the innocent and guilty, but they also believe that some crimes are not always done in the name evil or without reason.
This was a quicker drawing with the ram like horns. As you see, the one facing the viewer is decorated in jewels and fabric. I like to believe that young Falcone once helped an art student with some personal issues and as a thanks made a prosthetic of some sort to *fix the horn. They aren't at all insecure about it at all, it's just part of them, unchangeable but they accept out of politeness and respect.
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def falcone and rollo would be a sort of academic rivals duo at first :OO like i can imagine them both being held in such high regard that they feel the need to compete with each other?
but maybe a heart to heart could bring them closer, hm? maybe confiding in each other about their individual upbringings. at that moment, when silence envelops both of them and they can't help but think about what the other has just revealed to them, they realize just how well they work together and how they can bring relief, not just to themselves, but to each other as well.
i love love love the idea of them having a prosthetic of sorts for their broken horn :OO such a pretty design <33
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apompkwrites · 2 years
So like I the idol AU and thought of some songs they would have as solos without performing as a group. Like these are songs I feel that they would sing on stage or at least release online in a limited edition albulm. I have the song name listed on top to incase the links don't work.
ALL HAIL SAVIOR- Gavial the Invincible
For the third member of the group, Lil Kingscholar, I see All hail Savior being the song they sing. Gaviel was once shunned by her tribe due to her being affected with oripathy (a terminal disease that crystallizes the body).
"Won their respect back in a brawl!"
Both are/were shunned by those who should have been there for their times of need. Kingscholar, I feel, would have felt a feeling of melancholy and anger. A lion is the living embodiment of pride and confidence. The king of the jungle. I don't believe they would ever give up in gaining the acknowledgement of the elders. They don't do it to to feel valid and worth being part of the royal family. No. They do it out of their own pride. They refuse to be hated and depsisd by their own people and the elders. It's been far to long since they were able to let it all out and with this song, it proves the determination the young lion of the holy sun has. The determination to protect those close to them and to prove themselves to others that they are someone they can trust.
"Trust in me, I will never let you fall!"
Hunter's Song- Arknights
I feel that the song perfect for Schoenheit would have to be Hunters Song. Though I don't know much about Skadi, I do know that she constantly fights the call to sea. The wails of the seaborn creatures. The cry of them calling for their God's return. She fights against that calling to remain herself.
"I will wander, I will remain"
Schoenheit, I believe, constantly hides their self behind a facade of deceit in order to gain the favor of their dearest elder brother and father. That they can to be successful in the world of entertainment. But no matter how much they try, they just can never get rid of their trueself. Always seeping through the cracks of the mask they worked so hard to build. They want to be the ideal child their father wanted but can't escape that calling to run from everything and dance it all away at the sea shores. They can wander all they want, to create a mask out of blood, deceit, hatred, and self-loathing, but their calling to the truth, their fate, will always remain in the back of their head. No longer do they resist, though growing unruly in nature, that voice of grace and gentleness remain.
"From the chaos, scared and afraid, I will wander, I will remain"
Spark for Dream- GoldenGlow
For the leader of the group, the person who started it all, Young asim! I think Spark for Dream is kinda of a song they would sing. Susie, a waitress who dreams of owning her own hair salon finally obtains her dream when she successfully purchases a building for her establishment. Finally, after everything that has happened, beaten, verbally attacked, discriminated against, all because of her oripathy, Susie Finally reached her goal. But over night it was taken from her, a fire engulfed the building destroying everything left in it's wake. Gone.
"Though there's darkness all around, there's happiness yet to be found"
Young Asim, neglected by their family due to the abundance of children in the family. They aren't special, they are indeed expendable, just the replacement for the replacement. Unimportant to the grand scheme of things. They constantly do things and master the basics of many things in order to gain the attention of their father and mother, just to be seen and acknowledged. Skating, crocheting, tennis, basketball, swimming, gymnastics, everything, none, none, none. Nothing was worth their parents times, not worth being seen. Constantly they reach their goal of (near) mastering something with great talent, and constantly does it get crushed with the reasoning of it not being enough, it will never be enough. You are not enough. But they don't give up, Susie doesn't lose hope, they think and work to creating an idol group to be noticed, if not by their blood and flesh, the world! To show to everyone in the twisted wonderland that they are enough. That everyone in their little idol group is enough. That I am enough, that we're enough. To take that leap of faith and place their trust in asims hand.
"And one day, our dreams will come true as they're meant to."
"Trust In me! Trust in the me that is enough for you to place your trust in! Take a leap of faith!"- Asim, (Name)
That is enough, for them, you, and I.
Honorable mention
Standchen- lingering Echos
The first meeting between the two was something to put it in simply. Draconia (Falcone) was walking down the halls of the academy after harshly disciplining the students who vandalized the building, when they suddenly came to a halt. Someone was trailing not far behind. A sheep, one akin to a Shepard of sorts. Asim.
"It would be shame if the Shepard is missing a sheep I do say with dismay" they spoke with sharpness in their tone, beckoning the sheep to reveal themselves.
"I once was a dreamer, but then I grew up and saw the real world."
Sheepishly they walked infront of the disciplinary head as the began to speak, "You know... I'm starting to think you're obsessed with him (rollo) after seeing you 'deal' with the so called troublemakers."
"And? He's one of closet and only person I can a call a friend...and...and I'm not obsessed with him!"
"Then why did you like, ya know, freeze-"
Draconia cut them of, "It was because of my father. He loved this land we stand on and for petty little children to just ruin the land he so loved was so very infuriating."
The young idol got closer to the fae who towered over them as they turned their gaze up to meet the one green orb. To close for comfort yet no one moved, no one flinched, no one said anything about the distance left between eachother.
Draconia just glared at Asim, who in turn gave grin.
"Will you stay a part of me for the rest of my life?"
"Well, don't care about how you dealt with the students or about your father, I just want you.."
This sudden declaration gave draconia quite the shock, flustered, they stepped back once and looked down at the young idol.
".... to be part of our idol group!? Why are turning red?" The sheep began tease the young fae, "did you think I was professing my love or something? I mean, if you really want we can marry! I have the money and stuff to make it happen!" They reached in their pocket for their phone.
"NO!NO!NO!! I just wasn't expecting that, that's all-"
"What about a Saturday? In the eleventh month?"
Draconia just began to refuse the sheep aggressively, frantically waving their arms around in denial. A stark contrast to their original outward appearance.
"I'm not letting you go. You're mine now forever! <3 You, kingscholar, and schoenheit aren't allowed to leave (me) the group by any means! I'll fricking marry you if it means keeping you by my side!!!"
So there's that. I based off the encounter with draconia and asim on a fanfic I wrote for draconia falcone.... If it wasn't obvious by now, im a huge arknights fan so that was why all the songs are from the game. I love goldenglow, idol Asim is so underated, bodyguard and idol asim are like 100% twins. So ya! Hope this was entertaining to read.
okok not only does the song you chose for lil kingscholar's solo mtch them in general but it also matches who they become in mwezi miji? to go more in depth with their role in the most recent chapter (ch. 5 - grown-up kingscholar), they essentially become one of the guards of the village alongside nuru, the twins, and atiena.
so not only does this song sound like lil kingscholar trying to still gain the acknowledgement of the elders but it also sounds like a promise to the villagers in mwezi miji that they will protect them :D
i really like the sound of lil schoenheit's song :O so soft and pretty :) i can just imagine the mv for it? like they're walking along the shoreline of the beach with just really pretty flowy clothes <33
lil asim's song is so peppy!!! wahhh just imagine them singing this song during the fireworks <33 and i love how this song sounds less like a message to the audience but more to the members in the idol group? like how lil kingscholar promises to the elders and the mwezi miji villagers to protect them and lil schoenheit promises their family that they will not stray from their purpose, lil asim promises to the members of the group that they will make their dreams come true :O
also i didnt know i needed falcone!draconia being flustered by lil asim and then lil asim teasing them more until now? i also never thought of falcone!draconia being a part of the idol au until now :O ngl kinda sounds like falcone!draconia slowly realising that rollo enables them and they enable rollo? idk just a fun lil thought :)
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apompkwrites · 2 years
That anon with yuu!(name) is a genius❤️. The whole plot summary reminds me of this 🎵 https://youtu.be/yyFY0c-eVxA
If the link doesn't work just search up "Erutan you don't know me"
The potential angst is so tasteful 👌
erutan!! i haven't listened to a lot of their other songs so this was fun to see!
and this song def fits lil yuu!(name) :((
like this is their song after they realize their beloved big sibling has forgotten them. imagine they go home, not home home, but RSA to their friends and they just collapse, crying about how "they don't even know why they're there if they can't go home with their sibling."
"Hold on to me and what was Please believe you once loved me Though you don't know me
Come back to me if I fall Please believe you once loved me Though you don't know me"
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apompkwrites · 2 years
Wait.... I saw you also like ✨️✨️✨️mairimashita iruma kun✨️✨️✨️ 👁👁 👀
Ayo, how far along are you? Manga or anime-wise.
waaah yes yes i do like mairimashita iruma kun :DD
rn im at chapter 289 !!!
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apompkwrites · 1 year
New thought new thought
Imagine tho, hear me out-
Vocaloid au (we all had a phase probs)
More specifically, one based off of The Potrait of Pirate F
A blacksheep afraid of the foreboding future. The dread with growing up and wanting to stay young forever away from the problems of reality. And so there comes a fairy with a light pure as the radiant stars, telling a land far far away where all the fears that the little sheep had are gone.
A wonderland.
The little blacksheep reaches out to accept the fairy's invite, they thought of their family, friends, life, and their.......siblings.
They deserve happiness, no?
It's fine, it's fine, they'll understand, they know they need this. It will all be fine
And with that, off they go to a land far far away.
No editing cause this was a spur of the moment thought. But think about ittitititjtjtjjtjwkwkqk
I don't know if this was already said or asked, but it fits 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I have no roles so far, Givin, to the sheep. I just know the premise would fit well with a sheep, but I don't know which.
I may come back with a more polished thought.😔 I just need this said before I forget.
bhasdkh i dabble in that phase still sometimes--
i can see lil asim matching this idea? like (if we pretend the most recent chapter's ending hasn't happened) they are visited by the fairy when the twins don't join them in the night and they disappear to neverland :OO they so desperately crave attention that they go to a land of adventure to get it. idk just a fun thought :D
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apompkwrites · 2 years
This really took longer than it should have ngl. I had thought then it went away. I had a sense of reverie and empathy yet I kept losing the feeling. Pain 😭😭😭💀 because of that l, this is shorter than my other pieces of writing as to not ruin it. I think I'll stick to fanart ngl but with story idk?
As always though, I listened to a song, fell in love, thought of the sheep, then related it kingscholar because of the beat of the song. But the more I listened to the song, the more I realized it related to schoenheit. "Idol au idol au idol au-"
Idol au brainrot fr. Hope you and readers enjoy the best to your ability 🥲
Operation Deepness- Arknights CC9
"Hiding in the dark, kept myself in silence for too long. Tried to rewrite all my wrongs, but everyday I'm feeling more anxious."
I feel as if, though under the pressure of the sea, schoenheit, after hearing the many death threats and insults online after their latest performance, would fall into a very very deep depression. Sitting alone at the dinner table, waking up in an empty house, no help with schoolwork, ostracized outside the walls of their room, disappointment from both their father and brother, this isn't home, not anymore. The air is tense and any sense of security is gone. The tides are turning, growing more and more with each and every day. The oceans only get deeper and it's getting harder to breathe. A home is where you rest easy and safe from any and all harm. This, however, this is no home. This is simply a house.
I feel as if, there was once a time when all Schoenheit would do was do the best they can to change themselves. A metamorphosis to change from a vile insect to something as marvelous as a Monarch. They can change themselves. They are what the audience wants of them. They can fix their wrongs, mistakes, and all that make them "Them!" But the more time they spend trying to make themselves something they aren't, the more exhausting it gets. Lost in their reverie, lost in the emotion and hate that fuels their motive. It's just, draining.
There's pressure to change, to act, to perfect, to dance, to escape.........no matter what they do, they can't escape the pressure of the sea.
"Fall, into oblivion. Forget about the innocence, I'll show you who I really am."
The waves turn and sway. The sound of water coming, crashing down onto the land. Sinking below under the currents of the sea; drowning as it gets harder to breathe. Can you swim back up?
I feel as if, there was period of depression that little schoenheit went through. The feeling of helplessness and a nugatory self-worth weighing heavy on their chest and mind. It's hard to get out of bed when all there is beyond the point is just hate; pure unbridled hate just for them to drown in. It's hard to eat, walk, talk, or sleep when that exact goal they once so desperately wanted, is the same thing eating them away.
I feel as if, it was hard to reach out and hold on to that invitation letter. To fear the people who hide behind screens. Afraid of the pressure from expectations on their shoulders. The fear of disappointment from their older brother. There is so much to fear; yet when they look in the mirror, the call of the calming seas beckons them forward.
"I freed myself from this chain, now watch me rise and reclaim everything, I'm here to stay."
idol brainrot idol brainrot !!!
love the deep dive into lil schoenheit's character :OO
all of the fear they've accumulated over the years and all of the self-hate they've developed because of other people :(( and then things like they're scared of even an invitation letter (to NRC or to an idol group who knows?) because they're scared of all of the things that could wrong because why wouldn't the streak continue?
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