#a nebula teeming with salt.
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don’t know if this has been done already, but i whipped this up in ps
if i had a twitter, i’d put this on there
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2. What are your unpopular opinion(s) of the fandom you’re rping in? 3. What rp trends are you so over and can’t wait for it to die?
Munday Asks: Salt Edition // accepting for a lil longer
-Gijinkas are amazing, valid, and shouldn’t be shat on. It’s fine if you don’t like them, but don’t automatically assume the character is bad because it’s a gijinka, and don’t think people are bad writers or whatever because they write gijinkas. That’s plain ignorance.
-RPing as a normal, non-legendary pokemon is amazing, valid, and shouldn’t be casted aside. I hate how unless it’s a popular / classic pokemon (like Pikachu, Lucario, Blaziken, whatever), or if you don’t have friends who interact with you & can help boost you, you get ZERO attention.
I’m just saying this: if there was nothing but legendaries around, things would get stale very quickly.
-Sticking to game mechanics (levels, 4-move-only movesets, etc) is BOOOORING. Expand a little, flesh things out! If a pokemon has a good memory, why should they only know / remember how to perform four moves at a time? And levels can be easily converted into a natural growth / time passage thing. A pokemon doesn’t have to “fight to gain experience”, they can just…grow older. But fighting or training can help make yourself stronger, like IRL, so a pokemon’s power can still increase that way.
In regards of battling competitions or whatever, you can enforce the 4-move-only rule there to make things fair for the battlers involved. Idk, there’s a lot you can do to convert game mechanics into real world-applicable concepts.
-Cliques, both in this fandom and in any others, ain’t shit. Don’t feel like you NEED to be accepted into a group, otherwise you’re a bad rper or something. Just relax, do your thing. You’ll make your own friends, (hopefully) the genuine kind. Not the fake kind who you have to actively please, or else they’ll shit-talk you or kick you out of the circle.
-How you need to have all the Aesthetic™ on your icons, writing, and blog themes, otherwise you’re deemed a shit writer. Then again, this has been talked about a lot, and I don’t have anything extra to add to it, so moving on-
-Passwords. They don’t work (people can just scroll around, find it, and send it in without reading anything), and only put unnecessary stress on would-be followers because you’re forcing this expectation on them from the get-go. It’s worse when people make their passwords only able to be found through a fuckin scavenger hunt or minigame in their pages. Yeah no sorry, I’m not gonna humor any of that, it’s annoying and a time-waster.
-A recent trend I don’t like, is having your blog be dash-only. This one isn’t as serious, it’s just a personal peeve of mine because it’s a HUGE pain in the ass navigating a dash-only blog, since trashlr is buggy af (clicking a tag usually leads to a dead-end, the search feature doesn’t work 90% of the time, etc).
It’s even worse, when people don’t add functioning links to their rules and about pages in their description. How tf are we supposed to find them???? I hope you don’t think I’m gonna go on a journey, scrolling through all your posts LMAO
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20 (or for a sillier take on 19: whats your favorite salt? table salt? hawaiian pink salt? sea salt?)
Munday Asks: Salt Edition // accepting
19. Wild card: ask the mun any type of salty asks.
I don’t have a favorite tbh. If you’re asking in regards to taste, ngl of all the types of salts I had, all of them tasted the same to me. So, I really couldn’t tell you xD
20. If you’re feeling salty right now, this ask gives you a free reign to pour out your frustration.
Free reign? Oh boy.
Well…I think the whole National Dex situation with SWSH is dumb af, as I’ve said before. Here, I’m gonna go into more detail about how I feel & think regarding it all. 
I don’t care if all of the pokemon are in the game, I don’t care if a lot of them don’t end up being in it. I’ve never cared so much about ANY pokemon, that I’d feel torn over whether I should get a game or not based SOLELY ON WHETHER I could acquire them in it.
But, it’s whatever if you do care. You do you. 
My main issue with all of this, are the people that are attacking others who really don’t care about any of this fuckery. I’m in the group that are just looking forward to playing new pokemon games that SEEM LIKE they’ll be fun (and that’s the reason why I get any video game ever. Because I think I’ll enjoy playing it, nothing more and nothing less).
And what do I see? People saying things to my group, like “You sheep are a part of the problem, enabling Gamefreak” or “You’re spending $60 on this incomplete game? You’re an idiot”.
Like people really don’t know how to mind their own business, huh?
First and foremost, y'all are the fools here, thinking starting a boycott will do anything to impact SWSH’s sales & get Gamefreak / Pokemon Comp to notice your protest (and Masuda himself has btw, and he basically said “Yeah…I don’t care”). That’s wishful-thinking if I’ve ever seen it. You’d have to get hundreds of thousands, if not a million or so, of people to not buy SWSH ever to make a noticeable dent. And, we all know that’s never happening.
(Plus, I’m sure 80% of the people saying “I’m not buying the game” will end up buying it sometime in the future. Maybe not on release, but perhaps some months or a year later. So, their words obviously mean a lot PFFF)
Secondly, the game’s not incomplete to me. Like I said before, Idgaf about the pokemon. Not all of them being available doesn’t bother me at all. And, people like saying “They cut pokemon to make high definition animations, which they haven’t been doing!!!!”
I’m not gonna get into that debate, but…the game doesn’t look like dogshit to me. It looks great. And, that’s enough for me honestly. I’m not picky. Of course Gamefreak could and should be doing more, but I know they’ve been adding features then removing them + half-assing shit for years now. Them doing what they’ve been doing is not new to me at all. It’s just what they do.
So, yeah. This shit that’s been happening since E3 has gotten on my last nerve, and I can’t wait for SWSH to release so I can play Sword, and have a blast. And so the fandom can calm down.
......What if like, they only end up cutting like 100-400 pokemon (there’s at least 900 at this point, in case no one knew)? Folks out here acting like there’s only going to be 80 mons in the game, so if it turns out everyone blew things out of proportion? It’d be hilarious.
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(i forgot this was in my inbox, whoops)
Munday Asks: Salt Edition // NOT accepting
20. If you’re feeling salty right now, this ask gives you a free reign to pour out your frustration.
I honestly hate it when people expect you to forgive someone for wronging you because they’re your family and “family should always love one another”. Or, their actions weren’t entirely their fault. Or for any other excuse people come up with.
Like…no. If that person doesn’t feel sorry for what they did, and hasn’t given a sincere apology, why tf should I forgive them?
I don’t care if they did what they did because of “this” or “that”. If they don’t regret doing it, and don’t commit to not doing it again? Fuck outta here. I only give second chances to people who show they deserve them.  Not people who’ll just eat it all up and continue doing terrible shit. 
It’s much worse when other people vouch for them. Of course they aren’t going to change their ways then; as long as they have supporters, they’ll feel like they can do / get away with anything. That someone is sitting pretty, surrounded by their own faithful “protection squad”.
It’s some of the most annoying shit ever. Miss me with it. You can keep hanging out with and talking to that someone however much YOU want, just don’t expect ME to. No thanks.
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Wild card: The mun discusses any situation/problem they want.
Time to get the salt shaker. // NOT accepting
Wild card? Oh boy. I already know this might hit some people differently. Not gonna be surprised if I lose followers because of this…
Tbh, I hate it when people regularly use their RP blogs as soapboxes. What do I mean by this?
Basically…people that preach to try and gather a crowd, who’ll support their viewpoints. Viewpoints about anything, mainly social justice related things or politics. (Venting about this stuff is a different story, and frankly it’s easy to tell whether someone’s just venting or trying to push their agendas, so I’m not talking about venting here.)
Normally I wouldn’t have a problem with this…if it wasn’t on their RP blogs. Imo, things like that belong on a personal blog.
The biggest reason why I roleplay, is because it gives me an escape from real life. An escape where I can control what I see, to give myself better security. I’d REALLY rather not see stuff like this, when I’m temporarily trying to push real life away and forget how shitty it is.
Now, I know people can do whatever they want with their blogs, and they 100% can! But don’t expect me to follow along with it. I’ll unfollow anyone I feel I should for my own comfort and mental health, even when it comes to serious topics like those. Call me selfish or heartless if you want, but it is what it is.
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4 and 9
/ real quick before i dive into these, here’s my salt tag: a nebula teeming with salt.
copy-paste & blacklist it if you don’t wanna see these posts.
Time to get the salt shaker. // accepting
4) What are some things you are tired of seeing in the RPing community?
CLIQUES. And I’m not talking about groups of friends who just like hanging out and interacting with each other, I mean actual cliques. Elementary/Middle/Highschool nonsense. 
People that form their own groups with a designated “leader” or two, and who demean other people for…basically not being like them, when it comes to their content or aesthetics. If you aren’t like them, then they don’t want you & will not allow you getting into their circle. Sure they’ll rp with you on the site, but you bet they’ll be making fun of you in the background OOC with their clique-friends.
Another thing I’m tired of, is this trend / belief that your blog and your content HAVE to be “fancy”, otherwise people will think you’re a terrible RPer. You have to have an over-the-top theme, your formatting has to look like you went crazy with all the coding things you can do, your icons have to be a certain size and slapped with 5 psds + a border, etc. I don’t know the history of Tumblr RP and how this started, but it’s dumb. 
Y’all just do you. Don’t worry about appeasing the people who care more about aesthetics than actual content.
9) Your view on minors interacting with muns that are older than 18?
I’ve recently found out this is kind of a hot topic. Here in the Pokemon RP Comm, this kind of thing is honestly inevitable imo, since Pokemon appeals to people of…pretty much any age, especially if they grew up with it (like me). If you’re 18+, you’re bound to come across someone who’s below 18, and vice-versa. It’s just the way it is. 
You of course have the right to say whether you’ll interact with minors or people above 18 or not, but I personally see nothing wrong with any of it. As long as no one’s being made uncomfortable or nervous, and people are respectful & mindful of what they say, there’s no harm being done. 
We’re all just nerds who love Pokemon, hence why we’re here in this fandom. (Now of course, minors shouldn’t be trying to smut with other minors or 18+ muns, and 18+ muns shouldn’t be trying to smut with minors, but all of this should go without saying.)
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8, 11
Time to get the salt shaker. // NOT accepting
8) Has anyone hurt/betrayed you?
Yeah, the person I mentioned before who policed me. 
I thought they were my friend, but I guess me “stepping on their territory” with what I was doing with my blog (which is what caused them to police me, they were probably feeling threatened because I was encroaching on their personal headcanons) made them hate me since I found out they shit-talked me behind my back months after all that went down, in a discord server. 
They’ve probably spoken ill of me in other servers, and probably in DMs with their friends too. Could still be doing it, even now. I don’t know, and can’t say for sure, but I don’t trust them at all anymore.
11) Have you ever received anon hate?
Mhmm. On my Valerie blog, somebody sent me an ask on anon saying they couldn’t access my rules page. 
Because of me saying there was nothing wrong with it on my end (since I and other people could access it just fine) and it must be on theirs (an internet problem maybe), they got mad and called me a bitch who loves to blame others instead of being accountable for my own faults (or something like this, it happened a couple of months ago). 
They then proceeded to send me other rude and degrading asks, like asking if I could recommend any blogs to follow that weren’t ran by a horrible person. I don’t know if they were being serious or if they were trolling me, but either way, I didn’t appreciate it.
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7, 18
Time to get the salt shaker. // accepting for a lil while longer
7) Things that you will not tolerate?
Things I think most people won’t tolerate. Harassment, bigotry, racism, acting like a total menace.... you know.
18) Have you ever felt like something was off about someone?
Yes. And when someone gives me bad vibes, I honestly keep an eye on them, just to be cautious. Which has let me dodge some bullets in the past.
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1, 5, 15 aaa
Time to get the salt shaker. // accepting
1) What’s the worst role playing experience you’ve had?
Being policed by someone (aka they told me I couldn’t do “this and that” because it made them uncomfortable for “x” reason), who had zero business telling me what to do with my own character. I’m ashamed I allowed them to do that, but it was only because (I thought) they were my friend and I didn’t want to stress them out.
But it turns out, they were never my friend to begin with, and was just pretending to be friendly and nice while they harbored disdain towards me. They’re a good faker (who’s still active on tumblr, and hasn’t apologized for what they did to me btw).
5) Have you ever had to block someone or cut off contact with them?
Yes, a few people fairly recently in fact (when it comes to cutting off contact). It’s for everything surrounding the above situation. 
15) What is your biggest pet peeve?
People who don’t tag or trim their posts, ESPECIALLY if they reblog or post a lot of OOC content. Like………that’s mad annoying. When I follow an RP blog with my own, it’s for RP. I’m not interested in following personals or personals disguised as RP blogs, thank you very much.
Trimming, I don’t need to say much about. It’s not fun for anyone, to take 3+ minutes to scroll past a long-ass thread on the dashboard.
And people not tagging posts can really bite me on the RP side, since I go onto people’s blogs and search my tag to find threads I need to reply to, if I don’t draft them in time and can’t find them in my activity feed. I…can’t do that, if they don’t tag the threads with my url ghsghsk
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13 and 17
Munday Asks: Salt Edition // accepting for a lil longer
13. Ever told someone not to follow/rp with a particular person because something that happened to you in the past?
Nah. It’s not any of my business who people choose to interact and associate with, even if that particular person wronged me, or if there’s bad rumors about them circling in the community. I’m not going to dictate who they can and can’t talk to, that’s a Yikes™.
They can find out or experience things for themselves, and come to their own conclusions.
17. What are your opinions when someone makes negative posts constantly on their rp blog?
Being someone who does make venting posts every now and then, it doesn’t bother me seeing other people do it. Unless, it’s in excess. Like, they’re posting two or three negative things per day.
After a certain point, it does feel…attention-grabby. I understand if you want people to understand and sympathize with you and your struggles, but at the end of the day, a good portion of us are strangers scattered across the planet, unable to give you the comfort & help you’re seeking.
No stranger you don’t know the true identity of should be your therapist or psychologist or etc, and it’s frankly unfair to expect them to be. Too much pressure for something that’s not THEIR responsibility, ya know?
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16. How much does it take for you to get angry/upset? How long does it usually last?
Time to get the salt shaker. // accepting
Takes a lot, or I can get instantly angry/upset. It just depends on what somebody does. 
And depending on what they did: it can take me no time to get over it, or I’ll hold a grudge.
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