#a reader did the maths and said that the whole fic excluding the wip chapter is 1046 pages long
lordfarquuuad · 8 months
Little fic update!
Hi so just a little update for anyone interested. Hope you all had a good holidays and new years, I was hoping to have this chapter out around that time but it was holidays and new years...so obviously that didn't happen haha. So chapter 40 is nearly done, I have about 2 scenes left to write and one is not long so fingers crossed it'll be out in 2 to 3 weeks!
This chapter was much longer than I intended and is over 15,000 words. I was hoping it'd be 12,000 tops just as a little breather after those massive last two chapters. But this chapter is difficult, it's fiddly and there's a lot going on at once but at the same time everything is at a standstill. I can't wait to have it published and it's close to being just that! I don't know if this will be the chapter you are all expecting, but it's one that has to be written. But can we just take a moment to appreciate that it's only been just over 2 months since the last update and you guys didn't have to wait half a year like the last 2??? I'm honestly relieved. Anyway thanks for being patient I can't wait to continue from this chapter to the next one!
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
I saw @clonethirstingisreal's version and (since tagging was open season) I thought this looked fun and wanted give it a go!
**Some questions have been modified slightly since I have an account but don't post on Ao3.**
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1.) How many works do you have on [Tumblr]?
Excluding an OC storyline, my breakdown looks something like this:
The Bad Batch: 23 published fics The Clone Wars: 11 published fics The Mandalorian: 2 published fics + four more Clone fics in a "mixed" category
Assuming I did my math right: 40 published fics
2.) What's your total [Tumblr] word count?
Excluding same storyline as before, drumroll please........
Upwards of 186,744 words! [Four fics did not have word counts] That's a lot of yappin'.
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
Within the Star Wars franchise, TBB, TCW, and Mando.
4.) What are your top five fics by [Notes]?
I didn't check specifics, but the earlier chapters of my Sorry, Wrong Comms! series have likely racked up the most likes and reblogs of anything I've published.
5.) Do you respond to comments?
I do! 🩷 I do my best to respond to everything; but things have inevitably slipped under the radar I'm sure...
6.) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I would say an installment out of the OC storyline has that achievement, currently. Non-OC, I'm less certain, if I'm honest.
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Maybe the Hunter x Reader request I'm currently working on?
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
It's happened a (small) handful of times. Unfortunate, but expected.
Once was racially charged in nature, think it was after I published Tide Pools? Deleted it. Don't remember what it said anymore.
The other was just today, accusing me of "disguised clonecest". Meh.
9.) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, I'm not quite comfortable with writing smut outside of a fantasy side project I've been working on. It's... not really all that spicy, anyhow. 😅
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Haven't written a good ol' crossover in a long time, I'm afraid!
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
13.) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Also nope. But I would be willing, with the right person.
14.) What's your favorite ship?
Clones x Happy AUs.
15.) What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a Savage Opress fic buried somewhere that I think about time to time... but I don't know where it is saved, sadly.
16.) What are your writing strengths?
Coming up with a lot of creative ideas. Descriptive writing.
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
Sticking to an idea... Maybe too much descriptive writing...
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
Has good narrative uses! I like doing it myself for SW fics. Just have to balance a wobbly line of not overdoing it.
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
The Avengers, most likely?
20.) Favorite fic you've written?
Maybe the S,WC! series honestly. There are parts I've looked back on a year later and know I could write a whole lot better now, but given that the series was my first major fanfic project after years of writer's block, I appreciate it for what it is.
A standalone fic might be Fireside Friendship.
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No Pressure Tags: Open season! 🩷
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