#a side benefit is this really strengthens the buffet style approach to fandom
grumpyfaceurn · 2 years
watching Kenobi and thinking things like “but if they met before, Leia would have used a different tone in her message to Obi-Wan in ANH. And she would have been more upset than Luke, even, when he died”
the original Star Wars movies somehow managed to hit a spot in the cultural subconscious that’s similar to greek myth in its epic scope and level of unrealistic shit happening that you just take as given because that’s how the story works. And all this new stuff honours that by being just as disjointed and lacking continuty as any mythology worth its salt. It’s like how there’s no ultimate King Arthur, there’s just a rough outline that people weave their own stories into and each story contradicts the previous one or doesn’t gel with that other one you read because the writers themselves play as fast and loose with canon as any writer on AO3 might feel free to. Honestly at this point it might be best to approach Star Wars by just entirely ignoring the whole concept of continuity. You have the rough outlines of the characters and a few defining moments but aside from that, don’t busy yourself with petty thoughts like “but this directly contradicts what they said in a previous episode” - after all deliberate retconning and fudging with canon is a star wars tradition as old as ESB.
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