#a notice of proposed class settlement
blackbat09 · 2 months
Notice of a proposed class action settlement, RE: Horse Head Farms, IOUs, and the high possibility that some Hermits got their souls stolen in Season Eight. Proceedings in the above-styled manner, before the Honorable Whomever We Can Get Up On The Bench, Quite Frankly, beginning in the earliest days of Season Nine of Hermitcraft, in the Spawn Village, and transcribed by Court Scribe @.JoeHills. IN THE MATTER OF: FALSE ADVERTISING, FRAUD, AND UNFAIR BUSINESS PRACTICES
Wordcount: 6.2k Rating: T
6.2k of epistolary comedy fic for @blubfishblue, inspired by @good-chimes' THE DIVORCE OF THE CENTURY.
I can't thank @mcytrecursive enough for the amazing event, it was super fun getting to see everything nominated & watch all the inspired works roll in!
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A proposed settlement has been reached in two class action lawsuits against the province over conditions at London’s Elgin-Middlesex Detention Centre, and allegations that thousands of inmates were deprived of their Charter rights while at the troubled provincial jail.
Under the proposed settlement, still subject to approval by a judge, the province will pay nearly $32.8 million to class members detained at the jail during a period of nearly 12 years — between Jan. 1, 2010 and Nov. 10, 2021 — including those held pending trial or other court appearances.
The actions alleged that conditions at the jail, located along Exeter Road in south London, were overcrowded, unsanitary, dangerous and violent, according to a notice of proposed settlement being distributed to class members.
In addition, the class actions alleged that the province was “systemically negligent and deprived Class Members of their rights” guaranteed under section 7 and section 12 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in its operation and management of the jail, the notice says.
“Our obligation is to the class in general, and I think that this is in their best interest to have it settled now rather than continue in the process,” said Kevin Egan, a lawyer with London-based law firm McKenzie Lake Lawyers. [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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joeyvotto · 1 year
not me getting a notice of proposed class action settlement from the PRO WRWSTLING TEES LEAK BACK IN 2021
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tieflingkisser · 3 months
Advocates Celebrate Settlement That Sets Limits on Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” Law
But restrictions remain on how LGBTQ teachers can interact with their students, and more legal fights are underway.
School districts across Florida will soon receive written notice from the state that discussions of LGBTQ+ identities are not banned in classrooms. This acknowledgement comes two years after the Parental Rights in Education Act, nicknamed the “Don’t Say Gay” law, banned the instruction of sexual orientation and gender identity from kindergarten to third grade — and almost a year after the law was expanded through 12th grade. The written notice to school districts is a requirement of the settlement reached on Monday between Florida’s education department and families of LGBTQ+ youth who sued the state. The “Don’t Say Gay” law does not ban teachers from referencing LGBTQ+ people in class or their own families, and it does not ban library books on queer or trans topics, the settlement clarifies. That news comes alongside the end of Florida’s legislative session, during which nearly all proposed anti-LGBTQ+ bills failed to pass. To teachers and parents of LGBTQ+ youth, it seems like the tide is actually turning in their favor after several years of increasingly extreme policies have targeted their lives. However, more legal fights are underway over restrictive policies in schools. Advocacy groups celebrated the settlement as a source of clarity for teachers and families in Florida, who have been living in confusion and fear as school districts interpreted how to enforce the “Don’t Say Gay” law. Some teachers were told not to wear clothes or stickers that could identify them as LGBTQ+, while in other counties, books referencing any LGBTQ+ characters were ordered to be removed from school shelves in response to the legislation.
Other details in the settlement further define the limited scope of the “Don’t Say Gay” law, including that it applies neutrally to all discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity — including cisgender and heterosexual identities. It clarified that the law does not prohibit the formation of Gay-Straight Alliances in schools, or prevent intervention against bullying on the basis of LGBTQ+ identities.
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Liquor is scarce!
Fly time is approaching!
No property sold last Tuesday!
Guano hauling has commenced!
Fine weather for sucker fishing!
The price of cotton is advancing!
A little cotton in the country yet!
We hear of an occasional case of measles.
See Judge Bell's notices of new bridges to build.
the mumps are playing out for the lack of material.
We are going to serve all alike - rich and poor - next week.
Tom Niblack takes to farming just as if he was used to it.
Judge Bell proposes to get after the road commissioners.
Jack Gilleland is moving right straight along on his new house.
Frank Pendergrass has turned out to be a first-class plasterer.
We will give our readers some cheering railroad news next week.
Judge Howard's residence on his farm near town is nearly completed.
Bud McElhannon has returned from his jaunt over into Walton county.
Our town have been pretty quiet since the barrooms stopped running.
Don't neglect to look after your subscription if you want the Herald.
A new set of wheat rocks have been ordered for the Long mills at this place.
A large number of horses and mules have been purchased in this county this season.
The station between Gainesville and Jefferson on the railroad will be called Conditional.
Mr. Macajer Williamson died on last Saturday night. He had been sick for sometime past.
A lot of cotton at the Northeastern depot in Athens got burnt up and damaged last week.
Remember that this is the last paper you will get if you are over a year behind on our books.
Judge Bell has bought a burglar proof safe for Jim Williamson to keep the county money in.
Bob Deavours has been appointed baliff pro tem for this District during the sickness of Bill Waddle.
O'Farrell Bros. & Co., of Athens, are the agents in that place for the celebrated Cumberland Guano.
Dr. Long and his charming daughter, Miss Georgia, were in our county last week, the guests of friends and relatives.
Mr. McGinty has had some hands up here putting some finishing touches on the Court House and Dr. Pendergrass' drug store.
We propose to drop every name from our books after this issue unless settlement of past indebteness is made between now and next issue.
The present Town Council is too stingy to advertise the fact that they are going to hold an election to fill a vacancy in the board of aldermen.
We tender our thanks to "Vande Linctum," for again breaking the silence of several months. We shall expect to hear from him again.
A crazy ... woman was put in jail at this place last week, but owing to her violent condition she had to be moved back this week to her friends.
If you get no paper next week you can guess the cause. So you had better come up and see how you stand. A note will make the easy until next fall.
John Brooks of Athens, and one of O'Farrell Bros. & Co's boss clerks, was in the city last Saturday and Sunday. John attended to business on both days, but of a different character.
When you go to Athens to buy your guano, don't forget that O'Farrell Bros. & Co. are the agents for the Cumberland Guano. It is a first-class article, and is sure to give satisfaction. Give them a call, and you will not regret it.
A communication, in regard to the stock law, with no name to it, is in this office, awaiting a signature before it is published. Our rule is imperative - we must have the names of all parties who write articles for publication, and we don't intend to break the rule.
Dr. Pendergrass and A. H. Brock will represent Jefferson at the inaugural of Garfield today. We wish the boys much pleasure on their trip, but warn them not to think they are better than other folks because they helped to put the new President in his seat.
The Herald office is located over a drug store and doctor shop, and the doctor underneath us loves to pull teeth, and you bet we have other kinds of music sometimes besides the clicking of type. When we move again we are going to locate over a livery stable, so that we can have a quiet time.
Married, on the 23d of last month in Athens, Ga. Rev. C. D. Campbell officiating, Mr. L. N. McMillan, of this county, and Miss Adeline Hayes, of Athens. Mr. McMillan is our mail carrier from this place to Lawrenceville, and has heretofore played shy of Hymen's bands, but, at last, after living over half of his life in single blessedness, he has consented to be yoked.
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ailtrahq · 9 months
Cryptocurrency market saw major developments today. The burgeoning asset class saw chaotic winds around that were filled with concerns. From the increasing phishing attacks, and hacking of a DeFi protocol, to the SEC’s asserting crypto crackdown; there is a lot that happened in the crypto sphere recently.   Celsius Creditors Face Rising Phishing Attacks As the bankruptcy proceedings of Celsius Network, a crypto lending firm, approach its conclusion, creditors are encountering a surge in phishing attacks. Scammers are targeting individuals involved in the insolvency process, posing as the bankruptcy services platform, Stretto, and even impersonating Celsius. The increase in phishing attempts highlights the persistent threat of cyberattacks in the cryptocurrency space, especially during complex legal processes like bankruptcy. Crypto users are urged to exercise extreme caution, verify the authenticity of communications, and double-check website URLs to protect their assets from fraudulent activities. As the voting deadline for a proposed settlement plan nears, experts emphasize the need for vigilance to safeguard personal information and crypto holdings during this critical phase. DeFi Protocol Balancer Hack Endangered $238K Balancer, a prominent Ethereum-based Decentralized Finance (DeFi) protocol, has fallen victim to an ongoing attack, triggering an investigation. The protocol has cautioned users not to engage with its interface until further notice, as was posted on X (formerly Twitter) on September 19, 2023. Balancer has disclosed that the incident is currently under scrutiny, refraining from confirming whether user funds were compromised. However, contributor Cosme Fulanito has reassured that the platform’s vault remains secure. Security experts, including PeckShield and blockchain analyst ZachXBT, have estimated the theft to amount to approximately $238,000 in cryptocurrency. Balancer’s breach serves as a reminder of the vulnerabilities within the DeFi sector and the importance of continuous vigilance in the face of such attacks. SEC’s Crypto Crackdown: Warning Shots Fired The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is intensifying its scrutiny of the cryptocurrency space, including crypto exchanges and DeFi (Decentralized Finance) projects, for potential violations of securities laws. David Hirsch, head of the SEC’s crypto assets and cyber unit, issued a stern warning that the agency is contemplating more enforcement actions against crypto exchanges, brokers, and DeFi projects that fail to meet disclosure requirements or register with the SEC. The SEC’s regulatory enforcement is expanding beyond major U.S.-based crypto exchanges to target other exchanges, intermediaries, and DeFi projects. Hirsch revealed this during a speech at the Securities Enforcement Forum Central in Chicago on September 19, 2023. He emphasized the SEC’s commitment to bringing charges against those who breach securities laws, including intermediaries like brokers and clearing agencies. Hirsch clarified that merely labeling an operation as “DeFi” will not evade SEC enforcement. The agency is already engaged in numerous litigations but acknowledges limitations due to resource constraints. Recent actions by the SEC include lawsuits against major U.S.-based crypto exchanges, like Coinbase, for offering unregistered securities. The SEC’s ongoing legal battle with Ripple Labs centers on similar claims regarding XRP. Additionally, the SEC is scrutinizing NFT projects, emphasizing the economic reality of offerings over their labels. Source
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
Tim Hortons customers subject to 'technical error' incorrectly saying they'd won $10K
Some Tim Hortons customers who were told they had won $10,000 from the coffee chain's popular Roll Up To Win contest are now being notified that the prize message was a glitch.
The coffee and doughnut chain said Wednesday that for a few hours on Monday -- the contest's first day -- a "small subset" of players were incorrectly notified that they'd won the company's jackpot draw, a $10,000 daily prize meant to be awarded to one person per day.
The company added that it has offered a $50 gift card as compensation to players who received the erroneous award notice and is in the process of contacting the false winners "to express our regret for the disappointment caused by this error."
Moncton paramedic Luc Masse was among those who thought they had won a big prize only to be informed of the technical issue.
He has yet to be offered a $50 gift card as an apology and feels it's not a fair offer.
"A company like Tim Hortons is recognized as a nationwide brand that people love and cherish. Everybody waits every year for this, Roll up the Rim To Win... and then the first day this happens," he said.
"It kind of leaves a bad taste in your mouth, so to speak. Glitch or not, it shows that I won and I'd like them to honour it."
Masse, who said he stops by Tims for a coffee most days he's at work, believed he won a $10,000 American Express prepaid card on Monday, when he logged onto the app after reaching his paramedic base.
Tim Hortons' annual spring prize contest -- once called Roll up the Rim To Win -- went fully digital in 2021, swapping out printed messages under rolled up coffee rims for scanning a loyalty card or app.
Customers now scan the Tim Hortons app on their smartphone at the time of purchase to earn a "roll" that could reveal a prize like "free doughnut," or scan a loyalty card and later log into the contest's website to see the rolls and prizes they've earned.
After Masse's winner notification appeared, the app froze, but not before he managed to take a screenshot he sent to his wife, saying 'How's your Monday morning going? Here's mine."
His colleagues were just as excited.
"I was like, 'oh my God, I think I won' and then I showed them the message and they were like, 'holy, I think you did."
Masse contacted the Tim Hortons location he had bought his coffee at that day, who directed him to customer service number, where someone told me "it was a technical glitch and there's nothing you could do."
He's disappointed with the response and admits it might affect how often he visits.
"Tim Horton is my coffee. It's my go-to place for coffee, especially when I work, but honestly I haven't been since Monday," he said.
"Will I go again? It's a possibility. How long in between? I have no idea."
The technical glitch Masse experienced comes after Tim Hortons reached a proposed settlement last year in multiple class action lawsuits alleging the restaurant's mobile app violated customer privacy.
As a consolation, the restaurant offered a free coffee and doughnut to affected users.
-- With files from Brett Bundale in Halifax
This report by The Canadian Press was first published March 8, 2023.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/Y0JOk7N
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Buy Modafinil Europe - BuyModafinilOnline.Evaluations
Modafinil has been reported to stimulate the discharge of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate, whereas also reducing the exercise of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA. Adderall is out there as speedy release (IR) and extended release (XR). The abuse of stimulants has acquired fairly a little bit of publicity notably concerning the abuse of methamphetamine (meth), cocaine, and medications designed to deal with ADHD like methylphenidate (e.g., Ritalin and Concerta) and Adderall. https://buyxmodafinil.org proposed $69,000,000 Settlement has been reached in a lawsuit regarding the prescription medication Provigil, Nuvigil, and generic Provigil(modafinil). I referred to as Cephalon, Inc., and they actually had a particular "reply" line for Nuvigil questions, and a consultant really instructed me that Cephalon "hoped" that Nuvigil would final longer within the body than Provigil, but no comparative exams had been accomplished between the 2 medications. Apparently, we found that the kind of take a look at used to evaluate modafinil's cognitive benefits has changed over the previous few a long time. Nobody is claiming that Provigil, Nuvigil, or modafinil is unsafe or ineffective.
Modafinil is a Schedule IV classed drug, which implies a low potential for abuse and dependence. If you expertise any of the next symptoms occur after taking modafinil, contact your physician immediately. Research have shown that an grownup ought to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep a day to get up in a refreshing morning. After about per week of taking it, your body gets higher at adjusting to the remedy however my sleep was nonetheless slightly mild when in comparison with the sleep I get without the medicine. Sure mechanisms of stress may synergize with those of modafinil, probably resulting in faster-than-necessary depletion of neurotransmitter stores. Modafinil’s mechanisms of motion are quite complex, and aren't yet fully identified for certain. This noticed action of modafinil is much like the motion of very addictive medicine, such as cocaine, and the researchers urged that modafinil may have an addictive potential in people who are vulnerable for drug dependence.
This makes it a popular drug to help folks stay awake for long periods of time without feeling horrible. Do not change the time of day that you are taking armodafinil without speaking to your doctor. Continue to make use of any respiration units or different remedies that your doctor has prescribed to deal with your condition, particularly if you have OSAHS. Your physician should even be involved in utilizing Provigil for depression because its long run effects on the remedy should not identified. People are realizing that they don't must endure from depression in silence. Antidepressant drugs use reached an all-time excessive in 2006 with medical doctors prescribing the differing forms of antidepressants greater than some other sort of medicine. If you happen to overlook a dose, you must take the medicine as soon as you remember. Provigil® (modafinil) is a prescription medication used to help people with certain situations (similar to narcolepsy) keep awake. Anecdotally, individuals who have the Met/Met (worrier) gene say additionally they experience enchancment in cognitive functioning.
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Previously, individuals were utilizing very basic tests of cognition, developed for neurologically-impaired individuals. This implies you could need to keep away from using modafinil for an extended period during which you won’t want to keep up peak alertness and/or cognitive perform. Nonetheless, though reports of addiction and withdrawal signs are relatively uncommon for modafinil, a few instances have nonetheless been reported. Providial, the commercial trade identify for Modafinil, is used mainly to deal with narcolepsy (a disorder known for its often uncontrollable bouts of sleepiness throughout the day) as a way to increase alertness and energy. Shortly after Teva alerted the European Medicines Agency in regards to the suspected danger of beginning defects with modafinil, Health Canada released a safety alert for modafinil, recognized by the brand identify Alertec. In 2010, the European Medicines Company conducted a assessment of the safety and effectiveness of modafinil.
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Class Action Lawsuits - An Overview
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Class action differs from the traditional lawsuit because it departs from the common law litigation model. Common law demands lawsuits brought by or on behalf of the wronged individual. However, in a class action lawsuit, an exception of one party versus another rule is made. Because class action lawsuits typically involve several plaintiffs suing a common defendant for the same wrong, the Supreme Court recognized representative suits where parties are too many to appear before the court.
A class action allows one or more plaintiffs to sue on behalf of a larger group (class). Because a class can have several thousands of individual plaintiffs, the courts use class action to manage lawsuits that would spiral out of control if each class member were to sue individually. By making each class member who has been wronged by a common defendant a named plaintiff, a class action suit streamlines the litigation process.
If you suspect you’re a candidate for a class action, here’s how to proceed. First, you must hire a law firm specializing in class action suits. Choose a firm with a track record of success and human and financial resources to advocate for several claimants. Your counsel would then start a class action suit by filing a complaint that names at least one claimant as a class representative, who, in turn, will file a lawsuit on behalf of the proposed class.
The class representative must obtain class certification by asking the court to recognize the suit as a class action and approve the proposed class. To get certified, the law firm and the class representative must show that there’s a sufficient legal claim against the defendant and prove that the class is large enough.
All known claimants are notified via direct mail if the lawsuit meets both requirements. Notice is sent through print media and the internet to ensure no one's left behind. Membership in the class is automatic, meaning all affected parties are enjoined in the lawsuit. However, some class members may choose to opt out of the case.
At this stage, the defendant might realize that the other side has a strong case and decide to negotiate a settlement. If not, the case proceeds to trial. Once in court, a judge or jury will decide the case. Once a verdict has been reached, all class members will be notified and allowed to opt out should they find the decision unfavorable. If the court awards a settlement and the opt-out period has passed, the law firm’s lead counsel will distribute the damages to eligible members together with the class representative.
Courts prefer class action suits because they are practical for everyone involved. Imagine if each Class member were to file a suit individually. That would mean they would have different witnesses, experts, and documents. A class action, however, uses the same witnesses, experts, and documents to prosecute a case on behalf of several plaintiffs. Besides, most individual cases do not carry enough damages to warrant the time and expenses involved in trying the case separately.
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sfnewsvine · 2 years
Inman Wins 4 National Association of Real Estate Editors Awards
Be a part of trade visionaries Pete Flint, Spencer Rascoff, Ryan Serhant and extra at Inman Join New York, Jan. 24-26. Punch your ticket to the longer term by becoming a member of the neatest folks in actual property at this must-attend occasion. Register right here. Three Inman reporters took house 4 awards at The Nationwide Affiliation of Actual Property Editors annual journalism convention in Atlanta for his or her protection in 2021 of iBuyers, pocket listings, the U.S. Division of Justice’s actual property probe and the Nationwide Affiliation of Realtors’ polarizing hate speech coverage, it was introduced Thursday. Marian McPherson, Jim Dalrymple and Andrea Brambila had been among the many journalism commerce group’s 2022 actual property journalism award winners, the group introduced throughout the Nationwide Affiliation of Actual Property Editors’ 56th Annual Actual Property Journalism Convention, held this yr in Bunkhead. “We’re thrilled that NAREE has acknowledged the laborious work by our gifted reporters who’re devoted to protecting the evolving trade panorama and serving to readers develop their careers and companies,” Inman CEO Emily Paquette mentioned in an announcement on Friday. Andrea Brambila Inman Deputy Editor Andrea Brambila took house two awards, incomes bronze within the Greatest Business Actual Property or B-to-B Journal Story class for her protection of a case interpretation by the Nationwide Affiliation of Realtors formally declaring the show of the Accomplice flag a violation of its hate speech coverage. The case interpretation made it so {that a} Accomplice flag displayed in itemizing photographs might be “moderately construed as indicating a racial desire or unlawful discrimination primarily based on a protected class” on the a part of a list dealer. Brambila additionally took house a silver award within the Greatest Breaking Actual Property Information Story class for her protection of america Division of Justice pulling out of a proposed settlement with the Nationwide Affiliation of Realtors, which earned her a remark from the judges. “On the identical day the U.S. Division of Justice introduced it was pulling out of a settlement with the Nationwide Affiliation of Realtors, Brambila reported and wrote a narrative that went past a news-ticker headline,” the judges wrote. “Not solely did the story embrace the most recent developments within the saga, nevertheless it additionally outlined the historical past of the lawsuit, highlighted what the settlement would have required of NAR, and offered context for what this meant to patrons and sellers.” Jim Dalrymple The Greatest Business Actual Property or B-to-B Journal Story class additionally noticed Inman reporter Jim Dalrymple earn an honorable point out for his protection of the Chief Govt Officers of each Redfin and Zillow responding to an actual property agent and TikTokers principle that iBuyers may primarily repair housing costs. Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman argued that the agent’s description of iBuying was “unfaithful” and that  Redfin would “by no means deliberately underpay or overpay for a house.” Zillow referred to as the video an instance of “misinformation and falsehoods” in an announcement to Inman. Marian McPherson Within the Greatest Residential Actual Property Commerce or B-to-B Journal Story class, Inman reporter Marian McPherson earned a Bronze award for her protection of how pocket listings damage minority homebuyers. McPherson dove deep into the difficulty, talking with 5 consultants concerning the methods pocket listings contribute to a de facto segregation of the nation’s housing inventory by narrowing the market. The Greatest Total Particular person Actual Property Winner for 2022 was Troy McMullen, a contract author for the Washington Publish, who received for his protection of appraisal bias and its results on Black owners. Electronic mail Ben Verde Supply hyperlink Originally published at SF Newsvine
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bootwillow2 · 2 years
Adagrasib amide ameliorates mitochondrial problems as well as minimizes oxidative strain inside hiPSC-derived dopaminergic nerves with POLG mutation
The actual integrated composition we advise the following has the potential to effect on the best way treatment packages regarding nerve organs restoration are carried out, with all the encouraging prospective client associated with ultimately improving his or her final results. This article is a part of an exclusive Concern named: Brain settlement. Permanently? (H) This year IBRO. Published by Elsevier Limited. Most rights set aside.Handful of numerous studies have examined attempts targeting setup of most cancers therapy. On this examine many of us try to analyze the results of a intricate treatment made to enhance standard practitioners' (GPs) engagement throughout cancer therapy. Final results had been proactive contacts to be able to individuals through their GP reported by the sufferers as well as Gps navigation, correspondingly, and patients' contribution throughout therapy actions. Methods. Group randomised managed tryout. All common #Link# procedures within Denmark were randomised to a treatment team in order to a new control class (typical methods). Patients were consequently invested in the particular involvement or management team determined by randomisation standing of their Doctor. Involving May possibly 2008 and also Feb '09, grown-up people handled pertaining to event most cancers with #Link# Vejle Healthcare facility, Denmark, ended up #Link# evaluated for qualifications. As many as 323 standard practices have been provided, setting 486 individuals to an input as well as 469 into a control party. Your treatment integrated the patient job interview concerning rehab which has a therapy sponsor with the hospital, extensive details for the Doctor with regards to particular person requires pertaining to rehab, and an confidence for the GP to contact the sufferer proactively. Surveys were implemented for you to individuals as well as GPs from Fourteen weeks soon after inclusion. Results. In base line typical chronilogical age of people was Sixty three a few years 72% were feminine. The commonest cancer malignancy localisations had been breasts (43%), lungs (15%), and also cancerous cancer malignancy (8%). Your input didn't have any relation to sometimes patient-or GP-reported extent of GP proactivity. Even more, no result ended up being noticed on affected individual participation in rehabilitation pursuits in the 14-month follow-up interval. Dialogue. Your input had no relation to General practitioner proactivity or perhaps about patient involvement in therapy actions. Nonetheless, studies revealed a substantial connection between proactivity and involvement and we, consequently, determine in which elevated Doctor proactivity may possibly assist in individual involvement throughout treatment actions.As the very best researched people in the pharmaceutically pertinent class of G-protein-coupled receptors, rhodopsin serves as a model regarding learning the procedure involving G-protein-coupled receptor account activation. Right here, all of us target looking at functionally pertinent conformational changes and signal transmission mechanisms associated with its photoactivation created by having a cis-trans photoisomerization associated with retinal. Because of this search, we propose a molecular character sim process that utilizes normal methods produced from the particular anisotropic circle style regarding healthy proteins.
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adenei · 3 years
Ch. 2 How to Win a Witch in 10 Days
James rolls out of bed after the third snooze of his alarm clock. He knows exactly how long he can wait until he has to get out of bed so he won’t be late for work. Sometimes he misses living with Sirius and Remus, who used to help make sure he was up and at ‘em on time.
Stretching, James releases a groan as he goes to the bathroom and turns the water on for a shower. At least I’m not competing for hot water anymore. He steps into the scalding hot spray. He’s barely been living on his own for a month, and has to admit the perks certainly outweigh the drawbacks. Besides, they still work together for Alastor’s Ads, so it’s not like they never see each other.
After a quick lather and rinse, James steps out and towels off. He figures he has a good ten minutes to floo to the office. He’s pulling clothes out of his closet when Remus’s Patronus bursts through the window.
Get to the office. Now.
“Well, that doesn’t sound foreboding or anything,” he mutters to himself.
He quickly dresses and grabs his bag before heading to the fireplace. He’ll have to take a mid-morning break to get a bite to eat since the wolf interrupted his usual routine. Tossing the powder into the hearth, he steps in and transports himself to the office.
Sirius and Remus are waiting for him when he arrives, with looks of concern donning their faces.
“What’s got your wands in a twist this morning?” James assumes it’s not dire, and that Remus only sent the Patronus as a stern reminder for timeliness.
“It’s the Zabini Jewels pitch,” Sirius responds.
The name raises the hairs on the back of James’s neck.
“What about it?” he plays it cool.
The three men begin walking to James’s office, where Remus shuts the door after they all pile in.
“Well, the good news is that Moody liked your pitch,” Remus states, clearly easing James in as he begins.
Alastor Moody is the owner of Alastor’s Ads. After a mission with the Aurors put him out of commission, Moody opened an advertising business to do something with his settlement claim. He knew how corrupt the advertising business can be, so he set out to make the industry a little more honest, consequently weeding out the shadier businesses in the process. In the ten years since the company opened, it’s risen to the top spot of marketing in Magical England.
James’s position typically consists of wooing clients from magical games and sports and the food and spirits industry, but he’s recently begun dabbling in businesses outside his forte. Zabini’s is an up and coming jewelry shop with a lot of money backing its name. James submitted the proposal to Moody earlier that week, hoping to hear whether he would be the one to move forward with the pitch.
“Why do I sense there’s a but…” James trails off.
“Well…” Remus grimaces.
“Oh, come off it! If you’re not going to tell him, then I will!” Sirius interjects. “Moody’s given the pitch to my cousins!”
“No!” James bangs his fist on his desk, causing some of the hot young interns who are standing by the water cooler to jump and turn around.
James relaxes enough to flash a charming smile their way as he turns back to his best friends. “That was my proposal! I should be the one who meets with Zabini!”
“We know. But Moody said something about women ‘knowing and understanding’ the business more,” Remus attempts to calm James.
“That’s bullshit! Maybe they’re the ones who receive the jewelry, but blokes are the ones who buy it!”
“I know, mate.” Sirius throws his hands in the air, indicating he’s not the one James needs to argue with.
James is pissed. He’s worked too hard on this proposal for Moody to give the pitch to someone else. I’m not going down without a fight.
“Where are they?”
“They already left for a meeting at Witch Weekly.”
“Well, when are they meeting with Moody?”
“At Abbott's tonight,” Sirius answers automatically. Remus shoots him a look.
“What are you thinking?” he asks.
James looks down at his desk. Memos are piling up from existing clients, but he can’t be arsed to worry about those right now. He needs to sign Zabini. It will be the breakthrough he needs to stand on his own in the business, and a way to finally prove to himself that he doesn't need to rely on his parent’s wealth.
A look of determination crosses his face. “I’m going to crash their meeting and sell my pitch.”
Sirius holds up his hand for a high five as Remus winces. “I’m not sure if that’s a good idea, James.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not going down without a fight.”
James sits at a small cocktail table, sipping on a firewhisky at Abbott’s, a swanky magical speakeasy tucked away in the heart of Muggle London. The walls are painted an elegant navy blue that stands in stark contrast with the white marble floor, giving off an air of class and wealth that James has always refused to engage in. Gold trim lines the backlit shelves that house bottles upon bottles of expensive alcohol for the bar’s many eager patrons.
Business starts to pick up as the night drones on, and James can’t help but notice how many beautiful women are out on this fine Thursday night. If he didn’t have a pitch to snag, he might be on the prowl, looking for a good time. But he’s already limiting himself to one drink so he can keep his mind clear, but that’s not to say the alcohol isn’t tempting.
“Potter, what are you doing here?” Moody’s gruff voice can be heard from across the room.
James immediately stands up on his boss’s arrival. Ordinarily, he’d hold out his hand in greeting, but Moody’s always been a suspicious man, so he forgoes the gesture.
“I heard you accepted my proposal for Zabini’s Jewels.”
“Yes, and it’s my intention to give the pitch to Narcissa and Andromeda.”
“Why, sir?” James asks. He’s about to continue when another voice juts in.
“Why what?” Andromeda asks.
As if on cue, the Black sisters appear.
“What’s he doing here?” Narcissa quickly follows.
“It’d only be fair if the person who submitted the proposal has a hand in acquiring the pitch,” James says as suavely as he can, ignoring the ladies’ interjection.
“Ha!” Andromeda scoffs, “James couldn’t possibly know enough about what women like to know how to sell jewels.”
“Yes, I don’t think he’s ever had a proper girlfriend to buy jewelry for,” Narcissa adds with a smirk.
“Ah, but there’s the catch. You may think it’s all about what women want. But does a man consult his girl when he’s out to buy her a ring?” James doesn’t give either woman a chance to respond before he answers for them. “Exactly. You’re not just looking at it from the angle of ‘what a woman wants.’ One has to consider the man who’s shopping for his girl, and that is where I come in.”
Moody is listening raptly to James’s argument, which seems like a good sign. James notices Andromeda and Narcissa share a nervous glance, and he knows his ideas are being received better than the women assumed.
“Potter brings up a good point,” Moody says. “Every other advertising company always focuses on the woman, but this has potential.”
“Can’t you see it now? We’d include the women in the slogan, of course: ‘Zabini’s Jewels, where dreams come true.’” James lifts his hands to outline an imaginary sign that bears his ideas.
“Please, you’ve never been in a relationship long enough to even contemplate any of that!” Narcissa smacks her hand on the table in annoyance. “How do you know what it’s like shopping as a man in love? You’d be an imposter!”
“Am I really an imposter if I’m simply waiting for the right woman to come along?” James raises his eyebrows to match the smooth sound of his voice.
“Says the guy who’s only rival for the one-night stand trophy is Sirius,” Andromeda says.
To be honest, that jab hurts. For years, James has had the image of ‘womanizer’ placed on his head, even since his Hogwarts days. Sure, he’s a flirt, but he’s definitely not the type of bloke to bring home a different woman every night.
“That’s not entirely true and you know it. I have fun, but not that much fun.”
“Prove it, then,” Narcissa crosses her arms in front of her chest in indignation.
“Prove you’re capable of a serious relationship. That you can win a witch over and make her fall in love with you. Unless you don’t think you can handle anything more than taking a woman to bed,” Andromeda goads.
James is never one to back down from a challenge, but he worries the girls are doing this to throw him off his agenda. “I would gladly accept if this had anything to do with the Zabini pitch, but—”
“That’s an interesting offer,” Moody’s gruff voice interjects. All three look at him. “If you’re this cutthroat about winning a jewelry pitch, let’s have some fun with it. We’ve been invited to attend a gala that Zabini is hosting a week from Saturday. Find a woman and bring her as your date. If you can make her fall in love with you, you get the pitch. If you fail, the ladies win.”
“But how will you know he’s not paying the girl to fake it?” Narcissa pouts.
“I always know the truth,” Moody says. His glass eye is twitching in all directions as he stares at James with his good one.
Now, this is an interesting turn of events. James contemplates what Moody’s said. There has to be an easier way to shed the girls off his client, but his mind is coming up empty.
You did say you’d do anything earlier, didn’t you?
Yeah, he supposes he did.
“Alright, deal.”
“But we get to pick your lucky lady!” Andromeda interjects.
“What? No! I didn’t agree to that.”
“Oh, come on, it has to be someone completely neutral. We can’t have you calling up a friend and faking it, now can we?” Narcissa reasons.
Ugh, fuck them.
“I’ll allow it,” Moody says, as the girls begin scanning the room.
“Hmm, Cissy, who should we choose?”
“I don’t know, Andie, there are so many people here tonight. It’s bound to be tough. What about that one over there in the neon yellow dress with the black platform shoes?”
James groans. This is going to be a disaster.
“Or the overly eager woman by the bar in the too-tight green dress, downing her third martini of the night.” Andromeda smirks.
“Come on, ladies, let’s try and be fair here.” James makes the request, even though he’s not convinced they’ll listen.
“What about—” Narcissa begins to point out another woman, whom James is sure would never work, when Andromeda cuts her off.
“I’ve found her.”
Narcissa turns her head on a swivel, looking around with increased interest. “Who?”
“There, on the other end of the bar. Long auburn hair in the little black dress. She’s sipping on a cosmo.”
No fucking way.
James follows Andromeda’s eyeline until it falls on a very gorgeous, very familiar face. Lily Evans. His former Gryffindor schoolmate and long-time crush.
At first, James’s mind is screaming an adamant NO. That ship sailed during seventh year when he finally gave up his pursuit of Lily and settled with sixth year Hufflepuff Bridgette Carmicheal instead. It wasn’t until the end of term that he overheard Lily insisting that whatever feelings she thought she might have for him were gone.
‘He chose Bridgette, Marls. I strung him along for too long, and I lost my chance. I’m over it.’
Those words still sting as they hover in the back of his mind. James recalls breaking up with Bridgette within the week, hopeful that it wasn’t too late. But then Bridgette had taken the break-up horribly, and he knew going for Lily the next day wasn’t a good idea. Then graduation came and went, and he hasn’t seen her since.
Seeing her standing there now, his heart leaps into his throat. She’s just as beautiful as ever, and all those feelings he thinks he’s finally gotten over are back, like a tornado completely upending his life. This could be his chance—their chance—to finally make a go of things. The thoughts begin whirring in his mind of ways to win her over.
Before James realizes what he’s doing, he’s standing up, and his feet are carrying him over to where she’s sipping on her drink. She doesn’t see him coming.
“Evans,” he croons as he sidles up next to her.
Her body stiffens when she hears his voice. James hasn’t thought what her reaction might be upon seeing him for the first time in years. Well, it’s too late to back out now. I’ve got a pitch to win and a second shot with the girl of my dreams.
She turns around after a moment, her face impassive, but not unwelcoming.
“Potter.” She’s eyeing him up and down. “Long time, no see.”
“Yeah, since when? Graduation?”
“Something like that,” she shrugs nonchalantly.
“What brings you to Abbott’s?” James would rather know how often she comes here, but he keeps that question to himself.
“It’s been a long week, and I needed a night out. You?”
“Same.” James contemplates what’s made this week long, and is about to ask when Lily continues without prompting.
“Though I forget how stuffy this place can be,” Lily sighs, “Marlene and Alice convinced me to come, but I can’t say I’m having much success in tonight’s pursuits. And I’m starting to think they’ve ditched me. Though, I suppose all’s fair in love and war when you enter the dating game. Don’t you agree?”
Her comment almost throws James off as he looks down at the hand holding her cosmopolitan. He breathes a sigh of relief and thanks Merlin that there’s no ring on her finger. So, she’s looking for a good time tonight, is she? Well, I can certainly show her a good time—and then some—if she’ll let me.
“Couldn’t agree more,” he says in an attempt to continue engaging her in conversation.
She makes the effort to look around the room. Now is his chance to make a move.
“You hungry?”
Lily observes him carefully. James can tell she’s closed off and knows he needs to reassure her that it’s innocent, for now…
“C’mon, Evans, it’s just dinner. Catching up can’t hurt, can it?” He pauses for a moment before making the split-second decision to add, “I’ve missed you.”
It’s true. Standing here with Lily now, James wonders how he coped over the past three years. He thought he’s been managing just fine, but her presence brings back everything he’s so desperately missed about her. James doesn’t realize he’s holding his breath until he sees her relax. Her eyebrows soften and the smallest smile plays at the corners of her lips.
She sets her almost empty glass down on the bar before sliding off her stool. “Well, Potter, how can I resist when you put it like that? Lead the way.”
James can’t help the grin that spreads on his face. He holds out his arm as Lily gingerly latches on. Her touch sends a tingle up his spine as they move toward the doors.
Before he forgets, James takes a quick glance back at Moody, Andromeda and Narcissa. He flashes a smirk that he hopes says ‘you’re going down’ before turning back to the beautiful woman on his arm. After ten years of pining, he’s finally got Lily Evans right where he’s always wanted her, and he’s determined not to ruin this second chance.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Riding High
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Chapter 12- ILY
Chapter Summary: Its Christmas…and we reach the end of a stressful year for Frank…but as he looks back he realises, it ain’t all been that bad.
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words. Talks of SMUT but nothing major
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding High Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 11
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Frank looked up as Fliss walked into her parent’s kitchen and his mouth dropped open. She was dressed in a gorgeous long legged strapless jumpsuit along which the neckline was embellished with lace flowers which spread down the sheer sleeves. Her long hair was styled in loose curls and she’d done something to her make up that made her cheek bones stand out even more. Her eyelids were adorned with a deep green that shimmered and made her dark eyes pop and she had a clear gloss on her plump lips. Fuck, she looked stunning. But as he watched, he saw her face fall and she bit her lip.
“Is it…is it not ok?” She asked shyly “I can change…I mean…”
“Don’t you dare.” He said sternly, stepping forward, his hands falling to her hips “Honey, you look amazing.”
Her face lit up and she smiled at him, shyly “I wasn’t sure how posh to go or…”
“Lissy…” He chuckled “Stop it.”
“Sorry.” She wrinkled her nose as she stepped back slightly and looked him up and down, taking in his dark jeans, boots and light denim button down. “You look pretty good too Sailor.” she smiled, running her hands up his chest to his shoulder and he noticed then she was also wearing her Pandora. He smiled back, his eyes also spotting that her neck was bare and then had the perfect idea for a final Christmas Gift he had been struggling to come up with. With a soft smile he leaned down, taking in that she was slightly taller than usual thanks to her heels and he pressed a gentle kiss to her mouth.
“Get a room…” Bill shot as he walked into the kitchen, Mary in tow.
“Bore off.” Fliss shot back, looking at her dad as he sent her a grin before he did a double take.
“Wow, you look cracking Titch.”
“Thanks” she smiled
“You ready to go?”
“Sure you don’t mind dropping us?” Frank turned to look at Bill “It’s no problem to get a cab.”
“It’s no bother at all, besides, I need to collect the Thai anyway.” Bill waved him off.
“You’re getting Thai?” Frank raised an eyebrow and glanced at Mary “Funny that just so happens to be your favourite…”
She shrugged “Verity asked what I wanted for dinner.”
Frank sighed and looked at Bill “You spoil her.”
Bill shrugged “And?”
Frank rolled his eyes a soft smile playing on his face. The way that Bill and Verity had welcomed Mary, and him for that matter, into their lives still amazed him. Whilst he and Fliss had only been officially together four weeks or so now, they’d opened their doors to him the day they had met pretty much back in August and he was eternally grateful. Mary got a sense of family, something he had wanted her to have all her life. It had even been brought up at the Court Hearing earlier that week where the paperwork had been signed awarding him legal guardianship status, the woman from the Child services department commenting in the court room that Mary had been gushing about Bill, Verity and Fliss, and seemed extremely settled.
Frank was simply relieved all of it was more or less over.
The last two weeks had been stressful as Greg had been handling the main discussions with the state for him and when they’d sat down one night to go over the notes for the settlement they had proposed, Greg told Frank that 2 major conditions would be set. Firstly that he found a home to allow Mary a room of her own and secondly that she was given access to a higher, more challenging form of education. After a bit of discussion with Mary, who had insisted she didn’t want to go to a posh school, Greg had done a little research into previous cases and come up with a suggestion that Child Services agreed with. They would provide a scholarship grant that would allow Mary to attend a number of University classes a few days a week and then her normal school the rest. It was a middle ground, giving Mary the mental stimulation she needed but also allowing her to be a normal kid. It was agreed she would return to normal school when term started in January and the arrangements would be made with the University to start there when their term picked up the middle of the same month. Frank had insisted that she wouldn’t be taking any exams or anything like that, just doing the work, keeping herself occupied. The judge had accepted the proposal, giving Frank 6 months to find alternative living arrangements, and had then awarded the Guardianship temporarily with the instruction it be awarded permanently upon a review in 6 months. So whilst not 100% complete, it was almost there, and Frank knew that as long as he did what they said, there would be no problem. The other good thing was nothing had legally been awarded to Evelyn, after she had remained completely absent from the proceedings. Which meant that if she did reach out, Frank would have total control over where and how often contact took place. Which suited him fine as he could ensure it was on Mary’s terms completely.
“Hey…you ok?” Fliss asked, rubbing his arm. He jerked round, realising he had been completely elsewhere and gave her a smile.
“Yeah, sorry, was just thinking.”
“Did it hurt?” Mary asked and Frank shot her a look as Fliss and Bill laughed as Mary left with the drink she had come in to the kitchen for.
Frank followed her into the living room as she perched on the large sofa next to Verity, the pair of them looking at something on the laptop.
“Behave.” Frank looked at Mary. “Go to bed when V and Bill tell you, no back chat or arguing…”
She saluted him and V looked up smiling. “Stop fussing Frank, she’s never any trouble.”
Frank nodded and then headed out to Bill’s Range Rover catching Fliss up.
“You do realise she’s gonna be up until midnight, pigging out on junk and watching movies right?” Fliss said as he reached her side, looping an arm round her waist.
“Yup.” Frank said “But she’s staying over there and not in the Annex, which means she’ll wake them up at stupid AM in the morning after no sleep and not us so I don’t much care…”
A little while later Frank guided her into Bongos Beach Bar and over to a booth at the far side. Fliss smiled as she recognised Greg, and Frank introduced her to his wife Zara, then his friend Jake and his fiancée Lisa. Finally she smiled at Simon who then excused himself heading off to meet his date at the door.
“Date?” Frank raised an eyebrow
“Yeah he’s been seeing her for about three weeks.” Zara supplied “He invited her tonight…”
“Huh, must be serious.” Frank mused and Jake looked at him.
“Could say the same about you.” He teased and Frank shoved him on the shoulder.
Jake laughed and then raised his hand “They’re here now.”
Frank turned to see Simon making his way over towards them with a familiar brunette in tow.
Oh for fucks sake…
“Bonnie…” Fliss smiled at her as the woman stilled when she saw her and Frank.  
“You know each other?” Simon asked, frowning slightly.
“Yeah, errr…” Frank began, wondering how the hell he was going to get out of this when Fliss spoke up.
“Bonnie is, was, still is I suppose, Mary’s teacher.”
Bonnie shot her a grateful look and Fliss simply smiled as Simon made a noise of comprehension.
"I should have twigged!” Simon smiled, as they all took a seat at the booth. Zara handed out a few glasses of prosecco from the bottle that sat on the table to Bonnie and Fliss who both thanked her, the men grabbing a beer from the bucket.
“Thank you.” Frank whispered into Fliss’ ear as she turned to look at him. “I didn’t know he was seeing her, or that she was gonna be here, I promise…”
Fliss frowned and shrugged “It’s fine.” she said, almost as if she was puzzled as to why he was apologising. The confusion on his face must have shown as she smiled and lay her hand on his knee. “Frank, I don’t have a problem with Bonnie. I still think it was a stupid thing to do but…” she shrugged.
He smiled at her and dropped a kiss to her cheek. “You’re fucking amazing you know that?”
“Yep…” she popped the p, grinning at him as she took a drink from her champagne glass.
Fliss kept up with the conversation, but she soon realised that as nice as they were, Zara and Lisa were just not her type of people. With both their husbands having well paid jobs, as a lawyer and a bank manager, both were stay at home mums with a lot of money to spend and time on their hands. Plus they clearly spent a lot of time together so a lot of the chatter they made between themselves, leaving Fliss to simply listen.
At one point she glanced at Bonnie who was sat, nervously twisting her fingers together before she excused herself and headed over to the bathroom. Fliss gave it a few seconds before she too did the same, Frank moving so she could squeeze past him, hands falling to her hips as she went.
“Hey…” Fliss looked at Bonnie who was stood leaning on a sink. “You ok?”
“Yeah, I err, well, I don’t know about you but I feel a little out of place. I mean they’re nice enough but…“
"Kinda feels like we’re outsiders.” Fliss nodded finishing the sentence for her.
Bonnie snorted “I feel like they’re judging me a little. Like I’m a teacher…who has to work, and it’s not a great job…”
“Dude, I shovel shit for a living and Frank’s a grease monkey.” Fliss shot causing Bonnie to snort. “It’s not that at all, they’re just friends and we’re…well…”
 “Strangers…” Bonnie nodded.
“Exactly.” Fliss shrugged “Trust me, I’ve done the whole awkward social circle thing before, this…well, this is actually kinda nice in comparison. I met some real ass hats when I was with my ex. These guys are ok”
Bonnie smiled and then she grinned cheekily "Wanna go do tequila?”
“Fuck, yes.” Fliss nodded and they left the bathroom giggling, heading straight to the bar. Bonnie placed her order and slid a note over the bar as they both settled on a stool. Fliss glanced round to the booth where Frank was sat talking to the rest of his friends before she turned back to Bonnie who slid her a shot over. Without a word they both had their salt, downed the shot, then bit into the lemon, both grimacing and laughing as Fliss ordered another two and asked Bonnie what long drink she wanted. Turns out she was also a gin and tonic woman.
“I’m glad you and Frank ended up together.” Bonnie smiled at her. “It’s nice.”
“Thanks.” Fliss grinned. “Kinda crept up on me a little, you know? I wasn’t looking for anything but...”
“I’m glad me and him didn’t ruin it.” Bonnie said gently “That entire night was a huge mistake…I could tell the day after he regretted it.”
Fliss shrugged “Well we all do dumb shit.”
“Say that again.” Bonnie mumbled as their second shots arrived along with their gin.
“You know when he told me he’d told you it was a mistake I went mad at him.” Fliss snorted “I mean, talk about a shitty thing to say.”
“Oh that’s not the half of it, he-…” Bonnie trailed off and shook her head as she took a drink of her gin. “Forget it, doesn’t matter.”
“What?” Fliss pressed.
“Nope.” Bonnie shook her head firmly.
“You can’t just say that and not tell me!“ Fliss whined as Bonnie downed her shot, before she sighed
“He called me by your name, twice.”
Fliss choked on her gin, her eyes wide “What, when you…”
Bonnie nodded.
“Ok, so I feel like I should be apologising…” Fliss snorted, “Not sure what for but…” Bonnie chuckled as Fliss shook her head and continued “How did you not rip his cock off…I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m very glad you didn’t but…”
Bonnie laughed loudly as Fliss sprinkled more salt onto her hand “It’s not a big deal, he was mortified when I told him.”
“So he should be…” Fliss shook her head, as she picked up her tequila.
She turned to look at Frank who was now looking round the bar, questioningly. He spotted her at the bar and raised an eyebrow and she met him with a look of her own. “I’m dating an ass hole.” she said, turning back to Bonnie “He’s cute though.”
There was a pause before they both laughed, and Bonnie gestured to the empty glasses. Fliss shrugged and Bonnie, with a grin, ordered another 2 shots.
 “So, how’s the new job Frank?” Simon looked at him and Frank smiled, taking a pull from his bottle.
“I don’t start until January.” he swallowed his drink, “But yeah, looking forward to it. Full time wage, benefits…what’s not to like?”
“And a boss.” Greg said, and Frank laughed.
“Well, be kinda nice not to have to think about where the next job is coming from.” he shrugged, “I still get to do what I enjoy but less stress…”
Greg, Simon and Jake all exchanged a look which Frank didn’t miss. He gave a sigh. “What?”
“Nothing…”  Jake smirked “Just watching you finally growing up is bringing a tear to my eye. I mean, you brought a girl to our Christmas gathering, the first one ever…in the history of the Circle of Truth holding Christmas gatherings…”
“Yeah, I imagine this is what it’s like waving your kid off to university.” Simon nodded.
Frank raised his middle finger at them all, causing them to laugh.
“We’re only joking.” Simon winked at him. “In all seriousness, it’s nice to see.”
Frank shook his head “You make it sounds like I’m some kind of utter disaster case…”
They all paused and once again looked at each other. “Oh fuck you.” Frank snorted as they all laughed again.
Anyone seen the ladies?” Greg looiked around suddenly.
“Oh, I think Zara and Lisa are on the dance floor…” Jake nodded.
 Frank glanced round the bar, looking and saw that indeed they were but there was no sign of Fliss. Or Bonnie for that matter. Fliss had gone to the bathroom a while back but surely it couldn’t be that long to pee, even if you were a girl.
“Oh, looks like our girls are getting on…” Simon jerked his head to the bar. Frank turned in his seat and glanced over and saw Fliss laugh at something Bonnie said, before she licked a line of salt off her hand, downed the shot, and bit into the lemon. He couldn’t decide if he was relieved or a little weirded out at how cool Fliss was around the woman he’d almost ruined his chances with her over, but as he watched her cutting loose, talking to Bonnie, the two women locked in a very friendly exchange he felt his chest warm. Fliss had openly admitted to him not long back she was a little lonely, her own friends being in England and the ones she had in Boston, well, they’d not really been her friends, more his. He supposed it was nice to see her with someone like that, even if it as one of his one night conquests. As he watched Fliss spluttered on her drink and looked at Bonnie, another exchange was had before Fliss picked up her next tequila and looked at him. He raised a questioning eyebrow but all she did was smirk and turn back to Bonnie. With a slight shrug he turned to Simon.
“Wanna join em?”
Simon nodded “Yeah, why not.
They excused themselves from the booth and headed over. Fliss smiled as Frank slid an arm round her waist and dropped a kiss to her neck, before Simon grinned and nodded as he added another 2 tequilas to their order.
Several more shots and gins later Fliss was drunk. So was Frank. Which was the reason the two of them had ended up on the outside beach dancefloor, dancing to some random Christmas shit. It was also the reason Frank’s denim button down was now un-done revealing his white sleeveless which he had on underneath, giving Fliss a perfect view of that collar bone tattoo she loved so much. It hadn’t surprised her in the slightest when he had explained where the words were from, being a man of philosophy and all that. She also loved the reason behind his Taurus tattoo, it being Mary’s zodiac sign. Basically her sailor underneath all his bravado was a huge sentimental sap. A huge, sentimental sap whose hands were once again now cupping her ass as they swayed together to the music. Fliss had long given up reaching around to restore them to the bottom of her back and simply smirked to herself slightly as she looked round the dancefloor and out across the dark ocean
“Still not right.” she murmured.
“This…” she made an elaborate gesture with her arm and hit a guy next to her. “Whoops…sorry.” she grimaced as Frank snorted, the guy simply shrugged and carried on his way. “I mean…no snow at Christmas…”
“Yeah but, you’re outside, on a Christmas dancefloor, on the beach” he shrugged “I mean it’s kinda cool…”
“Suppose…” she shrugged, and then she paused, and Frank watched as a gorgeous grin spread across her face whilst she cocked her head to the music. It had just morphed into Fairy Tale of New York and she let out a whoop “I fucking love this one!”
There was a loud cheer from someone and suddenly the two of them were squashed together as Simon and Bonnie appeared, followed by the rest of the group and they found themselves in a circle,  arms tangled around shoulders, the girls singing the girls part and the boys singing the boys part. At one point someone dressed as Santa muscled into the middle of the group, simply giving a loud cheer before he exited and moved elsewhere, causing Fliss to snort hysterically, hanging onto Frank’s arm as she did. As the song ended, everyone belting out the last line the group descended into giggles and Frank just watched his girl. Her cheeks were flushed, hair was slightly frizzier now thanks to the humid outdoor air and she was absolutely the wrong side of wasted but god did he love that woman.
He loved her.
Frank Adler, one time self-proclaimed bachelor, king of the Friday night fucks was in love. When did that happen?
As he watched her lean in and say something to Greg who burst out laughing he realised he couldn’t pin point it. It had crept up on him, like a slow burn, a deep fire in the very core of his belly. And damned did that fire feel hot.
Frank reached for his girl and pulled her away from Greg. She stumbled slightly into his arms and she looked up at him, giggling a little and he cut her off with a deep kiss. And before he could stop himself, he blurted it out, right there in the middle of a temporary beach dancefloor
“I love you.”
 If anyone else in the group had heard they were tactful enough to all turn away, pretending not to, but there’s no way they could have missed Fliss when she pulled back, a look of shock on her face which morphed into a grin and she pointed at Frank
“Youuuu loooooveeee meeee!” she sang and Frank felt himself blush.
“Yeah, do you hafta announce it to the entire of South Pass?” his Boston accent dripped off his tongue.
“Youuuu loooooooveeee meeee!” she said again and he groaned, pulling her closer. She leaned up so she could whisper into his ear, and damned the touch of her lips against his ear aroused him far more than was appropriate for the middle of a public dance floor.
“Wanna know a secret Sailor?” she asked. He turned his head to look at her and she smirked at him “I love you too.”
Well fuck.
Despite the fact they were both trashed, they both knew this wasn’t just a heat of the moment thing. Both felt it, both knew that whatever it was they had was different, special, a part of them now and Frank felt himself mimicking the stupid smile on her face. He leaned down to kiss her again, and her hands tangled into his hair, the feel of her delicate nails on his scalp sent hot pokers to his belly and his already half growing arousal was, well, aroused even more.
“And that’s even though you’re an asshole who calls someone else’s name during sex.” she pulled away. With a groan Frank hung his head as her arms linked around his neck, his hands locking behind her back.
“You know about that?” He asked with a little hiccup. “She told you?”
“Yup.” Fliss narrowed her eyes “And FYI you do that to me I’ll cut your balls off and feed them to Thor.”
“Harsh but fair.” Frank conceded after a short pause.  She grinned and leaned up to kiss him again before she pulled away.
“Can we go now ‘cause I’m kinda horny.”
Ok, so Drunk Fliss was another Fliss to add to his list of favourite Flisses. Along with Sassy, shy, stern, sleepy, just fucked, just woken up…basically all the Flisses
“Nope.” He teased “I’m good here.”
“Really?” She asked, pressing closer to him, tilting a little and he grunted as her hip bone pressed into his groin “Sure about that?”
“Yup.” He managed to squeak out.
“That must be a spanner in your pocket then. Or a screwdriver, or some other form of pointy tool…” She was hardly able to finish the sentence she was laughing that much.
“Yeah, those…damned pointy tools…” He shook his head as he leaned down to kiss her. It was sloppy, open mouthed, full of tongue and absolutely filthy and left the pair of them in a bit of a daze. Frank pulled away and looked around, taking a deep breath “Ok, we can go now.”
Somehow they made it home in one piece. It took Fliss three attempts to get the key in the lock, the pair of them giggling like a couple of school kids, before she finally managed it and Frank leaned over and pushed the door open. Fliss stumbled slightly and Frank caught her, laughing.
“Shhh” He said.
“What for?” She asked, kicking off her shoes.
He paused for a moment and then shrugged “Actually I don’t know…”
“Idiot…” She sniggered, pushing his undone shirt down his arms before pulling at the bottom of his sleeveless underneath. He moved so she could pull it over his head and as her fingers started to undo the button at the top of his jeans he reached round and gently found the zipper on her jumpsuit, sliding it down, his fingers gently skimming her back as they backed to the couch. Fliss fell over the arm with a thud, Frank following, before the momentum tripped him and he rolled onto the floor, pulling her with him, landing with a thud on his back. She fell on top of him, her elbow catching him in the ribs and he gave a loud huff, before she laughed and leaned over kissing him. His hands tangled into her hair, keeping her head angled perfectly, the kiss searing, leaving them breathless. Fliss pulled back and he brushed her hair back with both his hands, smiling softly at her.
“I meant what I said you know.” He looked at her
“Remind me again what that was.” She teased.
“I…” he leaned up and pecked her lips “love…” another peck “you.”
“Tell me when you’re sober.” she sassed back and gave a squeal as he whipped her over so she was on her back on the rug by the coffee table, framed between his strong arms and legs.
“In vino veritas.” He quipped and she propped herself up on her elbows, the front of her jumpsuit fell forward slightly and Frank blatantly stole a look down it at her lacy strapless bra, giving a groan.
 “Yeah, and in vino a load of non-sensitas too…” She grinned and he gave a snort, as he dipped his head.
“Shut up.” he mumbled, his lips pressing onto hers again.
 Frank groaned, blinking against the light that was streaming in through the crack in the curtains. Jesus Christ his head hurt. Rolling over he was met with a face full of hair and he blew it out of the way, smoothing down Fliss’s wild locks which were splayed all over the pillow. Gently sliding an arm under her neck he dropped the other one round her bare waist and pulled her into him, her back pressing to his chest as he snuggled close, screwing his eyes closed against the painful daylight.
“What year is it?” Fliss groaned and Frank chuckled slightly.
“Feeling rough, baby?”
“Rough?” She croaked “I feel like I have a smurf in my head with a pick axe. This is all your fault.”
“My fault?“
“Yes you let me drink tequila with Bonnie.”
“Ok, first off I didn’t know you were doing that until I saw you at the bar…”
“Yeah, and then you and Simon joined in…
“…and second off, you’re a grown ass woman. You make your own decisions.”
She groaned again and then stilled “Fuck, we had sex last night…”
“Wow.” Frank laughed. “Way to ruin my pride, Sweetheart…”
“No I mean…” she shuffled onto her back and looked at him. “Did we…use…“
Franks eyes went wide. "Oh, erm…”
No, no they hadn’t… fuck, fuck, fuck.
“I mean, come on, surely, we’ll be fine right?” he asked, “I mean, one time…what are the chances of…”
“No, it’s not that I’m worried about.” she shook her head “I’m on the pill…I just..” she trailed of
Frank propped himself up on his elbow as he cottoned on to what she was saying “Are you being serious?” he snorted.
“Well I don’t know where you’ve been!” she shrugged indignantly “well, ok, maybe I know some of where you’ve been, but…”
Frank snorted and shook his head “What do you take me for?”
“An ex ho?” she shot back immediately.
He fell onto his back laughing “If you must know I’ve never had unprotected sex with a one night stand in my life. And the other week I went and got tested, just for you. And I’m clean so…”
“That’s so romantic. ” she grinned at him.
“Well I try.” he raised an eyebrow.
“Still love me?” she quipped and he turned his head to look at her.
“Fraid so.”
“Too bad.” she teased, shuffling over to him “Coz that means you’re stuck with me…”
“Oh no…” he said sarcastically as he turned onto his side, glancing down at her bare breasts “How will I ever cope?”
“Sure you’ll think of a way.” she arched an eyebrow before she suddenly went green. “Oh shit…” she mumbled, before she shot out of the bed and into the bathroom.
Frank listened to her barfing and snorted a laugh before he swung himself out of bed, glad to find his boxers on the floor by his feet. Although where the rest of his clothes where he had no idea. He knocked on the bathroom door.
“You ok?”
He heard the toilet flush and she emerged, wrapped in a robe and looked at him. “I’m never drinking tequila again. Ever.”
Frank had to hand it to his girl, despite her raging hangover she still managed to teach four classes of kids that day, and made it through to nine that evening before she completely crashed on the sofa, falling asleep as the three of them sat in the apartment living room watching The Grinch, Mary’s choice. As the film finished at little after ten, Mary, who was lounging on Frank’s lap looked over to where Fliss lay, her head resting on the other arm of the couch, her feet nestled under his thigh, and nudged Frank.
“I know.” He smiled softly “Leave her be.”
Mary grinned and reached up to run her hand through his beard “you love Fliss.”
He looked at her for a second, eyebrow raised “What makes you say that?”
 “Roberta.” she shrugged.
Frank snorted. “Well, she’s not wrong.”
“Did you tell her yet?” Mary looked at him.
“What did she say?”
“That she loves me too.”
Mary grinned “Lissy and Frank, sitting in a tree…”
He rolled his eyes as she chanted off the rest of the ridiculous rhyme and then looked at her. “You finished?”
“Good, bed time.”
“Awww Frank….”
“No arguments. Bill told me what time you stayed up till last night.”
“Grass.” she narrowed her eyes.
“Yeah, you better believe it. Go on, wash your face, clean your teeth.”
“Quit stalling Stack you had one when you got back from the stables…”
With a groan she pushed herself off his knee and he stood up as she headed into the bathroom. He pulled a fresh pair of pyjamas out of the clean pile of laundry he needed to sort that was on the chair at the back of the room and lay them on his bed before he moved over and knelt down by Fliss’ head.
“Honey,” he said gently, pushing her hair back off her face, “Lissy…“
She made a noise as she wrinkled her nose, and he smiled as she blinked and looked at him.
“Oh, shit. Sorry…” she yawned as she realised she’d fallen asleep. “What time is it?“
“Not too late.” He smiled “Just about to put Mary to bed. You staying here or…”
“Yeah if that’s okay?”
“Course it is.” he smiled and dropped a kiss to her lips before she sat up running her hand through her hair as she blinked, yawning again.
“Fuck I’m so tired.” She stood up, stretched and then smiled as Mary came back into the room. The girl shot Frank a filthy look and stalked past him into his room. “Ok, wow…”
“She doesn’t want to go to bed.” he shrugged, “moody little madam.”
Fliss laughed as she headed into the bathroom. Frank sat down on the sofa and a little while later, Mary emerged and shot straight for her bed.
“Can I at least read?” she looked at him.
“Ten minutes, tops, whilst I do the dishes…”
She grinned and he turned off the TV and headed into the kitchen, clearing away the remains of their takeaway, stowing the left overs in the fridge for lunch the day after.
In the bathroom Fliss was busy groaning to herself as she realised she’d come on. She knew she was due, but still, this was a pain in the ass. Sorting herself out, she washed her hands and walked into the kitchen. Frank looked up and raised his eyebrow, misinterpreting the look on her face.
“You been sick again?” he asked.
“No… ” She shook her head as she bit her lip. “Look, Frankie, I think I’m go home…”
“Why?” He frowned.
“I errr…” She flushed “I forgot…I…” she trailed off and his frown deepened as her hand moved instinctively to her stomach before a look of realisation crossed his features.
“Oh…” He nodded. “Well, ok, if you’re more comfortable going home then that’s up to you.” He dropped a kiss to her head and she looked at him, confusion flooding her brain.
“You don’t want me to go?”
“Why would I want you to go?” he frowned.
“Because…” she looked at him, unable to voice what she was getting at. Another memory flooded her mind, one of John screaming at her for the sheets being marked, she was jerked back to the here and now as Frank closed the distance between them, tipping her head up to look at him.
“Lissy, talk to me…”
“Sorry, I err…” she rubbed at her head “He used to make me sleep in a separate room.”
“Are you for real?” Frank blurted out, and she could see the anger flooding his system. “Seriously?”
She visibly recoiled a little at his tone and Frank cursed himself as she looked at him, eyes wide as she began to apologise.
 “Hey.” He said gently, reaching out to her. “Stop. You’ve nothing to be sorry for I shouldn’t have shouted I just….” He took a deep breath.
“That’s fucked up.”
She looked back up at him, her eyes now had a fierce spark. “You think that’s fucked up? When he was trying to get me pregnant, every month he’d stop me taking pain killers when I came on. Told me it was my own fault for not managing to conceive.”
“Jesus Liss…” Frank shook his head, as she shrugged, her head turning to the side. “Baby…”
“Don’t” she shrugged “I don’t wanna talk about it anymore.”
“Ok.” he nodded. “Look. If you wanna stay then it’s up to you. Whatever you wanna do.”
“I do.” She nodded, smiling softly.
“Good.” He dropped a kiss to her forehead before he moved away from her and reached over, filling the kettle.
“What are you doing?” She asked from behind him.
“Making you a tea.” He shrugged “Used to help Diane…”
“Thanks…” she smiled after a short pause.
“You got everything you need or you need to go the store?”
“I’m good. Ex Girl Scout, always prepared…”
Frank gave a laugh.
“Think I might take another shower though, if that’s…”
“You don’t need to ask.” He looked at her. “You’re my girlfried. I want you to feel like you’re at home when you’re here.”
At that she gave him a soft smile as she moved over and wrapped her arms round his waist, nuzzling into his chest. He gently rubbed at her back, before she leaned up, kissed him and headed out. The kettle boiled and he leaned on the side, dropping his head slightly. What kind of fucked up asshole did that to his own wife? To a wife he was supposed to love and protect no less. It broke his heart to think anyone could be so callous, so mentally and physically abusive to someone so soft, so gentle, so damned amazing….he looked up as he saw her making her way into the bathroom, bag in hand and she smiled at him, shutting the door.
Once he’d made them both a hot drink and grabbed the Advil, he made his way through to his room, placing one mug on the bedside table on the side he slept on and then another on the sill behind Fliss’ side and leaned on the doorframe, looking at Mary. She was still reading.
“Please just the end of this chapter.” she held up the Harry Potter book. Frank took a deep breath, then decided fuck it. She’d fall asleep at some point, there was no school.
“Lights off after that. I’ll be out to check.” he instructed as he dropped a kiss to her head. “Night Stack.”
“Night Frank.”
Back in his room he stripped off, tossing his t-shirt into the hamper before folding his jeans and dropping them on his dresser. He settled on the bed, stretching his legs out as he kicked the duvet down and flicked on the small TV, flipping through the channels looking for something to watch. Grinning when he found an episode of Family Guy, he turned the volume down low and had been watching for about five minutes when he heard Fliss talking to Mary who mentioned something about the book before he heard her bid her good night, and as Fliss opened the door he saw Mary’s light flip off.
He smiled at his girl who had her hair pulled back in a braid and was dressed in a pair of bed shorts and a tight camisole type top, her shoulders bare, long legs stretched as she dropped onto the bed besides him.
“You okay?” he asked, dropping a kiss to her shoulder as she reached round for the drink. She paused as she saw the Advil and then picked it up, smiling at him as she turned to face him.
“Yeah.” she assured him as he kissed the bridge of her nose. She tossed down two pain killers and sipped her drink, her legs bent in front of her as they sat in a comfortable silence, watching the TV, both laughing softly at the show. Eventually she placed the mug down and snuggled closer to him. He reached down for the duvet and pulled it up round their legs as her head lay on his chest, his arm falling round her, fingers lightly brushing down the back of her neck, shoulder and then up again. It was an action he knew she found comforting, and he was proven right as little over fifteen minutes later he looked down to find her fast asleep.
With a soft smile he turned off the TV and gently moved her so that they were both lay flat and she gave a soft hum of contentment and snuggled into him closer. With a yawn he pressed a kiss to her head and closed his eyes.
The rest of the two weeks remaining to Christmas was spent in a whirl of tree-decorating, paper-chain making, shopping and eating more crap than Fliss had thought humanly possible. Steve and his wife Sian arrived on the 22nd and Verity cooked a huge family dinner where Mary was introduced to their twin boys. Frank watched her with interest, they were both her age and he was pleasantly surprised to see she actually seemed to mingle with them quite well. Steve was also noticeably warmer towards him too, which was a relief, and Frank was more than happy to take him out for a beer with Bill one evening whilst the women stayed at home and wrapped presents whilst drinking copious amounts of champagne. A Gallagher tradition Frank was informed, a tradition he eagerly told Bill he could fully get on board with, especially when Fliss had offered to wrap Mary’s presents as well.
 By the time Christmas Eve rolled round Frank noticed that Fliss was ridiculously excited and was happy to admit it was because she was looking forward to spending it with him and her family. When Verity had invited him to join them for Christmas dinner he’d been reticent to accept at first, not because he didn’t want to, but because he didn’t want to put her out. When she’d told him she’d be more offended if he refused he’d relented and made the mistake of telling Mary who hadn’t let the subject drop for the last two weeks. Fliss joined them in their traditional Christmas Eve celebration with Roberta, where they exchanged gifts, Roberta made up with the chunky silver bangle Fliss had spotted in a shop and the photo frame which Mary had made one evening with Bill by glue-gunning sea shells onto a plain wooden one she had gotten from Target. Once they were done, they packed Fliss’ jeep up and headed off to the annex. After watching “Elf” in the cinema room with the rest of the family,  wearing her new Christmas Pyjamas (another Gallagher tradition that all the kids in the family got new ones to sleep in on Christmas Eve)  they three of them headed back over to the annex and Mary shot up to bed with no fuss at all, leaving Frank and Fliss to enjoy the rest of their evening which they spent making out like a pair of horny teenagers on the couch until they’d ended up fucking like a pair of horny teenagers on the couch too.
Christmas morning Fliss cracked open an eye and grinned as she sat up, listening to Mary who was calling from the spare room, before she started to sing We Wish You A Merry Christmas, which was punctuated by barks from Thor. Besides her Frank gave a groan and she nudged him.
“Wake up scrooge.”
“Fuck off.” he mumbled.
She laughed and nudged him again before she climbed out of bed, wearing his T-shirt and pulled a pair of denim shorts on “I reckon you got about two minutes before Mary barrels through the door…”
"Fucking Christmas…” Frank scoffed, but Fliss caught the smile on his face as he swung his legs out of bed and stretched, the muscles on his back rippling as he did so. Standing up Fliss watched as he moved, his ass looking pretty damned fine in his boxers as he headed to the bathroom, banging on the spare room door as he did. Fliss heard it fly open and a few minutes later Mary came shooting into her room and bounced on the bed, a half-eaten chocolate Santa in her hand which she had unwrapped from her Stocking. Thor followed, taking up position on the foot of the bed and Fliss hugged Mary, grinning. She loved Christmas, she always had done as a kid. Granted, it hadn’t always been fun with he-who-shall-not-be-named, but the last two since leaving him she’d gotten that childish excitement back, and today was no exception.
“So, I just stand here do I?” Frank asked as he leaned on the doorway, gesturing to the now full bed. Fliss grinned at him and shrugged.
“We’re not staying here.” Mary looked at him “We got presents to open downstairs…”
“Hmmm not sure we do.” Frank teased as he pulled a shirt from his bag in the corner of the room “I mean, does Santa know you’re here and not at the apartment?”
Mary rolled her eyes “I haven’t believed in Santa since I was five, Frank.”
“What?” Fliss looked horrified “I still believe and I’m like thirty three!” Mary gave her a scathing look. Fliss shrugged. “What can I say, I believe in Christmas magic”
“I did…” Mary shrugged “Until he didn’t bring me a puppy.”
“He doesn’t do live animals.” Fliss reasoned.
“Or a piano.”
“Too big to fit on the sleigh.”
“Or an algebra book I wanted.”
“Yeah, why the hell would he bring you maths books?” Fliss snorted “That’s school work.”
“I like it. "she shrugged, before she shoved the rest of her chocolate in her mouth and jumped up, bouncing on the bed. "Come on! Get up!”
Thor looked up giving a huff as Frank told her to stop bouncing. She flopped down and looked at him, folding her arms and Fliss laughed.
“Ok, let’s go!”
The two of them raced down the stairs, Frank following as Mary burst into the living room to see her presents piled by the sofa, and her eyes immediately went to the large wooden box which wasn’t wrapped that had her name painted on the side, and a large painted white pony on the top, resembling Monty. She moved to it and opened it, giving a squeal as she began to pull out the various grooming products that Fliss had bought her to make her own little pony box.  As Mary began to hastily rip the wrapping paper off the rest of the pile of gifts, Frank moved to the tree and pulled out two boxes. One large, one small.
“Merry Christmas baby girl.” he said, dropping a kiss to Fliss mouth. She grinned and sat down on the couch, opening the little box first. Inside was a silver necklace a pendant in the shape of a Daisy which Fliss beamed at.
“I love daisies!” she smiled at him “They remind me of home.”
“I know.” he smiled as she looked at it again before she moved to the next box. This was the one Frank was excited about. They’d cost him a small fortune but, turns out when you don’t spend every Friday night in Ferg’s you actually saved a fair bit of dough. Who knew?
“Oh my God…” she whispered as she cleared the paper away from the contents and glanced down at the tan Cowboy boots. She took a deep breath as she picked one out of the box to examine the detailing on the leather before her eyes widened as she saw her name ‘Lissy’ stitched on the top.
“Do you like them?” he asked softly, although he could tell from her reaction that was a stupid question.
“Frankie…” she looked at him with tears in her eyes, God this man really did listen to every damned word she said.  “I can’t…” she leaned over and gave him a kiss. “Thank you…”
He smiled as she slipped them on and stood up, giving Mary a twirl. There was something about her wearing them along with denim shorts that Frank wasn’t ashamed to admit he found a little arousing.
Frank laughed when he got his presents from Fliss, a new Paul Smith shirt, a Red Sox Cap and a new Samsung Smartphone as she informed him his Nokia had gone out of fashion in 2009. Which was before Mary was born, she pointed out. But it was the gifts they both got from Mary that surprised and reduced them to tears of laughter.
Fliss held up the cowboy hat, grinning from ear to ear as she slipped it on whilst Frank held the white Navy Captain’s hat up and shook his head. “Where on Earth did you get these?” he asked, laughing.
“Bill helped me.” Mary shrugged, looking up from where she was now jamming a pink Ariat baseball cap which she had just unwrapped on her head.
“Remind me to thank him later!” Frank rolled his eyes as Fliss snatched the hat from him and stuck it on his head.
“Mary, get in…” she patted Frank’s knee and Mary hopped up, as Fliss held her phone away from them, snapping a selfie of the three of them. Frank watched her as she smiled, inspecting it and he had to admit it was a pretty good snap. All of them were smiling, all wearing some form of head gear, and for the first time in as long time he realised he was enjoying Christmas morning because HE was having a good time, not just Mary. To him it normally meant a fuck load of expense and the fact another year was rapidly drawing to a close. But he was more than happy to draw a close on 2017. Not simply to shut the door on a mentally draining court fight, but also because he was looking forward to the future. He was starting a new job, would be in the market for a new home and moving through all of those changes with his girl by his side excited him instead of filling him with dread.
As Mary slid off his knee to examine another present he turned to Fliss who grinned, knocking his hat off his head.
“Merry Christmas cowgirl.” he grinned,
She smiled, leaning over to kiss him “Merry Christmas Sailor!”
**** One Shot- Whamaggeddon Chapter 13
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melandezraya · 3 years
Coordinated Health Faces Lawsuit Due to Facility Fees
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John Lychak of Lower Saucon Township sought treatment for a foot issue and was charged nearly $1,000 in hospital "facility fees" for the care he thought had taken place in a doctor's office rather than a hospital.
 Another local patient, Jamie McFadden of South Whitehall Township, hired a lawyer who filed a proposed class-action complaint, alleging that facility fees imposed by businesses affiliated with Coordinated Health were not fully disclosed and were out of line with the services offered.
 They filed their lawsuit on behalf of themselves and others who were misled and charged patient facility fees and procedure facility fees for non-hospital outpatient services by Coordinated Health Hospital of Allentown, trading as Coordinated Health and CHS Professional Offices South Whitehall, and CHS Professional Practice of Bethlehem. 
 The action sought a judicial declaration that the facility fees "are void and of no effect," as well as a recovery of the sums charged to patients. Coordinated Health Hospital and CHS Professional Practice said that the case should be dismissed because it made broad assertions that were not supported by facts demonstrating how the charges were improper, excessive, or unreasonable.
 Attorney Candy Barr Heimbach objected to the lawsuit, claiming that the allegations consist mainly of expressions of opinion, mischaracterizations, and conclusory remarks.
 The matter was settled secretly
 The plaintiffs' attorney, James Scanlon of Milford, Pike County, said that a judge never certified the complaint as a class-action lawsuit.
 According to court documents, a Northampton County Court hearing was planned but postponed because counsel was involved in settlement negotiations. President Jim Tsokanos stated that Coordinated Health does not discuss litigation publicly. 
 Tsokanos claims that Coordinated Health publicly displays facility costs in patient notices, registration signs, outside clinics, and its website. He explained that facility fees are expenses charged for services given at a hospital-based outpatient department or site. Coordinated Health assigned them since its clinics are considered departments of the government's main hospital. Tsokanos noted that the patients must pay for additional equipment, staffing, training, and building because the clinics are accredited and must adhere to hospitals' same standards and rules.
 Coordinated Health is obligated to issue one bill for the institution and another for the physician or health care professional under that model, known as a "provider-based" or "hospital-based" health care network, according to Tsokanos. He stated that some patients pay more at hospital-based outpatient sites for specific outpatient services and procedures, and their insurance will determine it.
 Based on the lawsuit, Lychak was treated by a physician in Bethlehem in a facility affiliated with, employed by, or part of Coordinated Health and CHS Professional Practice, but not on a hospital campus. He also underwent a physical examination and steroid injection, followed by an MRI and follow-up consultation.
 He was given a bill for $1,342. The fees were calculated as follows: $255 for the physician, $61 for the pharmacy, $369 for the patient facility fee, and $607 for the procedure facility fee even though the visit was a non-hospital visit and the treatment was performed in a doctor's office and not at or near a Coordinated Health Hospital owned or operated hospital.
 Lychak's health insurance mandated that he covered 20% of medical expenses and was ultimately held liable for $39 of the physician's fee and $511 of the facility expenses. 
 A similar outpatient treatment technique
 McFadden had a similar situation, although his out-of-pocket payments were lower due to his insurance restrictions. There was no reasonable relationship between the patient facility fees and procedure facility costs that plaintiffs were compelled to pay for the services given, process, and the cost of any facilities used. The podiatrist conducted the same outpatient treatment technique at less than $150 for the visit and injection.
 Lychak and McFadden had not alleged sufficient evidence that plausibly demonstrates that these charges were, in reality, unconnected to the expenses of the services given according to court documents suggesting the lawsuit should be dismissed. They couldn't claim financial losses because the facility fees were invoiced to them. After all, they hadn't satisfied their annual insurance deductibles.
 According to Mariella Miller, a spokeswoman for St. Luke's University Health Network, there are no facility costs. The spokesperson of Lehigh Valley Health Network, Brian Downs, stated that patients might be charged fees if treated in hospital-based facilities like imaging, cardiac diagnostics, and rehabilitation.
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Riding High Ch 12: I L Y
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Chapter Summary: Its Christmas…and we reach the end of a stressful year for Frank…but as he looks back he realises, it ain’t all been that bad.
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words. Talks of SMUT but nothing major
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
A/N: Yeah yeah I know it’s the wrong time of year but hell, we’re all on lock down so the days and months don’t actually exist anyway at the moment… so let’s pretend its CHRISTMAS!!!
As always I’m a ho for a REBLOG and COMMENT! This is the end of Part 1 of Riding High! Thank you all for sticking with me and loving FRISS ( yeah I went there, eat your heart out Kimye…) as much as I do! Part 2 will see us jump forwards few months into 2018 and I have BIG things planned for our duo
Thank you, thank you, thank you to my wing-woman @icanfeelastormbrewing​ for letting me bounce the ideas, proof reading and finding me appropriate photos of our man. You can thank her the picture in the top left corner here…yeah, it made me thirsty too
Chapter Song:  Fairytale of New York by the Pogues
Series Masterlist  Main Masterlist 
I kept them with me babe, and put them with my own. Can’t do it all alone, I built my dreams around you.
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Frank looked up as Fliss walked into her parent’s kitchen and his mouth dropped open. She was dressed in a gorgeous long legged strapless jumpsuit along which the neckline was embellished with lace flowers which spread down the sheer sleeves. Her long hair was styled in loose curls and she’d done something to her make up that made her cheek bones stand out even more. Her eyelids were adorned with a deep green that shimmered and made her dark eyes pop and she had a clear gloss on her plump lips. Fuck, she looked stunning. But as he watched, he saw her face fall and she bit her lip.
“Is it…is it not ok?” she asked shyly “I can change…I mean…”
“Don’t you dare.” he said sternly, stepping forward, his hands falling to her hips “Honey, you look amazing.”
Her face lit up and she smiled at him, shyly “I wasn’t sure how posh to go or…” "Lissy…” he chuckled “Stop it.”
“Sorry.” she said, wrinkling her nose. She stepped back slightly and looked him up and down, taking in his dark jeans, boots and light denim button down. “You look pretty good too Sailor.” she smiled, running her hands up his chest to his shoulder and he noticed then she was also wearing her Pandora. He smiled back, his eyes also spotting that her neck was bare and then had the perfect idea for a final Christmas Gift he had been struggling to come up with. With a soft smile he leaned down, taking in that she was slightly taller than usual thanks to her heels and he pressed a gentle kiss to her mouth.
“Get a room…” Bill shot as he walked into the kitchen, Mary in tow.
“Bore off.” Fliss shot back, looking at her dad as he sent her a grin before he did a double take.
“Wow, you look cracking Titch.”
“Thanks” she smiled
“You ready to go?”
“Sure you don’t mind dropping us?” Frank turned to look at Bill “It’s no problem to get a cab.”
“Nonsense.” Bill smiled “I gotta pick up the Thai V has ordered anyway.”
“You’re getting Thai?” Frank raised an eyebrow and glanced at Mary “Funny that just so happens to be your favourite…”
She shrugged “Verity asked what I wanted for dinner.”
Frank sighed and looked at Bill “You spoil her.”
Bill shrugged “And?”
Frank rolled his eyes a soft smile playing on his face. The way that Bill and Verity had welcomed Mary, and him for that matter, into their lives still amazed him. Whilst he and Fliss had only been officially together four weeks or so now, they’d opened their doors to him the day they had met pretty much back in August and he was eternally grateful. Mary got a sense of family, something he had wanted her to have all her life. It had even been brought up at the Court Hearing earlier that week where the paperwork had been signed awarding him legal guardianship status, the woman from the Child services department commenting in the court room that Mary had been gushing about Bill, Verity and Fliss, and seemed extremely settled. Frank was simply relieved all of it was more or less over. The last 2 weeks had been stressful as Greg had been handling the main discussions with the state for him and when they’d sat down one night to go over the notes for the settlement they had proposed, Greg told Frank that 2 major conditions would be set. Firstly that he found a home to allow Mary a room of her own and secondly that she was given access to a higher, more challenging form of education. After a bit of discussion with Mary, who had insisted she didn’t want to go to a posh school, Greg had done a little research into previous cases and come up with a suggestion that Child Services agreed with. They would provide a scholarship grant that would allow Mary to attend a number of University classes a few days a week and then her normal school the rest. It was a middle ground, giving Mary the mental stimulation she needed but also allowing her to be a normal kid. It was agreed she would return to normal school when term started in January and the arrangements would be made with the University to start there when their term picked up the middle of the same month. Frank had insisted that she wouldn’t be taking any exams or anything like that, just doing the work, keeping herself occupied. The judge had accepted the proposal, giving Frank 6 months to find alternative living arrangements, and had then awarded the Guardianship temporarily with the instruction it be awarded permanently upon a review in 6 months. So whilst not 100% complete, it was almost there, and Frank knew that as long as he did what they said, there would be no problem. The other good thing was nothing had legally been awarded to Evelyn, after she had remained completely absent from the proceedings. Which meant that if she did reach out, Frank would have total control over where and how often contact took place. Which suited him fine as he could ensure it was on Mary’s terms completely.
“Hey…you ok?” Fliss asked, rubbing his arm. He jerked round, realising he had been completely elsewhere and gave her a smile.
“Yeah, sorry, was just thinking.”
“Did it hurt?” Mary asked and Frank shot her a look as Fliss and Bill laughed as Mary left with the drink she had come in to the kitchen for.
Frank followed her into the living room as she perched on the large sofa next to Verity, the pair of them looking at something on the laptop.
“Behave.” Frank looked at Mary. “Go to bed when V and Bill tell you, no back chat or arguing…”
She saluted him and V looked up smiling. “Stop fussing Frank, she’s never any trouble.” Frank nodded and then headed out to Bill’s Range Rover catching Fliss up.
“You do realise she’s gonna be up until midnight, pigging out on junk and watching movies right?” Fliss said as he reached her side, looping an arm round her waist.
“Yup.” Frank said “But she’s staying over there and not in the Annex, which means she’ll wake them up at stupid AM in the morning after no sleep and not us so I don’t much care…”
A little while later Frank guided her into Bongos Beach Bar and over to a booth at the far side. Fliss smiled as she recognised Greg, and Frank introduced her to his wife Zara, then his friend Jake and his fiancée Lisa. Finally she smiled at Simon who then excused himself heading off to meet his date at the door.
“Date?” Frank raised an eyebrow
“Yeah he’s been seeing her for about 3 weeks.” Zara supplied “He invited her tonight…”
“Ah, he’s back.” Greg nodded over Frank’s shoulder and he and Fliss turned to see the tall blonde man walking back with a familiar face by his side.
Oh for fucks sake…
“Bonnie…” Fliss smiled at her as the woman stilled when she saw her and Frank.  
“You know each other?” Simon asked, frowning slightly.
“Yeah, errr…” Frank began, wondering how the hell he was going to get out of this when Fliss spoke up.
“Bonnie is, was, still is I suppose, Mary’s teacher.” Bonnie shot her a grateful look and Fliss simply smiled as Simon made a noise of comprehension.
"I should have twigged!” he said, as they both took a seat at the booth. Zara handed out a few glasses of prosecco from the bottle that sat on the table to Bonnie and Fliss who both thanked her, the men grabbing a beer from the bucket.
“Thank you.” Frank whispered into Fliss’ ear as she turned to look at him. “I didn’t know he was seeing her, or that she was gonna be here, I promise…”
Fliss frowned and shrugged “It’s fine.” she said, almost as if she was puzzled as to why he was apologising. The confusion on his face must have shown as she smiled and lay her hand on his knee.
“Frank, I don’t have a problem with Bonnie. I still think it was a stupid thing to do but…” she shrugged.
He smiled at her and dropped a kiss to her cheek. “You’re fucking amazing you know that?”
“Yep…” she popped the p, grinning at him as she took a drink from her champagne glass.
Fliss kept up with the conversation, but she soon realised that as nice as they were Zara and Lisa were just not her type of people. With both their husbands having well paid jobs, as a lawyer and a bank manager, both were stay at home mums with a lot of money to spend and time on their hands. Plus they clearly spent a lot of time together so a lot of the chatter they made between themselves, leaving Fliss to simply listen.
At one point she glanced at Bonnie who was sat, nervously twisting her fingers together before she excused herself and headed over to the bathroom. Fliss gave it a few seconds before she too did the same, Frank moving so she could squeeze past him, hands falling to her hips as she went.
“Hey…” Fliss looked at Bonnie who was stood leaning on a sink. “You ok?”
“Yeah, I err, well, I don’t know about you but I feel a little out of place. I mean they’re nice enough but…“
"Kinda feels like we’re outsiders.” Fliss nodded finishing the sentence for her.
Bonnie snorted “I feel like they’re judging me a little. Like I’m a teacher…who has to work, and it’s not a great job…”
“Dude, I shovel shit for a living and Frank’s a grease monkey.” Fliss said causing Bonnie to snort. “It’s not that at all, they’re just friends and we’re…well…”
“Strangers…” Bonnie nodded.
“Exactly.” Fliss shrugged “Trust me, I’ve done the whole awkward social circle thing before, this…well, this is actually kinda nice in comparison. I met some real ass hats when I was with my ex. These guys are ok”
Bonnie smiled and then she grinned cheekily "Wanna go do tequila?”
“Fuck, yes.” Fliss nodded and they left the bathroom giggling, heading straight to the bar. Bonnie placed her order and slid a note over the bar as they both settled on a stool. Fliss glanced round to the booth where Frank was sat talking to the rest of his friends before she turned back to Bonnie who slid her a shot over. Without a word they both had their salt, downed the shot, then bit into the lemon, both grimacing and laughing as Fliss ordered another two and asked Bonnie what long drink she wanted. Turns out she was also a gin and tonic woman.
“I’m glad you and Frank ended up together.” Bonnie said, smiling at her. “It’s nice.”
“Thanks.” Fliss smiled at her. “Kinda crept up on me a little, you know? I wasn’t looking for anything but…”
“I’m glad me and him didn’t ruin it.” Bonnie said gently “That entire night was a huge mistake…I could tell the day after he regretted it.”
Fliss shrugged “Well we all do dumb shit.”
“Say that again.” Bonnie mumbled as their second shots arrived along with their gin.
“You know when he told me he’d told you it was a mistake I went mad at him.” Fliss snorted “I mean, talk about a shitty thing to say.”
“Oh that’s not the half of it, he-…” Bonnie trailed off and shook her head as she took a drink of her gin. “Forget it, doesn’t matter.”
“What?” Fliss pressed.
“Nope.” Bonnie shook her head firmly.
“You can’t just say that and not tell me!“ Fliss whined as Bonnie downed her shot, before she sighed.
"He called me by your name, twice.”
Fliss choked on her gin, her eyes wide “What, when you…”
Bonnie nodded.
“Ok, so I feel like I should be apologising…” Fliss said, “Not sure what for but…” Bonnie chuckled as Fliss shook her head and continued “How did you not rip his cock off…I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m very glad you didn’t but…”
Bonnie laughed loudly as Fliss sprinkled more salt onto her hand “It’s not a big deal, he was mortified when I told him.”
“So he should be…” Fliss said, as she picked up her tequila.
She turned to look at Frank who was now looking round the bar, questioningly. He spotted her at the bar and raised an eyebrow and she met him with a look of her own. “I’m dating an ass hole.” she said, turning back to Bonnie “He’s cute though.”
There was a pause before they both laughed, and Bonnie gestured to the empty glasses. Fliss shrugged and Bonnie, with a grin, ordered another 2 shots.
“So, how’s the new job Frank?” Simon looked at him and Frank smiled, taking a pull from his bottle.
“I don’t start until January.” he said, “But yeah, looking forward to it. Full time wage, benefits…what’s not to like?”
“And a boss.” Greg said, and Frank laughed.
“Well, be kinda nice not to have to think about where the next job is coming from.” he shrugged, “I still get to do what I enjoy but less stress…”
Greg, Simon and Jake all exchanged a look which Frank didn’t miss. He gave a sigh. “What?”
“Nothing…”  Jake smirked “Just watching you finally growing up is bringing a tear to my eye. I mean, you brought a girl to our Christmas gathering, the first one ever…in the history of the Circle of Truth holding Christmas gatherings…”
"Yeah, I imagine this is what it’s like waving your kid off to university.” Simon nodded.
Frank raised his middle finger at them all, causing them to laugh.
“We’re only joking.” Simon said, winking “In all seriousness, it’s nice to see.”
Frank shook his head “You make it sounds like I’m some kind of utter disaster case…”
They all paused and once again looked at each other. “Oh fuck you.” Frank snorted as they all laughed again.
“Anyone seen the ladies?” Greg said, looking around suddenly.
“Oh, I think Zara and Lisa are on the dance floor…” Jake said looking round.
Frank glanced round the bar, looking and saw that indeed they were but there was no sign of Fliss. Or Bonnie for that matter. Fliss had gone to the bathroom a while back but surely it couldn’t be that long to pee, even if you were a girl.
“Oh, looks like our girls are getting on…” Simon said, nodding with his head to the bar. Frank turned in his seat and glanced over and saw Fliss laugh at something Bonnie said, before she licked a line of salt off her hand, downed the shot, and bit into the lemon. He couldn’t decide if he was relieved or a little weirded out at how cool Fliss was around the woman he’d almost ruined his chances with her over, but as he watched her cutting loose, talking to Bonnie, the two women locked in a very friendly exchange he felt his chest warm. Fliss had openly admitted to him not long back she was a little lonely, her own friends being in England and the ones she had in Boston, well, they’d not really been her friends, more his. He supposed it was nice to see her with someone like that, even if it as one of his one night conquests. As he watched Fliss spluttered on her drink and looked at Bonnie, another exchange was had before Fliss picked up her next tequila and looked at him. He raised a questioning eyebrow but all she did was smirk and turn back to Bonnie. With a slight shrug he turned to Simon.
“Wanna join em?”
Simon nodded “Yeah, why not.”
They excused themselves from the booth and headed over. Fliss smiled as Frank slid an arm round her waist and dropped a kiss to her neck, before Simon grinned and nodded as he added another 2 tequilas to their order.
Several more shots and gins later Fliss was drunk. So was Frank. Which was the reason the two of them had ended up on the outside beach dancefloor, dancing to some random Christmas shit. It was also the reason Frank’s denim button down was now un-done revealing his white sleeveless which he had on underneath, giving Fliss a perfect view of that collar bone tattoo she loved so much. It hadn’t surprised her in the slightest when he had explained where the words were from, being a man of philosophy and all that. She also loved the reason behind his Taurus tattoo, it being Mary’s zodiac sign. Basically her sailor underneath all his bravado was a huge sentimental sap. A huge, sentimental sap whose hands were once again now cupping her ass as they moved to the music. Fliss had long given up reaching around to restore them to the bottom of her back and simply smirked to herself slightly as she looked round the dancefloor and out across the dark ocean.
“Still not right.” she murmured.
“This…” she made an elaborate gesture with her arm and hit a guy next to her. “Whoops…sorry.” she grimaced as Frank snorted, the guy simply shrugged and carried on his way. “I mean…no snow at Christmas…”
“Yeah but, you’re outside, on a christmas dancefloor, on the beach” he shrugged “I mean it’s kinda cool…”
“Suppose…” she said, and then she paused, and Frank watched as a gorgeous grin spread across her face whilst she cocked her head to the music. It had just morphed into Fairy Tale of New York and she let out a whoop “I fucking love this one!”
There was a loud cheer from someone and suddenly the two of them were squashed together as Simon and Bonnie appeared, followed by the rest of the group and they found themselves in a circle,  arms tangled around shoulders, the girls singing the girls part and the boys singing the boys part. At one point someone dressed as Santa muscled into the middle of the group, simply giving a loud cheer before he exited and moved elsewhere, causing Fliss to snort hysterically, hanging onto Frank’s arm as she did. As the song ended, everyone belting out the last line the group descended into giggles and Frank just watched his girl. Her cheeks were flushed, hair was slightly frizzier now thanks to the humid outdoor air and she was absolutely the wrong side of wasted but god did he love that woman.
He loved her.
Frank Adler, one time self-proclaimed bachelor, king of the Friday night fucks was in love. When did that happen?
As he watched her lean in and say something to Greg who burst out laughing he realised he couldn’t pin point it. It had crept up on him, like a slow burn, a deep fire in the very core of his belly. And damned did that fire feel hot.
Frank reached for his girl and pulled her away from Greg. She stumbled slightly into his arms and she looked up at him, giggling a little and he cut her off with a deep kiss. And before he could stop himself, he blurted it out, right there in the middle of a temporary beach dancefloor.
“I love you.” If anyone else in the group had heard they were tactful enough to all turn away, pretending not to, but there’s no way they could have missed Fliss when she pulled back, a look of shock on her face which morphed into a grin and she pointed at Frank.
“Youuuu loooooveeee meeee!” she said in a sing song voice. Frank felt himself blush.
“Yeah, do you hafta announce it to the entire of South Pass?” his Boston accent dripped off his tongue. “Youuuu loooooooveeee meeee!” she said again and he groaned, pulling her closer. She leaned up so she could whisper into his ear, and damned the touch of her lips against his ear aroused him far more than was appropriate for the middle of a public dance floor.
“Wanna know a secret Sailor?” she asked. He turned his head to look at her and she smirked at him “I love you too.” Well fuck.
Despite the fact they were both trashed, they both knew this wasn’t just a heat of the moment thing. Both felt it, both knew that whatever it was they had was different, special, a part of them now and Frank felt himself mimicking the stupid smile on her face. He leaned down to kiss her again, and her hands tangled into his hair, the feel of her delicate nails on his scalp sent hot pokers to his belly and his already half growing arousal was, well, aroused even more.
“And that’s even though you’re an asshole who calls someone else’s name during sex…” she said as he pulled away. With a groan Frank hung his head as her arms linked around his neck, his hands locking behind her back.
“You know about that?” he asked with a little hiccup. “She told you?”
“Yup.” Fliss narrowed her eyes “And FYI you do that to me I’ll cut your balls off and feed them to Thor.” “Harsh but fair.” Frank conceded after a short pause.  She grinned and leaned up to kiss him again before she pulled away.
“Can we go now ‘cause I’m kinda horny.”
Ok, so Drunk Fliss was another Fliss to add to his list of favourite Flisses. Along with Sassy, shy, stern, sleepy, just fucked, just woken up…basically all the Flisses
“Nope.” he teased “I’m good here.” “Really?” she asked, pressing closer to him, tilting a little and he grunted a little as her hip bone pressed into his groin “Sure about that?”
“Yup…” he managed to squeak out.
“That must be a spanner in your pocket then. Or a screwdriver, or some other form of pointy tool…” she said, hardly able to finish the sentence she was laughing that much.
“Yeah, those…damned pointy tools…” he shook his head as he leaned down to kiss her. It was sloppy, open mouthed, full of tongue and absolutely filthy and left the pair of them in a bit of a daze. Frank pulled away and looked around, taking a deep breath “Ok, we can go now.”
Somehow they made it home in one piece. It took Fliss 3 attempts to get the key in the lock, the pair of them giggling like a couple of school kids, before she finally managed it and Frank leaned over and pushed the door open. Fliss stumbled slightly and Frank caught her, laughing.
“Shhh” he said.
“What for?” she asked, kicking off her shoes.
He paused for a moment and then shrugged “Actually I don’t know…”
“Idiot…” she sniggered, pushing his undone shirt down his arms before pulling at the bottom of his sleeveless. He moved so she could pull it over his head and as her fingers started to undo the button at the top of his jeans he reached round and gently found the zipper on her jumpsuit, sliding it down, his fingers gently skimming her back as they backed to the couch. Fliss fell over the arm with a thud, Frank following, before the momentum tripped him and he rolled onto the floor, pulling her with him, landing with a thud on his back. She fell on top of him, her elbow catching him in the ribs and he gave a loud huff, before she laughed and leaned over kissing him. His hands tangled into her hair, keeping her head angled perfectly, the kiss searing, leaving them breathless. Fliss pulled back and he brushed her hair back with both his hands, smiling softly at her.
“I meant what I said you know.” he looked at her
“Remind me again what that was…” she teased.
“I…” he leaned up and pecked her lips “love…” another peck “you.”
“Tell me when you’re sober…” she sassed back and gave a squeal as he whipped her over so she was on her back on the rug by the coffee table, framed between his strong arms and legs.
“In vino veritas.” he quipped and she propped herself up on her elbows, the front of her jumpsuit fell forward slightly and Frank blatantly stole a look down it at her lacy strapless bra, giving a groan.
“Yeah, and in vino a load of non-sensitas too…” she grinned and he gave a snort, as he dipped his head.
“Shut up.” he mumbled, his lips pressing onto hers again. ***** Frank groaned, blinking against the light that was streaming in through the crack in the curtains. Jesus Christ his head hurt. Rolling over he was met with a face full of hair and he blew it out of the way, smoothing down Fliss’s wild locks which were splayed all over the pillow. Gently sliding an arm under her neck he dropped the other one round her bare waist and pulled her into him, her back pressing to his chest as he snuggled close, screwing his eyes closed against the painful daylight.
“What year is it?” Fliss groaned and Frank chuckled slightly.
“Feeling rough baby?”
“Rough?” She croaked “I feel like I have a smurf in my head with a pick axe. This is all your fault.”
“My fault?“
"Yes you let me drink tequila with Bonnie.” “Ok, first off I didn’t know you were doing that until I saw you at the bar…”
“Yeah, and then you and Simon joined in…
“…and second off, you’re a grown ass woman. You make your own decisions.” She groaned again and then stilled “Fuck, we had sex last night…”
“Wow…” Frank said, laughing “Way to ruin my pride sweetheart…” “No I mean…” she shuffled onto her back and looked at him. “Did we…use…“
Franks eyes went wide. "Oh, erm…” No, no they hadn’t… fuck, fuck, fuck.
“I mean, come on, surely, we’ll be fine right?” he asked, “I mean, one time…what are the chances of…” “No, it’s not that I’m worried about.” she shook her head “I’m on the pill…I just..” she trailed off.
Frank propped himself up on his elbow as he cottoned on to what she was saying “Are you being serious?” he snorted.
“Well I don’t know where you’ve been!” she said indignantly “well, ok, maybe I know some of where you’ve been, but…” Frank snorted and shook his head “What do you take me for?”
“An ex ho?” she shot back immediately.
He fell onto his back laughing “If you must know I’ve never had unprotected sex with a one night stand in my life. And the other week I went and got tested, just for you. And I’m clean so…” “That’s so romantic… ” she grinned at him.
“Well I try.” he raised an eyebrow.
“Still love me?” she quipped and he turned his head to look at her.
“Fraid so.” “Too bad.” she teased, shuffling over to him “Coz that means you’re stuck with me…” “Oh no…” he said sarcastically as he turned onto his side, glancing down at her bare breasts “How will I ever cope?”
“Sure you’ll think of a way.” she arched an eyebrow before she suddenly went green. “Oh shit…” she mumbled, before she shot out of the bed and into the bathroom.
Frank listened to her barfing and snorted a laugh before he swung himself out of bed, glad to find his boxers on the floor by his feet. Although where the rest of his clothes where he had no idea. He knocked on the bathroom door.
“You ok?”
He heard the toilet flush and she emerged, wrapped in a robe and looked at him. “I’m never drinking tequila again. Ever.”
Frank had to hand it to his girl, despite her raging hangover she still managed to teach 4 classes of kids that day, and made it through to 9pm before she completely crashed on the sofa, falling asleep as the three of them sat in the apartment living room watching The Grinch, Mary’s choice. As the film finished at little after 10, Mary, who was lounging on Frank’s lap looked over to where Fliss lay, her head resting on the other arm of the couch, her feet nestled under his thigh, and nudged Frank.
“I know.” he said softly “Leave her be.”
Mary grinned and reached up to run her hand through his beard “you love Fliss.” He looked at her for a second, eyebrow raised “What makes you say that?”
“Roberta.” she shrugged.
Frank snorted. “Well, she’s not wrong.” “Did you tell her yet?” Mary looked at him.
“What did she say?”
“That she loves me too.”
Mary grinned “Lissy and Frank, sitting in a tree…”
He rolled his eyes as she chanted off the rest of the ridiculous rhyme and then looked at her “you finished?”
“Yup.” “Good, bed time.” “Awww Frank….”
“No arguments. Bill told me what time you stayed up till gone 1 am last night.” “Grass.” she narrowed her eyes.
“Yeah, you better believe it. Go on, wash your face, clean your teeth.”
“Quit stalling Stack you had one when you got back from the stables…”
With a groan she pushed herself off his knee and he stood up as she headed into the bathroom. He pulled a fresh pair of pyjamas out of the clean pile of laundry he needed to sort that was on the chair at the back of the room and lay them on his bed before he moved over and knelt down by Fliss’ head.
“Honey…” he said gently, pushing her hair back off her face. “Baby…“
She made a noise as she wrinkled her nose, and he smiled as she blinked and looked at him.
"Oh, shit…sorry…” she said as she realised she’d fallen asleep. “What time is it?“” “Not too late.” he smiled “Just about to put Mary to bed. You staying here or…”
“Yeah if that’s ok?” “Course its ok.” he smiled.
She smiled at him as he dropped a kiss to her lips and then sat up, running her hand through her hair as she blinked, yawning. “Fuck I’m so tired.” She stood up, stretched and then smiled as Mary came back into the room. The girl shot Frank a filthy look and stalked past him into his room. “Ok, wow…” “She doesn’t want to go to bed.” he shrugged, “moody little madam.”
Fliss laughed as she headed into the bathroom. Frank sat down on the sofa and a little while later, Mary emerged and shot straight for her bed.
“Can I at least read?” she looked at him.
“10 minutes, tops.” he said, “Whilst I do the dishes…”
She grinned and he turned off the TV and headed into the kitchen, clearing away the remains of their takeaway, stowing the left overs in the fridge for lunch the day after.
In the bathroom Fliss was busy groaning to herself as she realised she’d come on. She knew she was due, but still, this was a pain in the ass. Sorting herself out, she washed her hands and walked into the kitchen. Frank looked up and raised his eyebrow, misinterpreting the look on her face.
“You been sick again?” he asked.
“No… ” she shook her head as she bit her lip. “Look, Frankie, I’m gonna go home…” “Why?” he frowned.
“I errr…” she flushed “I forgot…I…” she trailed off and his frown deepened as her hand moved instinctively to her stomach before a look of realisation crossed his features.
“Oh…” he said, nodding “Well, ok, if you’re more comfortable going home then that’s up to you sweetheart…” He dropped a kiss to her head and she looked at him, confusion flooding her brain. “You don’t want me to go?”
“Why would I want you to go?” he frowned.
“Because…” she looked at him, unable to voice what she was getting at. As a memory flooded her mind, one of John screaming at her for the sheets being marked, she was jerked back to the here and now as Frank closed the distance between them, tipping her head up to look at him. “Lissy, talk to me…”
“Sorry, I err…” she rubbed at her head “He used to make me sleep in a separate room…” “Are you for real?” Frank blurted out, and she could see the anger flooding his system. “Seriously?”
She visibly recoiled a little at his tone and Frank cursed himself as she looked at him, eyes wide as she began to apologise.
“Hey…” he said gently, reaching out to her. “Stop. You’ve nothing to be sorry for I shouldn’t have shouted I just….” he took a deep breath “That’s fucked up.” “Don’t you think I know that?” she said quietly, looking down as his hands rubbing her arms, before she looked back up at him, her eyes now had a fierce spark  “You wanna know what’s really fucked up?“ When he was trying to get me pregnant, every month he’d stop me taking pain killers. Told me it was my own fault for not managing to conceive.”
“Jesus Liss…” Frank shook his head, as she shrugged, her head turning to the side. “Baby…” “Don’t” she shrugged “I don’t wanna talk about it anymore.” “Ok.” he said, nodding. “You wanna stay?”
She nodded, smiling softly.
“Good.” he said, dropping a kiss to her forehead before he moved away from her and reached over, filling the kettle.
“What are you doing?” she asked from behind him.
“Making you a tea.” he shrugged “Used to help Diane…”
“Thanks…” she said softly after a short pause.
“You got everything you need or you need to go the store?”
“I’m good.” she nodded “Ex Girl Scout, always prepared…” He gave a laugh.
“Think I might take another shower though, if that’s…” “You don’t need to ask.” he said gently
“Ok, well…” she nodded and he smiled, before she moved over and wrapped her arms round his waist, nuzzling into his chest. He gently rubbed at her back, before she leaned up, kissed him and headed out. The kettle boiled and he leaned on the side, dropping his head slightly. What kind of fucked up asshole did that to his own wife? To a wife he was supposed to love and protect no less. It broke his heart to think anyone could be so callous, so mentally and physically abusive to someone so soft, so gentle, so damned amazing….he looked up as he saw her making her way into the bathroom, bag in hand and she smiled at him, shutting the door.
Once he’d made them both a hot drink and grabbed the Advil, he made his way through to his room, placing one mug on the bedside table on the side he slept on and then another on the sill behind Fliss’ side and leaned on the doorframe, looking at Mary. She was still reading.
“Please just the end of this chapter…” she said, holding up the Harry Potter book. Frank took a deep breath, then decided fuck it. She’d fall asleep at some point, there was no school.
“Lights off after that.” he said “I’ll be out to check.” She grinned as he dropped a kiss to her head. “Night Stack.” “Night Frank.”
Back in his room he stripped off, tossing his t-shirt into the hamper before folding his jeans and dropping them on his dresser. He settled on the bed, stretching his legs out as he kicked the duvet down and flicked on the small TV, flipping through the channels looking for something to watch. Grinning when he found an episode of Family Guy, he turned the volume down low and had been watching for about 5 minutes when he heard Fliss talking to Mary who mentioned something about the book before he heard her bid her good night, and as Fliss opened the door he saw Mary’s light flip off.
He smiled at his girl who had her hair pulled back in a braid and was dressed in a pair of bed shorts and a tight camisole type top, her shoulders bare, long legs stretched as she dropped onto the bed besides him.
“You ok?” he asked, dropping a kiss to her shoulder as she reached round for the drink. She paused as she saw the Advil and then picked it up, smiling at him as she turned to face him.
“Yeah.” she assured him as he kissed the bridge of her nose. She tossed down two pain killers and sipped her drink, her legs bent in front of her as they sat in a comfortable silence, watching the TV, both laughing softly at the show. Eventually she placed the mug down and snuggled closer to him. He reached down for the duvet and pulled it up round their legs as her head lay on his chest, his arm falling round her, fingers lightly brushing down the back of her neck, shoulder and then up again. It was an action he knew she found comforting, and he was proven right as little over 15 minutes later he looked down to find her fast asleep.
With a soft smile he turned off the TV and gently moved her so that they were both lay flat and she gave a soft hum of contentment and snuggled into him closer. With a yawn he pressed a kiss to her head and closed his eyes.
The rest of the two weeks remaining to Christmas was spent in a whirl of tree-decorating, paper-chain making, shopping and eating more crap than Fliss had thought humanly possible. Steve and his wife Sian arrived on the 22nd and Verity cooked a huge family dinner where Mary was introduced to their twin boys. Frank watched her with interest, they were both her age and he was pleasantly surprised to see she actually seemed to mingle with them quite well. Steve was also noticeably warmer towards him too, which was a relief, and Frank was more than happy to take him out for a beer with Bill one evening whilst the women stayed at home and wrapped presents whilst drinking copious amounts of champagne. A Gallagher tradition Frank was informed, a tradition he eagerly told Bill he could fully get on board with, especially when Fliss had offered to wrap Mary’s presents as well.
By the time Christmas Eve rolled round Frank noticed that Fliss was ridiculously excited and was happy to admit it was because she was looking forward to spending it with him and her family. When Verity had invited him to join them for Christmas dinner he’d been reticent to accept at first, not because he didn’t want to, but because he didn’t want to put her out. When she’d told him she’d be more offended if he refused he’d relented and made the mistake of telling Mary who hadn’t let the subject drop for the last 2 weeks. Fliss joined them in their traditional Christmas Eve celebration with Roberta, where they exchanged gifts, Roberta made up with the chunky silver bangle Fliss had spotted in a shop and the photo frame which Mary had made one evening with Bill by glue-gunning sea shells onto a plain wooden one she had gotten from Target. Once they were done, they packed Fliss’ jeep up and headed off to the annex. After watching “Elf” in the cinema room with the rest of the family,  wearing her new Chrstmas Pyjamas (another Gallagher tradition that all the kids in the family got new ones to sleep in on Christmas Eve)  they three of them headed back over to the annex and Mary shot up to bed with no fuss at all, leaving Frank and Fliss to enjoy the rest of their evening which they spent making out like a pair of horny teenagers on the couch until they’d ended up fucking like a pair of horny teenagers on the couch too. Christmas morning Fliss cracked open an eye and grinned as she sat up, listening to Mary who was calling from the spare room, before she started to sing We Wish You A Merry Christmas, which was punctuated by barks from Thor. Besides her Frank gave a groan and she nudged him.
“Wake up scrooge.” “Fuck off.” he mumbled.
She laughed and nudged him again before she climbed out of bed, wearing his T-shirt and pulled a pair of denim shorts on “I reckon you got about 2 minutes before Mary barrels through the door…” "Fucking Christmas…” Frank said, but she caught the smile on his face as he swung his legs out of bed and stretched, the muscles on his back rippling as he did so. Standing up Fliss watched as he moved, his ass looking pretty damned fine in his boxers as he headed to the bathroom, banging on the spare room door as he did. Fliss heard it fly open and a few minutes later Mary came shooting into her room and bounced on the bed, a half-eaten chocolate Santa in her hand which she had unwrapped from her Stocking. Thor followed, taking up position on the foot of the bed and Fliss hugged Mary, grinning. She loved Christmas, she always had done as a kid. Granted, it hadn’t always been fun with he-who-shall-not-be-named, but the last 2 since leaving him she’d gotten that childish excitement back, and today was no exception.
“So, I just stand here do I?” Frank asked as he leaned on the doorway, gesturing to the now full bed. Fliss grinned at him and shrugged.
“We’re not staying here.” Mary looked at him “We got presents to open downstairs…” “Hmmm not sure we do.” Frank teased as he pulled a shirt from his bag in the corner of the room “I mean, does Santa know you’re here and not at the apartment…” Mary rolled her eyes “I haven’t believed in Santa since I was 5”
“What?” Fliss said, horrified “I still believe and I’m like 33!”
Mary gave her a scathing look. Fliss shrugged. “What can I say, I believe in Christmas magic” “I did…” Mary shrugged “Until he didn’t bring me a puppy.” “He doesn’t do live animals.” Fliss reasoned.
“Or a piano.” “Too big to fit on the sleigh.” “Or an algebra book I wanted.” “Yeah, why the hell would he bring you maths books?” Fliss snorted “That’s school work.” “I like it. "she shrugged, before she shoved the rest of her chocolate in her mouth and jumped up, bouncing on the bed. "Come on! Get up!”
Thor looked up, gave a huff and Frank told her to stop bouncing. She flopped down and looked at him, folding her arms and Fliss laughed “ok, let’s go!”
The two of them raced down the stairs, Frank following as Mary burst into the living room to see her presents piled by the sofa, and her eyes immediately went to the large wooden box which wasn’t wrapped that had her name painted on the side, and a large painted white pony on the top, resembling Monty. She moved to it and opened it, giving a squeal as she began to pull out the various grooming products that Fliss had bought her to make her own little pony box.  As Mary began to hastily rip the wrapping paper off the rest of the pile of gifts, Frank moved to the tree and pulled out 2 boxes. One large, one small.
“Merry Christmas baby girl.” he said, dropping a kiss to Fliss mouth. She grinned and sat down on the couch, opening the little box first. Inside was a silver necklace a pendant in the shape of a Daisy which Fliss beamed at.
“I love daisies!” she smiled at him “They remind me of home.” “I know.” he smiled as she looked at it again before she moved to the next box. This was the one Frank was excited about. They’d cost him a small fortune but, turns out when you don’t spend every Friday night in Ferg’s you actually saved a fair bit of dough. Who knew? “Oh my god…” she whispered as she cleared the paper away from the contents and glanced down at the tan Cowboy boots. She took a deep breath as she picked one out of the box to examine the detailing on the leather before her eyes widened as she saw her name ‘Lissy’ stitched on the top.
“Do you like them?” he asked softly, although he could tell from her reaction that was a stupid question.
“Frankie…” she looked at him with tears in her eyes, God this man really did listen to every damned word she said.  “I can’t…” she leaned over and gave him a kiss. “Thank you…”
He smiled as she slipped them on and stood up, giving Mary a twirl. There was something about her wearing them along with denim shorts that Frank wasn’t ashamed to admit he found a little arousing.
Frank laughed when he got his presents from Fliss, a new Paul Smith shirt, a Red Sox Cap and a new Samsung Smartphone as she informed him his Nokia had gone out of fashion in 2009. Which was before Mary was born, she pointed out. But it was the gifts they both got from Mary that surprised and reduced them to tears of laughter.
Fliss held up the cowboy hat, grinning from ear to ear as she slipped it on whilst Frank held the white Navy Captain’s hat up and shook his head. “Where on Earth did you get these?” he asked, laughing.
“Bill helped me.” Mary shrugged, looking up from where she was now jamming a pink Ariat baseball cap which she had just unwrapped on her head.
“Remind me to thank him later!” Frank rolled his eyes as Fliss snatched the hat from him and stuck it on his head.
“Mary, get in…” she patted Frank’s knee and Mary hopped up, as Fliss held her phone away from them, snapping a selfie of the 3 of them. Frank watched her as she smiled, inspecting it and he had to admit it was a pretty good snap of the 3 of them. All smiling, all wearing some form of head gear, and for the first time in as long time he realised he was enjoying Christmas morning because HE was having a good time, not just Mary. To him it normally meant a fuck load of expense and the fact another year was rapidly drawing to a close. But he was more than happy to draw a close on 2017. Not simply to shut the door on a mentally draining court fight, but also because he was looking forward to the future. He was starting a new job, would be in the market for a new home and moving through all of those changes with his girl by his side excited him instead of filling him with dread.
As Mary slid off his knee to examine another present he turned to Fliss who grinned, knocking his hat off his head.
“Merry Christmas cowgirl.” he grinned,
She smiled, leaning over to kiss him “Merry Christmas Sailor!”
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rueoconghaile · 3 years
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( HOZIER, 30, CISMALE ) I just bumped into [ RUADHÁN “RUE” O’CONGHAILE ] the other day while walking down [ SOUTH ] Kingsboro, where [ HE/HIM ] live. I hear they can be [ GOOD-NATURED ] and [ CLUMSY ], but when I think of them I immediately think about [ THE SUN SHINING THROUGH STAINED GLASS, THE SMELL OF IRISH WILDFLOWERS AFTER THE RAIN, ACCIDENTALLY WATCHING THE SUN COME UP BECAUSE YOU STILL HAVEN’T SLEPT  ] ( ella again xx )
hi hello i’m sorry i haven’t shut up about this character in like two weeks but he’s so worth the wait i promise. however, that being said, please proceed with caution. i’ll list all of the trigger warnings as they come up but there’s a lot of heavy stuff in here so just be safe ily okay here we go. ps im sorry this got so long
born in middle-of-nowhere, ireland, rue didn’t have the best childhood. his mother, apparently a wealthy socialite from england, had no interest in being a mother. his father, her husband at the time, begged her to let him keep the baby, and they’d get a divorce so she’d never have to see either of them again. she agreed, and took off, leaving rue to be raised by his dad. his mother was more than generous in the divorce settlement, making sure his father had more than enough to care for the child and live a luxurious life. while he wishes he could have met her, rue has no hard feelings towards his mother. 
{ tw: abuse } rue’s father was his best friend. they did everything together, and as a kid, that’s all he could have asked for. sure, it wasn’t perfect, but no dads are perfect, right? in truth, it was far from perfect. for most of his life, rue was in denial about the underlying emotional and mental abuse he suffered at the hands of his father. his father used him, manipulating him and crushing him until he fit this perfect little role his father had designed for him. it was rarely physical, and when it was, it was rue’s fault. he was clumsy and loud, always making noise or breaking things. in fact, most of it was rue’s fault, in his mind. his father’s mood swings, the borderline-obsessive controlling behaviour, the constant belittling comments, only to be outshone by the rare positive one. of course, none of this was actually his fault, but he was just a kid. he assumed that if his father didn’t love him, he had to be better. 
{ tw: homophobia } and then rue was fifteen, falling in love with the world. he quickly learned that if he played his music well, people would be nice to him, and like him. and in one particular case, like like him. he sat next to rue in his english class and had the nicest smile. he was in love, or at least, as in love as he could be at fifteen. and it seemed, for a moment, that he wasn’t the only one. they kept their relationship a secret, their extremely religious town not known for being accepting. they talked about running away together one day, starting over in the big city. and one day came, when the local priest caught them kissing behind the library after mass one sunday. he, of course, went straight to rue’s father.
{ tw: abuse } despite their rocky relationship, not even rue could have predicted his father’s response. upon hearing the now-public news that his teenage son had been caught kissing another boy, his father drank. and drank. waiting for rue to come home, waiting to confront him. even though rue had begun to grow into his height, he had always been a lanky kid who avoided confrontation at all costs. meaning when his father took the first swing, he couldn’t fight back. looking back, he didn’t even know if he would have, had he the chance. 
bruised and bloodied, rue packed a bag and grabbed his guitar, ready to take his love on the road. they’d always talked about running away, why not now? having nothing and being in love was better than staying here in his comfortable life, and he really didn’t want to go back in the closet. his love didn’t feel the same though, publicly denying they were anything beyond classmates. heartbroken, rue left without him, moving to dublin with only what he could carry. 
dublin was good to him, though. he got a job in the kitchen of a dive bar who didn’t ask questions and sometimes let him play on stage if things were quiet. they had an unspoken agreement, they’d look the other way on his age if he showed up and kept his head down and didn’t cause any problems. he lived on the streets for a few years, a wild change from his comfortable upbringing. at first it was just for the money, he couldn’t afford a flat on his own and didn’t know anyone he could live with, but then he actually came to enjoy it. yeah, it was hard, especially in the winters, but the other kids his age on the street were good kids, if troublesome. they all took care of each other, a new family when their own had cast them out. 
that’s where he met her. elizabeth. he was nineteen and had just been promoted to line cook at the bar, she was eighteen and her family had just moved to dublin from denmark. despite the fact that she liked to run on the wild side and hang out on the streets, her family was incredible. they took him right into their home, giving him a place to live, as long as he agreed to go back to school. they even got him a tutor to help with his learning disabilities. as he and their daughter fell more and more in love, they adopted him wholeheartedly into their family, and eventually, rue actually enrolled in college. 
{ tw: abuse } they stayed in dublin for school but moved out of her parent’s house and into their own flat. that’s when things started to spiral in their relationship. elizabeth became overly jealous and controlling, checking his phone multiple times a day, insisting on walking him to and from classes and work. she never had any reason to worry, he was so in love with her it was if no one else in the world existed. to rue, who had been raised so deeply in emotional and mental abuse, this was normal. this was how people showed their love. he didn’t know any better. it was broken and fucked up and extremely toxic, but it was theirs, and he loved her.
{ tw: terminal illness } rue did whatever he could to excuse her behaviour, letting her cut him off from everyone in her life, including her own parents. he even turned a blind eye to the way she checked his phone constantly but always hid hers. that was, until his father got sick. he had been away from home for about five years at that point, and it wasn’t until his father reached out that he even knew he was sick. rue had found himself a comfortable little job caring for animals at a wildlife rehabilitation facility on the outskirts of the city, and while it didn’t pay much, it payed enough to move his father in with them. however, the man that came was not the same man who had raised him. he was a shell of a man, sickness eating away at him until he could barely move. his father had huntington’s, a rare degenerative brain disease that would essentially turn his father into a vegetable until he died an early death. they didn’t know how much longer he had, but it was likely only a few years. 
{ tw: death } to cope with his toxic relationship and the ever declining state of his father’s health, rue threw himself into his music. it was the release he needed, the only thing keeping him going. and it was working. for four years he managed to juggle work, his father’s care, and his music, and it was all about to pay off. he got a record deal at a pretty decent label based out of london. he’d only have to go for a few months, but that meant leaving his father in the care of his girlfriend. so, at the expense of the only dream he’s had, he turned it down. he told himself his life was better here, even going so far as to propose to his girlfriend. his father held on for two more years before he died due to complications of his illness. 
{ tw: terminal illness } even from beyond the grave, rue’s father found ways to ruin every part of him that tried to be happy. during a harmless, unrelated appointment with his doctor, he mentioned in conversation that his father had recently died due to complications from huntington’s. looking back, he is grateful that he did, as he learned that huntington’s is passed genetically. they started testing right away, but the results were not what they had hoped. while he currently showed no noticeable symptoms, rue was all but guaranteed to suffer the same fate. six months later, the tremors started.
{ tw: depression, abuse, cheating } suddenly faced with the idea of his own mortality, rue began to spiral into a deep depression, spending almost all of his time with the animals at work. they were the only things that kept him going, and his fiancée really didn’t like that. when her controlling, manipulative ways failed to force his attention back onto her, she began to seek it elsewhere, armed with his inheritance. his father had been smart with the large some of money he got in the divorce, and had tripled the amount by the time he died. she spent it partying, sleeping around, and spoiling her lovers. rue didn’t care, nothing mattered to him anymore. a year and a half after he got the news, she moved out of their apartment while he was at work. it took him three days to notice her gone. 
losing his fiancée was the best thing to happen to him, and he was suddenly free. nobody tried to control him, nobody cared where he was or who he was with. he began to slowly come out of his shell, enjoying what it was like to be twenty-seven and single for the first time in 8 years. finally able to explore his sexuality safely, rue really came into his own. of course, it wasn’t perfect. he ended up in his ex’s bed a few too many times for his own comfort, but he just couldn’t help himself. she always knew exactly how to push his buttons until he was putty in her hands.
{ tw: abandonment of a child } he thought it was just innocent fun, what exes do. then one evening he came home to a car seat on his doorstep. inside was a baby girl, only a few weeks old, and a note with his name on it. he recognized the handwriting before he even opened it, mentally counting the months since he’d last seen her and not liking the answer. it was definitely possible. even still, he took the baby to the hospital. after many unsuccessful attempts to contact his ex, both by himself, the hospital, and even her own family, rue now had a baby. he had never even wanted kids. 
even still, he loved her. more than he had ever loved anything. his ex had named the baby after herself, but he couldn’t bear to call her that. so, he adopted the nickname lizard, and it stuck. he wanted to give her a better life than he had, but in order to do that, he needed to start taking his health seriously. so, he packed everything up, and moved to new york city. he didn’t care much for the big city and wasn’t a fan of raising lizard without a backyard, but they had the best doctors to treat his disease and he had to try. 
he’s been in kingsboro for about two-ish years now, and has been raising lizard on his own. he works two jobs to support her, days at a wildlife clinic and nights as a bartender, and even then still tries to find time to perform his music as much as he can at bars and clubs around town. he’s multi-talented, skilled in a number of instruments allowing him to easily slot into any empty role. he hasn’t slept since lizard came around and his love like is disappointing, but he is a really good father, and would give his life for his daughter. and, even if it’s three bites and a kiss goodnight, he is home for dinner every single night, without fail. 
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