#a message 1000x better than u///u maybe I love her after all! AAAUGH
millennialdemon · 6 years
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Me, having read the episode summary on Cr*nchyroll, assuming that it would be a wholesome episode about Kukai’s sibling-esque friendship with a life-long neighbor who he maybe looks up to as some kind of mentor and him coming to terms with her moving away: This should be fine, it would be nice to show that kids that age can have constructive healthy relationships with adults in their life, they do have kind of a Fun Cousins dynamic--
Shugo Chara!, for some Godforsaken reason: Well actually the girls in the protag group who are the age group that the intended audience will listen to insist that Kukai must be in love with her and that, Quote: “Age Doesn’t Matter!” and that he should confess because she’s just a girl Grown Woman and he’s just a boy, can I make it any more obvioussssss!!🎵
Me, holding out hope despite knowing better at this point: Oh, wow, yikes! Well, maybe the girls will be proven wrong and stop the wildly inappropriate teasing and we’ll learn that girls and boys can Just Be Friends, Especially when the “girl” is a grown woman who is 19 years old. There’s no way they’re going to verify the girls’ teasing and show that Kukai ~is an airhead~ and really might love his 19 year old neighbour, surely he looked for a four-leafed clover for her because that’s just a thoughtful thing to do and we’ll get the message across that people can do nice things for each other without there being a romance angle--
Shugo Chara! anime, still hot and toasty, having come directly from hell: He’s frozen in love-struck shock after she hugs him and thanks him for the gift! x3c kyaaaaaa!
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