#a lot of people in-universe call it “him” especially if they haven't yet pinned it as some kind of Entity. male passing i guess
windmill-ghost · 11 months
Also, re: Steward's gender, it's a thing that looks like a man who looks feminine.
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mostautisticsinner · 1 year
hi as mutual who doesn't know anything about PMoon im a big fan of your posting recently they're like blorbos in law especially the clock head one and i would love to hear the premise of the media /gen /srs
-lilacqueerr :3
INSERT THE. Oh god so youre going to regret this text thang (1/2)
Project Moon universe is a universe that is, Loosely, a Dystopian future in which corporations control a place called The City. Limbus Company is a game in which you go around The City to all it's different sections (Corps). You play as Dante, the executive manager (The one with the clock head) and you control a bus of people called The Sinners to fight in order to get Golden Boughs (Like. Tree things that Implicitly can grant wishes and are also tied to the Sinners' trauma). There's also a Guide of the bus (Vergilius) and the driver (Charon)
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Im sending them 3 at a time so the images arent Huge and also for my brain's sake. First is Dante (Named after Dante's Inferno), who lost all of their memories (And their gender) when they got a prosthetic head installed, and also unwillingly made a contract that means they can bring back The Sinners from the dead. They're a little pathetic................... Vergilius (Named after Virgil) guides them where they need to go, and was previously a Color Fixer (Very important person,) named The Red Gaze. He's very serious and extremely intimidating to everyone he meets. Charon (Named after the River Styx) is the driver. She has no soul, speaks in third person and very bluntly, but only calls people by nicknames and says sound effects aloud. Both her and Vergilius were in Leviathan (Which... I haven't read but a friend broke it down in a call) and she was an orphan who was distorted after being tested on, and I think Vergilius joined Limbus because they said they would de-distort Charon. That is his daughter basical.y.
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Yi Sang (Named after the poet of the same name, mostly for The Wings), the first Sinner to join. He is very quiet, only speaking occasionally and when he does it's very cryptic. Most divorced. His weapon is a knife named Ha Yung (Which is written on his notebook actually,). His chapter will come out end of next month so we don't know what happened to him but apparently he wasn't always so Quiet and Brooding. So for now he's just 'tistic as hell, As they all are Faust (Named after. Faust), the second Sinner. She is the one who engineered the bus they are on (Mephistopheles). She is very soft spoken, but is still constantly bragging about her high intellect. She occasionally speaks in third person which is every thing to me. Her weapon is a zweihander named Walpurgisnacht. Don Quixote (Named after Don Quixote), is the third sinner. She is extremely excitable and impulsive, and has delusions of grandeur. As you can see she has a lot of pins, which is all sorts of different Fixer merchandise, as they're her special interest ..... She talks loudly and quickly (Her VA handles it very well though she's not Annoying and people who say she is are Cowards and Fools) and she speaks in Middle English (Which follows her thru every identity. Autism wins). She is very big on justice and will do anything to right wrongs. It's said in Canto 3 she made some sort of deal with Vergilius to join Limbus, but we don't know what it is, yet. Her weapon is a lance (WHICH IS 6'6. SHE'S 5'3. SHE IS RIPPED.) named Sueño Imposible
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Ryōshū (Named after Hell Screen), the fourth Sinner. She is very snobbish and violent. She's harsh and often shortens things to acronyms, leaving other people to figure out what she means by that. Her methods of execution are often Particularly Brutal but considers them artful. She has something with fire, given her base EGO is the only base that deals burn, she smokes constantly, and once she burnt a skewer on purpose. This is somthing that only matters to me but once I talked to an AI of her and she called herself an epic lesbian. She has an ōdachi named 無我夢中 阿鼻叫喚 支離滅裂. Meursault (Named after The Stranger), the fifth Sinner. I will try to describe him normally but just so we are clear He is my favorite. My special silly. I am not normal about that french guy At all. Anyways, he is very blunt and only speaks when necessary or when asked. He is always strictly abiding by rules, to the point where he rarely casts his own moral judgement (An example of this is Limbus seems to have a schedule and in his morning greeting on his base identity, he says there's a very early time you should wake up and he's the only person who knows this or cares about it). He is also. So Autistic to the point that AS OF CURRENT the wiki says that it's a Popular Fan Theory. In the end of Canto 3 when they get skewers he is pouring ketchup all over that bad buoy. Despite this he's still a good cook because he's simply so good at abiding to rules. He's 6'2. Also. His weapon are his Gauntlets named Soleil Hong Lu (Named after Dream of the Red Chamber), the sixth Sinner. He's very naive and grew up sheltered as a rich boy. It shows given he often asks insensitive or even just strange questions without realizing how they might come off because he's being completely genuine (Once asked if missing fingers were in fashion because of some people who worked with Abnormalities). He is still just like always friendly though, if not a bit difficult, and seems to be the only person on the bus that thinks everyone there's his friend. His weapon is a glaive named 太虛幻境.
Part 1 of 2, I keep getting errors so I Will finish this in anotehr post but Fur now we r at the Half way point
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