#a pleasingly low-stake AITA
abigailspinach · 3 months
WIBTA for bringing a spiral cut ham to Easter?
This feels like a very dumb question, but it's caused a ruckus on the in-laws group text, so I'm coming to you fine folks for judgment.
My BIL usually hosts Easter, but he's had an issue with his plumbing recently that won't be resolved before next weekend (it's related to the line from the city water supply to his house, so there's a lot of paperwork involved; that's not super important), so my MIL is hosting instead. When BIL was planning to host, my husband and I were going to contribute a spiral-cut ham and the egg hunt. This is what we've contributed to Easter for years.
I texted MIL this morning about whether she had baskets for the kids for the egg hunt, and she confirmed that she does and added that we should bring a "regular ham" instead of spiral-cut. I asked why, and she said that spiral-cut "dries out too quickly" and that the leftovers aren't as good as the leftovers from a "regular ham."
I know this is a dumb hill to die on, but my husband, his brothers, their wives, and I all prefer spiral-cut ham to "regular" ham. We've been doing spiral-cut at Easter for years, and the first year we did it, they all commented about how much they preferred it. My husband has three brothers, and we split leftovers after such family gatherings, so my MIL will not be saddled with more than 1/5 of the ham (realistically, she'll be left with much less because the families with teenage kids tend to take the bulk of leftovers, which is fine by all of us).
I told her that we had already bought the spiral-cut ham, which is true (we pre-paid the butcher and will pick it up on Saturday), and she said that she would just get a "regular ham" from Sam's Club to have on Easter and that we could keep the spiral-cut ham at our house.
I texted all the siblings and their SOs separately from the family group chat about this, and they all gave some answer like, "Just bring the spiral-cut ham and mom can deal." I posted in the family group chat that we'd be bringing ham and a salad, after my MIL asked for a list of what everyone was contributing, and she posted, "I have the ham covered." Some of my BILs and SILs posted that they want spiral-cut ham, but a couple of them have been siding with MIL and saying that I should just back off because we'll be at her house. I told them separately that I'm willing to host if MIL refuses to serve the ham I bring, and they told me that I should not be pushing this has hard as I am.
My position is that we already paid for the ham, everyone likes the ham except MIL, and it's silly to buy two hams for one holiday. I recognize that I am contributing to the silliness, though, so AITA?
Edit: This is coming up a bit in comments, so I want to clarify: BIL told us about his plumbing issues this morning. Within about an hour, MIL offered to host. The ham has been paid for since Ash Wednesday (~5 weeks ago). DH and I could just as easily host, but we didn't post on the family group chat quickly enough to take that off MIL's plate. She is on a fixed income, and my main concern is that she doesn't incur the cost of a ham when we already have one paid for, but I also do want to eat the more delicious type of ham.
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