#a paraphilia isn't 'when the attraction is evil'
zarathelonewolf · 1 month
I Hope this question isn't too strange but I am finding difficulty understanding certain things.
I am a staunch believer that thought crimes aren't a good outlook. Just because someone thinks "I want to throw that person under the bus", or "What if I did sexy things with a corpse?", doesn't make someone evil. I believe that people are evil only when they ACTUALLY DO evil stuff, like harrassing others, discriminating, killing others or torturing them, SAing people, or doing stuff to certain beings (children, animals, corpses) that said beings can't consent to.
That said... What Is the difference between paraphiles and/or paraphilic disorders, and radqueers? I am concerned that a group of people that need support instead of being villainized is, indeed, being villainized by people that claim to be progressive. There are queer people with paraphilias that exist after all, and as far as I have understood, having a paraphilia Is having the attraction, while the disorder means that you are at a point to which you may harm yourself and others due to the attraction. I am not sure about radqueers though. Are they in the category of "pro-contact people with paraphilias"(people with paraphilias that support ACTUALLY DOING SA on kids and animals and corpses)?
I have seen people with paraphilias distance themselves from radqueers and MAPs, other people with paraphilias not doing that... I am very confused.
I can understand why paraphilias look scary. They downright are to me. I am shaking like a leaf now after reading certain content about torture, murder, SA of corpses and alive people, extreme objectification and sadism... But these people still deserve to have safe spaces where they can express themselves, otherwise we get paraphilic disorders and people could ACTUALLY get hurt.
But I am also confused. How can I advocate for people with paraphilias without risking hurting someone? This Is not a rhethorical question, I am genuinely curious. Should I support people with paraphilias and who aren't harming anyone in real life, which if I am not mistaken are those who are anti-contact, and exclude Radqueers... Or should I not exclude Radqueers? I have no clue please help me figure It out.
EDIT: I am also saying this as someone who suspects she has intrusive thoughts. I have occasionally seen flash images and had flash thoughts of risking falling off of skyscrapers, being gutted and stabbed, witnessing brutal car accidents. I am aware that intrusive thoughts are not (always) the same things as a paraphilia, but, y'know... I have had thoughts of an animal being harmed by me which I absolutely hated after having it. But Just think about the thoughts for and instant: I couldn't control them, THEY came to me. Which means, the way I acted (by not seeking out an animal to hurt) Is important. The only relevance these intrusive thoughts have Is that they were there when they ended up being there, which means that they could be and indicator of mental healthy issues, or not. STILL. It Is not the thoughts that makes the person but how they act about them.
EDIT 2: I am asking about Radqueers because I do not understand what they are essentially. I do not think I support transID as a concept because I don't think someone can identify as another race or as a disability/neurodivergence. What's the deal with that? How does It work? How Is It not appropriation of culture and/or disability/neurodivergence? Someone help me understand please.
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