#a little yevate lore as a treat
midnigtartist · 4 months
okay uh I have a feeling you’re going to get a disproportionate number of questions about the pale-looking Tav on the left (are they Yetave?? pls replace the pronouns here in your brain with whatever ones are accurate) because you’ve made a very beautiful androgynous individual and put them on tumblr dot com, so that was your first mistake (/j), but I’ve decided to be part of the problem, so for the cool androgynous Tav on the left:
do they like the way they look?
it seems like a lot of people would perceive them as being attractive - if that is the case, do they like or dislike the way that influences people’s behaviour towards them? or does it not bother them either way?
what does their appearance tend to signify to others (ie do people tend to see them as masculine or feminine, or as being a particular social class, or as unusual in their fashion tastes), and what assumptions tend to get made about them most often based on their appearance?
are the judgements people make based on their appearance accurate? do they like or dislike those assumptions?
do they fit any of the stereotypes of their gender (whatever that is)? are there some or a lot of those stereotypes that they don’t fit with at all? any they particularly like/dislike?
I’m assuming the little symmetrical marks on their face are a tattoo - if they are, whose decision was it for them to get that tattoo? Their own, or someone else’s? If they’re not a tattoo, then where did they come from? (also do they think their lil tattoo/mark things are cute? I think they’re very cute)
are people often intimidated by them?
do they want people to be intimidated by them?
how dangerous are they to be around?
what are their thoughts on hugs? cuddling? out of ten, how much do they enjoy that sort of thing? asking for a friend
if they’re the one who’s dating Wyll, what are their favourite things about him? What are their favourite Wyll activities? If not, are they dating anyone and what are the answers to those questions about the person(s) they are dating?
are they monogamous/polyamorous/something else?
what kind of combat abilities do they have, and how did they acquire them? do they like the role they’ve ended up in off the back of that (tank/healer/damage/support/some combination thereof)?
favourite new capability/power they have gained on their journey? (social/financial power can also count)
if they could pick any part of the world (you can answer for Toril/Faerûn or for like a real world AU) and any kind of building to live in, what would they pick?
would they rather live on Toril or in the real world, if they had the choice?
what height do you imagine them as being?
big spoon? little spoon? or uh, switch spoon, I guess? middle spoon? is that a thing??
what species are they?
are they a Dark Urge or nah? thoughts on violence? if they’re a blood and murder enjoyer for any reason (Dark Urge or otherwise), what is their favourite violence? if not, what is their least favourite violence? (can be the kind of violence they find most distasteful in general, or the thing that scares them most, or just the kind of injury they find most inconvenient/annoying to receive.) or you can just answer both :3
Please feel free to answer as few or as many of these as you like! :D I have. Many questions about your lil dude (gn) I have been transfixed by their silly goofy lil face and their Prettiness TM
Oh buddy this ask is an annoying person’s(me) dream. Ill do a little tldr on Yevate
-They use they/him pronouns. No problems with being perceived as masc/male or being referred to as “brothers” when with their half brother Tavarne
-theyre a shadow monk rogue with shogun protagonist energy. Like seriously, he goes “heh” before he punches someone. Absolute loser behavior please point and laugh at them
-notable battle skill? Being unconscious. Asking everyone else in the party to please heal please please heal him he’s bleeding out
-they admire Wylls Blade of the Frontiers persona and how cool and heroic he is. Wyll is,,, trying to help them be an actual hero and not just challenge every stranger to a duel. Its a very Roger and Jessica Rabbit relationship “what do you see in that guy” “he makes me laugh” dynamic
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